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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. I use to have this problem for certain issues. I have some good news and bad news for you. Here is the good news. It is very unlikely to happen to you. Everybody's life is different. When I was young I thought I was at risk for certain things because of statistics....then I discovered that it was completely false. All comparison is illusion, but hey it can be fun sometimes. Here is the bad news.....whatever you pay attention to you can attract. If you keep thinking one of these things will happen to you...IT WILL. So unless you want that to happen stop paying some much attention to these fears, unless you want to live a self-fulfilling prophecy. By the way I know of two guys this happened to, it use to be one of my fears, not anymore. I've since learned the kind of guys this happens too have certain....past actions they have taken. Its why I said your journey is YOUR JOURNEY. Unless you are doing some of the same things....you are probably good.
  2. Power statements never heard of this before. Its cool. For me I would say my power statement would be "My value and the value of all is from existence. We are valuable because we are here."
  3. Ehhh I wouldn't say flaws... its just another form of expression. Each of our forms of expression has their own limitation. Me and you just have different perspectives so we are going to see things differently. Reminds me of that probe metaphor Leo used in one of his videos in the past. We are just probing from different angles, different perspectives and so we will see different things. God is the ultimate trickster. Depending on our perspective we will see something different.
  4. Hilariously I had the same reaction as you. I saw it and was like...yeah I'm good.
  5. I think you are getting bursts of kundalini. You may be close to a kundalini awakening.
  6. ....... I swear I feel like you guys aren't even trying anymore. Let me ask you some questions. Name some characteristics of the Ego. What is the ego obsessed with?
  7. Lol all of you in this thread are wasting your time. He is not going to accept any answer you guys give him. Notice what he is saying he wants? He wants control. This entire thread is a desire for control. Unless you can give him an answer as to why he doesn't have full control....he won't accept it. I'm only commenting because I know all of you are well meaning and are going to keep trying to explain to him about Love, and selflessness, etc. He has no desire for any of that. He wants to be all-powerful and have complete control. Be glad that Source doesn't think like that at the highest level.
  8. I'm so glad you get it. People don't seem to understand that God is multifaceted. They keep trying to put God in a box. They do not understand what it means to be ABSOLUTE INFINITY. Here is a secret (and it has been said before so this is a reminder) God cannot be spoken, the truth cannot be spoken. Whatever we say God is....isn't it. There hasn't been a language invented that can describe God. Everything we say is just a sign post that points....and then when you look at that direction.....nothing is there lol. So its funny when people try to correct you....they do not realize. You can't correct someone on what God is or isn't. God is everything, and God is nothing. Out of nothing...springs everything. So when two people debate about God.....THEY ARE ARGUING ABOUT NOTHING!!! Its hilarious!!!
  9. Well yes it definitely can when you are giving yourself the same love you give to others. I'm sorry you don't experience a higher quality of consciousness. I can only speak for myself but when I raise my vibration and remain open....let's just say things get interesting.
  10. I actually gave you a ton of practical advice...if you want to be a philosopher the first thing you need to do....is stop looking for a specific answer. At the highest level a philosopher is OPEN. Right now your gaze is focused....so because of that....you interpret things very narrowly. There were a lot of things in my post that actually gave a lot of suggestions....but if you are not open....you will not see. But I'll give you what you want since you want people to give you advice. But understand...with each advice we give you....you are downloading OUR way of thinking within you....a philosopher's greatest contribution is THEIR perspective. So your ability to maintain your own unique perspective will be the key to that. But the answer is VERY simple. Make social media accounts and post insights. If you want to get paid you need eye balls. So every week at least post something profound or interesting on your social media. It doesn't even have to be original thoughts of your own. Just the ability to bring forth a unique perspective of an EXISTING concept can work wonders!!! Philosophy is just a mirror game. You are getting paid to show people different ways of looking at things. Think of a philosopher as a map drawer. You are drawing maps of reality for people to integrate into their own personal realities. After you post every week and gain a decent following. Then you can do live videos, start writing ebooks, make a website, publish a book, maybe do a book tour, arrange meetups and potentially tour as a lecturer. There I game you some ideas.....now...no more complaining...more CONTEMPLATING.
  11. Lol I'm glad you noticed....I appreciate your intelligent insight. I think you are starting to see how my wacky brain works huh?
  12. I agree....but I'd argue that selflessness raises your vibration....which allows you to see and experience reality at a higher vibration. This does raise your baseline awareness level.
  13. Lol thanks I will definitely try!! Maybe turn this into a mirror series.
  14. You: I am raised in a very close knit family. Growing up there was no concept of boundaries in my childhood. I have been through physical, verbal, emotional and mental abuse, the whole package , in my married life. I had a similar issue with my Dad and certain bullies from my childhood so I can relate. Boundaries are important. I struggled with this myself because I had believed that love was sacrifice. It is, but love is also...love of self. You need to be your own best friend first. Your own romantic lover first. So the first question you need to ask yourself if you ever feel any anger, or fear from someone is "Do I feel like I am being attacked?" If so then you have the right to kindly assert your boundary and let the person know how their actions are impacting you. If the person gets defensive and tries to blame you by calling you sensitive.... then give them the same medicine!!!! (LOL I'm joking but I've done it in the past....guilty pleasure) But seriously if they call you sensitive that lets you know two things. THEY ARE SENSITIVE, and are BEING INSENSITIVE TO YOU! So create some space because this is not healthy for either you or them. You: Today, I reach out because I need to understand, move on, and process the consistent feeling of guilt, self-doubt, auto-programming of mind to please family. I am trying very hard to setup boundaries, take care of myself and "focus" on my life. I fail at times and then I pull myself together again. I feel I am stuck at a loop. You are only failing because you feel like you have a duty to others. YOU DON'T!! DUTY is an illusion. Either do something out of love or don't do it at all. Do not allow anyone to guilt you into anything! If you do not believe that action is in alignment with how you wish to express yourself don't do it! You are sovereign!! You are life itself!! You true nature is love, so please provide yourself the love you give to others. You deserve it!! You: All my siblings think I am evil, crook, and many other things... my truth is that I have never borrowed money from anyone of them, have never lived with them in their homes. Non of them have jobs and they are either dependent on their partners or parents. I have been living on my own for 13 years and I have never moved back in with my parents. I also have a child who I took care of myself. How should I deal with my siblings? My parents are diplomatic, they need to keep all their kids happy. I start believing in what they label me as. The only opinion that matters in life at the end of the day is yours. You are the Ultimate Authority in your life and you can either choose to exercise that power or give it away to others. You only believe what they label you because you trust their opinions over that of your own. This means you need to trust yourself more. You need more self-love. Please give yourself the love that you give others. Don't deny the best part of you, from you.
  15. Its called attention. Every being desires it. You already knew this.....lol
  16. I have a question for you for this. I have a question for you. What the hell is a regular person? And correct me if I am wrong....you couldn't be referring to YOU as regular are you?
  17. Yes you got it!!! But the funny thing is...the rabbit hole can go even deeper. The key to this Meta thing is you need to always remember we are discussing infinity. Infinity is a paradox. So everything you just said is true.....but is also not true. I'll explain. Although we are all made out of the same consciousness, we are all sovereign in our own right. We are....but ultimately we will give up our sovereignty and merge back into ONE. So we are soveignty but will give it up or submit. we are all gods playing with our own avatars in this collective dream we created as Godheads and we have a duty to awaken each other to recognise our own sovereignty. We don't have a duty to do anything....we were never in control. Our control is finite in this current avatar form. Our True Self is the one pulling the strings. When you awaken, the reason why you feel you are one is cos you are awakening to your own sovereignty. This is true, and then ultimately you will give that sovereignty away and merge into one. there is infinity number of gods within infinity but ultimately there is one consciousness so again all doors open back to the same room hence solipsism. This is true and reflects what I was saying above....these gods are just compartmentalizations of God. What you all don't realize is Leo's video....is ancient knowledge. Most of us on this forum are just rediscovering Ancient Knowledge.
  18. So there is this Youtuber I like Caleb City. He plays every character in his skits...so essentially in the "world" of his skits EVERYONE is him. But his ability to embody each character is so good....you forget that everything is him!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-mdqtEfUpc Now picture that each character is a separate Caleb with their own "life" if you will. You just solved the Infinity Gods Video. Everything is you....but you with a separate existence. This has been your entire life...the only difference? Well to make it more believable you made sure we all looked different.
  19. Makes sense....and I did almost fall through the floor once.....back when my awareness was high. Its crazy how powerful your mind becomes in your reality when your awareness is high. When your awareness is low your ability to perceive is ridiculously low in comparison.
  20. Everything you said is true....but the problem is most people are not taught this. They want quick easy fixes and this is a quick easy fix. But what they will ultimately realize is everyone wants to feel important and respected. If they "dominate" for too long that person will feel like you don't respect them. They need to realize that a relationship is a dance. It is a push and pull. A back and forth. There is no perfect map for a relationship because that mirrors reality. So what the man has to learn... is how to respond in that moment. Sometimes he can dominant, sometimes he can be unattached, and sometimes he can be attached, and sometimes he can be submissive. Anyone that thinks you need to be ONE way all the time has never had a long term successful relationship. A man has to integrate both the Masculine and Feminine to have a long lasting relationship. Your ability to connect with your feelings, and to honor your emotions will determine how well you can connect with your girlfriend. Your ability to take charge in your life, and to assert and orient yourself toward something will determine how well you can get your girlfriend to follow your lead. But here is the kicker....sometimes you need to be able to follow her lead as well. At the deepest levels, relationships can become a spiritual connection where the two individuals literally become ONE (This can only be accomplished through spiritual practices) where they are able to connect and gain a TRUE understanding of each person's perspective reality. If you can accomplish this.... you will have the most fulfilling relationship.
  21. LOL I hope everyone directs all vagina itching questions to Leo Gura of Actualized.Org
  22. You already are a philosopher. Everyone is a philosopher....they are either good at it or not. How is this the case? Easy, because when you talk to people they are always telling you how "their" life works. So must people THINK they have it all figured out. Sounds like a philosopher to me. A philosopher isn't some great occupation, or official title. It is just someone who contemplates EVERYTHING and I do mean everything. Philosophers also tend to draw parallels between things, write poetry, etc. If you study relationships, then you are philosophizing about relationships. If you study nutrition then you are philosophizing about nutrition. It is just the study of life and you can either do it on the meta level or the relative level. So if you pay attention...you'll notice everybody seems to have their own belief on how reality works. So there ya have it, you are already one. It study any famous philosopher you will notice that the key component behind all the greats....is an insatiable curiosity. So if you are naturally curious about how everything works....you will naturally develop. But if you have a limited curiosity it will develop within that limitation. When we are born we are all naturally on that path as every kid is born asking a million questions. Because these questions help us map our reality. So retain your child-like wonder and you will be a great philosopher. Also avoid getting "educated." That kills your creativity. You can read some material or other works...but instead of accepting them.....question them. A philosopher questions everything, s philosopher pays attention, a philosopher is open-minded, a philosopher experiments, and lastly....the ones we know about share their perspective.
  23. Exactly. But the funny thing reality also unbalances itself as well. So yeah it shifts back and forth between balance and unbalance which allows it to be impermanent and constantly change. Each change is essentially a death and rebirth. This change cycle continues into infinity. There are 7 universal laws observed in this dream. Here they are. https://www.mind-your-reality.com/seven_universal_laws.html
  24. Your only issue is you are being too hard on yourself. Based on this post seems you are doing amazing. Please be more kind to yourself. Be the friend you are to others...to yourself. Don't deny yourself the love you show others.