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Everything posted by Razard86
I love how men really underestimate how intuitive women are. I'll let you in on a little secret....women like to pretend they don't know. She might have already intuited you are one, and is waiting to see if you are going to tell her. But if that doesn't happen....she will figure out when you have sex with her. So she is going to figure out anyway. The truth will set you free. Lies are bondage. For every lie you tell, you need to tell another lie to cover it. And it goes on into infinity.
No problem I can give you access to some of the deepest perspectives on the game. Before I found spirituality that's where I was spending my time. Trying to crack that nut, solve that puzzle. I understand both sides, the woman's and the man's. The irony is Relationships are actually the highest form of spiritual development you can do. Because every person you meet is going to trigger your shadow aspects. A week of interaction with a broad variety of people can teach you more about yourself than a year of meditation. As long as you are conscious (self aware) of what you are doing, thinking, and feeling in these interactions the hidden aspects of yourself will be revealed. Very Illuminating. Also great chances for us to love those shadows when they appear and potentially grow.
This is pretty much true of everybody. Its one of the most famous traps we can fall into. Good intentions, but distracts from healing meant for yourself. Something I need to work on personally myself.
She's going to find out. It didn't make it awkward for me because she didn't believe me lol. Because I was so honest it made her trust me more. Actually ended up making us more intimate because I was so honest with her. But hey to each their own.
Having game....means understanding the game, and playing it better. So having game means you are good at playing games. I refuse to play lol, but I understand the game very well. Also click on the link, its good stuff.
That is called a lie of omission. Its still a lie.
You can certainly do that if you want, but then you cannot complain about lies, or other games your partner may play on you. Be the partner you desire, or suffer the partner you are lol.
My friend has a deep saying which I think can answer your question. "At the beginning of the relationship people play games, and at the end of the relationship people play games." Here is a dating guru who explains this concept very well. https://www.themodernman.com/blog/the-5-stages-of-a-relationship.html
I studied the dating game for 2 years. I know a friend who is a player, I communicate with one of the best dating gurus, I talked to women and men about their experiences (interviewed people), read thousands of articles, watched thousands of videos, and went out there myself through personal experience. So when it comes the relationship game especially between men and women I see it clearly. I know the best books a man can read to give him the right perspective about the game. I know the best book for a woman to read to give her the right perspective about the game. The game is simple but deep. But here is the kicker, all regular relationships pale in comparison to spirituality. If two highly conscious people get together their relationship will be deeper than any regular relationship. So you shouldn't even seek regular relationships with people who aren't into raising consciousness. But you can if you want....it just won't be at the same level.
1. You are a player. Players do not have long term relationships. They jump from girl to girl. The rules to being a player, are different to the rules of having a long term relationship. Just like the rules to being a pimp are different than the rules to being a player. A player engages in ego games, which is why he is so alluring. Women by nature are drawn to players especially in the ego centric playing field of the modern dating game. I am friends with players so I know the game as I have seen it firsthand. I write a book on it if I wanted too. What players don't tell you. Players play mind games on women. So guess what happens? She plays mind games back on you. Players see women as disposable, so guess how the women see you? As disposable. The player game is a short term strategy, so you constantly have to jump from relationship and relationship. What also isn't taught is eventually every player turns in his player card because the game gets old.
She will find out when they have sex. You know a lot of guys told me this nonsense and I told the girl I was a virgin. Guess who was still able to have sex with her multiple times after that? ME
You see what you want to see. Being afraid of losing someone is being co-dependent. As a result you will try to manipulate them to keep them. All controlling behavior stems from feelings of wanting to be in control. If a man is afraid to lose his women he will lie, threaten, and engage in power plays to keep her. If he is okay whether she stays or goes, he will tell her what his standards are and allow her to either agree or disagree. Its called choice. But again you see what you want to see.
1. Lying will beget more lying. You are basically giving him permission to kill his relationship. 2. Unless she is a virgin she will know how a man with experience has sex. Men who have sexual experience take charge. They pick the woman up, they use different positions, they know how to really intensify the sexual situation and DOMINATE the woman. A virgin is going to be nervous, and even if he is confident he won't command the same presence as someone with experience. She will pick this up. Most women are empaths, which means she will pick up on ANY emotional disturbances he has. ANY. Nervousness, second-guessing will ALL be picked up. If he lies to her during intimacy and she finds out he lied to her about sex she can take it MULTIPLE WAYS. Why didn't he trust her? Is he afraid or full of shame? etc. etc. Having the balls to tell the truth will always set up apart as a man.
Lol..... I needed a good smile. Hey she is going to find out anyway. He might be able to wing it if she isn't a virgin, but if she is a virgin she is going to find out. But yes....we are all the same as coffee tables ultimately lol.
That is just your projection. If you read what I write I want both parties to listen. Point to one part where I actually said that. You won't find it. If you notice all my posts are about personal responsibility. Taking ownership of your thoughts, and emotions. But you are welcome to try to find what you claim I have done.
Sex is a social construct. Its why I hate the way the word gender is used. Because its just another word to describe the same thing that is claimed to be different. Sex is a social construct. If you argue this, then you don't know what a social construct is. I'll give you a clue....language is a social construct. It was "constructed." To aid in socialization.
Razard86 replied to Godishere's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
LOL you already know the answer.....and he does too. -
The answer really is as much as you are capable of. I will also say the cool thing is each aspect influences the other. The better in shape you are from weightlifting the more confidence you can have and the more options you will have from women. So one can make the other aspect easier. Education can also help in that as well. Meditation has the biggest influence out of all the things you lifted because it teaches you how to calm the mind. Since majority of suffering is caused by this, you can dramatically improve basically every other aspect with meditation. So yeah just pick a path and go all the way!! Rooting for you!!
I'm going to add on to my previous post. Do people in this forum want healthy relationships or not? If you do, stop looking for ways to control outcomes in a relationship. Tell a person you are with what are some things you want and some things you don't want. A relationship is a negotiation. If you do not communicate the relationship will end. If you try to control your partner the relationship will end. If you are co-dependent the relationship will end. If you think of yourself over your partner the relationship will end. If you have poor boundaries the relationship will end. As a man if you take things personal when your woman loses her cool, the relationship will end. As a woman if you don't learn to consider your man's perspective your relationship will end. A relationship is about two lives coming together. Here is what you men and women are getting wrong. So I'll help. THE MASCULINE DOES NOT UNDERSTAND THE FEMININE AND THE FEMININE DOES NOT UNDERSTAND THE MASCULINE. So what does that mean? For a woman to get close to a man, she must learn to understand the masculine inside her. For a man to get close to his woman he must understand the feminine within him. All relationships between men and women is just them having relationships with the polar opposite of their energy expression. When a man can respect his emotions and feelings he can respect his woman's emotions and feelings. When a woman can respect her logic and rationale then she can respect her man's logic and rationale. That's it. Its that simple. Watch this video also. It can help wrap your mind around what I am talking about also.
This is hilarious!! I am going to tell you a secret about women. Most women have dealt with men who have lied their entire life. Women never forget an honest man. NEVER EVER. Do you hear me? 99.9% of men lie to women. So one you won't be forgotten, you will have set yourself apart. 2. Women are attracted to Masculinity. What does this mean? Your value comes from you!!! Stop wondering what she may think of you if you do this or that! A man who is authentically himself regardless of what others think is the sexiest man to a woman. 3. Trying to control whether a woman likes you or not is needy, and neediness turns women off. A man who is comfortable in his own skin is what women want. A woman wants to be desired by her man, but not NEEDED by her man. She wants her man to value himself and not NEED her to provide the value he desires in himself. So how do you accomplish this? TWO WAYS. Be comfortable being alone. Be okay losing her. If you are afraid to lose your women, YOU WILL LOSE HER. Now I was in the EXACT SAME SITUATION as you. I kept my virginity all the way into my 30's. Then I lost my virginity with a HOT GIRL lol. I told her I was a virgin, she THOUGHT I WAS LYING!!! It turned her off that I had no experience, but with boldness I got her to want to give me a try. It turned out terrible as I had no experience, and she was impatient. LOL but because of my honesty I got a lot more tries afterward. Also here is another reason you don't lie to her....because she will find out. A virgin is not going to be a superstar with sex, you are a virgin!!! LOL she is going to find out anyway. So be honest!! Besides if you start lying to her you will HAVE NO REASON TO GET MAD IF SHE LIES TO YOU!! Honesty is the best policy.
Absolutely all karma is one!!! We are all in this together no matter how many times I make Leo want to vomit in his own mouth!!! And I'm not gonna let him live that comment down lol.
Lol I love your perspective. Stop making me feel all these good feelings!! LOL In all seriousness though...who is Ralston? Never heard of him.
I can barely force myself to finish the first episode. Its on Hulu for free if you want to watch it. I'll force myself to finish it reluctantly but its long. What I do know, is dealing with groups of mentally unstable people as an individual is tough. Because each person is living out the their trauma in the present moment either at the same time or sporadically and as one person that is a lot of fearful people lashing out. If you are NOT strong at enforcing boundaries, or have some unresolved traumas yourself they will trigger you, and pull you into their emotional vortex. Its funny, people on the outside looking in will judge Teal, but if you put them in her same position many would probably react much worse. This is not absolve any of her negative behavior but for people in general to understand that context matters.
Everyone you ever meet is just dealing with their own perspective on life. This is called projection. Projection is not personal, why? Because when a person projects they are not in the present moment, they are in their head. I don't think a lot of people understand what a projection is. A projection is just a person placing opinions and judgments on a neutral situation. Example: A guy's girlfriend said she is going to the store. This guy was cheated on by his ex-girlfriend with the phrase "I'm going out for a bit. I'll be back in a little while." This guy then projects his past experience onto the present experience and accuses said girlfriend of trying to go out and meet some dude. Neutral situation: Girlfriend going to the store. Projection: They must be trying to cheat on me. Projection happens because of past fear. A trauma, a hurt, that has not yet healed. As a result when something in the present triggers that past hurt, the person relives that fear in the present moment and plays out that fear on you. So think about this....IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!! The person is just living in the past. Now in truth all mental illness stem from this. A habit of living from the past and projecting onto the present moment. Even their fears of the future are just projection again. Unresolved fears from the past used as a predictive model to foresee the future. As long as you don't live in the present moment, you are always projecting. This is why Eastern Philosophy teaches to be in the present. Drop all judgment, and live in the present. Only when you can do that, does the mental suffering you create vanish. Also...go watch Leo's video on Ketamine. It can put this into context as well. Anyway...don't take it personal when a person is projecting. Because at that moment, they are not even present. They are just reliving their past pain in the present moment. It has nothing to do with you!!!
Here ya go. https://www.androidpolice.com/2020/07/18/the-best-android-browsers-with-dark-mode/