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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. The separation between now is the separation of knowing and being. This is the birth of logic, which needed to happen for a surprise present/future. If there was no separation between being and knowing being imagined you would know everything/be everything and there would be nothing.
  2. I sit down on my couch and took a breather, as I needed to really let it sink in that my days as a nobody are coming to an end. I have always wondered what it was like to have fame, to struggle to live with barely any privacy, to be the topic of roundtable discussions in family and friend gatherings. Okay maybe I’m putting it on a little thick, I’m not a super star, but a material witness to a college student’s suicide influenced by one of the most famous Professors in the world who is being charged as contributing to the suicide like a Doctor Kevorkian is certainly no small feat and all I had to do was show up. It reminds me of a famous Woody Allen quote about how one of the keys to success is just showing up and while I do not think he would include this in his success bracket from a self-marketing perspective it works. If you want to be relatively famous just wake up and show up to the day I had. I decide to call my friend Steve Assurdo and tell him about what is happening and as soon as I get ready to dial his number my phone starts ringing…. it’s him. I pick up and as soon as I do…” WHAT THE HELL MAN?!!! I winced as the volume was already high on my phone and he nearly blew out an ear drum with that screaming. “Ouch man not so loud.” There was a slight pause then “My bad man, I just wanted to check on you because I saw your funny face plastered all over the news. It’s saying you saw some kid blow his brains out so I was checking to see if metaphorically your brains are still in place and didn’t fall out along with him.” I shook my head instinctively even though he wouldn’t see it since we didn’t video call, “ Hahahah you didn’t have to say it like that man, when he killed himself I didn’t die with him, although it did feel like a death of sorts, cause I have felt hollow and empty inside ever since he did that.” Steve laughed. “I bet you were like why the hell I wake up to see this shit!” I laughed right along with him” You read my mind.” Steve responded “You think this will make you interested in the medical field? Cut open some cadavers?” “Hell no,” I responded. “This makes me cringe even more that its somebody’s job to clean up our mess when we die. Like we did something we weren’t supposed to and the coroner’s job is to sneakily take us away for crossing the uncrossable line. Steve laughs again and says “Seriously? I thought this would make you more comfortable around death now that you seen it up close.” I thought about it and replied “Truthfully it did, I’m much more comfortable around death because I saw how instantaneous it can be. One second you are alive and emoting and vocalizing, the next second you are stiff and rigid and motionless. The boy was suffering a whole lot but death probably gave him the peace he desired.” Steve replied “Your lucky I got things to do right now otherwise I’d get on you for trying to sound all mature and introspective. I was just calling to check on you and see if you were fine and you seem okay.” I let out a sign “Steve I’m honestly all over the place. It’s like I’m an emotional paradox right now. I feel fear, calm, frustration, tranquility, acceptance, and confusion all at the same time.” The phone went dead just as I said that and I realized…I didn’t charge my phone. I took my phone and put it on the charger and the phone rang and this time it was my Mom. I ignored it, the phone was on 1% and I didn’t feel like being stuck stationary holding onto my phone while it was charging (the chord was going bad so movements caused the charge to go off sometimes) and I had already got out my desire to talk to somebody about what happened. I decided to go to sleep, it had been a long day and certainly it couldn’t get any worse right? In fact I’ve watched enough movies to know you never ask that question so now I’ll just assume it will get worse….at least I won’t be caught off guard when it happens.
  3. The secret is.....the I AM is also a dream, its a continuous dream of existence, and the I am not is the dream of non existence. You can say God is a continuous imagination.
  4. Please don't turn this into PTSD. If you study PTSD, it is entirely based on how you choose to interpret an event, how you hold it in your mind. The reason PTSD is so hard to get rid of is based on how personal that interpretation is. The more fear, the more justification of evil involved, the more of the interpretation of the event being unfair/victimization the more difficult it is to shake off the event. So be careful, PTSD is not an inherent human condition like some illness, it is entirely created. I know I've purposefully experienced and even forcefully put myself in certain situations to test this theory and from my direct experience I was able to overcome intense fear through recontextualization and put things behind me. So be careful with how you are choosing to construct/interpret things.
  5. No matter how spiritual you are, in this dream it takes money to get things done. There are things called bills. Your not going to meditate away your bills. So just because they say they aren't about money, doesn't mean they aren't going to charge money. The time they spend with you not charging you, is time losing money to pay their bills. Its why some Spiritual circles ask for donations, and if they don't get donations they end up having to close up shop. So either you ask for donations and get donations or you charge, it doesn't mean you are about money, if you want something different go climb a mountain and find a yogi and get trained and live in the mountains.
  6. You jail break your mind, by your perception changing, your sense of self/awareness, expands out of your body to include your entire surrounding. To accomplish this you need something to overload the senses, psychedelics, sensory deprivation tank, kundalini yoga, etc. This breaks the dualistic perceptual system you have been indoctrinated into/brainwashed into/ which caused your neurological system to only point/focus on your physical body. When you jail break your mind, your sense of a ME, spills out of your head, it feels like the top of your head opened up and you become aware that reality is a mind, and you can interface with it directly. This proves to you that your thoughts, and emotions are linked to all that is and your human body is just a small part of a larger system and on closer investigation never had control to begin with. You can then start a new investigation into Will, and learn to align your Will with the flow of the natural intelligence you can feel. But you won't feel that flow unless you jailbreak your mind.
  7. A darkness that is so dark, it cannot know it is there. It's so dark anything that exists is faded out from appearing, it engulfs all that is until there is nothing to know, A light so bright it cannot know lack of appearance, a light so bright it includes everything there ever was and will be until there is complete knowing, Then the resolution in the light that it is both all that is appearing, the light, and it is all that isn't the dark. The recognition that this light is so powerful that it exists even when it doesn't appear, The recognition of the dark that it's own lack of appearance is made visible because of the light, So darkness and light both exist and do not exist, and coexist simultaneously, This union is pure love, and the recognition of all possibilities in actuality. The darkest dark is God, is holy, is divine, The lightest light is profane, is mundane, The lightest light is holy and divine, and the darkest dark is profane and mundane. It is all things, but cannot experience unless it forgets, it must put itself a step behind, to generate itself a life. The show is to not know, but to seek to know, and then awaken and realize all is known. To recognize that its being is knowing, and that to have life, knowing must separate from being and create logic. Logic is being is prior to knowing, and starts behind, and thus creates a seeker to become one with being. But if it becomes ONE, there is nothing left, because it becomes the darkest dark where there is nothing, and it becomes the lightest light which is everything, and thus it cannot explore itself as past and future have disappeared. Now there is nothing to gain, and nothing to lose because it is everything and nothing.
  8. The ego is a pattern of expression that is due to an identity. This is a result of Reality being a constant eternal generation, it is always generating/creating itself presently. As such for a bottle to be a bottle it must continually generate that form/pattern for it to be a bottle. A human psyche is a complex web of different forms that must be untangled/cut, for the free ability to express differently. This is what separates humans from other forms of creations like dogs, and cats, is that human can express in a myriad/bunch, of different ways. How you know you are trapped in ego? Like a parrot, or broken answering machine your response is the same. There is no divergence, no depth, no connectivity to what is, just a dry repeated pattern only focused on reiterating its message regardless of the nuance and circumstances surrounding it. An ego that seeks to be ONE, will think this means repeating a singular pattern, and thus will rebuff against/resist the spontaneity, and creativity of all that is as just a mere illusion devoid of meaning and purpose. It takes on the void as an identity, the emptiness as an identity, and thus denounces the fullness, and vibrancy. The ego is a repeater, it is deja vu itself upon close inspection, it must get its singular point, its singular will across while discarding what is around itself. The ego's game is to deny, while the lack of ego accepts. The ego's game is to assume, and project, the lack of ego is to listen, understand, and reflect. The ego is limited, the lack of ego unlimited. The ego is an individual perspective view point that is fixed, the lack of ego is multi-perspectival and is fluid. Use these pointers as signs, and guides to understand where you are expressing from because the ego is very sneaky!
  9. If something real couldn't emerge....then you wouldn't know what real is. Because you KNOW what real is....real exists. Saying everything is real and there is no illusion is EQUAL to saying everything is unreal. That is the point I am communicating. You are lost in meaning and are denying it. Reality is and Illusion and Illusion is reality, Everything is Pure imagination, Everything is Real, are ALL EQUALLY accurate statements. If it weren't so, all of this wouldn't go down the drain if I took a chain saw to you. Your next question needs to be, what does it mean to say something is REAL. What is REAL? If you can answer that, then you have full understanding. God knows what REAL is, it takes an infinite intelligence to know what REAL is, and the present moment is PROOF of that.
  10. You have made meaninglessness into an identity and you don't even know it. It's a phase, we'll see how long it lasts. Also there is a meaning to it. If there wasn't, we wouldn't be able to communicate. Meaninglessness and meaning are the same thing. When you say there is no meaning, THAT is meaning!!! Now to someone who doesn't know English...THAT would be meaninglessness. So you see, you are communicating meaning while calling it meaninglessness and this is just mental game of self-deception. The point of saying things like its an apparent illusion, is to wake a person up to what's going on, not to have their ego attach to it and keep repeating that everything is an illusion with no meaning. When someone asked Tony Parson's if the appearance has no meaning he responded "I never said it doesn't have meaning." I bust out laughing and was like "Tony they are so scared to be deluded that when they realize it's an illusion they will keep repeating it to themselves because they are afraid to fall asleep again. Nobody walks into a movie theater and states "It's all an appearance, it has no meaning whatsoever." No, they enjoy the movie and individually, create their own meaning. There is no difference between meaning and lack of meaning. Construct awareness is the realization that you always create meaning, even...in silence. You cannot escape duality with non duality because non duality....is duality. The only way to escape duality, is to combine non duality WITH duality. Otherwise....you become foolish....or as the non-dualists say "An apparent fool."
  11. Please read your title. And please read what I bolded.
  12. ^^^I apologize that you have to deal with non-dual responses when you talk about a dualistic concept. Apparently non-duals....create an identity against duality with non-duality and then must play non-dual games to defeat duality. Such is the nature of a non-dualist after discovering the nature of the illusory individual I. They go on a torrent rampage to deny all of duality as apparent and thus utterly meaningless, unbeknownst to them, that they create meaning by denouncing meaning. Because meaninglessness is defined by meaning. The Non-Dualists does not realize that all language is part of the appearance, so they are like a picture frame with a picture and a label that says " There is no appearance...appearing in the picture frame."
  13. There is so much fear of alone. The aloneness is obvious. A void is singular. But what can arise in that void is infinite. When I entered the void there was only me, no other. And every account of the void has been the same. I really don't understand all this fear. Calling it a concept is falsity. It is what is true. True unity would be an infinite singular. Singular..is one.
  14. The individual I has zero control. That is the funniest thing you discover.
  15. Does your mind find a way to think of a bunch of what ifs? Does it constantly remind you of your lack of control? Does it constantly create perspectives of how not having absolute control is unfair and how things should go your way because you see things the right way? If this is so, you have a victim mentality mindset. The single biggest cause of mental/emotional suffering is the repeated perspective thinking pattern that expresses/communicates how things have not gone, are not going, and might not go the way they are supposed to go. Here is a saying I made....there are many professions in life, but there is one profession that does not pay and that is professional victimhood. Although I could flip it and say it does pay, but you don't want the currency. It pays in misery and suffering. In fact I don't even know why I said misery and suffering since they are the same thing....we will go with suffering and simplify it. So there you have it. The more you hate not being in control, the more you suffer in life. And that is all that is going on when it comes to suffering. Seek to overcome these perspectives with the realization that you don't actually need to be controlling anything because everything is just going to do what it is. Become a professional at saying "It is, what it is." I have read a ridiculous amount of books gone to seminars, worked on myself my entire life and what I can say is even when you give a human mind the best advice, it will never stop seeking for more advice. The human mind wants every perspective it can handle. It is never satisfied. It is a gluttonous information seeker because it wants the best strategies to gain control. Understand that the burden of being human is you are born with a mind that is a control freak and how much of a control freak you are varies by human to human. At the level you want control is equal to the level of suffering you will be hit with emotionally when a lack of control presents itself. Now the secret is the ego has never controlled anything. The ego is a linguistic pattern of communication which creates an individual identity and it constructs this identity using all data at its disposal. If you were never taught language and taught how to think a specific way (socialization) you would be like a wild animal. The human ego is the only thing that can create mental suffering. Once you awaken to this construct awareness that you are literally creating suffering through constant patterned thinking that *MAKES SENSE* (if it doesn't make sense to you, you wouldn't believe it. Your perspectives have a specific logic, a specific ideology) and you adhere to this sense making like glue. This is why honesty is so important. You can only deconstruct yourself from your narratives with intellectual honesty. You must rid yourself of self-serving individual propaganda you create in your mind and seek to find the most objective viewpoint. How would you find that? The most objective viewpoint would include all subjective viewpoints joined together in a soup of understanding. Each viewpoint would have its say until one solution comes out the winner. Guess what is happening every moment? What do you think Infinite Will is doing? What is really going on? The closer you get to pure objectivity the better you will be at understanding and actually seeing the world as it is, not with the selfish blinders you are currently wearing.
  16. Morality has never been a complicated issue. The complicated issue has been implementing it. If you want a moral code it goes like this. 1. Whichever action maximizes the individual fitness and creative expression for all. 2. This means all of countries resources should be centered around expanding opportunities for all, free training for all levels for all. Free support for all maladies for all. 3. Within every human is an understanding of how things COULD look like if we weren't so selfish but collectively we are. 4. Also there is an age old ethic about whether you should sacrifice the few to save the many, the answer to that is easy. You use available resources to try to salvage/save the few but if you cannot save them you have to sever them. It's not difference than if your leg was detrimental to your body and needed to be cut off for your survival. You try your best to save it but if you can't then you off it. Now the real question would be, when has it become too worse off to save? The difficulty in implementing morality is dealing with the various interest groups which seek to keep their power in spite of how it impacts the whole, and knowing when you cannot save the few who are dangerous to the whole. A true morality would lead with compassion, empathy, forgiveness, but also have the capability to be a stone cold killer if needed and would be decisive and swift in that action. Rare is the person/leader, much less the organization with that type of fortitude. But a true test of morality is your ability to answer ethical dilemmas. So if you want a moral system....create some ethical dilemmas right now and then think up best what is the optimal system. Understand even if you think of the best moral system, it doesn't mean others will be selfless enough to implement it. The most important part of morality, is the developmental level of those implementing it. When it comes to building and optimizing the moral system from the ground up, studying how the systems of our bodies and other bodies of living organisms and emulating them (while adjusting for the emotional bias component absent from these systems) would be a good start. Systems thinking would be at the core of building a moral code. The code would be fluid and lead with principles of first do no or as little harm as possible, focus on support and empowerment and the development of autonomy, and then streamlining of resources and communication while supporting creativity and innovation. With the ability to be cold-hearted in times of emergency when you have to amputate the rotten part. For an outside the box example of systems thinking in action in nature....here is an example. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/brains-are-not-required-when-it-comes-to-thinking-and-solving-problems-simple-cells-can-do-it/
  17. I.....swear....you made this topic before......
  18. Reality is a construct, the universe is a construct. It is constructed of nothingness. So of course a thought is a construct that is what imagination is, it is the power to construct which is the power to build which is the power to create. God is a constant dream. It either dreams itself as a void, or as non apparent, or it dreams up an appearance, all with the power of thought. Where do you think the power of thought comes from? If you could with your mind think the sun out of existence you would literally be using the power of God.
  19. You love to quote Leo. Leo has stated that a chair is a thought, that reality is thoughts. I am not playing with words, I am presenting something to your resistant mind that is playing games. If I ask someone what a memory is they will say a thought. If I ask someone what a dream is they will say it's a thought. If I ask someone what a hallucination is they will says it's a thought. I haven't changed any definition of words you just lack intellectual honesty and are playing games and then accusing me of playing games. I sent that link so you could see Leo explain to Curt that reality is a bunch of thoughts. You don't even understand right now that your human psyche is just an intricate web of thoughts overlaid, the thoughts of reality. You are not looking at a physical world. You are looking at a mind. Everything you see is mental imagery. Everything you experience is mental. Reality is a mental construction. There is no difference between your dreams at night which are thoughts, and what you call real life. That's it. It's simple.
  20. You are lost in concept. Watch the video link to understand. The only difference between your human imagination and God's imagination is state of consciousness. I could hit you over the head with a baseball bat and give you God Consciousness. This is why Reality is a hallucination. A brain injury, psychedelics, prolonged fasting can put you in states where your ability to think up mental imagery spawns entire worlds. You are too much in the ancient classical mystic texts. Human imagination is just a less intense version of God imagination. The day you realize that there is no difference between the mental images of your mom than what you call your mom is the day you will understand.
  21. https://youtu.be/YspFR9JAq3w?si=4b124wJ3OQ6sAXyW