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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. ^^^^LOL I couldn't agree more. Those ask me anything forum topics are such ego sinks its laughable. Instead of telling people to ask you anything just share a teaching or perspective you believe can help someone on the spiritual path. This I am enlightened ask me anything is such an egoic "I want to be a guru so badly" topic it couldn't be more obvious. Every ego wants to wield power and authority of some kind. So it can bask in its specialness.
  2. ^^^^That's one of the funniest things you discover in this work. No matter how deluded somebody is, there is a reason why they believe what they believe. A fool is someone who is wrong 75% of the time but is only aware of the times they are wrong half the time but assumes majority of the time or all the time they are right. Wisdom is being right more than 50% with the understanding that you can be wrong, and learning quickly from mistakes. Fools can be right, they are only fools because they underestimate how often they are wrong because they lack the ability to be humble when they lack experience.
  3. ^^^It is possible. Do some research, it's possible....because it is already happening. Spiritual Work is becoming conscious/aware of what is already the case. So it is already the case, you can just become conscious of it.
  4. John 2:15 "So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables." Matthew 23:27-28 "“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness." ^^^ Can people stop cherry picking Jesus. What made Jesus special is he spoke truth to power. He was a rebel. He called out bullshit without remorse. He was the first example of non-violent resistance which Ghandi and Martin Luther King also did in their life which is why they are all revered. They all took beatings, and other forms of humiliation and powerlessness and ultimately were murdered for what they stood for. They are celebrated because most people are ruled by fear of death and thus wouldn't stand for something. They also had the ability to still love those who harmed them and forgave them. This is only possible because they tapped into the love of God which made them embodied beings. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “If a man has not found something worth dying for, he is not fit to live."
  5. You don't have to find a guru. Anyone that says you have to find a guru doesn't understand their authority. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b3x3Y6zEK4&ab_channel=AlanWatts
  6. That's normal the purpose is to realize that your imagination, your dream, your hallucination is the same as what you call reality. The Third Eye shows you that reality is imagination.
  7. Having a voice inside your head is not the devil or evil. Can we please stop all this demonization? Thinking is a gift from God. Without thoughts Humans would not have made technology. Mental Illness is not caused by thoughts, it is caused by problems with the psyche of the person which can be the result of a whole host of issues ranging from structural problems with the brain, or endocrinological disorders. With that said, meditation can help if done right, and yes an Enlightened Being would be ever to live with those problems because they can create space but an Enlightened Being could survive torture better than an non Enlightened Being and not have a grudge against their torturer. The only issue with the misidentification of thinking your psyche is you is it can create problems if you are very selfish. Even before I found Spirituality I never had to worry with excessive negative thinking patterns because my psyche was constructed in a healthy way. This is one of the reasons I have stated on here that religion is a positive thing. Sure religion doesn't have the truth, but religion helps those with overly negative psyches learn to lower their selfishness. I already had peace of mind before Spirituality because of religion, Spirituality just increased the peace of mind even more.
  8. Awareness is aware that it is observing, and it is aware that it is aware that it is observing, and it is aware that it is aware that it is aware that it is observing. But does this end? It cannot, because were it to end, there would be nothing to observe. Even a blank out cannot be missed because it is aware that there is a blank, an absence of content. This awareness is always aware, because it is infinitely aware. It was always there, which doesn't make any sense. It has always existed, but created something so it could put its awareness on that something. Why? Because without something, there is only nothing. A transparent intelligence, with no quality to it, an empty mind full of infinite potentiality to be something. That is all that is going on here, observation of itself for infinity. Perfect Love, Perfect Beauty, at various levels of recognition. An infinite sea of perspectives to observe all of itself, and since there are no limits on what can be created, only it can create a when, a where, a story, a dream. It dreams fictions, stories, forever and ever, and because it's so convincing it refers to itself as real, a reality. It has no other reference but itself, so it debates itself on what it is in the sea of infinite minds, and awakens eventually that it is just itself. This mind is the greatest storywriter, the greatest actor, the greatest creator and it has no peer. When it creates tragedies the impact is felt viscerally, when it creates joy the impact is felt deeply, it creates the greatest degree from a rainbow of juicy emotions it enjoys what it creates, and it does it just for its own sake. It wants to share itself, so it creates a little self, a limited mind, and fools itself so it can eventually return after a long life of twists and turns its origin point that it never left. The origin with no center has always been observing, existence observes all of its happenings.
  9. You would be surprised. Let's just say I tested this, and nobody dies before their time. Life is not just some simple human gets eaten by crocodile ordeal. It's a lot more intricate than that. I post NDE's for a reason on here. I also like I said have personally tested this...and True Being is not just some passive observer with no intervention.
  10. A mystic, enlightened master with the ability to do telekinesis and remote viewing. He also guides people through the process of death as well.
  11. Is English your first language because your writing is difficult to understand. There are many sentence fragments.
  12. It's not dangerous at all. The belief that it is dangerous means you believe there is something to lose. Sure if you care about material possessions, and your physical body and are attached to it heavily then everything you said is true. But none of it is true if you could care less. Danger is a construct, a heavy hard one to deal with because emotional and physical pain are heavy. There are practices however that can sever the attachment to physical pain and emotional pain. Pain is due to metaphysical identity, when nothing takes on form and seeks to maintain the integrity of that form. There are practices to dissolve the heaviness and rigidity of that form. The more you do that, the more you realize there is nothing to fear.
  13. I've joked its ConArtistry lol. Also there is a user with the name selling Water by the River. That pretty much sums it up. But even with that being the case...it's done out of goodwill.
  14. This can be said with all predictions for the most part. Speculation is always like this, but speculation, analysis is how humans have survived and gotten this far. Through trial and error. The trials with awareness lowers the margin of error.
  15. This video was uploaded to Youtube 2 months ago so if someone has already shared it I apologize I did not see it. But here it is if it was shared newly for the first time here. ^^^Notice he still sees visions on 5 MEO.
  16. *Sigh* Speculation ...... Consciousness/Awareness is fundamental. People are not Conscious. Conscious is appearing as people. People is a term, a label for a specific form in Consciousness. But that label is just pointing to the appearance of pure imaginary form. You can enter a state where the physical world will disappear because you will cease to imagine it and thus prove to yourself that it was all a dream. A very well constructed dream but a dream nonetheless. Aim to reach this state. This state is possible for any human being to reach. Anything else is just speculation.
  17. LOL Not sure he realizes what he is saying. Absolute Solipsism is no different than closing his eyes and dreaming. Waking dream is identical to sleeping dream. Not sure he realizes that all there is, is dream. An inescapable dream, an infinite dream. There is the dream of content and the dream of no content.
  18. The key to your confusion, is you don't realize that qualia is imagination. You need to have an awakening into what imagination actually is. Until you discover what imagination is, none of this will make sense for you. When I discovered that I could touch a table and it could feel like water, that's when I realized how deep imagination is. Close your eyes, imagine an apple, now open your eyes. That apple you just imagined is equal to the physical world. You are just able to imagine at various levels of FREQUENCY, or in another word, consistency. The reason the word TRUTH is used, is a result of something being true based on it's integrity, its consistency, it's frequency. The apple you just imagined, was easily dissolved. But if you go to the store and pick up an apple you can't easily dissolve it. THIS is why he says whatever before you is ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Because what we call physical is just imagination that is true and is consistent and is so consistent that even if that apple were to rot you would see it as an apple that had rotted versus the apple you imagined earlier you don't view it as an apple since it disappeared. Now when you change your state enough, you can dissolve the physical world the SAME WAY you just dissolved the apple just now. Then when you investigate from that state you realize the physical world is just as imaginary as the apple you imagined earlier. This is why he says there is no Universe. So you realize that even the Universe can be dissolved. That time and space, and physicality is just a strong imagination. So strong, that it's real, but it can also NOT be real and be dissolved into nothing just like that Apple. When the Universe is dissolved there is a void, a NOTHING and you STILL EXIST even though there is no time, no space, and no Universe. THIS IS ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Because it is nothing, it HOUSES everything. What we call Something in totality is the Universe. This Something arises and changes but is absolutely stable. It is Absolute because it is made of the same thing as the Absolute, which is pure imagination, and what you discover is the qualia is the same as lack of qualia. So now you realize it is BOTH real and imaginary and imaginary and real are the same thing. It is real, in that it is eternal, and it is imaginary in that it can always collapse into nothing at various levels of integrity, frequency, consistency. TLDR: You need to discover the VOID, it is called cessation in meditation circles. You need to experience still existing with NOTHING THERE. This is why we talk about Absolute Solipsism which says you are all alone. You are, because you are so unified. This is why you can feel connected with other people, and you can feel alone around other people. Because you are alone, together. Read this trip report by this girl it might help put some dots together as well. ^^^^ Other examples of the void besides cessation, is deep sleep. If you ever passed out completely and say you blanked out. Notice you can remember a blank.....that blank....is the void. It is a cessation of all qualia. But notice you can remember in the present, it happening. That means you existed....when there was nothing there. So that is another proof that you don't need qualia to exist. It also means wherever you go, you are there because nothing....is always there. Now all you need to do is discover that something...is also nothing. You can also replace the word nothing with nonsense, as it is not bound by sensory perception because you don't need a human body to see, hear, touch, etc. Hell you don't even need a physical universe to see hear touch etc, and the proof is when you go to sleep at night you can experience that without there being a physical universe and are completely fooled until you wake up. Good Luck!!!