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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. The truth is harsh, and not everyone that is toxic lacks self-awareness. What they lack is empathy which is understanding the depths of trouble they cause others. Sure they might know it intellectually but until they understand the emotional pain they can trigger in others they will ask this question out of curiosity from people's reactions. I have met quite a few toxic people who have asked me this question. It really came after years of them being told by others that they were selfish, controlling, vindictive, narcistic, etc.
  2. I doubt it, you are very smart. But thanks for the compliment I'm honored.
  3. Thanks I spent 3 years studying that entire topic. The irony is it led me HERE. So funny the journey was fun though.
  4. Yes Suicide is an expression of love but in a corrupted sense. Suicide is a denial of reality. This denial is due to fear, and hate. Suicide is a form of protection. Because the individual hates reality, and believes themselves powerless to change their reality they deem the only solution is to flee from it and the ultimate escape is death. Love is truth. Suicide is not truth, but it is an expression of what the individual BELIEVES is true. It is an act of love out of self-preservation but is based on delusion.
  5. So I recently came to a new awareness of one profound aspect of your ability as God to create your reality. So as we all know everything is one, it only differs in degree but obviously from God's perspective even that difference is itself an illusion. Now I am going to reveal the power of our beliefs in our experience of reality and how the difference of degrees of our beliefs influences it. As God, whatever you believe to be true, for YOU it will be true in your direct experience. Until you realize that all of life is just an IMAGE, and that whatever experiences you have: Hot, Cold, Rough, Soft, are just experiences you are creating and then associating with those images when they have NO RELATION to that IMAGE and that you are the source of that experience you will struggle with this. You do not feel a wall when you touch it, you visualize the wall and when you move to touch it, you generate the sensation of touch WITHIN you. Ok so let's go a bit deeper here.... If you believe something strong enough, it becomes a UNIVERSAL LAW in YOUR EXPERIENCE. It all depends on degree. If you believe in something but have some doubts, then that belief will show up in your experience as a fact and as we know facts can change and tend to be very situational. But if you believe something to be absolute, then in your experience it will appear to be ABSOLUTE, a UNIVERSAL LAW, and any information that could threaten this belief will be invisible to you and your experience. So even though Spirituality is about investigating direct experience, understand that your beliefs are the LENS in which you VIEW experience. Now obviously this is only the case because YOU ARE EXPERIENCE and thus HOW OPEN-MINDED you are to OTHER EXPERIENCES YOU CREATE you will EITHER EXPAND OR LIMIT YOUR EXPERIENCE. Sit back and awe at that God Level power.
  6. If you are 51 you are very unique seriously thought you were 30. The wise man knoweth that he knoweth not. The fool thinks he knoweth. Ignorance is the beginning of understanding. Arrogrance is the beginning of delusion. Count yourself lucky!!
  7. Morality and Ethics is not truth. Truth WILL tell you how to act. Truth is the only thing that brings clarity. Everything else is delusion.
  8. Your past is just a story. A backstory if you will. Don't believe it? We call the past his-story/her-story. This means it is just a perspective, but it a perspective that builds your current identity. Want to change your identity? Then change the story. You can see past events through whatever lens you desire. You are more mature now in the present than you were in the past, so rewrite the past from this present point of maturity. Try it, you will be surprised at the results!! The past is the story, and the future is the prediction of future story, only the PRESENT exists!! It is a gift, that's why we call it a present. But when you break it up further it also says PRE- SENT. This means it exists before it is sent. Contemplate on what that means or look up reality creation to understand why reality is PRE- SENT
  9. While I agree with everything in this post....its too rational. When you deal with people attached to emotion...rationality rarely works. The main cause of depression is self-denial and self-hate. The self-esteem (respect for self) has reached zero. Suicidal people are the most dangerous people around because if you have no respect for your own life, then you have no respect for any other life. Not saying you will harm others if you are suicidal, but you won't really care if you do. The interesting thing about suicidal thoughts and feelings is like anything else it is a STATE. There are many people who have attempted suicide and survived who regretted it, were glad they survived, and are living happy productive lives. It is just a momentary state through which people take action. Suicide is a result of delusion, but like all delusions it feels real and thus logic alone won't snap them out. You first have to reach them emotionally, before logic will make sense to them.
  10. You can recognize this in your experience. If I injected you with a pain killer that made your whole body feel numb. No matter how much grinding and thrusting you did in sex you wouldn't really feel anything. What reality really is...would scare you. You are just operating with images in your mind in 3 dimensional space and every time you "touch" them you create the sensation. So if you lose all sensation of touch....you cannot FEEL anything in sex. So it was never the person who was giving you the pleasure...it was YOU!!!! This is why when people have strong emotional attachments for someone sex FEELS better and they attribute it to the person. Again its not the person it was YOU!!! This is a NON-SPIRITUAL explanation I just gave you. You are creator of EVERY SINGLE EXPERIENCE YOU HAVE EVER HAD. You ONLY EXPERIENCE YOURSELF.
  11. I loved these response!!! I needed a good laugh. Keep them coming!!!
  12. Well it is....some people take a vow of solitude. Its just not a feasible ask for majority of people.
  13. While I agree with everything you said, understand that many people are low consciousness and may not be at the stage yet to do this. But you are absolutely correct in how important communication is and how important honesty is. Everything you said was true and ideal, the issue is are the people involved mature enough to handle it. The truth is the most dangerous and powerful thing.
  14. I disagree with you on ONE point. You said OFTEN, the truth is if you operate from fear....IT ALWAYS MANIFESTS!!!
  15. This is where I disagree with you Leo. Awakening is just a identity shifting until you get to no identity or infinity. What I have realized is the path to awakening itself is infinite. There is no ONE path. So yeah you can pretty much awaken through self-inquiry if it is rigorous enough. All awakening is seeing what is there and not projection. Emptying of the impressions that you have gathered until you return to source. Its just the psychedelics are a faster choice. Its like would you rather walk to your destination or are you going to fly there?
  16. So much wisdom in your statement. Healers seek to heal because they want to alleviate their suffering by alleviating suffering of others.
  17. One of the best ways to look at it is through the multiple personality disorder or dissociative personality disorder. We are basically Universal mind with dissociative personalities. Since we are not "aware" that we are just different partitions of the same mind, we experience each other as separate at lower consciousness. The Budha was rejected, Jesus was rejected, I could go on and on..... you being rejected does not mean that something is wrong. The failure of ALL RELATIONSHIPS comes from what you posted in your title. Breaking up with YOU. So in one sense you are right, you have broken up with yourself so you will break up with her. But even if you had completely loved and accepted all your parts, if she has not done the same....the break up will still happen. This is why they say the greatest test for spiritual growth is intimate relationships because BOTH individuals have to learn to accept themselves FIRST before they can truly accept their partner. If they can learn to accept each other unconditionally then they will both truly become "ONE." But these types of relationships are VERY rare.
  18. I see truth in both of your perspectives. I don't even see anything conflicting each other
  19. Very Insightful. Thanks for this post
  20. This is a lot to unpack. I'm at work right now but I will try to address each point you make when I get off. But for a preview of what I will say the theme will be this....don't be so HARD on yourself. You are fine RIGHT NOW as you are. You were born into this world happy, and curious. As you went through life people who were weary, sad, angry, and frustrated with life filled your mind with thoughts, emotions, and beliefs and as a result you took on their burdens as your own. These things have weighed on you and are responsible for why you feel the way you are and why you are the way you are. Your frustration is not what you think it is, it isn't to fix your situations, its to return to your core essence before you took on those burdens that others placed upon you. We all understand this intuitively as it is often phrased as "finding myself." The term life I believe is an ANAGRAM for L (Look) I (Inside) F (For )E (Explanation). Do not worry how you feel has been shared by EVERYONE. It is often termed imposter syndrome as not feeling authentic. I will share more when I get some more time. But you are at this moment exactly who you need to be, and have something to offer that nobody else can offer which is your unique perspective. You are amazingly unique, and all that has happened is you have lost track of this. I will share more of this when I have time. Thanks for sharing!!!
  21. Everything is a construction on the meta level. All of creation is a construction. So how far do people want to play with this? The real reason that the TransAthletes are doing this is a result for a desire for acceptance, a desire to be loved. They cannot solve that issue the way they are going about it. You cannot FORCE acceptance, you cannot force integration, you cannot force love. You can be loving and through being loving acceptance comes. But I understand the desire to not be seen as dangerous, or different, or weird, or to be rejected. But once you accept all those things in yourself the desire to force that acceptance into the outside world becomes of little consequence. Nothing wrong with pushing for changes, but I have noticed that the people who want these changes start to use the same tactics as those who disagree with them. They label them as having phobias, or toxic, etc... not realizing they are just playing the same game as the majority. These does not lead to integration. You cannot force people or shame, or guilt them into aligning with your perspective. If you read history....it is literally a book that teaches this.
  22. Yeah notice how usually just dances around this topic instead of actually speaking on this. Also I would love for Leo and Sadhguru to have a conversation. Maybe Leo can bring up psychedelics to him and how they can be used.