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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Where have you been? Haven't seen you on the forums for awhile...
  2. .....I swear yall don't even care to figure out what I am saying. Obviously that is what he is saying.....but that is not what the Ego believes. Go actually talk to a lot of the people on this forum and they think They themselves are God. They have not dropped the identification of their human body. They think their little human self is dreaming all of this. They don't understand that the human is part of the dream itself.
  3. I'm glad you see the light. This is what I was trying to tell Leo. The Democrats are the own worst enemy. The Democrats are supposed to be the Progressive Party and when a true progressive candidate showed up, The Establishment Media and Democrats united to tear him down. Its funny. Even NPR got in on it as well. Tons of articles and videos have been done on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ux8OyWLx9tA The Democrats are getting what they deserve.
  4. 1. Majority of your thoughts are Bull Shit. Understand that. You have mostly been taught Bull Shit. It sucks that this is the case but its something we all have to contend with. This is why mental illness and all other issues exist. You have been conditioned to think small of yourself so you don't realize your genius and creativity. 2. So ignore the Bullshit that comes to mind because its there to turn you into whatever random Bull Shit you have picked up. Now that I got that out of the way.....Please give yourself the love you deserve. Because you are the only one who can.
  5. We are on the right track. https://youtu.be/y9xNhqTvOCQ
  6. Lol he would crush Kamala!!! I hope she is not the best candidate the Democrats can produce!!!
  7. You are literally doing what you are complaining about. What it means to be human? That question is answered by every human that has ever lived and is currently being answered by every human currently existing. An A.I. couldn't do what I just described. A.I'.s are given a specific limited finite design. You as a human and all those before and after you have the ability to express themselves in an infinite number of ways. So the answer to your question is YOU! The answer to every question is ultimately YOU! So stop despairing....unless that is what being human means to you. In fact it probably is....so go despair away...enjoy all your despair until you get sick of it. Then revel in the mastery that is your life!! The masterpiece you have created and currently create every moment. Who cares if you don't even see it, The Universe sees it and feels it.
  8. Your signature is fire!!! You know why we don't know ourselves? Cause we are infinite. Our opinions of ourselves (which is a lie) we know and that is limited. If only we could stop deluding ourselves into thinking we actually know ourselves....how many times we achieve things and are surprised at what we did? I thought we knew ourselves!!!!! LOL.
  9. 1. Never ask a woman if she finds you attractive. 2. As long as you are not physically hurting or emotionally hurting a woman never ask her for permission to be yourself. 3. Stop worrying if she likes what you do, that will make you less authentic. Never change who you are for ANYONE. That's like Stan Lee choosing to be a construction worker cause his wife thinks Drawing a man in Spandex dressed like a Spider is a waste of time. If you want to do something and she don't like it cause she thinks its lame, DO IT ANYWAY!!!
  10. But the blow to the spiritual ego is the BEST PART!!!! Maybe he wants to slowly lead them there and shatter their egos!!!! LOL. Telling everyone their God is a really well laid egoic trap. The ego thinks you mean its God. LOL...... I almost fell for it myself when I first listened to the video. Then I was like....let me listen to this 3 more times.
  11. Lol get a wife and kids.....lots of accountability there!!
  12. 1. People don't care about large vocabularies, that is your projection. 2. People only care about ONE THING, if what you write resonates with them If you only care about becoming famous you will just copy other people. The key to standing out is your own uniqueness. If you are a carbon copy you will never reach your true potential. You need to focus on developing and finetuning YOUR PERSPECTIVE. I cannot say this again everyone in this forum needs to get this message. BE YOUR OWN FAN! LOVE YOURSELF. STOP TEARING YOURSELF DOWN. The man/woman who tears themselves down will accomplish nothing because they are broken. Build yourself up by speaking good of yourself. Stop all this self-judgment.
  13. Trump, Biden, and Bernie are all within like a year of each other lol.
  14. Democrats are their own worse enemy. They made their bed so now they have to lay in it. The most popular Democrat outside of Barack Obama is Bernie. They keep colluding to stop him from winning. Until the Democrats embrace true progressive solutions and stop being the Establishment Democrats they are....they will lose to Republicans like Trump.
  15. There are ways you could salvage this situation but the truth is she is just not that attracted to you sexually. There are things you can do to change this... but you probably won't like these suggestions. 1. Your woman is treating your dick like its bad. This is not healthy in a sexual relationship. It would be the equivalent to you doing it to her. I often see some men tolerate this behavior and this communicates low value. When you allow a woman to criticize you and treat you less than that causes her to lose even more respect for you and it will continue to devolve. So what is the solution? You need to create some space from her. Look up a book called Atomic Attraction if you want to understand the psychology of that. 2. In truth though I believe you just need to find another woman. The sad thing is your girlfriend is treating you like this because she views you a specific way. If you say had sex with someone else she knew and rocked that girls world she probably wouldn't treat you like this. Most people only treat you based on the image or idea they have of you not the actual real you. This means your woman is not present with you, she has preconceived judgments of who you are and is interacting with those perceptions of you in real time. This can manifest as her predicting you might say this or do that. You probably hear this one a lot. "You always do this." "You never do this." etc etc. So this means you are dealing with a low conscious partner. Relationships like this are a good way to learn boundaries, self-respect, and how to enjoy a relationship short term knowing that it isn't going to last. So in truth unless you do something radical like create space, end the relationship, or find a way to get her to change the way she views you (this is probably not going to happen) you are better off either creating distance or ending the relationship. Nobody deserves to be shamed for their body. Find a woman who is turned on by the sight of you.
  16. lol so you jelly? Whose peanut butter?
  17. Look at all that love Leo is showing. Went piece by piece through the entire long comment. Nice!!
  18. Ok....that's a lot to read. I didn't mean to put your fingers to work with so much text. I apologize if I came off critical. Also...just a suggestion....who cares what Buddhism says... what do YOU say. I care about YOUR perspective, Buddha is Buddha and you are YOU. lol.
  19. The Void.....what some or many feel. The Void....some describe it empty, some describe it cold You may claim to know, but that's not empathy that's null, You might say its too heavy I say let's pull, Is this a stage of illusion should I pull back this wool, Thinking about what could be some say its cool, Maybe I should be optimistic use this as a tool, Maybe I should take this on, make it my new rule, Maybe I want to be lazy, just lay around just drool, Maybe I don't wanna be so serious just play the fool, I don't know what's going on where is this taking me, I can barely hold on just let me pee, So many twists and turns, playing hide and seek, Then I wake up at last and find it was all just me
  20. Exactly....you didn't read what I wrote, you skimmed and attempted to teach me and basically reiterated what I already stated. Notice this....
  21. Pshhhhhh just tell Leo to look at his signature and say Leo....you are me so if I am full of shit so are you lol!!
  22. What one fears the most is self-judgment. What one fears is their being. Not just the capital True Self, but the ego self as well. Notice one spends their entire life pointing their attention outward. They complain about others, wish others were more like them. But the irony is, they don't even like themselves If you were to question someone why they say and do the things they do, they deflect. Why? Because they do not want to look at their ego. They are ashamed of their ego. Their ego is selfish and they do not want to admit it. It is much easier to demonize others, to project your shame onto those around you. Instead of acknowledging your shame and taking ownership. The only time you own your pain is when you claim someone else caused it, but that's not ownership that is blaming someone else as the author of what YOU ARE CREATING. Its funny, as long as you blame others for what you create within, you will continue to suffer. So why do you do this? Because you love to suffer. You would rather choose suffering than facing yourself and recognizing yourself as your own abuser. The pain of that realization is more scary to you than suffering. The lesser of two evils in your eyes so you choose to suffer. Your entire life your abuser has been you, it has always been you. You are sadistic, you refuse to face the fact that you enjoy your own abuse. Your abuse after awhile gets to become too much, even though you are a masochist even a masochist has limits. Your abuse at this point either forces you to face yourself, confront yourself all along. To realize you as the creator of your own reality. Or you run even harder and choose to end it all. The choice is yours, but realize you cannot escape from you. You will exist for all eternity. Better to confront and realize what you are.