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This is false and no offense but it lets me know that you have not stuck with anything long enough. By definition if you spend 10,000 hours of deliberate practice on ANYTHING you WILL MASTER it. There are things I was TERRIBLE at but put forth the effort and MASTERED. So just reading this lets me know that you have NOT stuck at something long enough. Deliberate practice means you do what is called iteration. You try something multiple times while keeping track of your results. If you understood how learning happens you would KNOW that you could do it. How do we know you can do it? Easy YOU are LITERALLY the EVIDENCE. I'll explain. 1. You learned how to read, write, and I'm sure walk. If you KNEW how INCREDIBLY hard it is to LEARN a LANGUAGE, HOW TO WRITE PROFICIENTLY IN that language, and how hard it is WALK you would not say what you are saying. 2. If you lost the ability to walk and had to RELEARN IT, you would understand how SMART you are. 3. If you tried to learn a new language and write proficiently in said language you would recognize how SMART you are. 4. The truth is right now you DO NOT want to BOTHER with the PROCESS and want to legitimize it as NOT DOABLE so you can feel better. If as a toddler you thought the way you are currently you would never know how to read, walk, or talk. If only we didn't carry the doubts and fears we have in adulthood and were as ignorant as toddlers we would learn EVERYTHING!!! Recognize how your fear is holding you back.
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
All of life is image, its imagination, its a dream. You are just God masquerading as a human. As a human your imagination is God's power of creation. Without you realizing it you are manifesting what is within in your outside world. You are creating your body, your house, your car, and the people around you. You are just NOT aware of how you are doing it. The point of studying reality is to make yourself AWARE of how you are doing it. To Lucid Dream is to be aware that you are dreaming and to change it according to your will or intention. The truth is all the time you are doing this based on your beliefs, and the strength of your beliefs will determine your experience of reality. Since you said you cannot manifest things, in your experience you will NOT notice that you are doing it. But if you pay attention.....you will notice. -
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Mind sharing what amazing results you had from Fred Dodson's work? I'm currently watching him right now. -
Razard86 replied to Barna's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Sigh.....I really do not like these spirituality games you are playing. But since you want to play...play we shall. 1. You aren't real, so even you correcting me or claiming I'm misunderstanding doesn't exist. 2. God is creating this dream, whatever God creates DOES exist since it is made up of God. We only say it doesn't exist because it is God's dream. God creates through imagination so we are all in the dream. 3. Everything you just did was a waste of time since in your own words there are no goals, and its all imaginary anyway. You also said there was no right way yet you took the time to correct me. 4. Since infinity is a paradox, everything is a paradox and is both meaningful and meaningless. 5. We could go on and on in this manner which is why I avoid these spirituality games some of yall play. I almost think its TROLLING at this point but if you must..... -
Seriously where have all these wonderful insightful people such as you live cause I would move there!!!! Great Post I had a similar experience and I agree with everything you said!!! Suffering is indeed a blessing in disguise. I am not sure how I made it so far without finding out the ultimate truth but somehow God (higher self) kept me motivated to keep pursuing. I learned that logic had a limit (because everything is infinite you could study ANYTHING FOREVER) and that there has to be greater truth that I had been missing. Anyway I truly believe that everything happens in steps for a reason to prepare us, so as you said suffering is there to give us the opportunity to awaken. I truly believe that suffering is a privilege that is only appreciated with DISTANCE!!! Anyway great post I love people like you on this forum!!
So much wisdom here!!! Your response reveals a road well travelled!! It was a joy to read this, and also a joy to meet a fellow traveler!! I tip my hat to you!!
The best advice I can give is to seek to understand why you have suffered. It has nothing to do with karmic debts, or anything like that. Second understand that suffering is the nature of reality as long as certain internal conditions exist. Emphasis on internal conditions, NOT external conditions. You are the HERO in your STORY. So craft whatever story you desire.
Yep pretty much this. I only get acne when I eat a whole bunch of junk food.
Razard86 replied to Barna's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Saying to toss out the bathwater is itself EGO. I keep seeing people make this mistake. The best way to recognize the ego is that the ego is addicted with activity, and the ego demonizes and angelifies. So one of the tricks the ego will do is say: ONLY EMPTINESS IS CLEAR!! Destroy the ego!!! God is unconditional love so for God the ego is neither bad nor good in fact the ego is absolute love since everything God creates is a representation of absolute love. God created the ego so God could forget it was God and enjoy the dream. To ego, anything that is a barrier to what it desires is BAD. So if you desire awakening then the ego is barrier and is bad. For many....the last barrier to reaching FULL GOD realization will be to love their ego. -
You always determine your value. You allow something outside of yourself to determine your value, you will never be able to raise your value. Besides value itself is an illusion. Depending on the culture and social environment you live in your value will fluctuate. Your value in one country will be different in another and vice versa. Then there is a thing called social proof. Research shows that a woman's evaluation of a man changes based on how others evaluate them. Its why Men who are successful and popular automatically attract women. This means that women are HEAVILY influenced by outside stimulus in regards to how they evaluate a man. It's why I say, a woman drops all logic if you can make her feel the emotions she wants to feel.
If you stimulate her only emotionally she will see you as a friend If you stimulate her only sexually she will see you as a Dick. To really get a woman long term you gotta do both. Most men struggle with sexual stimulation only because the Modern Man has been emasculated and the Modern Woman has been masculinized. To stimulate a woman sexually : Work out, buy form fitting clothes, crack jokes, teach her something, be spontaneous, Not care about her feelings and just enjoy the moment as she will pretend to be offended by things you do to TEST YOU, Be direct in conversation and mix in a little mystery every now and then. Always end each interaction first. But remember...the less attractive you are physically the more upkeep you have to do in stimulating her emotions. Smell and bedroom domination can make up for this gap, as well as style and social proof.
Those physical products is art....
The only influence I have left is I want to alleviate the suffering of the world. I know ambitious much? I have overcome my suffering and have learned that suffering is our own creation. So my desire is to teach my world (which is basically anybody I can communicate with) that we have the power of choice. It is literally the most powerful thing that exists. If you think of life as a blank canvas and that all we do is project onto that canvass then you will understand that perception is your reality. Everything around us is neutral and we project our beliefs and expectations or preferences onto it and create our experience. Of course for you to accept this you would have to shift your identity to something transcendental. So yeah as long as I remember that I can choose how to experience each moment it helps me. Now I am by no means perfect and every now and then must gently remind myself, breathe and center my self. I never suppress my emotions, I just allow it to come, acknowledge it and slowly it LEAVES. Its freaking amazing when I am able to do this consistently. Question: How did you get started in your current career?
Razard86 replied to integration journey's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I think this would be the best answer. Outside of that, understand that this question you pose....is an egoic question. The ego plays many games one of them is (You are not enough as you are). Lack of satisfaction with self is one of the biggest egoic games. You are the source of creation masquerading as "the human you" and you are judging your performance. I hope you realize the character you are playing is the only one that exists so there is no BETTER performance. I'll use a comic book description. How could Batman be a better Batman. All the characteristics that make Batman him, is all he needs to be Batman. How could the Joker be a better Joker? If he became a civilized citizen he would CEASE being the Joker. So understand that all the characteristics that make YOU are already in your possession. So you are playing the character perfectly. The whole world gets to witness the progression and GROWTH of this character. Stop letting society and your surroundings tell you how to portray this character. Nobody knows what's best for this character but your higher self and don't worry your higher self has it covered. Just focus on whatever you believe to be your highest expression and let whatever may be, BE!! -
When I was younger I use to have this same opinion but when I realized that all of life was art it blew my mind. What is art? Art is the expression of life. That's it!! Art is EXPRESSION!! So anything you do that expresses you is art. The way you talk, the way you walk, your posture, the way you dress. The way you run your business, the way you communicate with people, EVEN THE WAY YOU BREATHE!!! Everything you do is an expression of you, so everything you do is art! This is why you see books like : The ART of SEDUCTION, The Art of Leadership, The Art of Persuasion, The Art of this....etc etc. So trying to create a separation between anything an Art is foolhardy!! Even Math is ART!!!! Art is how we create, so art is in everything we do. Until you realize this....you will continue to place art in small boxes.
I hate you......lol that sounds like too much fun man!!!! How the heck did you accomplish that?
1. The biggest fallacy is that there is a league. Women are shoppers of experience. There is NOT one trait that puts a man over another as every woman has a preference and all her preferences are just lies given to her by her environment. What a woman continually chases is EXPERIENCE!!! You could get Halle Berry in her prime addicted to you if you can provide her with the experience she is searching for. This is the BIGGEST SECRET most men do not realize!!! Stop being so got damn logical, women primarily operate from emotion. They are only logical in their evaluation of you but their experience of you trumps that evaluation!!! Here are the key skills to get any woman. 1. Know how to approach her that makes her receptive. If you want a specific woman you need to know when the RIGHT time to approach her is. Some men like to walk by a woman they like multiple times for weeks on end before they approach her. Women like familiarity and women are ALWAYS watching you. They are ridiculously perceptive of EVERYTHING you do. 2. Master how to get her to warm up in your presence. The better your talking game the better she will open up. 3. Become a master in the bedroom. This is the MOST IMPORTANT POINT. Most women rarely achieve orgasm and the ones that do STILL don't get the sex they PREFER. The better you are at satisfying her sexually the easier it is for EVERTHING ELSE. 4. Achieve the best look, smell, and attitude you can have and always display it around her. Women fall in love with the IDEA of you, not YOU specifically. Its tough to handle, but as long as you provide her with the experience she desires....she will never leave you, unless of course she has emotional damage that is unresolved....then she may leave you because she feels unworthy but that is a whole other topic. But there are NO LEAGUES!!! Any man can pull a pretty girl, I use to think the same thing until I pulled one. Any guy that tells you there are leagues is LYING. Now there ARE high maintenance girls and most pretty girls are, but even then there are still ones who are NOT. Its a numbers game.
Welcome to the Red Pill, what you do not realize is that pretty much everything you have learned about women and men should basically be thrown out the window. I am sorry to tell you but society has failed you. It has failed to teach you how hypergamy actually works, and it has also failed you by teaching your female counterpart "lies" about you also and the divide and issues you are experiencing are a large interconnection of feminism, media, and cultures all creating a division. Truthfully if you want a QUICK solution...date outside your country where the country is MORE traditional and where you would be considered wealthier. The truth of the matter is women are attracted to men they believe are smarter, stronger, and more reliable than they are. Now understand what I just said "BELIEVE." You could be more capable than a women you know, if she BELIEVES you ARE NOT she will not desire you long-term. Here are a couple of key factors 1. The foundation of all attraction between men and women is the BODY game. This is non-negotiable. The more attractive a woman finds you PHYSICALLY the LESS you have to do EMOTIONALLY to maintain attraction. 2. The next foundation is how you make her FEEL both physically and emotionally. Majority of your time with a woman will be OUTSIDE of SEX. So you need to stimulate her emotionally. The various ways you can are intellectually, you can entertain her with jokes, you can create low end drama (acting cocky), you can be a good listener. How you make her feel physically has to do with things like touch, scent, and obviously how well the Sex is. Now here is the KEY Point I need to add here. The Foundation of all attraction is the body game, but the foundation of SUSTAINED attraction between men and women in a sexual relationship is FOUND HERE. If you do all the above mentioned and HIT HER SPOTS RIGHT SEXUALLY SHE WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU. Now with that said you have NO CONTROL on if she will leave you because depending on what information she takes in on a daily basis her surrounding environment could tell her that you are a loser, and if she believes it she will drop you faster than a bad T.V. series. 3. Here is another secret....and it is an annoying one. Women classify Men into 2 main categories Friend and Lover. Since you want a long-term relationship you need to have aspects of both. The PROBLEM is these two categories actually are counteractive and you must BALANCE them to sustain a relationship. Friendship characteristics are qualities that make her feel emotionally safe and connected with you. Lover characteristics are qualities that make her feel anxious and unsure of herself, and make her look UP to you. So understand how paradoxical this is. To be a friend you need a person to feel like they know you, understand you, and connected to you. To be considered Sexually Seductive you need to be mysterious, confusing, and unattached. If a woman feels like she completely understands you, the mystery is over and so is the sexual attraction. If a woman feels like she cannot connect with you eventually all you become is a dick call for services. Understand that a woman's male best friends will know her BETTER than you as she will always want to look her best for the man that excites her. So its a thin line you must walk. Before that though read the Book, Nice Guy and Players by Rom Wills that breaks down how women think. There is a book that can teach you how to operate with maintaining attraction with woman called Atomic Attraction. 4. Here is the most important. To have the most success with women in dating you need to have an ABUNDANCE mentality. The kryptonite for most men is getting attached to one woman. Don't it is the quickest route to wasting your time. Next is finding women who understand the REAL point of what a long-term sexual relationship is. For that to happen YOU MUST UNDERSTAND what a long-term sexual relationship is. Here are things it is NOT. 1. It is NOT something you enter in to FEEL COMPLETE. If you DO NOT FEEL COMPLETE BY YOURSELF YOU WILL FAIL IN EVERY LONG-TERM SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP YOU ENTER INTO. Sadly society has bred women to be shoppers of experience so most do not feel complete. 2. It is NOT something you enter without the desire to grow. If you are not in it to grow and develop DO NOT WASTE THEIR OR YOUR TIME. 3. It is the merging of two lives so both must be focused on the relationship itself working... NOT ON WHAT YOU INDIVIDUALLY WANT. Always think in terms of what is best for the RELATIONSHIP NOT what is best for you. 4. You both will need to learn to be INTERDEPENDENT. Independent but also comfortable relying on another person and cooperating to get things done. This is much harder for most since our society has taught us, especially the women to be INDEPENDENT. Good Luck!!!
Razard86 replied to Life-Hacking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Got dangit that is deep lol. -
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Exactly. I have found two books that give some good pointers. One is called Reality Transurfing. The other is called The Nature of Personal Reality (currently going through this one). There is a woman who has a website that talks about some of this stuff as well Tania Kostos. This topic is deeper than I thought, and it is something I which Leo would really delve into. He talks about in his awakenings how he is conscious of how he is creating everything, its like okay UNWRAP THAT FOR ME. I hope he does a video on that. -
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It works, I know people who it has worked for I literally have witnessed it. I'm just trying to unravel why it works. I have been studying the nature of reality...and one thing I can say is if you get too close-minded...you will miss the mysteriousness of the reality. Reality is infinitely deep...so deep...its scary and it literally a mindfuck. The best way to explain this is....infinity is a paradox so as a result reality is a paradox and since YOU ARE REALITY.... YOU ARE A PARADOX. You could spend every waking up your moment of life studying how reality works...and not even achieve 1% knowledge of how it all functions. It is both a joyous and sobering realization. -
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Interesting thanks for your feedback. -
I have accessed my core before...without even meditation and was filled with a ridiculous amount of bliss and unconditional love. What I discovered is what the spiritual teachers teach is true...we are literally bliss and unconditional love and we block it from ourselves. We can access it at anytime and the kicker is....you don't have to meditate or use any drug to access it. You literally can just choose to experience it....AND YOU WILL.
Razard86 replied to Preety_India's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Seeking is not egoic at all, seeking is the desire to become ONE. Every spiritual teaching teaches this actually. The universe (God) simultaneously desires to experience itself and desires to become ONE. The only reason you or any person on this forum is here right now is because of the desire of seeking. The difference is you recognized that your true desire was not material but something that transcends that. Also a couple of things. 1. The ego is NOT bad, this is one of the biggest Spiritual Traps I realize people keep falling into. Again understand that God loves ALL of creation and the ego is just one of the MANY creations of God. 2. Without a sense or illusion of separation there IS no dream in that the EGO is necessary. 3. The desire to transcend the ego is merely the desire to WAKE UP from the dream. You are only here on this forum in this community because of your desires. Once all desire is gone...the DREAM ENDS. 4. The only problem with the EGO is it is the ULTIMATE DEFENSE MECHANISM to WAKING UP and THAT IS WHY YOU CREATED IT. To wake up you must be READY to RELINQUISH your attachment to EGO which is LITERALLY the building block of your attachment to the dream. If you can release your attachment to the EGO you can leave the dream. Think of it as the PUSH IN TIMES OF EMERGENCY BUTTON you have to press to leave the dream and the moment you push it.....everything will work against you to stop you. 5. The biggest proof of your attachment is the fact that you make it so hard for the collective human population to wake up by making messages and communities like this OUTLIERS.