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Everything posted by Razard86
Very well said. When it comes to the concept of the Dark Triad I tend to disagree with that concept. Mostly because I have never met a Narcissists that didn't engage in power games. I never understood the distinction of Machiavellianism, all a Narcissist cares about is their survival and the elevation of their self image via outside sources. Machiavellianism is essentially that. So it never made sense to me about the distinction. Even more if you read the Prince which was written by Machiavelli if was more a collection of teachings about using certain tactics of the more unscrupulous around us when in a power game. It wasn't a teaching to go full self-absorption, but more a teaching to adopt the strategies in politics that helped you keep the most selfish of us from obtaining and maintaining political power. The Dark Triad completely distorts his opinion as if Machiavelli was some evil genius by naming the desire to manipulate to gain power as his name sake. I'm sure he would roll around in his grave on that one. Also Psychopathy is more associated with impaired cognitive function. Essentially the part of the brain that is supposed to chemically bring forth feelings of love and empathy is basically short circuited or impaired. Whereas Narcissism and its close cousin Sociopathy are related to environmental experiential factors. Also I would argue that sociological environment of the United States, especially now in this social media generation creates narcissists. I believe there are narcissists who are formed from impaired arrested development in childhood, and those who have adopted belief systems that make them lower level on the spectrum functioning Narcissists.
They fear it, if you don't believe me....deconstruct every one of their arguments when they attempt to gaslight. If you do a good enough job they will flee you, or try to harm you to make it stop. They have to construct an alternate reality because of their fear. In truth all humans fear themselves, its why the shadow exists and why taking accoutability is so hard. It forces you to see your flaws, part of maturing is being able to accept all parts of yourself. Narcissist are the most judgmental humans, the problem is they cannot live up to their own standards. Since they fail to live up to their own standards they must face their own judgment and thus they flee. The irony is even though they gaslight and do all these things...you cannot run from yourself. So they still feel the shame. The punishment for acting selfish in life, is YOU. Its why you shouldn't judge others, because then you must face your own judgment. Narcissists live in an internal hell and every single action they take reveals it. We can actually use them as way to see how close or far we are from our own narcissistic tendencies. Here is some proof of their fear: Narcissists are very paranoid. They always feel like someone is scheming or up to something. It actually makes sense when you understand how identity works in psychology.
Here Dr. Sam Vaknin's treatment of NPD he developed. He has had success with them. https://www.omicsonline.org/proceedings/cold-therapy-for-narcissistic-personality-disorder-and-depression-98445.html
Narcissists are a good opportunity for spiritual development. But I would still caution your exposure to them. Let's just say My Ex took some actions that almost contributed to my demise and showed little remorse. So they can be dangerous, I'd recommend limiting exposure. Love at a distance.
A long time ago I use to deconstruct trolls to there face....lol it turned them into stalkers. So you can win in that you can unmask them...but well you become their target after that lol. What I learned is the greatest fear humanity has is its own reflection. The further you are from your true nature as love the more likely you will be afraid of your reflection. Obviously I don't do that anymore but it was very enlightening. Made me want to look at my reflection even more.
"I am a highly sensitive person, and that surely contributes to my anxiety. These anxious patterns may have originated from my early childhood, but I’m not sure. It could just be my sensitivity, I don’t know. I do know I am hyper critical of myself and how I come off while I come up with words to say; I know my shame plays a role in this." My Response: Its this, until you change your opinion of yourself you will keep having these issues. You see your self as less than, and others as somehow more powerful. Your sensitivity may also allow you to feel the energy of others and you allow that energy to influence or destabilize your own. Meditation would be good for you, to teach you to center and calm yourself. But to deal with your own personal opinions of yourself that is something you will have to work on daily. You can do affirmations, journaling, seek therapy if you think that can help. But the truth is you have control of how you feel about yourself at any moment. You just have convinced yourself you don't. Its called learned helplessness. The biggest issue most people have is co-dependency and learned helplessness. This is all stems from you not recognizing yourself as the ultimate authority in your reality. You are the ultimate authority, You are it, the whole shebang, the alpha and omega, the superstar of your own story. You aren't less than, and your value is NOT determined by anything outside of you. Remind yourself of this everyday no matter what happens because its true. Your value comes from one thing...existence itself. You are valuable because you are here right now in this present moment. Accept that as ABSOLUTE TRUTH and do not let anyone convince you otherwise. If it wasn't true you wouldn't be here right now reading this. I'm just reminding you of something you already know to be true. The whole test in life is can you recognize this truth and use it to fuel your day to day actions, or allow others to convince you of the opposite and make you believe a lie. The choice is yours....because you have complete authority to this experience we call life.
Umm its called advice. I can tell you to make your own decision and then call out your logical reasoning and why I think your thinking is wrong. Its still up to you to make your own decision. There is no hypocrisy there you are grasping. But hey....you can still do you regardless of what I think. Its called sharing your thoughts, which is what me and you are doing right now. Or are you telling Leo to not think for himself by disagreeing with what he is doing...you know the same thing Leo just did?
Great!!! Glad you considered it!!! Hope it all works out for you!! Hope you stay safe and blessed!!
This! That's how I was able to not demonize them. My Ex stole from me and cheated on me more than once, but I was able to sympathize because whenever you call her out for what she did....she would get a Deer in headlight look and her body would literally shake. My dad whenever you called him out for emotionally abusing my mother....he would just shut down. People don't realize how messed up they are. If you wanted to torture them you could strap them to a chair and force them to watch all the pain they cause. They would literally try to gas light repeatedly. You force them to watch it long enough they would cry out in pain. Their number one fear is being honest with themselves about their actions. I mean they REALLY FEAR IT. Nothing frightens them more. Its why they gaslight, to save themselves from their own reflection. Its funny the legend says Narcissus fell in love with his reflection. But in truth they can't stand their own reflection.
Razard86 replied to Kalki Avatar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
They are legit. Only people who never experienced them think they are fake. Read this guy's story. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/passion/201712/synchronicities-sure-sign-youre-the-right-path It impacted my life as well. It let me know I was on the spiritual path and woke me up. I started seeing my birthday. Then the number 218 everywhere. My birthday is 12/18 so 218 is like a shortened version lol. But yeah its basically a wake up call to turn inward. It wants you to make a change by going after what you really want. Think of it as a call to adventure ala Joseph Campbell. -
How's the weather in Canada?
I was with you till you said my dick gets bitten off....why Leo...why would you write that....I immediately pictured it!!!!
Everything you said was true....but he isn't ready yet. It sucks I know when you see someone dealing with a feeling you have felt before and you want to help but they are not ready to receive it. But you are right but sometimes...people don't want to leave their suffering...I've learned that for some people they are addicted to that feeling. It is what it is.
Razard86 replied to Galyna's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Love this!! So much wisdom!! I can see that you see the infinite mirror!! Its funny how this all works!! Love this!! -
The funny thing is...results of studies of toddlers show this. Female babies tend to be more interested in faces, and male babies tend to be more interested in things.
Its also nepotism as well. 99.9% percent of the world runs on nepotism. Also no it isn't necessary for a peaceful world but it is the default setting of the world lol. 99.9% of the world is going to look out for themselves, their family, and their friends over strangers and adversaries. If you think that is peaceful....then I don't know what to tell you.
Its why I keep saying life is a mirror. I learned about the mirror concept from an ancient Eastern proverb and when I started applying it it WOKE ME THE HELL UP. The irony is in science they discovered that we have what is called "mirror" neurons. Much of human psychology reveals that we like to mimic. Babies do it, toddlers do it, and even as adults we do it. This is why there are fads. But the concept goes deep....its the deepest concept I have ever found. The mirror concept makes almost all logic relative with only a few Truths being absolute. Its my favorite concept because it shows the folly of all perspectives. We can only see one perspective at a time. So we need to learn to broaden our perspective otherwise...our ability to experience life and learn becomes limited. Its not easy...but its the only path towards self-acceptance. Selfishness= narcissism Love of self selflessness= martydom Love of self These are spectrums. You go too far in either direction and that is what happens. The irony is both are expressions of self love, its just the definition of what is self is different. The martyr sees the self as all. The Narcissist sees the self as themselves. That is the only difference. Someone asked Sadhguru what is the greatest evil. He replied "Limited identity." Whatever you view as yourself you will defend and protect. Whatever you view as "other" you will fight and resist. We live in a world that is constantly trying to create more divisions. After awhile it starts to feel natural and normal. So then we normalize conflict and demonization of anything we don't identify as. Once you realize this you can transcend it. Transcend it doesn't mean you won't engage in it, you just won't take it seriously. Because you realize it for what it is....just a game. Its basically a game of tag. We can call it demon tag if we want.
1. Saying no you don't understand is not an argument you are not even making any points. Seriously. There is not a single Narcissist who doesn't suffer shame, or guilt. The fact that you think there are shows you do not understand how human psychology works. You do not understand the underlying themes and motivations that push individual and collective human behavior. If you did you would know why Narcissists do what they do. How much have you studied the topic? What are the common causes associated with people who have this issue? These are all questions you do not have. Why? Because it is MUCH EASIER TO DEMONIZE SOMETHING THAT HARMS YOU WHICH IS A NARSISSISTIC TRAIT. A non narcissistic trait is an attempt to understand what causes something. If the world world took your approach to narcissism with every other personality disorder then the mental health field wouldn't exist. But no, because your individual pain is so important you deny the existence of the pain of narcissist. You refuse to understand them, and you demonize them. All you have shown on this forum is that when you talk about Narcissists you become one when discussing them. This is why I said they are parasitic. If you do not have a strong foundation, a narcissist will turn you into one. So yeah you can continue the snide comments, but all you are doing is revealing the Narcissist inside of you. So continue to be self-righteous and demonize them, you are only displaying the same behavior they do. Which is exactly what they want.
I dealt with a Narcissist my whole life. My Dad was one and the last relationship I was with one. Its not think...I know. You don't understand what Narcissism is based on your responses. All Narcissism is just egoism. So with that in mind we all have narcissism within us. Its a spectrum. Any psychologist would tell you that. So...if you demonize somebody for having something in you that makes you just as guilty as them. Leo did a whole video on this. A tell tell sign of a Demon, is one who demonizes others. Sam Vaknim said that you if demonize a Narcissist then you are one. Who does the ego do? Says I am good, but they are bad. What do Narcissists do? They take no responsibility for their actions, but love telling others they need to take responsibility for their actions. Narcissists are self-righteous, Narcissists avoid accountability, Narcissists love to put others down to feel good about themselves. Now explain to me how a person who operates like this IS NOT SUFFERING? You really have no clue how they work. Narcissists are hypocrites to the extreme. Do you even know what projection is? My gosh there would be too much to educate you on right. Just understand that nobody suffers more than Narcissists because they hate their reflection.
You see what you want to see. Here is something you don't know, if you demonize a narcissist what does that make you? Sam Vaknim even said that. He said a clue that you are a narcissist is if you demonize them. I don't know if you realize, but narcissists turn others into them. They are parasitical. If you are not careful you will start to think like them. To demonize a narcissist is to become them.
Yes they see everyone as an extension of themselves which is why they have no boundaries. How do you not understand that? You see it is all how you look at it. You see everyone as an extension of yourself, but you also simultaneously see the person as separate and sovereign. A Narcissist sees NO SEPERATION. They literally BELIEVE YOU ARE REQUIRED TO SERVE THEM. Because you ARE THEM. If you listen to reports of narcissist psychological reports they have feelings of an infinite void of nothingness. Sound familiar? They feel those they connect with are them, they don't feel like they have an identity, they feel an infinite void of nothingness. Notice all those things I just said. What do they sound like?
Yes Narcissist suffer the most. They also have the strongest attachment to ego than anyone else. Its funny, how an underdeveloped ego has a stronger attachment than a normal one. But that is just how Narcissism works.
Razard86 replied to TheOneReborn's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
True Spirituality demonizes nothing. And explain to me how it is a trick? How is it a trick to tell you that you aren't separate? I could give loads of examples without using Spirituality. For example you think your lungs are your lungs...they aren't plants are your lungs. If I destroy every plant on the planet you will suffocate. I just showed how you are not separate, and any sense of separation is illusion and I did it on the relative level. I didn't even have to go Meta. -
I don't know.....I think PETA would be strongly against that one!!
I love this response!! So tongue in cheek!!!! So funny!!!