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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. I'm so glad you found him using coffee tables again!!! He can't help it!! Coffee table fetish!! I know his coffee table is like SHHH stop telling everybody our bizness!!
  2. Bingo!! You got it!!! That is why we argue so much in life. Different lens or filter. Now there is a state you can get to where you can connect to the infinite and feel the state of no difference. Problem is the moment you try to communicate those revelations, it will be filtered through your lens. It is what it is.
  3. Truth is the scariest thing there is. If you really wanted it, you would have it. The way this game called reality works...when you put out an intention it comes to you. Go meditate, take a psychedelic and contemplate on the true nature of absolute truth you will DEFINITELY FIND IT. Absolute truth is absolute acceptance of everything. Rape, murder, genocide, torture. Absolute truth is that all of the horrible tragedies that ever existed YOU DID IT! Absolute truth is you are a sadist, a murderer, a serial killer, but you were also the Saint, Jesus, Buddha. You are both the darkness and the light. It was all you. Can you accept that? When a horrible tragedy you seen happen around you and you get frustrated and feel sorry for them can you accept that YOU are the one doing it to them? Can you enter a bad trip and get tortured by your own fears, enter hell, and accept the punishment and judgment you have decided to give yourself and accept it lovingly? Absolute truth isn't sunshine. Its Brutal!!! And only an infinite loving, formless being can truly accept it all with a loving embrace.
  4. Watch all 3 when you get a chance and give your opinion. I'm not an engineer so my opinion wouldn't be from an informed perspective that understands how to integrate structure and force, integrity, etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaPMEjaV3EM
  5. Glad you like it. When you reach your true self you can see without eyes, hear without ears, feel without a physical body, and you feel huge and expansive. Not limited as you do in this human form. The irony is the closer you get to death also....the more you realize that you aren't in the body, the body is in YOU!!! LOL that throws you REAL OFF.
  6. There is no need to awaken or get enlightened. There is no need to do anything. Everyone at the end of the day has there own journey. Based on their individual journey what is important to them will come up. While I have a bias in favor of awakening I have come to realize that a person has to be prepared to go in that direction. Prepared= a strong desire to pursue that as a goal. Otherwise let them burn through desires with other goals. Eventually every individual that is supposed to awaken will.
  7. Infinity cannot be explained, because it is paradoxical. It is a contradiction. Its why I have been saying to people on the forum that reality is a mirror, and it is a paradox. When you say there are two Leos you are creating finitude. You have created two separate infinities....which makes them finite. The paradox of Infinity of Gods, is a dream, within a dream, within a dream, within a dream. Quantum Mechanics talks about superposition two things existing at the same time. But we all know all separation is illusion. So if it is an illusion then it is a dream. But how reality- real is created is through dream. So Infinity of Gods exist but it exists within a dream. Which basically says there are infinite dreams. Infinity dreams all interconnected which ultimately lead back to one source.
  8. You are correct, nobody lacks discipline. The lack of discipline is a myth. Every human action is in alignment with their beliefs. The only reason discipline is hard is the human is attempting to act outside of their beliefs and therefore there is resistance. Whenever a human's actions are completely in alignment with their beliefs then there is no resistance. For example when you face a fear, there is resistance. What is the resistance? The fear. You believe something is more powerful than you are and as a result you fear it. To face the fear you have to overcome your resistance. So the reason a fat person might stop working out might be fear of physical pain. That pain could be mild discomfort, or outright pain from exercise. Whatever the issue, until they can overcome that fear, that fear will be an obstacle. It took me many years to learn this truth. But it is very simple to figure out actually and it makes me laugh how I didn't see it. Look at your life, certain things you are VERY DISCIPLINED IN. Nobody has to pressure you to do it, or motivate you to do it. You just do it. Notice there is no resistance between you and that thing. Now compare that thing to the other things and you will notice you have a thought, an emotion that creates resistance. So you are correct. But hey your friend will learn this truth on their own time.
  9. You know a poster on this forum made an interesting point that I will share. Part of getting rid of that is just interacting with other people, especially ones you don't know. When we don't interact with others as much, we can become more introverted (especially if that is your usual nature) and start becoming too judgmental of ourselves. The best thing to do is to practice loving yourself internally. There is a book you can check out called "WHAT TO SAY WHEN YOU TALK TO YOURSELF by Dr. Shad Helmstetter. I think it can help. We need to learn to be good friends with ourselves. Learn to en-courage yourself en= place inside, courage= strength to face fears. So when you speak kindly and highly of yourself you are giving yourself courage. Do it daily, you deserve it.
  10. When it comes to relationships you are just dealing with the light and shadow of yourself in another expressed to different degrees. This is a known psychological concept and is talked about by Carl Jung when he discusses things like human archetypes, the animus and anima, and the collective unconscious. For the purposes of this model I won't discuss any of that but you are definitely welcome to Google those terms if you want to further dissect and study these concepts. I want my model to be simple, I want it to be something you can tailor in your own life, I want it to be something that instead of telling you what to do, gets you to decide for yourself. YOU ARE THE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY OF YOUR LIFE, YOU ARE WORTHY OF LOVE, BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE. Ok let's get started. There are two types of love. The love that is centered towards the self (please don't bring any no-self comments in here for the purposes of this model I'm trying to make it simple for those who may not be as Spiritually advanced) and the love that is centered around others. BOTH FORMS OF LOVE ARE EQUALLY VALID AND MUST BE BALANCED. So how do you construct a healthy model of a relationship? Here are some things to consider. What are some fair expectations you have of yourself in a relationship? Is it fair to ask something of someone that you are not willing to do? When expectations are not met how forgiving or judgmental are you? Is it fair to be harsher on someone than you are with yourself? How patient are you? Are you able to be okay with someone having a different perspective, vision, and habits than you? The most important one....are you able to see things from another perspective? Are you able to clearly see how your actions might harm or help another? But not only see it, but accept that they were your actions? Ok so after we answer those questions now we can construct our model. I will first treat myself with expectations that push me, but will show myself patience, kindness and understanding when I fall short. I will seek to first understand the motivation behind my actions by getting in touch with my emotions and feelings to discover what lies within. I will always remember that I am worthy of love. I will first treat my relationship with others with expectations that push us. I will be patient , kind, and understanding of my partner when they fall short of expectations In a conflict I will first seek to understand their perspective BEFORE I communicate my own I will always remember that my partner is worthy of love Now it sounds like everything is good so far but let's discuss some pitfalls shall we. DO NOT PERFORM ANY ACTION IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP OUT OF DUTY. If you do it will be you "keeping score." This is why when some couples get into arguments they start talking about the List. That list is so famous, the I've done this and that for you list. When you do something out of love, its done without the expectation of getting something in return. Now let's talk about expectation. Expectations are important because they are the foundation the relationships are based on but you must NOT hold too tightly to them. The only expectation that should be held tightly is your worthiness of love and respect. NEVER TOLERATE A RELATIONSHIP FULL OF DISRESPECT AND ABUSE. If you wouldn't do it to yourself or others, then you are not required to receive that behavior. Now this is for the guys....since its mostly a guy problem when dealing with women. Learn to stop being so logical, to stop being in your head constantly analyzing. Learn to drop all thought, and connect with your emotions. Learn to be in the moment. Meditation practices can certainly help with this. Now understand that when someone is in a relationship with you, they are joining you in experiencing life. Part of life is impermanence. Life is dynamic, it is ever changing. You must accept both the change within you and your partner. But also....introduce change into your relationship with your woman. Learn to be dynamic like life. Don't maintain routine all the time switch it up!! Now this is for the women. Just because a guy is confident around you doesn't mean he is a confident guy. You need to see how he is in other areas. In my social circle I see a lot of women falling for immature guys who display confidence around them but are insecure in other aspects of life. Also do not put up with a guy if you believe he is trying to control you. Leadership and control are two different things. A leader inspires and encourages you to follow them, they don't try to control you. And lastly understand that men are both biologically and socially trained to repress their emotions, and lead more towards analysis. Most men have limited emotional intelligence and it takes patience in getting him to learn to connect with your emotions. Communication is very important, you need to communicate to make sure that you and your partner are on the same page as your lives start to become more entwined. The problem is men and women communicate differently in general and as a result struggle to connect emotionally and psychologically. Both need to be aware of this dynamic and work to bridge the gap. The number one rule of every relationship is this. "You are NOT responsible for your partner's happiness." The number two rule is this. "You are responsible for not ADDING to their misery." You cannot USE your partner to fix your lack of happiness. If you want to be in a relationship because you are "lonely." Then you will be "lonely" in a relationship. The only difference is you will be able to blame your partner for something that you are doing to yourself. This is self-delusion. Your partner cannot change what feelings you have inside, all they can do is amplify. So your partner can INCREASE your happiness, or they can DECREASE it. But they cannot generate those feelings within you. You are the generator. How to balance the relationship. Your relationship with another is a balancing act between "Me" Time and "We" Time. Both individuals need to take time apart every now and then to pursue what is important to them. Remember a healthy relationship is between WHOLE people. If not...they will take out the part they lack on you and blame you for their incomplete feeling. If you have any questions....please send them here.
  11. Watch this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHtvGj-8ObA&t=80s
  12. Illusion and Reality are the same. If all there is, is infinity, then all separation is illusion. As a result the denial of the ego as unreal or illusion is itself a limit. The ego is both real, and unreal. One of the things you come to realize is that Life and Death are the same, and Illusion and Reality are the Same. So the Ego is real, it is also unreal. Its all perspective. If the Ego was truly an illusion, once you saw it for the illusion it was its effects could not influence you. Within your direct experience this is not the case. Without an Ego, you cannot even have a finite experience. All an ego or self is, is awareness that feels finite. Essentially the ego does not feel the interconnectedness that is its being. By focusing on its being through meditation or raising awareness it can feel its infinite nature and drop its limited experience. But unless you can maintain that state consistently what is called Samadhi you will go back to a feeling of separateness. So its both illusion or real depending on your perspective. This is what it means when there are relative truths and absolute truth. In the Absolute Truth the ego is illusionary, but on the relative truth level the ego is definitely real. Without an ego, you could not experience the feeling of finitude. This is why in all my posts I keep likening reality to a mirror. It is all about perspective.
  13. Its not a knock against you lol its just McDonald's is always picked and me and my friend were laughing at that fact. We were like imagine you create a business and when people always create an example of a dead end job they use your business. We started laughing at it.
  14. No problem. But are you sure you are afraid to share your feelings? You have been doing it on this forum no problem. Are you sure its not fear of sharing your feelings when interacting with a live person? Or perhaps in an intimate close relationship such as a friendship or romantic partner? The key to finding answers is to ask questions. What do you think it is?
  15. No you haven't you have spent your whole time telling everybody they are wrong. You have closed your mind, true contemplation is to question everything you know to be true. Watch this video. Follow the exercise. If you cannot get it after this video then you are not serious enough about this work.
  16. You don't understand Leo's Infinity of God's video. Your POV can be accessed, if you give permission. That is what he means by sovereign it cannot be forced. An analogy I have for you is your organs are ultimately one. But let's say all of a sudden your arm doesn't take communication from your brain, now your arm cannot move. Think of it like that. We are all connected, if me and you did DMT right now, we could potentially access each other's POV. There are people who had NDE's and were able to access everybody they interacted with POV. So its possible. Me and your baseline awareness would hide this. But on a psychedelic or if we were both close to death we could experience that connection. So we can be separate but we can also be one. Its a relationship, of ONE that can be experienced separately. That is what Infinity of Gods means.
  17. I like this post, agree with everything....but....I feel for McDonald's doomed to be the poster child of a company you don't want to work for. Imagine making a business and whenever people want to say you will work ld'a dead end job they use your company as an example. Lol. Its funny how McDonald's got that designation.
  18. I disagree, its done consciously, if it wasn't they wouldn't be posting on here. What the issue is, is avoidance. The only reason mushrooms or other psychedelics work is they FORCE you if you allow them to, to face your fears. When you face your fears bravely you find out it was all an illusion. I'm not saying this to not show compassion either. How I have always been able to overcome any of these issues, was just diving head deep. The fear feels real, as real as your hand or foot, but when you face it you realize it was never as bad as you thought.
  19. Well there is nothing new under the sun. Pretty much whatever we discuss has been discussed before, we just bring a different perspective to it.
  20. Very well said. When it comes to the concept of the Dark Triad I tend to disagree with that concept. Mostly because I have never met a Narcissists that didn't engage in power games. I never understood the distinction of Machiavellianism, all a Narcissist cares about is their survival and the elevation of their self image via outside sources. Machiavellianism is essentially that. So it never made sense to me about the distinction. Even more if you read the Prince which was written by Machiavelli if was more a collection of teachings about using certain tactics of the more unscrupulous around us when in a power game. It wasn't a teaching to go full self-absorption, but more a teaching to adopt the strategies in politics that helped you keep the most selfish of us from obtaining and maintaining political power. The Dark Triad completely distorts his opinion as if Machiavelli was some evil genius by naming the desire to manipulate to gain power as his name sake. I'm sure he would roll around in his grave on that one. Also Psychopathy is more associated with impaired cognitive function. Essentially the part of the brain that is supposed to chemically bring forth feelings of love and empathy is basically short circuited or impaired. Whereas Narcissism and its close cousin Sociopathy are related to environmental experiential factors. Also I would argue that sociological environment of the United States, especially now in this social media generation creates narcissists. I believe there are narcissists who are formed from impaired arrested development in childhood, and those who have adopted belief systems that make them lower level on the spectrum functioning Narcissists.
  21. They fear it, if you don't believe me....deconstruct every one of their arguments when they attempt to gaslight. If you do a good enough job they will flee you, or try to harm you to make it stop. They have to construct an alternate reality because of their fear. In truth all humans fear themselves, its why the shadow exists and why taking accoutability is so hard. It forces you to see your flaws, part of maturing is being able to accept all parts of yourself. Narcissist are the most judgmental humans, the problem is they cannot live up to their own standards. Since they fail to live up to their own standards they must face their own judgment and thus they flee. The irony is even though they gaslight and do all these things...you cannot run from yourself. So they still feel the shame. The punishment for acting selfish in life, is YOU. Its why you shouldn't judge others, because then you must face your own judgment. Narcissists live in an internal hell and every single action they take reveals it. We can actually use them as way to see how close or far we are from our own narcissistic tendencies. Here is some proof of their fear: Narcissists are very paranoid. They always feel like someone is scheming or up to something. It actually makes sense when you understand how identity works in psychology.
  22. Here Dr. Sam Vaknin's treatment of NPD he developed. He has had success with them. https://www.omicsonline.org/proceedings/cold-therapy-for-narcissistic-personality-disorder-and-depression-98445.html
  23. Narcissists are a good opportunity for spiritual development. But I would still caution your exposure to them. Let's just say My Ex took some actions that almost contributed to my demise and showed little remorse. So they can be dangerous, I'd recommend limiting exposure. Love at a distance.
  24. A long time ago I use to deconstruct trolls to there face....lol it turned them into stalkers. So you can win in that you can unmask them...but well you become their target after that lol. What I learned is the greatest fear humanity has is its own reflection. The further you are from your true nature as love the more likely you will be afraid of your reflection. Obviously I don't do that anymore but it was very enlightening. Made me want to look at my reflection even more.