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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Everything you said is true....but the problem is most people are not taught this. They want quick easy fixes and this is a quick easy fix. But what they will ultimately realize is everyone wants to feel important and respected. If they "dominate" for too long that person will feel like you don't respect them. They need to realize that a relationship is a dance. It is a push and pull. A back and forth. There is no perfect map for a relationship because that mirrors reality. So what the man has to learn... is how to respond in that moment. Sometimes he can dominant, sometimes he can be unattached, and sometimes he can be attached, and sometimes he can be submissive. Anyone that thinks you need to be ONE way all the time has never had a long term successful relationship. A man has to integrate both the Masculine and Feminine to have a long lasting relationship. Your ability to connect with your feelings, and to honor your emotions will determine how well you can connect with your girlfriend. Your ability to take charge in your life, and to assert and orient yourself toward something will determine how well you can get your girlfriend to follow your lead. But here is the kicker....sometimes you need to be able to follow her lead as well. At the deepest levels, relationships can become a spiritual connection where the two individuals literally become ONE (This can only be accomplished through spiritual practices) where they are able to connect and gain a TRUE understanding of each person's perspective reality. If you can accomplish this.... you will have the most fulfilling relationship.
  2. LOL I hope everyone directs all vagina itching questions to Leo Gura of Actualized.Org
  3. You already are a philosopher. Everyone is a philosopher....they are either good at it or not. How is this the case? Easy, because when you talk to people they are always telling you how "their" life works. So must people THINK they have it all figured out. Sounds like a philosopher to me. A philosopher isn't some great occupation, or official title. It is just someone who contemplates EVERYTHING and I do mean everything. Philosophers also tend to draw parallels between things, write poetry, etc. If you study relationships, then you are philosophizing about relationships. If you study nutrition then you are philosophizing about nutrition. It is just the study of life and you can either do it on the meta level or the relative level. So if you pay attention...you'll notice everybody seems to have their own belief on how reality works. So there ya have it, you are already one. It study any famous philosopher you will notice that the key component behind all the greats....is an insatiable curiosity. So if you are naturally curious about how everything works....you will naturally develop. But if you have a limited curiosity it will develop within that limitation. When we are born we are all naturally on that path as every kid is born asking a million questions. Because these questions help us map our reality. So retain your child-like wonder and you will be a great philosopher. Also avoid getting "educated." That kills your creativity. You can read some material or other works...but instead of accepting them.....question them. A philosopher questions everything, s philosopher pays attention, a philosopher is open-minded, a philosopher experiments, and lastly....the ones we know about share their perspective.
  4. Exactly. But the funny thing reality also unbalances itself as well. So yeah it shifts back and forth between balance and unbalance which allows it to be impermanent and constantly change. Each change is essentially a death and rebirth. This change cycle continues into infinity. There are 7 universal laws observed in this dream. Here they are. https://www.mind-your-reality.com/seven_universal_laws.html
  5. Your only issue is you are being too hard on yourself. Based on this post seems you are doing amazing. Please be more kind to yourself. Be the friend you are to others...to yourself. Don't deny yourself the love you show others.
  6. Bingo!!! I love seeing people who spread the truth!!
  7. I guess you have not heard of the infamous free lunch/dinner hustle. Also some women just want some good conversation/entertainment. Yall can't tell me yall don't know about this? LOL.
  8. Yeah I don't know if I shared this but after my near death experience and psychedelic experiences I actually started to get hallucinations and it was so bad I committed myself for a week. There were people IN THERE that had spiritual gifts!!! It was like a spiritual training ground for me in there. Noow I'm not saying everyone in there is spiritual but yes, there are some spiritual people who are struggling with some spiritual visions etc... and are in there to find some normalcy.
  9. Very well thought out post. Its too bad most people don't notice all he does. We even had a member complaining that he wasn't giving long enough explanations on the forums. I'm like.............
  10. Very astute observation. I'll counter (playing devil's advocate) by educating people on what a cult is....and choosing to act different than the teachings....you could hide the fact their in a cult under their very noses!!!! LOL.
  11. This is the best answer in my humble opinion.
  12. LOL!!!!!!
  13. The reason why psychedelics work the way they do....is they trick the body into thinking you died. So when your body thinks you are dead....it performs certain actions. You obviously need to take a high enough dosage to get the effect. But that is ego death, its literally death but the body stays alive. I was able to confirm this. Its why its rather easy to figure out who is doing the work or not....by what they are experiencing. You can confirm what is true or not by doing the work yourself. This is why everyone needs to realize....these forums should not be a hindrance to you doing the work. Learning to be more loving of yourself and others. Psychedelics are just one of many tools. We should also practice meditation as well.
  14. No there is not an antennae within YOUR reality. But it is there, you are just not aware of it. I didn't think it existed either until I had a NDE, my third eye opened and I felt the antennae. Its there, but now that my consciousness is back to baseline I can no longer feel it and my third eye is closed. But its definitely there. To quote Sadhguru "There are 114 chakras in the body, of which two are outside the physical body. If a dimension beyond your physicality becomes a continuously active process within you, then after some time, these two chakras which are generally dormant, become active. If they become active, then you have an antenna on your head giving you a certain perspective of life!" Now I knew nothing about this antennae and had to look it up afterward. I got into a car accident and my attachment to my body was LOOSE. Basically I was half-way here lol. That's when I noticed I felt something sticking out of the top of my head (I also had a kundalini awakening). Anyway now that my awareness is at base line, and my attachment to my body is secure again...I can no longer feel it. But I KNOW its there. I only way able to learn this stuff was true...by being close to death!!!
  15. You do realize that within this dream, things function a certain way. You are talking about the Meta Level, I am talking about the relative level. On the relative level you need water or you will die. But on the Meta level death does not exist. There is no confusion here, there is only projection from you. You are making a lot of assumptions here. There is an antennae, if you were conscious of this you would know. There are chakras there is a third eye, these are all things I experienced. But on the META level everything is made of nothing I am aware of that, so all distinction as a result is false, but it is also true. By telling me what I am saying is wrong, you are literally placing limits!!! Consciousness has no limits, it is nothing but it is everything. Its a freaking paradox. The moment you say it isn't something you are denying the paradox!!
  16. And I showed you a picture of a search that you can perform yourself. I'm not going to waste my time...proving anything. I've outgrown that. Whether you believe me or not is up to you. I could give you all the evidence in the world and you would still deny it. When you are ready to receive the truth you will, no source can change that and neither can I.
  17. Think of it like this so it makes more sense. We are all collectively creating this reality. Then our brain filters it, and creates a sense of self. Because of your brain....you feel disconnected and separate. This is why meditation, brain injuries, etc... can make you feel ONE. Because you lose your identification with the very thing that makes you feel separate. This is why it is said you construct your own reality, we all are at this moment. But the interesting thing with this design, is that the brain can tune into specific things in the collective consciousness around us and create a personalized experience of reality. Its ingenious when you think of it. So your brain is just a receiver. You actually have an antennae at the top of your head also. When you raise in awareness you can feel it.
  18. Just google it, its not hard to find. Just type NDE brain scan. I mean not to be mean....but we literally have a search engine that can check a ridiculous number of archives in a matter of seconds. If you had looked it up and couldn't find it I could understand. But just typing in NDE brain scan...and it literally pops up. There was more than one by the way. The one that shows up is of a man, I read about one of a woman as well in the past. Like I said its too much freaking evidence. At this point people WANT to ignore the truth. I mean my own mom fell in the hospital one time, went unconscious and SAW THE OTHER SIDE herself....she was like oh I was just hallucinating. I fell out of my chair in disgust lol. People are willfully blind because of their fear.
  19. Yes. Anger is associated like all the other low LOC's with control. It's all about control. It's a subtle emotion that teaches you more about your beliefs about yourself and reality than anything else. For example, as long as you care about reputation you will always succumb to anger in some form. As long as you think some things are bad, again you always succumb to anger in some form. The reason consciousness is associated with all this because our true nature is absolute love, but the further we are not in tune to this the more miserable we will be. It's why I keep saying...we create our own suffering and we are the solution as well. Just have to turn inward. I'll admit there are some things that can make the process easier though.
  20. 1. You haven't done the research, if you take psychedelics you will find out REAL quick that you are not your body. So you cannot die. 2. If you researched Near Death experiences you would find out from that research that you cannot die. There are TONS of stories of people who should be dead but survived. Science has yet to figure out near death experiences since they are supposed to have NO brain activity. They recently were able to scan a person's brain who had a near death and found NO BRAIN activity. Yet this person was able to explain IN DETAIL what happened in the operating room even though they were not conscious in their body. So what does that prove? It proves you are still conscious even WITHOUT brain activity!! The evidence is already there. I discovered there was life after death BEFORE I even joined this group through looking into NDE's. I'm sorry but you haven't researched anything. If you want to find the truth YOU WILL find it. And third I was recently in a BAD car accident and had a NDE myself and saw the other side. The SIDE I saw...was the same you see when you take a psychedelic. So basically....psychedelics DO KILL YOU without killing the body. I feel like it tricks the body into thinking its dead or something. Because my third eye opened and I had a kundalini Awakening. So yeah you haven't done enough research. Finding out you cannot cease to exist is rather easy to discover MUCH easier than God Realization. Then here is the last kicker...."Energy can neither be created nor destroyed." So Science kind of spoiled it.....because God can neither be created or destroyed lol....God is all there ever was.
  21. Raising your baseline level of awareness raises your baseline intuition and can allow you to access any innate spiritual abilities you have a tendency towards. It will also deeper your connection to source. You can even reach a state of samadhi. https://chopra.com/articles/the-3-levels-of-samadhi
  22. Yeah but the irony....is he says Leo says only listen to me right? What does he think his video is saying? He didn't give any detailed logical fallacies or things he thinks is wrong. You could make this video he created.....ON ANYONE. Its just simple saying...you are wrong. I really wish people understood how to critique a video. You critique a video by deconstructing all the points a person makes and then arguing its merits and then arguing its weaknesses. A proper critique video shows BOTH sides of the argument and then explains why what the person stated doesn't hold ground. THAT is how you critique something. But hey....it is entertaining. And a blueprint of what happens when you gain notoriety. Also that first point he made about Leo saying only listen to me is wrong. Leo has been quoted saying believing him is not going to change anything. His videos push you to reach the experience for yourself. So the guy's point is quite easily debunked and proves he didn't watch enough of the content to even make a proper critique which ironically most critics fail to do. You cannot criticize something sufficiently until you understand it.
  23. Parks!!! Go to parks!! I know a lot of guys who have found parks to be a good place. Parks with pets are good as well. Also a lot of fit girls go for a run in those parks so its a chance to meet fit active women and pet loving women as well.
  24. I get it. It feeling wrong to you is definitely a possibility I need to become more tolerant of. One of my weaknesses is being able to deal with those who see things differently. I'm a debater by nature...since I joined Spirituality I have since learned that all debate is ultimately meaningless. Its a game that I enjoy...but once you know the truth....its like...I'm actually wasting my time but....I'm still attached to this. Something I need to work on.