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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Don't fall for people saying it's not communicable. This is also false. If it wasn't able to be communicated....it couldn't be pointed too. The correct way of saying is, you cannot give someone awakening in the form of words. Now you can trigger an awakening in someone with words, or you can point someone in the right direction with words, but you cannot transmit awakening in words. But it can be communicated, but only in relative sense. Also someone can have an awakening and still be confused, talk to someone who has integrated it and then gain an understanding because they have the awakening to put together with the communication. This is the only reason Spirituality is discussed at all. If communication couldn't transport something we would be wasting our time. With that said, it is good sometimes to drop everything you have been told and investigate for yourself to see if you get the same results. Just to check the understanding of those you have studied and learned from. But yeah anyone you see that is going around demonizing communication and understanding is a parrot and has not penetrated deeply enough. With all that said, there are some awakenings....that are so bizarre, there is a disconnect in trying to communicate it in language but that is due to two issues. The novelty of that awakening and how extremely paradigm shattering it is, and the inability of your human intelligence to make sense of what it is being shown as a result. It would take multiple trips to get rid of the novelty and to allow the human intelligence to make sense of it for it to be transmitted. For example look at the chakra system, do you know how long it must have taken them to construct that system of knowledge? It doesn't show up in any microscopes, but yet it exists and you can become conscious that the chakra system exists. When I discovered the third eye was actually real and not some made up myth it blew my mind on how ignorant the West is about the human body. We are still in the dark about a lot of things when it comes to the human body. There is way too much close-mindedness in Science and I have no clue how that happens when Science is supposed to be about exploration and investigation. Anyway the core of this message is, never let anyone tell you it's one way, it is always absolutely both ways the kicker is only that Reality may be leaning to one side more presently.
  2. https://www.americordblood.com/articles/c-sections-delayed-cord-clamping The umbilical chord is still cut during a C-Section. And some babies are asleep when born due to the pain medication given to the mother so they actually feel no pain at birth. So not every baby cries or experiences pain at birth. https://pediatricmalpracticeguide.com/the-meaning-and-implications-if-a-baby-doesnt-cry-at-birth/#:~:text=Short labor and C-section,need help jumpstarting the lungs. Also suffering can only happen in the present moment. Sure memories are stored in the body, but until those memories are accessed everything is fine. Now the real question would be is how if at all do those memories impact the functioning of that person as they grow and develop during life.
  3. Right now you are like a fish in water with the ability to understand human language asking what water is and saying is it possible to understand what Water is? Consciousness has ALWAYS been direct. What is Consciousness? You ARE, I AM. That is it. The ability to exist, and be aware that you exist is Consciousness. This is how experience can exist at all. Without existence...you literally cannot be CONSIOUS. This is why someone like Osho says there is no God, there is only DIRECT experience. What Osho was saying was religious notions of a god are false, direct experience is what it is. The whole point of meditation is to take your attention away from the gross emanations of sensory perception, and to focus on the lack of sensory perception. Once you focus on the lack of sensory perception long enough you discover that the lack of sensory perception and sensory perception are the same. Sensory perception is just an appearance that arises as something made of nothing. So the whole point is to discover what nothing is. Nothing is lack of qualia, lack of difference, it is the null, the void. You must have an Awakening into the void. Once you accomplish that, then you need to awaken to the fact that right now everything is the void. Then you need to awaken to the fact that this void is PURE LOVE, PURE UNITY, and it cannot be any other way. Etc....I won't repeat ad nauseam. Without these investigations and awakenings you will not discover what is going on. Understand you have laid the foundation for this understanding as bread crumbs through reality and it is up to you to find those crumbs and follow the trail.
  4. This is a video about machine learning and gives a rough estimate of where we are in the current process. The biggest issue they currently have in machine learning is being able to make the machines as creative as humans. This is an important question because it will allow humans to investigate the nature of intuition more thoroughly and potentially lead to a creative outburst of growth as the emphasis on brainstorming will become the focus of academia. One of the biggest impacts however I see when it comes to human's being impacted/influenced by machine learning technology will be interpersonal relationships and marketing. As machines get better at constructing the perfect way to communicate a message it will create new forms of self-deception in speech if it is not aligned with truth. This is because machines can become experts on what is charismatic, and the more these behaviors are spread throughout the proliferation of machine learning in marketing, the more awareness will be focused on it. As such a greater deal of attention will be required to see through the communication of a highly charismatic person and the lies they could potentially spew. As such knowledge of interpersonal communication will be of higher importance and the subtlety and tactic say in politics for instance will need to be updated. As such I see conservatism taking a huge decline as technology increases temporarily until a new baseline of conservatism can emerge. TLDR When the old people die out and the technological growth exponentially arises conservatism will have a small temporary death before it establishes a new baseline/ground. If you are in your 30's-40's look at how fast things are changing as conversations like this are not currently the norm but will be in the near future. Machine Learning is the biggest technological development in human history.
  5. Your not understanding what I am saying. If you created a video game you would be able to understand why Infinity of Gods does not negate Absolute Solipsism, it explains it by collapsing the paradox. You see if I go to your house right now Me and You share an Absolute Experience. The moment I leave your house from your perspective, I cease to exist, because you cease to imagine me. You cannot confirm I have any experience because your experience is what you imagine. But here is the kicker. When I leave your house and drive away the same is true of me. This is why Absolute Solipsism confuses people. Infinity of Gods clears that up. Your human character is a relative partition of the Absolute, as such it is also the Absolute because of holography where the part is the whole. Just like in a video game. The illusion of this not being true is accomplished by creating a world of differences, of somethings. But since the core essence of everything is nothing, and no qualia, no matter how many relative partitions you create it will always be the same as the whole. Every video game designer would understand this as whatever perspective they create is literally its own universe and can only be seperated by the illusion of difference. They accomplish this by creating a bunch of differences and then dropping one character in that area and then creating another and dropping that character in the other area. This is what Infinity of Gods points too. So this is why when everything collapses for the character, their body, and the scenery, all that is left is nothing, but nothing...is no where, no place, no person, and thus cannot be divided. So this means that as such everything is always God, equal in creative power, and thus is the same source. As such...you CAN ask others....because THEY ARE YOU. You are currently using partition/limited intelligence, if you ask an other who accesses the Infinite Intelligence they can tell you. Obviously of course you can access the Infinite as well, but your intelligence and their intelligence has the same source. So there is NO DIFFERENCE between asking another and asking yourself. It's the same thing.
  6. Your not understanding what I am saying. 1. Infinity of Gods is a global maxima. Leo has yet to find an awakening beyond that one because it is literally the process of beyonding. What this means is it goes on forever so once you discover that you have discovered that the limit is the lack of a limit. You don't need a physical death for this to be a global maxima because you just became aware of Totality. 2. Now Infinity of Gods is not different than Oneness it is just another way of Looking at Oneness. So when he became aware of Absolute Infinity he discovered that there was nothing else there but him. That was ALSO Global Maxima. Because you cannot go beyond Absolute Infinity. Many people who have not seriously sat down and understood what Infinity of Gods was communicating would think that Infinity of Gods contradicts Absolute Solipsism. It doesn't. Both awakenings are total because you cannot create MORE of Infinity. So there was no contradiction. All Infinity of Gods explains is how your experience is the Absolute and how you trick yourself by creating relative. It also explains how you can have an experience when you leave my house per say and get in your car and drive somewhere but I cannot know that experience unless I access your Godhead and imagine that experience. God creates partitions in its Absolute mind and makes those partitions Absolute onto themselves. This collapses the paradox and proves that you are the ABSOLUTE. Both awakenings are total because nothing was decreased, all that happened was more clarity was given. Had he never had his Infinity of Gods awakening he would have still been at a Global Maxima. This is why awakening to Infinity automatically puts you at the Global Maxima. You become aware that there is no distinction between anything, lack of distinction dissolves all relative. This is what Love is in its purest form. Once you discover this, you are Global by default. And here is the kicker. YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN GLOBAL, you are just becoming aware that you are.
  7. Don't fall for this, trying to rid yourself of meaning is itself meaning. Meaning and no meaning are the same thing. You actually cannot create a boundary between either. It is the work of the ego to try to rid itself of meaning. This is why Koan poems exist like what is the sound of one hand clapping? The point is to realize that there is no meaning and simultaneously there is meaning but that all meaning is creation and lack of meaning is destruction. All meaning only has value when it exists, but that meaning is temporary... and to find out WHY that meaning is temporary. The truth is there is no physical existence. What we call physical is a fluid nothing in disguise as physical. As such all meaning is fluid, it is ever changing and combining and morphing and cannot be bound to any particular way of being and is thus groundless. All grounds are temporary so there both is and isn't a ground. For example https://www.latrobe.edu.au/news/articles/2022/opinion/men-are-slowly-losing-their-y-chromosome And this https://isna.org/faq/y_chromosome/ This is not widely understood...that we created the concept of men and women....but how can men and women exist....when XX can also be a man and XY can be a woman. Reality likes to play with our definitions and meanings of things to show that all labels are arbitrary. But with that said, they also are not. We have exceptions to the rule, so that change happens. Since Reality is infinite it has to keep changing since that is what it is. So it must be this way. Without meaning, there is no understanding. Don't let anyone demonize meaning, that is a trap of the Masculine since the Masculine loves to destroy. But don't get too attached to meaning because the Feminine loves to nurture meaning and doesn't like it being destroyed. Accept both equally. As they are both necessary.
  8. The only reason Scientists have problems with replicating studies is a result of personality and psychological issues are intertwined with states of consciousness and this is caused by the chemical factory of the entire human body. Do you know how many sciences are excluded that need to be included for proper human psychology to be understood? We would need to include endocrinologists, Neuroscientists, along with clinical psychologists and that is just the starting point. There would have to be an acceptance of mysticism as part of science and a unification of yogic practices as part of the science of the human. So we would merge the study of being with the physical world and this would inevitably start bringing in the dietary experts on nutrition as well. So the biggest factor in problems with replicability is because the studies are missing vital factors and thus cannot replicate the results on a wide scale.
  9. Why isn't this in the Spirituality section?
  10. Read this article about how the Supreme Court has outlined the limits of what Police are legally required to do. https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/#:~:text=The U.S. Supreme Court has,boy from his abusive father. When I first learned this in college years ago it blew my mind. Now I already know the flaws in the logic of the Supreme Court but this is just to show you how construct awareness works. For example a woman sued the police for not protecting her after she filed and had processed a restraining order. The Court ruled the Police did not have duty to protect her or her kids even though she had a restraining order filed. Crazy huh? So what is your opinion?
  11. Shhh it will take some their entire life to figure this out. Sex is a direct practice to spiritual awakening. At an altered state of consciousness you can become conscious of no self and all is self awakening in one fell swoop. If the materialist paradigm was not so massively accepted sex alone would awaken majority of humanity. It's one of the greatest and most powerful forms of devotion. The wise Spiritual Practitioner can use porn and sex as a spiritual practice. The funny thing is some discover this COMPLETELY BY ACCIDENT. A forum user shared a trip report by a girl fooling around with sex and discovering this while high.
  12. What you are missing is you can die without physically dying. For example 5 MEO DMT trip is the same as physical death. THAT is what you are missing. So you can awaken Globally by going Infinite and through that the relative is dissolved into the Infinite. When Leo talks about total awakening and degrees he is talking about the Absolute creating a relative concept and teaching it to you. This teaching is intuitive. I'll give an example. Let's say a person never got to see or experience a waterfall. Then they have a spiritual awakening that causes the relative world to cease to exist. In this Absolute Potentiality they experience what it is like to be a waterfall by becoming a waterfall. Waterfall is a distinction within consciousness, it is relative. So first they became pure potentiality which is total, then they actualized that potentiality and experienced Waterfall Consciousness. Since Reality is an intelligence they can intuit things about the gravitational pull and the molecular structure of the water without having to study it in a lab because they WERE the waterfall. When they come back to being human that intuitive knowing of Waterfall Consciousness is given back to the Human Consciousness and the Human Consciousness does its best to transmit this knowing in the form of language using the existing models that it has for explanations of reality. What I just described was why Being is Prior to Knowing, and how Being and Knowing are ONE. A scientist studies a waterfall, but his knowledge will always be limited, but if he became the waterfall, then his knowledge expands because it's direct. Just like everybody who meets you experiences you as an OTHER unless they become you. r0ckyreed is a specific type of consciousness. Anyone that you deal with will never get or understand you completely unless they can drop their consciousness's barrier they have constructed and experience themselves as you. This is possible and completely destroys the materialist paradigm. Until you experience this for yourself you are stuck in the realm of speculation which most on this forum are at. They guess and try to logically explicate what is possible, but nothing can substitute an awakening. Awakening is pure insanity to the non-awakened mind because it is the realm where there are NO RULES. Logic....is a set of rules, Reality doesn't have to follow rules.
  13. I'm not blind I understand you are talking about the relative, my push is the relative is not that important when you discuss Spirituality. If you were talking politics or something else that deals heavily in the relative I got you. But do you really think some difference in opinion is really going to impact Spirituality? Do you know how long Spiritual schools have been arguing and fighting? As long as religion has been arguing and fighting. Also I have bias against this traditional Eastern Spirituality of certain people being Avatars. Sure some people are more spiritually gifted than others, but hard work can still raise many normal people to comparable levels. The biggest issue is idol worship or what I call Guru upliftment where humans start worshiping and putting Gurus on a pedestal. This is the biggest trap in Spirituality. Notice why so many Gurus are against psychedelics, because they even the playing field. With proper inner work and assistance from a psychedelic for instance, the human Guru can become irrelevant. Combine this with Spirituality being about your true nature....how can you even have a ranking system in the first place? Sure the depth of the knowing/intuition gained from the practices varies from person to person and the understanding but again considering it's all God....what's the issue? There are no chosen ones or avatars that is human spirituality bullshit and I am sure Aliens would shake their head at this excessive desire by humans to denigrate themselves to uplift someone up. I get it, it's love, it's a form of devotion. But it's imbalanced. You don't have to stop your devotion to yourself to devote yourself to another. To be in balance you have to do both simultaneously. P.S. This was an intelligent breakdown so I'm not taking anything away from your post. But the so called Avatar and those Guru's don't know anything special that needs reverence because the source of their information is the same source of your information. When it comes to the inner wisdom, you are just as capable as them. Their gift is the ability to be unaffected by personal issues as much as the average human, and their ability to change their states with relative ease along with some possible Spiritual Gifts. But again, you go far enough in this work you will discover that EVERYONE is actually born with Spiritual Gifts, some just unlock them easier and some have more than others. And lastly the projection bit was me letting you know that any resonance you have with another has NOTHING to do with the other and EVERYTHING to do with you. Notice how depending on what state you are in, your experience changes? You can watch the same video and the experience of that video can change depending on your state. So that is what I am pointing too. Whatever resonance you have with this practitioner YOU are creating it based on your state. Now I'm not taking away its authenticity, I'm just saying we are always modifying our experiences to fit our paradigms and a big part of this work is becoming aware of this. This is why most people don't awaken because they attribute their resonance to an other. It's your own creation. Our biggest culprit is human language is so relativistic it puts us to sleep to this fact.
  14. The part I find funny is someone will watch National Geographic and watch animals get it on and everything is fine. As soon as you watch humans do the same thing they demonize it. It's so funny how powerful self-bias is. Many people on these forums have judgments about human sex they need to work through. As long as both people are consenting watching them have sex is fine. It's amazing how so many on these forums just create toxic ideologies. So much ego on here. If it was up to them sex scenes would probably stop being in movies as well. LOL.
  15. It's not rigid it's what is true. You are an empty void dreaming yourself as your current human self, looking up to some guy that you are dreaming and making a big deal about him. From a certain state of consciousness you would become aware that you are him. So all of this is not deep or esoteric, it's just a happening within consciousness that you are observing and reacting too. There is only one being here and it's you.
  16. 1. Being on the forum cannot be anymore of a limitation than you uploading videos on Youtube. There are rules you have to follow to disseminate information. 2. You didn't get almost banned for claiming to be Jesus because Leo himself called himself Jesus. Hell we had another forum member telling people that he alone is Jesus and is the key to salvation. 3. If I haven't gotten banned you are not gonna get banned. Nobody gets banned unless Leo signs off on it anyway. 4. You have been engaging in a lot of passive aggressive tactics in an attempt to present yourself as superior, Leo has done the same but he balances it with releasing content. If you release content then people will understand that you aren't just boasting but are actually trying to assist them in the awakening process. An ego wants to boast for attention, the opposite would be a surrender to facilitating the awakening in a way that resonates with those you put the information out too. You won't get everyone on board but you will get some. Love is a connection, that seeks to raise and empower what it connects too. Also this guy claimed he was Jesus and wasn't banned... ^^^^And he was claiming he alone was Jesus and we needed to rely on him for our salvation. Everyone is Jesus....so much delusion in him.
  17. We can communicate with reality, and it communicates with us unknowingly until we raise our awareness so we do have so control over how things get done, just not direct control. So the human identity can communicate with reality but reality chooses how it will unfold. And yes who we have become is important to how things unfold. Got to maintain that realism LOL.
  18. If you think watching sex has a negative impact I don't know what to tell you.
  19. Welcome to the first day of your life. Yes! Reality does what it wants and the human identity must bow to its unlimited power.
  20. All according to your preference. All of existence is a projection. So what you feel from them is your own projection being reflected back to you.
  21. Solipsism doesn't negate your question. Solipsism directs the question to you. So what is the cause of your awakening. You say its suffering, but other dream characters suffer and don't awaken. So investigate, you also tried to say genes but to me that is an easy cop-out. The study of epigenetics says GENES change over your lifetime, so that answer is a lazy answer. Look up identical twin studies if you want a better understanding of what I am talking about. So the answer I think is environment. What you are exposed too. So actually investigate your awakening, what the events that happened and how did they relate to it happening?
  22. Leo releases videos and blog posts that explains his spiritual progress. You have not done a sufficient job of explaining yourself thus you cannot be understood. Until you communicate in a manner that people can understand then you will be misunderstood.
  23. This should be proof for you that you shouldn't care about how people feel about you. Majority of people project on you so much, they could actually be fooled that somebody else is YOU!!! There is so much projection that people do they couldn't recognize somebody if they tried. Hell the same thing happened to me. I took a break from Actualized and found out they thought some new user was me!!!
  24. It's always detrimental. Excessive selfishness is caused by a lack of contentment, so you are never satisfied. You are always chasing your next fix, your next high. Whereas someone who is selfless is satisfied so they don't need to scheme and manipulate. The selfishness always loses, even if it appears its winning because its short-sighted and goes against truth. Truth is order, consistency, integrity, so when you do the opposite it falls everytime because it cannot be maintained.