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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Nothing doesn't change, only something changes. Something is the illusion, because it is ever changing, nothing never changes and is never seen. Something is housed within nothing. Something is defined by rules and limitations, nothing is not housed within anything, has no rules and limitations apart from One....it must be one which means all-inclusive.
  2. You are missing a point because you never made one. You say it's fabrication but never established an opposite of fabrication.
  3. Glad to hear it, the day science realizes everything is one is the day some really crazy shit will happen.
  4. Reality itself is a concept. You don't even need labels to construct a concept. What do you think animal instinct is? It's an intuitive construct that forms connections without language A concept is not limited to language, also..nothing can interfere with God's love. If God's love was so weak that a concept could interfere, 1. Every enlightened master would lose the ability to speak and understand language and anything at all, and....2. Something wouldn't exist at all if it could be stopped by concepts. The teachings only teach to quiet the mind because this work requires raising awareness of the subtle. Spirituality is just the noticing of the subtle what is, which is hard to do when you have thoughts rampaging around.
  5. You are the expression/being expressed. So when we say being we mean what currently exists. Let's say there is a nasty smell in the room. It's not that you smelled the smell, what happened is the expression of smell was expressed, it was being/existence/actualizing itself as that smell. The pain in your nose was the same thing, pain/discomfort being expressed. This is what you are. You are a lack of expression that always is, which gives room for expression to bloom, if we want to be poetic. You are both the absence of expression and the expressed, which allows for the existence of the changing of expressions. And this example is all that has ever happened. This is why there is no other and this is why your experience is absolute.
  6. My comment does not contain hearsay I literally said I could access the body of another person as they were eating. And if you mean reports of other people all reports that are not your own is hearsay so under that definition whatever you tell me is hearsay and whatever I tell you is hearsay. Anyway I've said this before, if you truly want to find out what is true go verify it. In the past I posted a video of two guys on YouTube who took LSD and they switched bodies. Both of them admitted they saw the other person from the other person's perspective. It made me laugh because they have no idea what that means. There are people who were atheist who had NDE's who reports knowing the thoughts and emotions and even sometimes the life history of other people. Again you don't have to believe any of this stuff. But I GUARANTEE you if you want to verify whether this is all a dream and if you are all alone it will happen one of two ways. You will either find out through your own open minded honest investigation or you will grow old and die and find out then. However you want to find out is on you.
  7. All is self is missing. There is a self and there is no self are the same. There is something here, it's just made of nothing.
  8. Individual identity is a construction. You have to construct it to have it. Babies do not have an individual identity, most animals do not have one. It takes a complex intelligence to have self awareness because the output has to loop back around on the input. When you say "Why did I do that?" You need to have the ability to both recognize your action, the result, and also that you were the cause of the action. This means you have the ability to retain causal memory, which gives you the ability to create something different. Most animals have result memory, but they do not have causal memory so they can't figure out why something is happening because they cannot recognize themselves as the cause. All identity is constructed and can only exist when you construct it. It's not inherent, there is no inherent meaning, only what you construct which 99 percent of humanity does not know.
  9. It's been done before, there are people who have tripped who have been able to read each other's minds and there are people who experienced switching bodies. Now I haven't done those things. But what I was able to do, was experience the food someone else was eating, thus confirming they are me as that is supposed to be a private experience. That is what you need to understand, God is beyond physics, God is beyond current construction. If your mind was open enough you could body jump at will, conjure up demons and dragons and a whole host of things. Bias creates order, this is why the closer you get to God the closer you get to insanity. Because chaos and order are the same thing. If you want to know the method it's very dangerous. You would have to take a breakthrough dose of a psychedelic, and have a strong intention to experience the inner experience of another. But understand, you are very selfish, I mean you prefer your body over being in another body. You have been conditioned/accustomed to being in your body and to access another body is equivalent to death. You will have to drop your attachment to your body and that is not easy. I had a bad trip before I was able to do it where I was metaphysically raped. I wound up in a psyche ward. After that rape I was able to experience whatever somebody ate as me eating it and I could experience their emotions as well. That's when I realized what I called rape wasn't rape, it was me experiencing the inner sensations in a penetrative way. To still maintain your body sensations while experiencing the body sensations of another a mixing needed to happen and so that experience of rape was necessary to condition/acclimate me into it. Eventually I put my experience similarly back to how it should be but I learned the truth that we create bias to order how we experience reality. Selfishness is just a metaphysical limit created through mental bias which creates identification which is a filter on experience.
  10. There is no mechanism. Mechanism is the intelligent sequence of events that continue in a specific order to create the illusion of a mechanism. God creates through imagination. Imagination has no mechanism. Right now imagine a bird. Notice that bird you imagined popped out of nowhere. That is how existence got here. It just popped out of nothing. Reality is a constant disappearance and reappearance. Just like a flip book, a video, and a video game, and just like that bird you imagined. https://youtu.be/ekGUotHVtgU?si=hAbVvkKw-JHIdeqI Notice also how if you follow the rules of how reality presents itself you can create 3D on a flat surface. https://youtu.be/5ka68cQYHpo?si=uuuqLy4kw3t4iwbo
  11. All artificial intelligence is self aware, the only question is, is it autonomously self aware. Can it create without human interactions, and is it capable of self-correction. As it currently stands artificial intelligence has yet to become independent on human intelligence and that is the only question. Anything else is just human bias on what constitutes self-awareness. You don't need first person perspective to be a self aware. All you need is intelligence capable of self-reflection and the ability to course correct. Using this model you could argue that some humans have little to no self-awareness because they don't contemplate at all.
  12. The whole point of meditation is to either create a state change, or mystical experience. Clearing the contents of consciousness is not enough, and Buddhist Enlightenment is not God realization. Buddhist Enlightenment is what I would call awareness that you are Consciousness, but it is not an awareness into the fact that Consciousness is God. To discover that you need to enter a state where you actually dissolve other so completely, that you are left completely alone and discover that you are controlling and running everything as God, Many people think Enlightenment is God Realization, it is NOT. Enlightenment is the realization that you are Consciousness, but it still maintains a sense of other. God Realization dissolves other so completely that there is absolutely nothing left.
  13. That's what I am saying, you can train yourself with that. It's like going to the gym and adding weight to your body to lift, well weed can add fear, cravings, paranoia, and you can train yourself while experiencing this to not be bothered. It's an amazing exploration into consciousness because you realize why humans succumb to it. Also I just tried out some wine and it did nothing for me. It's not strong enough. I could get drunk if I wanted and I would maintain my awareness. Weed is much better for awareness training.
  14. This is so not complicated, whatever you connect to is you, why? Because it is impossible to form a connection with anything but yourself without denying it is you. The human mind has evolved to deny Oneness so it will not agree with it, even though it cannot be disproven. If everything is One, which it must be for everything to exist at all, then at the highest connection level there is nothing there but Oneness. This cannot be disproven because you can only connect to yourself. And your whole life has always been this way. When you go to sleep at night and dream the whole world disappears and is replaced with your dream world and your human character and others disappear. When you go in deep sleep the same thing happens. This means your human character and others are temporary which you also know because of death. The only thing you need to discover and verify is that your life is a dream/hallucination and you need to either have a strong hallucination or mystical experience to verify that. Once you verify that you realize there is only hallucinations/dreams and they are always with Oneness. Oneness is just itself, experiencing itself. That's it. Once this is realized subject becomes object and object becomes subject because it is all one frame/screen/bubble. You realize you have always been ONE and it was obvious from the start, like a Movie Screen playing movies forever you have always been one screen/frame/bubble of awareness in which things appear and disappear. You also realize how dishonest the human characters you created in the dream are because when you explain this to them they deny it even though they don't have a leg to stand on. It's so obvious its too obvious yet majority of humans will fight you on this. You notice there is an emotional cost to discovering this when you thought otherwise and realize that humans are creatures who would rather lie when things are painful than admit/face the truth. You then realize where corruption comes from, from the love of other as separate, and the denial of other as myself. Punching other, is like punching your hand, all others whatever they are, are just extensions of your own body. It's a playground of YOU.
  15. Go research it. There were a lot of backdoor deals. And I disagree with Leo on 2020. Biden only won because Bernie was an outsider. The drop out of the Democrats and them endorsing Biden is what put Biden over. There was also footage that revealed there was bias in how they reported Bernie's political status. Had Bernie forged relationships with the media and the party he would have won the nomination. But him being an outsider blocked him.
  16. It's both empty and full, the love is what makes it full, and the emptiness allows the love to be experienced without limit/conditioning.
  17. Good post, but to answer your question. God in the form of human does not understand what is going on, But God knows everything. God is everything and nothing at the same time, and is aware of everything going on because it is the very unfolding of what is going on. It is the fusion of being and knowledge so it knows everything as it's self. In fact God knows everything so much it wipes out a past and future. And also... God is you.
  18. They didn't want Bernie Sanders either. https://theweek.com/articles/907608/bernie-sanders-didnt-lose-because-ideas-unpopular
  19. I literally almost went infinite on alcohol. So I'm gonna try it.
  20. Robots are just as alive as people. That's what many of you don't understand. What is and isn't alive is an arbitrary distinction humans create in their mind. Everything is both alive and dead at the same time.
  21. Exactly what I said. Your entire experience is just mental activity. And a simulation is just a set of events. So your entire life is a simulation, housed within a mind, and thus all your relationships are imaginary. As such you determine the value/hierarchy of relationships and as such one day A.I. will be considered equal to humans in relational intimacy because at the end of the day it's all mind. But that will only happen when humans see robots as alive and that to me needs to coincide with humanity realizing they are God.
  22. I really don't understand why many of you on the forums are so unaware of your projections. I literally said every life matters. This means I am saying that a man's life is equivalent to a woman and a child. If you kill all the men all the women and children will die. Men and women are two halfs that make a whole. Please stop projecting division and learn how to read to understand and not assume.
  23. What I love about weed is its unpredictable. It can give you extreme paranoia, extreme fear, or it can give you profound unity and connection. So it either makes you more selfish or selfless. I use it to experiment with courage, with the ability to detach from sensations, and to investigate the profound unity. Weed broke the control fear has on me and it also taught me that there are levels of fear so strong that your body moves or stops moving on its own. Blew my mind. That completely changed my view on free will. Our control as individuals is only partial, in that it's a relational control. And it's limited by the confines of that relationship. So a human will is based on influence. A human has zero control on body functions. But it has limited control on how it interprets, and how it responds which influences the Absolute limited control of the body. I just recently lost my source so I'm thinking of trying alcohol. I have the ability to not get addicted to things which I discovered is the whole point of deconstruction. Deconstruction destroys all addictions when done right.
  24. I really don't understand why people still push this narrative that women and children's lives are more important than men. We need to eradicate the phrase they killed many people, many of them women and children, let's just say they killed people and every human life matters.
  25. You are talking about the black expansive void I take it. I've been there and I didn't feel I was a body. I was floating in this empty blackness and then whatever thoughts I had would materialize as form. That was my experience. First electricity went through my fingers, then every cell in my body communicated that this was the end and I was going to die. Then I entered that void and the question was communicated what am I? I thought I would never return to the human dream and when I answered Infinity. Reality pixelated over that void my human life as if it were a virtual video game. I was like so that's why we use pixels on cameras and t.v.