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Razard86 replied to WokeBloke's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Your true nature, is an infinite void. Out of this infinite void you are imagining (that is how creation is done) your body, and the every thing in your imagination. This is what Leo refers to as "God." God isn't how any religion describes it as any description is a symbol and God's true nature is infinite and undefined. As a result of not having an identity, you can take on ANY identity. Everything that exists in reality is YOU, has always been YOU and will ALWAYS be YOU. I am YOU and YOU are me. YOU are alone, YOU alone exist and I am not talking about your human self, I am talking about NO-THING within you that you can connect with if you calm your thoughts, and emotion. If you release your attachment to your beliefs, thoughts, and emotion you will discover that you are NO-THING. This video can help you discover it. https://youtu.be/Oq4NDMNDzSs -
The funny thing is this isn't even debate worthy. We have distinctions between weight classes in sports, should we get rid of those too? We have distinctions between the Para Olympics and Regular Olympics I guess we can get rid of that too as well. If people cannot understand why these distinctions exist....I don't know what to tell them. We understand that some people have biological advantages already but to deny the advantages people have in weight classes, and now between transwomen and cisgendered women. What's worse every medical professional that has run tests say there is going to be an advantage. There are even Transathletes who do not agree that it is fair. Look the distinctions are there to level the playing field, if you include transathletes well....truly who knows what will happen. I guess ciswoman will have to start doing testosterone hormone trials from their youth like the West Germans of old.
Toxic vibes? So now we point to insults when you cannot even defend your position. Its funny how people who claim to want equality and justice are the first to insult others. The irony is the projection is strong in you. But continue to claim people who do not agree with your perspective as toxic. Makes perfect sense. And an orbital fracture is in the skull and is only considered in the face because it is a little further away. Funny how you want to argue with me on the distinction between a orbital fracture and a skull fracture, but think the distinction between a ciswoman and a transwoman isn't up for debate. Anybody who disagrees gives off toxic vibes. LOL this is too much. You reveal too much. way too much.
Lol he always was. You just figured out? Self-Actualizing is a broad category that fits into all aspects of life. He is basically a Reality Coach. Meaning he will go as low conscious or high conscious as he deems fit.
Sigh you are just playing word games. Its not about typing in random results. But since you are claiming to have a point. Make your point. 1. How much of an advantage do men have over women in sports? How much of that advantage can be reduce by training? 2. How much distance is there between the strongest man in the world and the strongest woman in the world. What about the fastest? How much does hormones play? How much does the anatomy of a man and woman influence these differences? If you do not know the answers to these questions then you do not have any credibility and are just talking from a place of ignorance. You are welcome to do that. But as a guy who studied exercise science and physical education and competed with against men and women in practice on my cross country and track team I know from BOTH research and personal experience how wide the gap is. I can EASILY give you examples. Here is one. There was a transgender fighter who fought in a martial arts tournament and CRACKED the skull of a female fighter WITH A PUNCH!!! There is a reason that happened and its a reason you choose to willfully ignore. https://thebridgehead.ca/2021/11/02/a-transgender-fighter-cracked-his-female-opponents-skull-how-long-will-this-insanity-continue/
Razard86 replied to SQAAD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
My friend....you are playing word games. Death IS THE UNKNOWN. You literally just said it in your response. You said: "Essentially Why Would you fear Death? Personally, the only reason I fear death is because I don't know what's next." Exactly and that is why you fear death. You will not understand this until your existence is TRULY in peril. Pain is just the appetizer facing your demise is the MAIN COURSE. -
Razard86 replied to SQAAD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I will give you a simple rule to understand....we are only attracted by what we desire. You desire to watch violence. Maybe because it interests you, maybe you are curious. The problem is you have been taught morality and so you are struggling with this desire and you think its bad. Its not bad by the way......ANYWAY until you are able to ACCEPT that VIOLENCE INTERESTS YOU, you will continue to live in denial. Part of the life's purpose is to learn to accept ALL of reality even the things you have been taught are wrong or evil. EVIL DOES NOT EXIST!!! Until you can truly see this...you will struggle with yourself and reality. -
Razard86 replied to SQAAD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Your fear of pain is linked to death. Remember pain only exists to warn you that something is wrong. For example if you have an injury or are sick. Injuries and sickness can kill us and that is why we experience pain. If you knew nothing could kill your physical body...pain would just be an annoyance and you would walk around with pain killers and munch on them like skittles. But since you know pain is a warning of demise, even if you took a painkiller you are still worried about "what is wrong with you." That worry...IS THE FEAR OF DEATH!!! -
This is completely false. TransAthletes DO dominate female sports. I was an exercise scientist student in college. If you knew the amount of physical advantages a MALE body has over a FEMALE body after puberty you wouldn't be making these statements. To put it in perspective. A grown elite female athlete is comparable to elite 15-18 year olds. So a 25 to 30 year old woman can get beat in a sport by a 15 to 18 year old. Serena Williams is by many accounts the greatest female tennis player of all-time. She cannot even beat a Male Tennis player that is ranked at 200. The gap in sports between men and women is huge by a ridiculous margin. So NO its not transphobia. Just type in transgender dominating women's sports its happening all the time
I love how your mind works friend. Your ability to express is profound. I would pay to hear you pontificate LOL.
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
And you are as well. I have read many of your forum posts and I realize how closer you are to the truth. I can tell that your awareness is high, much higher than my own in some sense even though I realize even if it were the same our perspective of it or interpretation would still differ by degree. But yes what you said is true, our beliefs are the gravity that holds everything and grounds it. You could say that belief IS what creates the illusion of separation and is the building block of your identity. Essentially if you could truly identify with the infinite the dream would end. You are correct that belief is bondage, just as identity itself is bondage. Based on what you just said when we say God is infinite, this means God has no identity and God cannot be expressed in words, as every word is itself an identity. This means God cannot be defined, identified, or has any meaning. Because God is no thing, God can be everything. When God creates identity, God creates a limit and as you say can experience meaning. This is the only way that God can have experience through beliefs. So God must forget its true nature and take on a belief and through that belief God takes on form and identity. This is truly a mindfuck. LOL. -
Every story you create becomes true. Because you create your reality. Everything you have ever experienced was your creation so ultimately there is nothing or no person or entity to blame but you. You are the highest authority so everything is your FAULT per se. But if you were aware of how your divine being looked at life....you would realize that your divine being sees its creation as good and all of life as good, and every event as good.
Razard86 replied to Michael Jackson's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yep hello PenguinPablo how are you doing? Yes Enjoy the Show!!! -
I agree with everything you said except for...."there are people out there that will bring the worst out of you." Nobody can bring the worst out of you, your selfishness causes you to react to their selfishness and that is why it was brought out. If you only spend time with people that make you feel good, you will rarely grow as a person. All you are doing when you engage in that behavior is making life easier for yourself (which is fine) but you are not improving your ability to deal with difficult people. As a result you will continue to struggle to deal with difficult people and they are EVERYWHERE. The only real way to avoid people like that is to become a hermit as they are everywhere. People are only difficult because they are selfish, and the benefits of dealing with them are enormous for personal growth! 1. Selfish people are really good at revealing your shadow!! You learn about the parts you repress or hide from REAL QUICK dealing with them. 2. Selfish people teach you tolerance and how not to judge others. 3. Selfish people teach you how to communicate effectively in a respectful manner. 4. Selfish people teach you how to erect and maintain healthy boundaries. 5. And most of all they teach you PATIENCE, and how to love as God with unconditional Love!!! I have discovered that difficult people get you closer to God, because their behavior is so selfish that ONLY GOD could love them LOL. Caution: I would not advocate most people do this, as if you are not mentally tough enough you could suffer low self-esteem, co-dependency, and a whole host of other mental illnesses.
Completely agree with this entire quote. Can't really argue with that. Way to drop the hammer on this entire forum topic. LOL.
I'm so glad I found someone with the same idea as me. So refreshing. True equality is Men and Women working together. But it seems to me evolutionarily speaking our biological genes have not caught up with modern social conditions.
Razard86 replied to Michael Jackson's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There is something I have learned that I think is interesting and it can reveal some things that people do not realize. 1. Experience is imagination. When you learn that reality is a dream, you also learn that there is no TRUE difference between your dream and reality since reality itself is a dream. The only difference, like everything in this fricken dream is the difference in DEGREE. The dream you have is more loosey goosey or as someone in another forum once said it LACKS the FREQUENCY of what we deem to be REAL. 2. Now if everything is ONE, there is no actual difference if I awaken or if you awaken as we have learned the true nature of the dream is GOD. Hence Leo actually admitted that he is the only existence and so any teaching he is doing is just him TEACHING himself. 3. You have convinced yourself that you need a pill to have an awakening, or that it takes decades of meditation to reach awakening so a SHORTCUT is a magic pill. What you fail to understand....is that your BELIEFS create reality itself. So if beliefs CREATE reality....why would you NEED an experience to create that reality. The first rule of Spirituality is you NEED NOTHING. If you are GOD you NEED NOTHING. This is one of the BIGGEST TRAPS. You do not NEED a magic pill to reach ANYTHING. YOU CREATED THE MAGIC PILL, how do you NEED something that you can CREATE? The CREATOR does NOT NEED its creation. This means you can AWAKEN to GOD THROUGH ANY AVENUE. You can AWAKEN THROUGH MENTAL MASTURBATION if you WANT. What Leo teaches in his videos he just believes the pills are a MORE EFFICIENT avenue. He has admitted that some people are BORN enlightened and some people are BETTER at meditation than others NATURALLY. What led him to the pills if you pay attention was his desire for EFFICIENCY. He did not want to waste his whole life discovering the answer and as a result that route opened up to him. But thinking this route is the best way is itself a trap. I'm sure if Leo has more awakenings he will eventually awaken to this fact. If you are GOD, you have no LIMITS. This means that ANY AVENUE is EQUALLY good and any supposed LIMITS are PLACED ON YOU, BY YOU. In all of my research into the true nature of reality I keep coming back full circle to one ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Whatever Identity that God assumes, becomes God's LIMITS. Your identity is created from your CORE BELIEFS. So as God whatever you believe to be TRUE will be TRUE in YOUR REALITY. Until you can grasp this....you will continue to fall in traps. -
1. Don't overthink. This will cause you to hesitate and you will come across as uncomfortable or nervous. The BIGGEST killer in interactions with women is nervousness. Some nervousness is okay, you can even joke about being nervous as a tension breaker. But if you stutter, mumble, and fidget the whole interaction she will want to run FAST and AWAY. 2. Understand that women are ALL about the PRESENT MOMENT. They are all about VIBE, which is the ENERGY they are picking up from you. Here are some pointers to help you. > Always assume she finds you attractive, drill this into your mind over and over to loosen you up. >Ask questions and get her talking about herself. EVERYONE loves talking about themselves. >If she is shy or shallow and doesn't know how to conversate much then either ask her what her interests are or take her someplace where you can DO something. Dancing, bowling, skating, the EXPERIENCE is what women chase EVERY SINGLE DAY. Women want to EXPERIENCE life and enjoy EVERY ASPECT of it. They ideally want a MOVIE of a life but will settle if you can still somehow make hanging with you INTERESTING. It is NEVER one thing for a woman, it is the TOTALITY of the EXPERIENCE but there ARE some deal breakers. Here are some. <Smell, if she doesn't like your smell it can be a deal breaker. Not always but usually. <If you talk too much and don't allow her to express herself. <Bad energy, like I said VIBE IS EVERYTHING to them Good luck!!
This entire topic is ego, and anyone demonizing the people of the Alpha/Beta community or looking down on them is engaging in ego stroking. All of us at one time or the other were influenced by the social hierarchies that exists around us. Not saying we agreed with it or liked it but we were. Spirituality like life is a JOURNEY and the perspectives we have now we had to GROW to learn them. Anybody that isn't at your maturity level is not there simply because they are not as mature as you. Its a process, and it differs with each individual. Some people will spend their entire life and NEVER reach your maturity level. So consider yourself lucky that you can see past the illusion of society. Does Alpha and Beta exist? YES. If we are talking Spiral Dynamics its part of the Red Phase. Human Societies are inherently selfish and egotistical. Research suggests that in American society for example people who score higher in Dark Triad traits which are markers of Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy are more likely to be promoted, picked as leaders, more successful at dating, and wealthier. So if you pay attention to what most of these people in the Red Pill Community call ALPHA: They are traits highly associated with Dark Triad traits. Now many men are confused as most have been raised to be gentlemen which is the complete OPPOSITE of these traits. Understand that for thousands of years of Human history we had to survive in NATURE. Majority of the conquerors that went around conquering stuff and ruling stuff were REALLY HIGH in Dark Triad Traits. Look up Machiavelli and the book he wrote called the Prince. It teaches the reality of power and how it has been obtained throughout human history. Now we all know in the spiritual community that what I stated above was all ego, but ego is the mechanism that has pushed humanity to survive. Masculinity, as it is expressed in Humans is mainly about SURVIVAL. This is why the more spiritual you become, the less masculinity you will express as Masculinity is mainly about Order, Control, and Power. To reach God, you have to submit all your desire for power and control, you must submit your life. It's why Jesus once said "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." He wasn't saying rich people couldn't see God. He is saying the desire to AMASS riches will distract you from EVER LOOKING INWARD.
Mine is Danioover9000. They are just as impressive as the people they named.
BOTH men and women are doing this, its pretty much so rampant that almost every love story told in movies and t.v. shows uses this trope. Heck I'm even doing that, because the truth is the "right person" is actually an illusion. There is no "right person" there is only a person who is willing to be committed to making a relationship successful. Most people enter relationships because they do not feel whole. Then when they enter they dump on their partner their psychological issues and trauma (their shadow) on their partners. Most modern relationships are contests of selfishness. When in reality they should be competing to serve each other. Anytime I talk to people in relationships they always complain "This person is always doing this, this person is always doing that. Why won't they do this, they should do this." When you ask them what THEY could improve upon? CRICKETS. Anyway collectively we could culturally focus on in Movies and T.V. shows mutual respect for both sexes and focus on supporting each other. But hey drama sells so it will be awhile before this becomes mainstream but it will one day after things get bad enough.
I pretty much agree with everything you said...but what I have learned is differing maturity levels creates issues. While I believe what you state is the most mature option.....most people would disagree with it. Also I want to address this illusion that people have. I often heard people say attraction is not a choice. Upon reflection at my own life and the life of others I have learned that attraction IS a choice. When I hear women say that certain behaviors are NOT attractive and then 20 years later say that SAME behavior IS attractive (also some men as well)it has taught me the power of our core beliefs which make up our identity. So when I hear people CLAIM that something isn't attractive I say year ACCORDING to your BELIEFS. For us as a society to get rid of this double standard we would need to change the definitions and labels for what is expected for men and women in relationships. Modern Dating is a HUGE OVERHAUL of thousands of years of male to female relationships. The only reason we are having these issues is a result of the OLD MAPS and TRADITIONS not being as applicable anymore. These issues do not even exist in traditional countries lol.
Razard86 replied to Yeah Yeah's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Most of what Sadhguru teaches is not what he truly believes. He teaches what he teaches to reach the masses. If you notice Leo teaches what he teaches REGARDLESS if people like it or not and doesn't sugar coat or water down anything like Sadhguru. The TRUTH is the most dangerous thing in the world. NOTHING is more dangerous than truth, that is why every civilization is built on lies. It is why every relationship you have ever had is full of lies. It is why the one person you lie to the MOST is YOURSELF. The only reason psychology, therapy, and self-actualization even exists is to EXPOSE THE LIES YOU TELL YOURSELF. Once you realize that anything that is popular is watered-down then you will realize why Sadhguru is so popular. He is easy on the Ears, doesn't say anything controversial enough to scare you. With Sadghuru you have to read between the lines. 1. He tells you that the creator/universe is inside you. 2. So how could the universe not care about you if your CORE is the universe? 3. When you ask what love is Leo already explained it, love is creation, love is existence. Think about it, whatever you love, you are attracted to, you desire, and you will protect because you desire it to exist. So love IS existence, Love IS creation. So its not just some human emotion, its what existence is. You are MADE of love. Even if you want to move away from that analogy the act of sex is an expression of love and through that union you were born. So CREATION IS LOVE. If you really want to know the truth watch Leo's video on what is Devilry, What is self-love? And you will have everything you need to answer those questions. God is ABSOLUTE LOVE, TRUTH, KNOWLEDGE, and WISDOM. -
So I know a lot of people online on different websites discuss Manifestation (Lucid Dreaming), and I just wanted your thoughts on it. I respect the opinion of this community Leo started so I wanted to hear your perspectives out of curiosity. My search for truth has taken me to many places and this is one of many reputable sources of truth I have found so feel free to fling away all the golden knowledge you are holding towards me.
........Why do you care so much about making mistakes? Do you REALLY think women friendzone guys and cut them off because of mistakes? I will give you a hint since it doesn't seem you have noticed this. Women base all interactions with men on "VIBE." It has NOTHING to do with MISTAKES (unless the women has emotional issues and if that's the case be thankful it didn't work out) women are naturally more INTUITIVE than us men on average. Women can FEEL a man's inner thoughts, and emotions. Women are more sensitive than us men to stimuli. They read body language, tone of voice, emotion, and interpret that information in the form of an emotion. Based on that woman's maturity level, her culture, and image of what a man should be she will compare you to that. Stop thinking its mistakes, all a woman cares about is the VIBE she is getting from you. The only real mistakes I have ever seen throw a woman off is lack of knowing what to do sexually. Outside of that, if the VIBE is good SHE IS GOOD.