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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Well the creator of the universe gotta do something right? LOL.
  2. Nah we not letting you off the hook....lol What was that?
  3. Thats the thing there isn't a real distinction between Gender and Sex. I did gender studies in College and I'm like...they could just use the word Sex. All they have to say is that just because someone has designated Sex they don't have to conform to how they express said sexuality. Then they wanted to make a whole new word called gender....I'm like you don't need a new word!!! Just expand the definition of the original word!!! But its just a personal issue I have it is what it is. LOL.
  4. Why does your Avatar remind me of Hank Hill from the T.V. Show King of the Hill?
  5. Well you have already stated multiple times that you love toxicity. So I'll take that as a compliment. Also notice....you have yet to integrate your Masculine. Its no wonder you are so negative when it comes to the Masculine. Deal with your shadow. Its not toxic it is what it is.
  6. Mode One is not for the faint of heart lol. 90 percent of guys won't use it. But no technique gets you to sex faster if that is what you are looking for LOL!!!! I have watched my friend do it. I did a VERSION of it and it worked for me as well on the first woman I dealt with. Confidence is the single strongest trait a man can have around a woman. Nothing is stronger than that.
  7. Yeah I haven't got Sadhguru's book on Karma. But I do have his audiobook on Inner Engineering. The Karma book didn't interest me because I am not that interested in Karma. What insights does the book bring forth?
  8. 1. I am interested in spirituality. I do not have a real desire to enter into a romantic relationship. 2. Your critique about emotional EQ is one you can make because you do not know me personally. My ex stated to me "You are the most emotionally mature man I have met." 3. I am on a different path, majority of dating is about ego fulfillment. So I see the forest for the trees. I really only dabbled because I wanted to lose my virginity. I lost my virginity within a week of following this advice. Also my friends who have more experience come to me for advice and have tried out the concepts in the books I have recommended. It works. Any hesitancy you have well its warranted. You have to decide for yourself. But my major talent is in research and getting to the truth. But hey what do I know I am just some guy on the internet? LOL. Also I am far from perfect, but I own my issues. I even know the best way to resolve disputes between people. Look up a book called Never Split The Difference. https://www.google.com/search?q=Never+Split+The+Difference&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS991US992&oq=Never+Split+The+Difference&aqs=chrome..69i57.4347j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Its the best strategy to resolve all conflicts and reach a resolution. But hey... I'm just some guy on the internet.
  9. Now Atomic Attraction is very good at keeping spice in the relationship. It also reveals the paradoxical relationship between making a woman feel safe, and how that lowers attraction, and keeping your woman guessing which increases attraction. Its up to you how you use this information but this book is factual.
  10. No where near as much as my friend. Majority of my experience comes from interviews, and research. But I will say, I used the material I learned ONE time and got results the first time. I used it a second time and got immediate results the second time. I also had a woman who basically agreed with everything Rom Wills pretty much said. Rom wrote a book for women and if I told you what was in there as a man you would agree with what he says to women about what men want. These gurus cracked the code. Their perspective actually works. If you follow what they say you CAN get you a woman who looks like an 8 out of 10 or higher. Problem is....how you choose to navigate the relationship that is on you. My issue is 99% of relationships are started from feelings lack. Majority of relationships among us humans is co-dependent. Co-dependent relationships are toxic and doomed before they even start.
  11. Lol I'm not trying to do that to you but that is what reality is. We cannot escape this game of life. But yeah I think there was a miscommunication earlier. If you go back and read my earlier response I said I don't play these ego games. The reason the beginning of a relationship is games, (and we will take away the context of everything being a game to make this point) is because when people are nervous they are not as authentic. So even if you for example tried to be as authentic as possible in the beginning the other person unlikely to be because they are nervous. Also you could scare them away, so you kind of have to reveal bits and pieces of yourself and let them slowly warm up to you. A guy like me comes on strong lol. I don't like that part, or the other stages that are a part of the dating game. I'm impatient and like to get to the part where both people can just be authentically themselves. So the quote I shared was what I said my friend says. And he is right. If you go to the link a Dating Guru did a good job of mapping out the stages of relationships. Notice it has stages....like a video game!!! LOL. Anyway I seek to transcend the game...but I know that is foolishness. We can't transcend it. All we can do is create a new game.
  12. I agree let her go. If she is for you it will eventually happen.
  13. Exactly you get it. I don't push the lying bit because of my preference. But nobody has to agree with me. If they want to lie, they can take that path and accept the consequences that come with that. Or take my route and accept the consequences that come with that. I just know that when a man is honest he stands apart. But they can play the game however they want to play it.
  14. Right now you are playing a game arguing with me. All distinction is a game. Calling yourself the game does not take away from you playing it. Everything you just said is a strategy. Unconditional love is a strategy. Narcissism is a strategy. Solitude is a strategy. You cannot run from a strategy. Right now you arguing about which strategy (set of actions) is better. So now you are moralizing which again is a game. Have you looked up what is called debate tactics? Methods of persuasion? That is called the debate game. Saying I am the game is an attempt to claim superiority to the game. You are the game, and that is why you cannot supercede the game. Because the game is YOU!!! By your own authority you have limited yourself to the game. The only way to not play the game, the duality game is to not exist in this duality. So please...stop it you cannot escape this paradigm. This is ancient knowledge. Even Sadhguru talks about this. Its called the path of playfulness. Enlightened masters would laugh right now at how serious you are being lighten up. Its all a mind game. The game of Universal Mind.
  15. All of life is a game. Literally you cannot escape this. All of life is a game. It is an infinity game that is expressed in the world of duality. If you cannot see this....I don't know what to tell you. Its a mind game, of universal mind. You can't avoid the game, no matter what you do. Everything you do is literally a strategy. A refusal to play games is literally a strategy in the game. So yeah I hope you can actually see this.
  16. Check this video out. The theme is at the root of conflict between men and women lol. If you can figure out this one theme, it will create a paradigm shift in all your future interactions with women. A very logic type man would REALLY need to see this video. Obviously this is an extreme example but sometimes extreme examples are needed to spell things out blatantly lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4EDhdAHrOg&t=1s Also....there are relationships where the roles are reversed. The purpose of this video is to teach you to understand when you are in a conversation where the person doesn't want you to fix it, or be in your logical mind, but to meet them in the feminine and connect emotionally. This is my weakness but something I can catch myself doing.
  17. There ya go, that's all I am saying. I was actually in this situation and I am telling you she will find out. LOL. Nobody is a superstar on their first attempt and if that girl is pretty and has had her fair share of romps in the bedroom she will figure out real quick. I use to believe in all the fear mongering that people spread around but after I did it myself and took that leap of faith I found out...it wasn't what everyone thought it was. Besides...after you have sex one time....you are no longer a virgin lol.
  18. It's all conditioning. There is no distinction of anything. All discussion of distinction is ultimately just the game we play, called the separation game. All games are just infinity games, even saying everything is One is itself a distinction because everything comes from Nothing. So to be One means there has to be One Thing. So now that we got that out of the way. Anything we say...will just be a perspective. So....well....I vote its conditioning. I also like Osho's perspective. 'https://www.oshonews.com/2015/10/06/homosexuality-lesbianism/ I think the union of man and woman is the greatest spiritual test because it forces more development. Here is a key insight. The Masculine and the Feminine do not understand each other. They need each other, they complete each other, but they do not understand each other. But if they understood each other, they would be each other. But the cool thing about them is they are able to trust each other, and accept each other, without having that understanding. For a man to truly understand a woman, he has to integrate his feminine. For a woman to truly understand a man she has to integrate her masculine. So the male female relationship presents the most room to grow. With same sex relationships its just issues with personality and values, but outside of that there is no real friction. But hey, if you don't want all that friction and you just want someone who will understand you easier, have at it. Also you have the feminine and masculine within you so you have experience that conflict internally. Where you want to express your love for someone, but logically it will be at a cost to you. Logic= Masculine Desire to express= Feminine. Ultimately what you decide....picks the one you side with within.
  19. I love how men really underestimate how intuitive women are. I'll let you in on a little secret....women like to pretend they don't know. She might have already intuited you are one, and is waiting to see if you are going to tell her. But if that doesn't happen....she will figure out when you have sex with her. So she is going to figure out anyway. The truth will set you free. Lies are bondage. For every lie you tell, you need to tell another lie to cover it. And it goes on into infinity.
  20. No problem I can give you access to some of the deepest perspectives on the game. Before I found spirituality that's where I was spending my time. Trying to crack that nut, solve that puzzle. I understand both sides, the woman's and the man's. The irony is Relationships are actually the highest form of spiritual development you can do. Because every person you meet is going to trigger your shadow aspects. A week of interaction with a broad variety of people can teach you more about yourself than a year of meditation. As long as you are conscious (self aware) of what you are doing, thinking, and feeling in these interactions the hidden aspects of yourself will be revealed. Very Illuminating. Also great chances for us to love those shadows when they appear and potentially grow.
  21. This is pretty much true of everybody. Its one of the most famous traps we can fall into. Good intentions, but distracts from healing meant for yourself. Something I need to work on personally myself.
  22. She's going to find out. It didn't make it awkward for me because she didn't believe me lol. Because I was so honest it made her trust me more. Actually ended up making us more intimate because I was so honest with her. But hey to each their own.
  23. Having game....means understanding the game, and playing it better. So having game means you are good at playing games. I refuse to play lol, but I understand the game very well. Also click on the link, its good stuff.