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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. There is no right or wrong person. The truth is the cause of all conflict is selfishness. So whatever demands any partner has is borne of selfishness. As long as both partners are sufficiently selfish there will be conflict. Unless they are ready to negotiate and work on learning to love themselves and by extension you it will never work out and the relationship will end. All relationships are easy, the only difficulty exists because of selfishness. As long as selfishness exists it is difficult. So in short, there is no soul mate. As long as selfishness does not exist any partner will do, as long as it doesn't every partner is wrong. Now you could make life easy by learning to be low on selfishness and joining together with a partner that is similar in this regard and you both learn to dissolve even the remaining selfishness within you. This could work....but at that point you two would probably end up being more life partners than actually attached to each other. Because the greater in self love you become the less attached you become.
  2. I did, you just are not paying attention. You are really bad at reading comprehension it seems. You said does anything exist outside of the present moment. I replied the present moment is eternal. Let me ask you, what in this dream world is eternal? NO THING in life is eternal. So that is your answer. I replied that that the present moment is the ONLY REAL THING. So outside of the present moment everything else is FALSE. So yes I answered your question you are just too much in denial. Even before your question I provided you with the answer and you ignored what I said. The present MOMENT IS ABSOLUTE TRUTH, IS GOD, IS ABSOLUTE LOVE, IS INFINITY, IS ETERNAL, ANYTHING ELSE IN COMPARISON IS FALSE. YOU ARE FALSE, YOUR LIFE IS FALSE, EVERYTHING YOU EVER EXPERIENCED IS FALSE, THERE IS NO MEANING, NO PLACE TO GO, NOTHING TO ACHIEVE, ALL MEANING IS IMAGINARY AND FINITE, GOD IS ALONE, AND IS MERELY PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK, AND CREATING DRAMAS, MOVIES, INTERACTIVE VIDEO GAMES. YOU ARE GOD LIVING IN THE MOVIE OF YOUR LIFE. But understand, even with this all being true. Because you are God....the imaginary is made real. If I came to your house and physically harmed you it would feel real. If I tortured you it would feel real. Because that is the power of God. But ultimately anything compared to God is imaginary because God existed BEFORE creation and will exist after creation because God is FORMLESS. So anything that is temporary is imaginary and comes from source (God).
  3. This present moment is eternal. Its the only thing that is REALLY TRUE. Time is just a measurement, no different than a mile, or kilometer. The present moment is always here. Watch this and pay attention to what happens. It might give you a clue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieCXd6bJmkk
  4. You are literally not paying attention. I literally just said your POV is imaginary. You are literally Spider Man claiming that you are Stan Lee. You are the creation at this moment questioning how you are Stan Lee. Let me explain so it makes sense to you. 1. Your current perspective is that of a duality. This means your current perspective is false. Your current mind (how you experience your mind) is also false. So the true nature of your current experience is false. You have memories right now, memories are false. You have logic right now, logic is false. You are using words right now, THAT TOO IS FALSE. Everything you currently identify with IS FALSE!! 2. As Leo said eventually you will collapse into an infinite singularity. God is SOURCE. That is what God's true nature is. Just an infinite singularity. Even this sentence CANNOT describe God, you cannot think or imagine what God is. 3. The hilariousness of this entire topic is over your head. I understand since I too had this question, then I realized....everything but God is false. So the answer to your question is....YOU do not have a POV, OTHERS DO NOT have a POV. A POV implies separation. THERE IS NO SEPERATION. There is NO OBSERVER, THERE IS NO OBJECT, THERE IS ONLY BEING!!! Here is the closest way at your current level to experience what you are. Drop your identity with eye sight, with your body, with every sensation that you feel, with words, with thoughts, and emotion. Just experience being in the present moment. THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE. YOU ARE THE PRESENT MOMENT. THAT'S IT. THERE IS NOTHING ELSE. YOU ARE AN INFINITE, PRESENT MOMENT from which everything comes into existence.
  5. You are not realizing.....your POV is itself imaginary!!! Your current POV is that you are Machiavelli, Machiavelli does not exist!!! You are NOT a self, so this point of view itself is IMAGINARY!!! If you listen to descriptions of an awakening the voice inside the head disappears. So all thought and emotion disappears. There is a sense of vastness as if there is a freedom or release. THIS is your true nature. If you take a psychedelic it can reveal to you by disrupting your senses enough and through inquiry that your entire existence is imaginary. It reveals the process of how you trick yourself into believing everything you see, taste, touch, hear, and smell as real. You are the source of the dream, able to live in the dream and experience all aspects of the dream. So when Leo says that everyone is fake and does not have a mind.....Leo is saying the SAME THING ABOUT YOU!! If there is NO SELF, THEN THERE IS NO OTHER!!! ALL IS ONE. A SELF is a distinct thing. A self would be a FORM. All FORM IS IMAGINARY, all CREATION is IMAGINARY. To make it easier....all of creation is collectively imagining ALL OF CREATION. You as God have localized your awareness to this bubble (which itself is a part of your dream). Anything outside of your bubble does not exist because you are all that exists. The present moment is existence, the past and future is just thought and emotion. You as God created a narrator (The ego) That communicates to you through internal dialogue, bodily sensations such as physical pain, and emotional pain. You also created the communication of the spiritual (your true self) with the creation so it would seek to awaken. Here is what you need to understand....all logic is FINITE. Which means you CANNOT use LOGIC to understand REALITY. Reality IS A PARADOX!! Which means if you were to interpret the true nature of existence...YOU COULD NEVER EXPLAIN IT!!! You cannot even explain infinity and cannot even imagine it because your current imagination is finite. So this entire dream does not really exist either THE ONLY thing that exists is GOD everything else is imaginary.
  6. We definitely are!!! At a snail's pace lol.
  7. Very well put. I believe the reason though that both men and women struggle with the emotional dimension is a result of our culture rejecting that aspect. I grew up in Western Culture and the Western Shadow is the feeling/emotional dimension. I would actually align feeling more with the spiritual and emotions as part of the mental dimension. But we can separate it its fine. Anyway in the Western Domain we care more about logic, and we slightly care about creativity but only in respects as to how much it serves us either militarily, financially or through entertainment. For example if you are creative just for the sake of being creative in society your work has no value. Anyway this is why Men and Women are so disconnected now adays. The Modern Women projects her emotional turmoil onto the Man. The Modern Man ignores her emotions and projects is uncomfortableness with her emotions onto her. He tells her she is too emotional, she says he is insensitive and the cycle repeats itself. Until we culturally start teaching how to get in touch with your emotions and feelings and make this a standard for BOTH sexes.....mental health will continue to plague Western Society.
  8. You are a lot nicer than I would have been Leo. There is a famous phrase....if you have a problem with how things are run....BUILD YOUR OWN. People do not realize how much work you put in to build this community. I do understand that community building is a joint effort, but you are the foundational piece. People who complain have no clue how hard it is to manage people, and I am sure you did extensive research into how a cult forms and what pitfalls exist. While I may not agree with every rule I realize that access to this community is a privilege not a right and if I have a problem I can just build my own. Anybody that starts complaining .....is revealing themselves. Because the most selfish thing you can do is enter into someone else's domain and try to tell them how to run it. The main argument of this topic is: Why can't things work the way I think they should. My way is superior because I include everyone. My perspective includes a view of how the ENTIRE world should be. This REEKS of ego. The topic complains about control.....yet is asserting to increase THEIR control. If you see devilry, you must first BE A DEVIL. All accusations of evil and selfishness is itself an act of evil and selfishness. You literally cannot escape this...no matter HOW HARD you try. So this topic while well meaning....was a waste of time. You are a lot nicer than people believe Leo. By the way is your last name REALLY GURA? I mean come on.....your name is Leo Gura? Like the Brave Guru? COME ON!!!
  9. I understand your confusion...it comes from one MAIN point that Leo said in his solipsism video that many did not grasp because he didn't emphasize it. YOU DO NOT EXIST!! YOU ARE IMAGINARY!!! The issue is you think you exist. You don't you are imaginary. This is what solipsism rests on, it is the awakening that is realized after No Self realization. Your POV itself is an illusion because you believe it is housed in a human body in time and space. It's like Spider Man asking Stan Lee if my true nature is YOU do I imagine Mary Jane. Stan Lee would scratch his head and reply Peter Parker/Spider Man YOU ARE IMAGINARY!!! Your true nature is Stan Lee!!! You are merely a character in the dream of God with the ability to realize that you were never the character and break out of the dream. Until you truly realize this you will remain in the dream. This is why Leo said you cannot logic your way out of this but I will give you some pointers. - Everything in the Dream is God, EVERYTHING. - When I say everything I also mean NO THING, so emptiness in the Dream is God, God is LITERALLY ALL OF REALITY. - Everything that has form is IMAGINARY, as God's true self is FORMLESS, TIMELESS, and INFINITE. - Even though everything that has form is imaginary, it is ALSO REAL because that is how God creates what is real THROUGH IMAGINATION. -Every POV on the planet is God's point of view, so its not just every human but EVERYTHING. -God has been experiencing your life this entire time. You think it is YOU controlling you, you think you have free will. YOU DO NOT. This entire time God has been controlling you like a player controls a video game character. God's ability to interact through you is based on the level of consciousness that God has allowed you to have as its creation. -All awakening is, is realizing this entire time you were God masquerading as one of your creations. -God has basically fooled itself into thinking that all of this is real and its trickery is so divine even when someone explains it YOU STILL cannot figure it out!!
  10. He is right in that the answer to all questions are within. But the interesting thing is....God leaves bread crumbs in external reality (even though truthfully there is no difference between external reality and internal so essentially when you look outside of yourself you are actually looking inward) but the fastest way to find the solution is to use the help of your imaginary others and then self-reflect, inquire internally and come to the right conclusions.
  11. Lol did you watch it? God told him he was the only one who exists and that his wife doesn't actually exist and he said it made him feel GREAT FEAR. So he'll get there. Its funny he says he is afraid to know the truth....yet he just can't stop pursuing it. So funny. Like a man who wants to make a move on a girl but stands inside the bathroom pacing around wondering if he has the GUTS!!! He'll do it though, maybe when you hit 80!!!
  12. Why are you asking for clarification he was clearly projecting. I'm not sure how someone can ascertain tone from your post. There is no audible quality and there was nothing to draw from your post. Your post was pretty much to the point and they just projected their inner reality on to you. Ya know, the blame game, victim game. Take it like the champ you are, and do a little moon walk for good measure. You are okay MJ.
  13. How Men and Women relate to each is filtered through their cultural beliefs. Young Boys and Girls are taught their culture's standards on what makes a competent Man and Woman and through that paradigm they experience each other. If the standards are not constructive to the pairing of the two then these standards will cause a divide. The relationship dynamic is currently changing globally with the Traditional Role of the Woman changed in Western Society. Now that women have shed the Traditional Role what role does the Man play in relationships? Women primarily make their own money and pay their own bills something in Western Society that use to be the domain of the man. Women have been pushed and prodded to be fiercely independent and some are even demonized for wanting to harken back to a more traditional role. In the wake of these new realities Man's role in relationship to Women has now been changed. How it has changed has been open to discussion and that is the current void for the modern relationship. What are your takes? What role should Modern Men play in relationship to women. Should they still take on traditional roles or should everything be split 50/50?
  14. I have done a lot of research both online and offline, through my own personal experiences and the anecdotal experiences of others. I have incorporates published studies, hundreds of personal opinions of others and myself and books, articles and videos. What I have come to realize through all of this is that men and women seek to understand each other but lack the patience and the respect needed to reach this point. This is a result of how they have been conditioned, and until they realize that their beliefs are blocking them from what they want they are doomed to never have the satisfying relationship they want in a romantic partner. I will give some information that teaches how we can over come this issue collectively, although it will have to probably start in the home. Feminine Energy (The Creative Energy/The Relating Energy): This is the energy that connects us to life and its attempt to express itself. It represents our individuality, and desire to experience the present moment. It is the purest expression of love, and has a desire to expand in all directions, the feminine is what connects us to our TRUE SELF and is the reason why the more conscious we are the more we embrace this aspect of ourselves. The Feminine hates boundaries and seeks to dispel and transcend all boundaries. Ex: Nurturing, Embracing, Encouraging, Listening, Inspiring, Masculine Energy (The Directing Energy/The Guiding Energy): This is the energy that seeks to understand. In contrast to the feminine that seeks to experience and express life, the Masculine seeks to understand and thus create a map to navigate life. The Masculine is the translator of the Infinite into the Finite. The Masculine divides, it separates, in order to process the flood of information. The Masculine's main drive is survival, and direction. As a result the Masculine is concerned with erecting boundaries both for protection but also to translate and create a path that makes sense. What we do not realize is that all of reality works on these two main energies. Without the Masculine we would not SEE, without the Feminine there is NO THING there to SEE. These two energies work in tandem and through their cooperation CREATION is formed. Ex: Learning, Deciphering, Contemplating, Teaching, Guiding, Building.
  15. There was never any evidence he committed any crimes. He did have a Lady who was his assistant who was convicted of poisoning a water supply. He was the one who called the Authorities on her and provided all the evidence and opened up his residence to investigation. They never found any evidence of wrong doing on his part but they deported him anyway.
  16. ummmmm YOU ARE AMAZING!!! All of you that were involved!! How long did that take?
  17. There literally isn't any argument about what you just said.....good argument. But it will be hard one for people to understand because the BIAS is strong.
  18. Very wise post. I'm sure this will fly over many heads as to how wise this post really is.
  19. There is actually a lot of guys who want to commit long-term to women, they just are afraid of getting divorce raped. Majority of divorces in America are initiated by women. I think as a result there are going to be a lot of people in America forming relationships without marriage. I'm not even sure they will live in the same house too. Relationships will change a lot in the West in the next decade.
  20. It was certainly an interesting read. Thanks for sharing as well.
  21. Will miss you!!! Hope you return in the future!!!
  22. Lol Usain would beat a Cheetah if his life were at stake!!
  23. The better question is DO YOU know how to describe your essence?