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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. One of the things I was shown a couple of weeks ago was that our mind was infinite. I find a lot of times we like to place limitations on ourselves and claim our mind is finite. This is not true....currently right now your mind is infinite, its just the aspects of your mind that are beyond the finite are outside of your awareness. There are experiences you can have that will reveal the boundless nature of your mind. But the issue I have is, why is it so difficult to access and utilize this aspect within ourselves. Its one of the things that eludes me. Our mind is infinite yet for some reason in our normal direct experience it feels finite. If you go through a kundalini awakening for example the infinite nature of your mind is revealed to you. It is done rather forcefully as well, you get to see how boundless your mind really is, and I am not saying its exactly comfortable either it is kind of roughly revealed to you how much your mind can be stretched past the limits you impose on it....and how deep the rabbit hole of your mind can actually go. Its one of the most jaw-dropping, creepy, and awe-inspiring moments you will ever come across. Think of your mind being penetrated twisted and turned upside down and inside out from every angle and vantage point imaginable. While this is happening you are constantly being shown images of various emotional expressions. Might even see some animation or scenes along with still images of both beauty and horror. It was certainly something unlike anything I ever experienced. But yeah your mind is infinite, anyone telling you its finite is mistaken.
  2. You are correct, but its a whole rabbit hole, got to guide them carefully.
  3. While I don't agree with U.S.'s spending on weapons packaging as you mentioned the U.S. is doing that to limit Russia's global influence. The U.S. does not want Russia to ever become a Super Power again so they will constantly play this chess game with them to limit and even reduce their economic and military prowess. It is what it is. America enjoys its economic power through these games they play in their foreign affairs. Foreign Affairs to them are the true Domestic Affairs lol
  4. You should Leo it will help you but its true. I'll give you some examples. Democrats right now appeal to the educated class. People have done whole articles about when this shift happened. They use to appeal to the everyday man but they have become narcissistic themselves in regards to how they deal with the professional and highly educated class. As a result most of their perspectives and communications cannot reach the everyday blue collar worker because they have cut themselves off from the source. If you read the article I gave you, you would see they actually sabotaged their best candidate Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders had a higher approval rating than any other Democrat outside of Barack Obama. But the media, and the Democratic Establishment got together to stop him from winning. So yeah the Democrats are in their own way. They are sabotaging themselves, I could go even further in depth even more, could write a whole book on how they feed the same system as the Republicans and just the lesser of two evils. The best chance is hopefully this new generation of Democrats. Hopefully they will push to dismantle this corrupt corporation led system. I like multiparty system the Countries in Europe have, I do not believe this two party system is good enough, and don't get me started on the Electoral College.
  5. You don't know Eckhart Tolle, you have no idea how much healing he had to go through. You need to study human psychology. Your mind can trick you into thinking you are healed and with the right trigger that trauma can come out. Also there are some theories about why some people heal faster that goes beyond conventional wisdom. It goes into the whole past lives theories etc. So they would only be the exception based on those theories because they completed in their past lives. Most trauma happens in early development when your ability to cope and manage stress is underdeveloped. That memory is then stored from that vantage point, the vantage point of the age it happened to you. It is not some simple process to just undue that, and even worse that trauma like I mentioned before can be HIDDEN from you and you aren't even aware it exists. So Leo isn't wrong, healing takes time. Its why they say time heals all wounds, it does. Besides....you never even defined what long and short in regards to healing speed is in your perspective. You can't make a claim or an assertion without explaining the terms of what you are asserting. Otherwise its just some vague notion you threw out there. Anyway welcome to the forums!!!
  6. I've had the knowledge for awhile but this illustration of this concept came as I was talking to my friend. My whole life when I talk to my friend who is a good listener, God would just start sending me ephanies. Then miraculously I was like, I'm gonna share this with some people so I started to write it...and it just came to me. I truly realize all copyright and trademark is delusion. I couldn't recreate something like this if I tried. They call it flow, when you can just connect with your divine self and things just come to you. I've been studying intuition recently because its the key for all of us to reach our true expression. We were meant to be creators here.
  7. A lie by definition is an intention to deceive. You cannot lie by accident, that is just ignorance. Ignorance and a lie are not the same. So no the non-narcissist intends to tell lies. If I ask you a question and you gave me the wrong answer but you thought it was right, that was not a lie just ignorance. All lies are intentional. Lies are motivated by fear. A lie is an attempt to control a situation due to fear. Fear of embarrassment, fear of losing something, fear of not getting something, fear of etc..... Its quite simple really.
  8. Oh my gosh I am sooooo happy you didn't try it!! Fentanyl is VERY DANGEROUS!!!
  9. You did not look this up, there is literally a video by Leo that is entitled Why Brains Do Not Exist. If you just go to youtube and type in Leo Gura Brain you would get the video where he explains it........ this reveals you are not serious about self-inqury. Because you are not even motivated enough to find a video entitled "Why Brains Do Not Exist."
  10. You care about your friends greatly. You are deluding yourself. If you did not care about your friends their opinions couldn't effect you and we wouldn't be having this conversation. If a stranger says something to you, its less likely to bother you because you don't know them. But the more you connect with someone the more ability they have to influence your feelings. When you connect with someone you give them some access to your heart, the closer they get in intimacy they closer they are to your heart. The person you love the most can hurt you the most, by cursing you out, betraying you, or dying. So yes you care about them, otherwise their opinions wouldn't matter. The only time you care about a stranger's opinion, is when your opinion of yourself gets so low, you let everyone's comments influence you. But even that is just delusion, the only reason that was even possible is because you already felt like that. Because the opinion you care the most about....is yourself, and you are not very kind to yourself. Be more kind to yourself.
  11. I get his point, he is basically saying life has the same theme. Basically when you look at life its all a game. He is likening it to a survival game. So because he is using that lens he can liken everything to survival. I can't argue that the modern world and premodern world pretty much mirror themselves in this aspect. I also cannot say in a sense that he is wrong. But the reason the self-love lens works the best is because it is backed by the foundation of source. Looking at life from a survival lens is how an ego would look at it. If you look at it from a self-love perspective you wouldn't see it like that. Its just another way to look at it. I'm starting to see the futility of even disagreeing with people now a days lol because everything is just a perspective. I do believe the Self- Love perspective is the highest perspective because it is the perspective of Infinity but I also realize....that infinity would embrace all perspectives as all the possible expressions of itself. Think of each perspective like a child, it claims all its children. No matter how wayward they are lol.
  12. You care a lot too, that's why you are complaining on this forum. So what is the problem here?
  13. They say sometimes the greatest wisdom is found in one simplicity. I will explain to you how all criticism is untenable. You criticize and judge life, every human is guilty of this. Life, and everything in it is made by an infinite intelligence. If an infinite intelligence can't avoid your criticism please explain to me how you even think your qualified to understand if your criticism is even valid? Again...you criticize infinite intelligence. Also one more thing....you criticize yourself. So then, what makes you qualified to give criticism when you can't even meet your own standards? You make this too easy you know. So every human is a hypocrite, but you think your criticism is valid. LOL.
  14. I have to disagree with you Leo. I studied politics for the past 15 years and it goes much deeper. First of all its a farce the Democrats are not even remotely that much different than the Republicans. The current system is too full of money in politics. The party is so corrupt they joined together in the last election to keep Bernie Sanders from winning. Read this article. https://theweek.com/articles/907608/bernie-sanders-didnt-lose-because-ideas-unpopular Is the Republicans more extreme yes? But the Democrats are not far behind. They are bought out by too many corporations. What is even worse is a lot of the Democrats first became Politicians because they wanted to help people. You should hear some of the things a Young Joe Biden said, they are completely different than what he says now. Biden considers himself a realist. So he just plays the game how it is played, he allowed politics to corrupt him instead of challenging the status quo. The Democratic Party is deeply flawed and it is why they are going to have HUGE LOSSES SOON. Its not the Republicans holding us back, its the Democrats. The Democrats need to move so far from the Republicans that they become an actual distinct party. The first step would be to drop their corporate donors.
  15. Your entire paragraph is both true and untrue. Why? Because you can always find something to criticize. Even the most unbiased attempted critique has bias. Because bias is a preference which is borne of a perspective. There is a saying "You could always have done more." This statement is both true and untrue because in one respect, there are things you may have missed, but in other respects hindsight is twenty/twenty and you actually did your best and whatever you missed because you had the same limitations as a human we all have which is lack of certain information that maybe critical at the time. That information in intelligence circles is known as a Black Swan. So you see how this goes? You can always criticize but what you criticize you yourself would have the same limitation. So how can you criticize someone for having the same limitation? I'll tell you this, I can play devil's advocate for ANYONE and construct any argument because at the end of the day an argument is just a perspective....just like my post and yours.
  16. Its already happened, men in society don't even attend college. https://hechingerreport.org/an-unnoticed-result-of-the-decline-of-men-in-college-its-harder-for-women-to-get-in/
  17. Yep its the message of the divine!!!
  18. 1. You got a lot of emotion.....what is triggering you. 2. Anything can be argued to be a cult depending on how you look at it. 3. When you talk about ex-members you clearly haven't worked with people. When you work with groups of people, especially people who follow you many of these people have psychological or mental disorders. They will do things and then for some attention BLAME YOU FOR THEM. Hell if you sell stuff on EBAY long enough, a person will give you a 1 star rating for a package taking too long and you aren't responsible for that, its the Post Office. I've worked in jobs where you have to deal with large groups of people and when you bring large groups of people together they act like children. Its called the HERD mentality and its why riots start. Unless you have first hand information its all just speculation. AGAIN I don't watch her content so I have no dog in this fight.
  19. No offense.....but that sounds like quantity to me. The ego is under an arrested development, it never full formed. So that is a degree, a degree of development. Now how that degree expresses itself, is its quality. So....yeah its degree. You cannot escape this you can call it the law of degrees if you want. Everything is on a spectrum, that spectrum is the very essence of creation and diversity. So yeah its degree.
  20. THIS THIS AND SO THIS!!! I was so mad when I found this out!! I was like...it just like scratching an itch!!! But I did find out that spiritual sex is worth it though. So yeah regular physical sex is nothing special, you can probably get better pleasure from masturbation. But spiritual sex? That is something totally different.
  21. ....I shouldn't be ok with her? Ummm so what I should judge her? Not doing that. "Judge not lest ye be judge. By what measure you mete is shall be meted onto you." You need to stop judging her and stop judging yourself. Why torture yourself? Also a cult is literally subjective. I could call this website right now a cult if I wanted. I could eGasily make a strong argument for it too. I don't know if you all realize why it is so easy to fool humanity. Because any side can be argued if you are creative enough. Its part of the power of the media. Someone could follow you around with a camera and craft a narrative that makes you a deplorable loser or an awe-inspiring unsung hero. Go back and look at the video that Leo made about relative truth and absolute truth. Logic and memory has limits. Notice them.
  22. Its semantics, to improve is to create. When you grow you are creating. What is creation? To add something there that wasn't there initially. What is improvement, change. What is creation? Change. Its semantics.
  23. This belief that the Kundalini energy is somehow dangerous has been overblown. I recently had a kundalini awakening and while it is certainly intense and can be painful depending on how many blockages you have it is no where near as scary as they make it seem. I will say you do have to go through the Dark Night of the Soul but its no different than what Psychedelics teach you. The theme is the same, can you relinquish control and trust the God within you. Can you face your deepest fear of annihilation and trust that you will be fine. I'm not saying its easy, but once you realize you are God....what is there to fear? It can be painful, but with the understanding that you are an infinite being that cannot be annihilated...again...what is there to fear? Trust your higher self and you will be fine.