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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. I came here for this quote!! I had issues with the beginning part of what you wrote....was kind of hard to understand....the last part of your writing was better at illustrating your point. But this quote I LOVE!!! Lol!! Great post!!!
  2. I agree with everything except Love is biased....a bias is judgment. But other than that GREAT POST. This post should be studied and used as a reference tool. GREAT POST!!!!
  3. This is just some examples of Love Love is a mirror. The mirror reveals all, it also reflects back the image. When you can look at all that you are, and embrace the reflection of your life then you are embodying unconditional love. Our entire life is a mirror....that reveals how far off we are from the love of God. If something annoys or bothers you.....it means you have not learned to love it. The hardest thing for me to learn to love recently was dysfunction. I see things that are not productive as bad. I've slowly been learning that dysfunction actually doesn't exist, and that only my finite mind thinks it does. Every experience teaches a lesson....if you are open-minded to receive it. For example Laziness teaches what doesn't inspire you, or what fears you have if you pay attention to it. So the more loving you are....the more receptive you are to being able to learn. I also realize that all discrimination is the opposite of love. I will drill into my head....if it exists in this world it serves a purpose...even if I cannot see it. Everything is love...because at God's intelligence level....it makes sense why it is here. Only a selfish- finite perspective will be unable to embrace life.... avoiding the trap of judgment is only a process for me because my current awareness is low. I do not seek tolerance....tolerance is not true love. The embrace of all is love. Love embraces, but love also inspires, love is freedom, love is patience, love is knowing when to speak, love is knowing when to give space, love is never forced, but love is always felt. You can love from a distance, or you can love close and intimately. Whatever you focus on you love, so love is attention. This is why....YOU LOVE YOUR FEARS. One day, you will realize this.
  4. Wow....these response posts are so amazing. Thank you for sharing everyone!!!
  5. Lol I literally was about to say this. The other way is reaching God Consciousness, Christ Consciousness or what is called "samadhi." The truth is this is actually our natural state which was ripped from us when we were "schooled." But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein." Basically if you lose your child-like wonder....you are not enlightened. This ties into, the more child-like you are in your ability to see the newness of things...the wiser you are. The child-like perspective is the most creative....because it is not bogged down with education (which is a forced way of viewing something.) Osho talked about this before: https://www.osho.com/osho-online-library/osho-talks/man-intelligence-unintelligence-1015a7e4-852?p=c99af64f497f93ed45aa1dbab8df8a63 Research says that education kills creativity. You are at your most creative when you are a kid. https://sites.psu.edu/aspsy/2019/03/25/does-our-education-system-kill-creativity/#:~:text=Schools can diminish creativity by,and not a core subject. By the time you hit adulthood you now have to examine every held belief and restructure your beliefs....to become intelligent. I have stated in the past that when you fix one problem...you create a new problem. Technology makes you weaker. If you use a calculator too much your ability to conduct math diminishes. If you drive everywhere and do not force yourself to exercise.....your legs become weaker. As we have improved wireless and internet communications... reports of people being "lonely." Has increased. Think about it....you increase the ability of people to connect....and it DECREASES people's ability to connect. The problem with technology....is it attempts to fix IMAGINARY problems....and as a result creates NEW problems that NEVER existed before.
  6. Couple of things... I barely get to even the first topic of the video and the man is saying that Trump won because of his energy.....I almost bust out laughing. One of the major reasons Trump won has to be with the country he is is and where the cultural mindset of the masses are. Trump ran as a populist, and only people who were not familiar with how he has lived his life failed for his populist rhetoric. One of the major things that he had going for him also was that he was not a career politician as many voters were tired of both parties. It helped him sell his populist line but bringing up that he wasn't a politician. What Corey doesn't realize is, if you put a man like Trump in say England or Japan he wouldn't have won, hell he would have been a laughing stock. Why? Because he doesn't fit within the cultural paradigm of those countries. Before he ran for office Trump was IMMENSELY popular, and many people ignorantly thought he was a successful businessman so his name had become synonymous with success. Even some rappers put him in their rap song as a symbol of financial success. I've even seen relationship sites say things like Trump Confidence to allude to how fearless he is in speaking his mind. So he was admired by various groups long before he ran. But he was also maligned by various other countries. Its hilarious how Corey speaks like many in the U.S. as if the U.S. perspective is universal, its not. It is just one perspective upon many in the world, the U.S. just has the military and economic power to spread, influence and shape the perspectives of other countries often through fear. Anyway I'll stomach and force myself to watch this video.
  7. Well he usually didn't get deeply involved in Politics. That's what I mean, so I'm surprised.
  8. He only lost because of how he handled Covid he was more popular than Biden all the way up to July of the last Election year....that was when he officially lost the election. Right now Biden's popularity has plummeted to below 40% approval recently....so if Trump were to run again he could win. Currently the most popular political candidates at the Moment in order are Obama, Bernie, and Trump THEN Biden. But the Democrats two times in a row conspired to stop Bernie from winning. So if Bernie doesn't run, and obviously Obama can't Trump could win re-election.
  9. Lol Coach Corey made a video like this? This is so out of character for him. I'll definitely check it out interested to see what he says.
  10. Ummm your hands are not absolute truth.....they are made up of Absolute Truth (Consciousness). But the reason they are not absolute truth because your hands have a beginning and an end. They can die. Anything that is Absolute....cannot die. The only thing that is absolute is consciousness because it cannot die. So when Leo says your hands are Absolute truth...he is saying the building block of that hand is Absolute Truth....not the hand itself. So when the hand dies...what the hand was made of....still persists. So anything in the Dream isn't absolute truth....but the building blocks of the dream itself (consciousness) is absolute truth. Absolute = Final, Finished, Infinite. Your hand's TRUE nature is infinite....but that is veiled from you.
  11. You have lived multiple life times and will continue to do so. You will eventually burn through your karma....hell you might end up born enlightened. There is nothing wrong with being attached, it just means there are still things you want to do is all. Enjoy the dream we call life. Eventually it will all get old and you will want to leave. That is how you burn through your karma, you can't force it....it just happens.
  12. I admire every Psychedelic user especially after my one time use of the substance and seeing its effects up close. Interesting you have such a high tolerance.....I'm super sensitive to pretty much any psychedelic. Anyway way to go brave one!!! Salute!!
  13. .....the irony is people don't understand why you don't censor speech. Censoring speech doesn't solve the underlying issue. The reason you want the speech censored is because it makes you uncomfortable. By censoring the speech, you stop the full expression of people with divergent views. The more you suppress something the more pressure it builds until it "pops." We have seen this with alcohol, and obviously with the war on drugs as well. When you try to suppress something....you just make it worse. Its better to let it happen and call it out. Freedom of Speech is one of the greatest accomplishments of mankind...and one of the few I can't believe we actually achieved....and hilariously....we are thinking about doing away with it.
  14. Energy Vampirism is a convoluted (complicated topic) you could in essence call everything energy vampirism, and again .... in truth nothing is ultimately bad as it is just another experience created by us. A good short definition for energy vampirism would be anything that is an attempt to add to a perceived energy deficit within ourselves. So in truth with that as a definition everything we do is technically energy vampirism I mean even the act of eating is basically that. The spiritual path is about you connecting to your divinity so you get your energy from that so you don't have to feed off others, instead you feed off of your higher self. But everything is basically good because it allows us to have experience and grow/improve.
  15. You'd be surprised how many women are into that. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19085605/#:~:text=Results indicated that 62% of,at least once a week.
  16. Totally agree. You don't know how many times I have allowed others to take advantage of my kindness...yet I have never experienced a lack of the essentials in life as a result. I have always had food in my stomach, clothes on my back, and a bed to lay in. So yeah if you are a giving person....you will never really struggle to receive in return. Its very interesting how life works.
  17. Well that's one way of seeing it, if I dropped you in a hostile neighborhood that trait would serve you well. That trait is a survival mechanism, so in an environment where you are surrounded by Stage Red people it would serve you well. But obviously in an environment where its not needed it can be detrimental. So its not bad, its a tool you developed in a survival environment. So as long as you use it as needed you will be fine.
  18. With the truth....I caught myself being judgmental today talking to my friends.. I have many friends that are judgmental and as a result through communication with them I can get caught up in that. But since I know the truth and I am conscious I call myself out whenever I catch myself doing it. Just be honest and never feel guilty for your imperfections. As a finite form you will never be perfect, and that ironically is a form of perfection because it gives you something to do while you are here. You can't grow and develop in your true form...so being imperfect gives you something to improve.
  19. I'm a very serious person as well. I wouldn't say it apathy like others...its just a tendency or habit you picked up. My dad was very strict when I grew up and my desire to reach my parents expectations made me very strict out of habit. So its just a habit is all. I do agree with seriousness being an aspect of bein uptight, so yeah you have to learn to surrender to the present moment and allow whatever energy you pick up or connect with to flow through you. Playfulness is something Sadhguru talks about, it is something that can protect you from taking life and its annoyances so serious. Life is a mind game...so we should definitely play more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-YYpKnRgcQ&list=PLimK6clJHdM2Rf1ZYfYQqAhd2YrNZ_prA&index=2&t=408s
  20. Many people on this forum ask for the benefits of spirituality. Phil Jackson followed the teachings of Zen Buddhism and taught MJ how to still his mind, visualize a desired outcome and allow whatever arises in the moment to be. MJ credits this for how he mastered the game of basketball.
  21. If finding out problems in America gets you depressed....stop searching for problems. I don't know if you realize...every time you solve one problem...you create another problem. Because of the increase in technology...human have become more sedentary...as a result they became fat. As humans built their roads...and highways they became more disconnected from nature...and thus started to feel separate from it and as a result did not care when they harmed it. When you solve one problem you create a new problem.....so stop worrying about problems....they will always be there. Just focus on solutions you know you can implement.
  22. Well I'll tell you this....if you have a kundalini awakening you get to experience your divine self as an other. Its a deeply spiritual relationship which is also deeply sexual but on the spiritual level. I just had an awakening....and it was amazing. So in my awakening my higher self, was communicating to me (it tries to show me visions at night) and since I am currently frightened of seeing visions...it shows them to me unconsciously in the form of dreams. But these dreams are very short because I immediately wake up after seeing them. When it happens I laugh because I realized that since my higher self cannot show me visions because of my fear it used the backdoor of my dreams. Now the interesting thing is every dream shows me situations that are symbolic of my views but shows it from more than one perspective and then instantly I notice the contradictory and hypocritical nature of some of my opinions. Its soo cool. Then the craziest thing...is I experience this energy as both a masculine and feminine energy and it treats me like a female. I am really starting to wonder if my kundalini awakening is all about teaching me the female perspective? Because the energy reveals the feminine within me. It is really crazy how our attachment to our bodies can fool us into thinking that we are male or female when in reality we are both!!! LOL so funny. My kundalini teaches me the female perspective so ingeniously too!!!
  23. I'll say its foundational. If it wasn't for church I wouldn't have found spirituality so I can speak for myself it was a positive...doesn't negate that it needs to change and be more accurate.