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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Why aren't you sold on solipsism?
  2. Lol what I think Leo does.
  3. Here is an article about it. https://www.russh.com/the-deep-end-hulu-teal-swan/ I was never a fan of her but I am going to keep an open mind because anybody can make anyone appear to be anything with the right editing. So I'll keep an open mind. Besides even if she ends up being one, I know she has still been able to help some people. I don't watch her, but I don't believe she is some evil person like people are making her out to be.
  4. Sadhguru had a profound quote that I will share which will be the theme behind the relationship between Love and Knowledge. "You are either a Mystic or you're a mistake." This is related to one of Leo's older videos that is called why all criticism is untenable. Knowledge is based on the ability to perceive. Every source of stimulus reception, interpretation, and integration is filtered through your biases. Your ability to perceive is directly related to your ability to love. The more loving you are the less projections you will have and so your ability to not only receive stimulus, but also interpret it from different angles will increase. The more judgmental, and critical you are the less able you are to see and thus you limit your knowledge. So what is projection? Projection is using memory, to form conclusions on what you are experiencing. Projection is rooted in fear, and we are usually walking around projecting our memory and thus not able to see or experience clearly what we are experiencing. This is why they say the key to knowledge and wisdom is saying "I don't know." It is why the ancient gurus say your cup needs to be "empty." Memory is not intelligence, it is just stored data. Logic uses data to map the world. But a map is static, and what it is mapping is alive, dynamic, every changing. If you hold onto the map too tightly...you will get lost. The map is just a guide, it is not the territory. This is where intuition comes in. Intuition is your ability to connect with all that is. You can only receive it....by dropping the blockages of your fear and trauma, and becoming empty. When you have no strong attachment to memory you symbolize the union of death and rebirth, when death and rebirth become one, you become undefined, unlimited, you become INFINITY your true self.
  5. Fasting is the best way to loosen attachment to the body. But if you are talking learning how to loosen tension psychedelics can be an option. Your tension in your body is caused by repressed emotions, which is just stored energy. Facing fears, traumas, heals you and releases that energy. Fasting and meditation is a more mild approach than the brute force option of the psychedelic.
  6. You said: Some of this is true but it is important to distinguish between primitivism and pre-history. Many ancient and non-Western cultures also practised monogamy: Hindu India, Traditional China and even ancient Egypt largely practised monogamy (of course the realities of sexuality are always more complex and some people within these groups practiced polygamy). Be careful with the words you use, you said some of this was true....which parts are the sum. Humanity started as hunter-gatherers. Tribes were formed through marriage. As a result if an individual obtained a lot of money, then they would get many wives. But what many feminist teachers won't tell you, is that there were two Matriarchal Tribes in Africa where the women were in power and had many husbands and right now in the present day Africa there currently exists a Matriarchal Tribe. I believe they still practice polyamory as well. Now you are using judgmental words calling something primitive. What makes something primitive? I could call bread primitive, prayer primitive, meditation primitive. So explain what makes something primitive? If you say age, then you are not realizing that the foundation of all that we have is built on the old. Notice how as history moves....the new eventually seeks out the old. If that were not true, then why are so many rich celebrities seeking out retreats to engage in ancient traditions. If you pay attention Modern Society is crying out for help and as a result they are going back and researching how ancient people lived because in their eyes 'This ain't it." The people doing this are rich, wealthy, and famous. They have reached the highest heights of the Materialistic, Capitalism's totem pole and are not satisfied. The new will seek the old, the old will seek the new. There is no separation and both are needed. Your logical mind creates this divide through your preferences and stops you from seeing the truth. You said: Some might find it offensive but polygamy generally goes along with a primitive mentality: worship of the totem, pantheistic naturalism, a cult of the body and of matter, paths towards transcendence which are hysterical and Dionysian - often involving the rhythmic convulsions of dance, sex or ritualistic drug use - a feminine spirituality emphasizing the Earth and the Mother, and so on. Polygamous promiscuity can be witnessed even in the West, particularly today given the neo-primitivism of modern Western man. Polyamory isn't promiscuity. Promiscuity is irresponsible sexual behavior and usually under deceptive terms. Also Monogamy has not worked sufficiently if you study divorce rates, and the amount of cheating that has gone on. What you don't understand is it takes a greater form of love to build a polyamorous society. Monogamy is a more selfish form of love and it actually creates more conflict. It is harder to share something you love, it is also harder to trust what you love with others. If you were to enter into a polyamorous society that has figured out how to make it work, those people would be more giving than those in a monogamous society. In fact if you study history the most violent groups were those who practiced monogamy. So explain to me which is the primitive one if you want to use that word. The more loving and accepting society, or the more selfish and violent one? Forgive me for pointing out that your argument here is very narrowly Stage Green, appealing to the wisdom of the primitives as opposed to the domination and oppression of the modern West. This too is a bias. Also, Stage Green should remember that polyandry (a woman having multiple husbands) was much, much rarer than polygyny (a man having multiple wives). Of course, though, you might be right that the traditional monogamous family has exhausted it’s utility. You bring up Spiral Dynamics and you have no clue how it operates. You sitting here talking about Stage Green? Listen closely so I can help you understand....based on Spiral Dynamics....polyamory is going to return. You are talking about bias? I literally told you I have a preference for monogamy. So who is the biased one? The one who prefers monogamy but can see the value in polyamory? Or the one who demonizes it and likens it to what they call primitive culture? You are stuck deep in dogma that predates your birth and you don't even realize it. Again if you were paying attention to how human history works you would realize that polyamory is going to return because it takes a higher expression of love to both create a polyamory society and maintain it. You think it primitive because you are selfish and have fears. Monogamy is the desire to possess someone. True love allows someone the freedom to come and go as they please. It allows them to act and accept them as they are. You don't even realize how silly it sounds to demonize polyamory. Couple of reasons. 1. All distinctions of family, friends etc. is just delusion. You cannot claim to come from the same ONE source and claim only one is your family. ALL is your family. This is so obvious it make no sense to try to argue otherwise. That means all those distinctions are delusion!! Even if you don't believe in all that and believe in evolution. All life would STILL COME from the same source and thus....its connected. You cannot escape this connection. 2. So if everybody comes from the same source and is family, then why should you care if your lover sleeps with another lover. They are your family. Now if you both agreed NOT to do that, then it is different. But why would you want to limit your partner's desire to express their love? You want to limit it because you are selfish. This selfishness has been normalized so much that you defend it. But when you look at it from the Meta perspective...its laughable, its childish. 3. A polyamorous group would be greater connected, because they have all bonded with each other at the highest level. A group like this can actually achieve collective telepathy. You see you don't even understand the true purpose of sex. Sex is the union of not just body, but your entire being. High Conscious people have the best sex. They LITERALLY BECOME ONE. So picture a group of highly spiritual people who have done this, they will have the highest union. This actually USE to be case for those "primitive" groups you refer to. They got conquered and killed off to small numbers by those oh so advanced selfish, killing, monogamists you refer to. Those same monogamists who lie, cheat, still, kill, suffer from mental illness, and then kill themselves. Issues that those primitive societies you refer to, barely had.
  7. You literally have not explained how monogamy is wiser. You just said if you want to be in a specific relationship it is wiser. I said explain, not state your belief. Notice, you cannot explain to me why it is wiser. That means it is not your belief but something you took on. A belief is only yours when you can explain why you believe in it. I already stated that entire cultures functioned and they even prospered on polyamory. The only reason monogamy is more common now is because many European cultures have conquered the World and forced their values on to the world. I can make many arguments as to why polyamory is actually a more inclusive form of love and thus more representative of unconditional love than monogamy even though I too have a preference for monogamy. When you only hold views that fit your preferences and are unable to see the value another perspective has then you will be limited and live a limited experience. I see many people come on here and try to talk Spirituality and then literally speak the same things they are told. You have claimed in the past that I parrot (which many on this forum no I don't do). A parrot cannot put things in their own words, a parrot cannot explain their position. So again I ask....why is monogamy better than polyamory. By the way...all hierarchy is delusion but go ahead and explain why it is better and watch me show how none of those points are true.
  8. If you haven't figured out yet...this world is an ego game. So why wouldn't being the biggest ego get you all the world desires? All the religions have already talked about your current question. Its why Jesus said its easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. The pursuit of acquisition conflicts with Spirituality. Spirituality is about learning to release the desire for control, Materialism is all about the desire to gain control. If you want to be a Devil go be a Devil. There are pros and cons. You will find out the cons after you do it. You can't die, you are an infinite being so if you want to experience what it is like then do it. If you try to fake being a loving spiritual person you will just be a devil anyway, just not a very effective devil. If you want to be a devil to get results, then do it all the way. Its your life.
  9. All the best, share how it goes later on!!
  10. I'm glad you realize it. America and many other modern cultures create mental illness. Then they keep you on the drugs for life. Outside of structural damage/disorders in the brain its all a result of cultural programming.
  11. Everything is relationship. All of existence is a relationship. Explain how it is more wise to have a monogamous relationship over a polyamorous one.
  12. That's just a bias you have. The oldest relationships between men and women was actually polyamorous. It actually takes more effort and love to maintain a polyamorous relationship. In Africa alone entire civilizations were built off these relationships. Monogamy is primarily a Euro-centric relationship style. Since majority of the Modern World has been influenced heavily by European culture monogamy has been normalized and poly demonized.
  13. Yeah I found there are 3 normal paths to God realization. They are near death experiences, Psychedelics, or Meditations. The exceptions to this are random dreams, or visions some people get hit with out of the blue that take them there as well.
  14. For me his 3 best videos is What is the Devil? The Mechanics of Evil I love it because I contemplate on this everyday....literally everyday and it keeps me honest. The second video for me.... is I believe these two videos go hand in hand. And lastly....the one I am currently watching.... I feel like if you JUST WATCH these 3 videos....you have gotten the whole purpose of Spirituality. Obviously there is more you can learn but I believe these 3 videos alone...give you the foundation necessary. But hey what do you all think?
  15. Yes this is definitely one of his best videos. Maybe he should do a follow up video. Titled: How your life is a movie.
  16. Yeah one of my weaknesses is I miss when people make jokes...my sense of humor is underdeveloped lol. I agree thanks for stopping my derail my own thread lol.
  17. I agree completely. I'm glad I have the privilege to communicate with someone who really understands what they are talking about. You are correct if there is any agitation, some degree of unhappiness, compulsion, fear, anger, desire to prove something, need for evaluation, it is because of some sort of trauma. No lie there!! Great point!! I totally forgot about that so thanks for the reminder!!! I can honestly say I don't usually have any degree of unhappiness. But I do get agitation when people complain and feel sorry for themselves and beat themselves down. I also fear the divine as I have experienced Ego death and it was....unpleasant lol. I can handle it...but don't like the way it feels lol. So yeah I definitely have some more work to do thanks for the reminder!! Also at one point I was able to see visions...without psychedelics and that scared the crap out of me which made it hard to sleep which made it worse lol.
  18. You are correct that as long as you are at the mercy of the experiences then you are still in the illusion. And with the examples you gave sure, if you are not in your default formless state. I been researching people who had Near Death Experiences and they say our true form is an infinite light. They did say they all merged with an infinite singularity of light. So I would say that infinity you refer to would be the one state you are not in illusion. But the point I'm saying is creation is dream. Its only an illusion because in comparison to the creator (God) its merely an illusion. But when you enter your creation as we have....its real. The point of calling it illusion is to wake you up. When God dreams those dreams are real. Its only illusion because its a dream but since it is a dream conjured up by an infinite all powerful being...its real. You see its paradoxical. I'm trying to get people to stop ignoring the paradox. You know how funny a guy looks going on this forum talking about its all illusion, then when he gets off he is worried about paying his bills or some other nonsense lol. Its better for him to say yes on the Meta level is all illusion but in the present moment right now its real to me.
  19. Are you married with this level of a partner? Also have you been paying attention at all to current events? Birth rates are at an all time low. The divide between men and women post the invention of social media has pushed men and women apart. It is literally a global issue. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-korea-elderly-death/south-koreans-face-lonely-deaths-as-confucian-traditions-fade-idUSBRE90K05A20130121 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kodokushi#:~:text=Kodokushi (孤独死) or lonely,and Japan's increasingly elderly population. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/hong-kong-women-rather-die-094022451.html This divide is happening all over the world. The modernization of humanity has dynamically changed the way men and women interact in relationships substantially and as a result has made co-habitation and other factors an issue. So yeah its gotten worse not better. Birth rates are down, marriage rates are down, and a lot more lonely people lol.
  20. Masculine and Feminine have extremes. When Masculininity is extreme it is violent, suppressive, controlling, territorial. Femininity when it is extreme it is chaotic, unorganized, random, etc. The issue a lot of men have is women try to deny this aspect. You love bringing up the extreme aspects of the masculine but avoid the extreme aspects of the feminine. Chaos is necessary for growth and improvement. In some interpretations chaos meant undefined, or potential. It is the impermanence principle. It is why women are more open-minded, are more expressive, and why spirituality is so closely linked to the feminine. The desire to expand is a feminine desire. Its the creative aspect, the desire to not be bounded by conformity. Taken to its extreme it is chaotic, and counterproductive. When balanced with the Masculine you have creation. Newness, ingenuity.
  21. Disclaimer: Also don't take any of this the wrong way. I can tell that you are very intelligent. I'm merely trying to push you to use that intelligence to better communicate your point. I'm a debater and deconstructionist by nature. I can tear apart most arguments because I have an ability to see multiple perspectives in an argument. So think of this as me pushing you to do so as well. An appeal to authority? If you wrote a story and told me the theme of the story was blah blah blah. Then someone I had a discussion with disagreed with me that the theme of the story was blah blah.....it wouldn't just be an appeal to authority it would literally be what the story was built upon. Now unless the argument could be substantially made that the author of said story FAILED to sufficiently write a story that upheld that theme then it wouldn't even be an issue. Calling it an appeal to authority as if that is all there is, is a copout. Come up with an actual argument don't just use labeling tactics. Yes it is an appeal to an authority when you discuss the work someone made you will bring up their viewpoints considering its there work. Me quoting you in a response to reply to you IS AN APPEAL TO AUTHORITY. I must discuss YOU if I am going to have a discussion about something you have created. You are creating a viewpoint so I must appeal to what you have created to discuss it!! Seriously....what is going on here? Make a point, stop running in circles. Also don't take any of this the wrong way. I can tell that you are very intelligent. I'm merely trying to push you to use that intelligence to better communicate your point. I'm a debater and deconstructionist by nature. I can tear apart most arguments because I have an ability to see multiple perspectives in an argument. So think of this as me pushing you to do so as well.
  22. And I'm pointing to you that you are engaging in delusion. If someone is chopping you up, you would drop all of that. I really am starting to wonder about you all on this forum. You would state all this nonsense and then when someone is chopping you up you drop it so dang fast. But I'll help you with a clue. Reality and Illusion are the same thing. If the illusion wasn't real then I would chop you up and you would feel nothing. You are in a dream, but the dream is very real. God creates reality through dreams. It is foolish to say its illusion unless you have reached a state in which the dream cannot influence or impact you. The whole point of calling it illusion is the pointer to help someone awaken. But that is all it is, a pointer. The dream is still very real in your direct experience. Only when you reach certain levels of consciousness can you transcend reality and see it for the illusion that it is. But unless you are in that state...that illusion will be very real for you.