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Everything posted by Razard86
Wow I am so happy for you man!!! Way to go!!! The Dark Night of the Soul is no joke!!! Glad you made it out stronger!!! I'm so grateful for you for doing the work!! Thank You for sharing this!!! You just illuminated my day with this post!!! Bless you!!
The people on both sides are both hypocrites. Every human by nature is a hypocrite. Human nature is hypocritical, realizing this is actually a part of God realization. You know how reality is a paradox? So is human nature, so is your behavior, so is mine. Upon close examination every human being at one times has engaged in self-sabotage. Self-sabotage is hypocritical. At some time we all have given great advice...that we haven't followed. So once this realization comes to the forefront, then who are we to judge others....we have the same issues. Its called alignment. And the whole point of Spirituality is to become in alignment, not just energetically but in everything. So speak and act in alignment, that is when we jump out of being a hypocrite and self-sabotage and enter into congruence/alignment. So yeah them acting like this I already knew it would happen. John F. Kennedy quote "“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
Mushrooms are good for healing. The thing is, its never the psychedelic its him. Psychedelics are like steroids, he still has to do the work but it can enhance his results. So first he needs to meditate, close his eyes and focus all his awareness on the spot. Then he has to visualize it being healed. Some like to visualize a light of energy going there. The entire time he is doing this, he needs to believe it is working, without his belief it will not happen. He can do this without a psychedelic and it will work but the psychedelic can enhance the process. Look up visualization techniques on healing. The most important part is belief. That's the foundation and is more important than the psychedelic itself.
1. I didn't put too much blame on endorsements. Literally before the endorsements Bernie was destroying Biden. There were key states they needed and each candidate had specific groups that both Biden and Bernie weren't strong in. When the endorsements came in, and they came in a wave Biden instantly jumped. If Biden was so popular why did he barely beat the worst President probably in History who did the worst job a leader could do in a Global crisis? Trump literally had parts of the Republican voters against him. Had the Lincoln Project running attack ads and he still barely won. History repeats itself. You already know this Leo, its why we all know Trump has a good chance to win again. He literally only lost because of the horrible job he did with the Pandemic otherwise he would have won. On Average the United Stats Political system has jumped back and forth between Republican and Democrats for the President and that President usually gets two terms. The only time they usually lose if some crisis happens that erodes the faith of the voters. Otherwise they win reelection as an Incumbent off name recognition alone. If you look at how the Liberal media covered Biden, Sanders, and Trump there were clear discrepancies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ss7tjLZKdMQ Overwhelming Poll Data consistently showed that Bernie held the highest advantage than any other Candidate over Trump. He held a higher advantage than Hilary, and then a higher advantage than Biden. His advantage was also outside of the margin of error as well. So if you want to win, polling data can help you make an informed decision.....unless of course the Democrats are too much part of the Establishment and don't want an Independent running as a Democrat to overhaul the control the corporate donors have over this country. It is what it is, no sweat off my back but yeah the Democrats need to eat this one they caused their own demise.
Razard86 replied to Max8's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It is not meant for you to awaken in this life time. So you can go spend another 100 lifetimes. Eventually you will get it. Or you could put the effort in this life time and not have to spend 100 life times. The choice is yours. Waking up is inevitable its just how long do you want it to take? Its a shame The universe (you) have given yourself so many clues yet you fight it. Here is one: "Row Row Row Your Boat Gently Down The Stream, Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily Life is but a DREAM." -
There is only doubt in you of what happens when your human body dies. But don't worry you will find out. If you want to find out before you die actually put the intention out there. There is overwhelming proof what happens but until you actually put forth the effort you won't discover it.
Razard86 replied to Max8's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Go watch his video 3 times and pay attention to every word. Stop looking to others to verify for you what you can verify. You have access to the same video we do. What he is saying makes perfect sense if you actually spend time contemplating. So contemplate, spend time and actually contemplate. The first awakening people have is of NO SELF, that I am not a self. So what does that mean if you as an individual is not a self. They say the Ego is imaginary, well the Ego thinks it is a self. So of the SELF is imaginary then how does that connect to Solipsism? Ask questions and actually contemplate. Spirituality is all about doing the work. We could tell you, but it will just be a concept. When you experience it, THEN you will understand. You can't think your way to enlightenment. I've tried it, it doesn't work. -
Solipsism doesn't say you are the only conscious person that exists. You allowed your ego to trick you. Leo is talking about Absolute Solipsism. Absolute Solipsism says everything is in the dream including you the human you think you are. So God is dreaming everything into existence. So when he says that other people are imaginary he is also saying you the person who just typed all this is imaginary. The only thing that exists is God. So you are God, the ground is God, the grass is God, the air that you breathe is God. The only thing that is here and will always be here is just God. That's it. So no your human body, your life story, isn't all alone, it is united and connected with everything because everything is you. How can you be alone.....if you have a connection with infinity. You are infinite. Which means you can interact with infinite versions of yourself. Its the ultimate relationship. So you are never alone. Any belief that you are alone is illusion. The air you breathe is you. Every sensation you feel is your creation so its you. There are relatives versions of you and then there is an absolute version of you. You are Ultimate Truth, and Love, you are Infinity, you are me, you are Leo, you are everything...and nothing.
Razard86 replied to funkychunkymonkey's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Concentration is focused attention, and attention is the end of suffering when combined with detachment. When you can detach and observe that is what it means to be your true self. No attachment, no judgment, just being. Anything else causes suffering. But there is nothing wrong with either because both is just different states of consciousness. -
The two most important Spiritual Practices. These two practices are actually one in the same, you could compare them to the Yin and the Yang because they are both different but also the same. To do one is to do the other and vice versa. 1. The first Spiritual Practice is this: Observe yourself. This can be brought to the highest level of perspective to the lowest. Everything is you. So observe yourself is to observe the body but also all of life. To Observe what is both within and what is both without, because the truth they are both one and the same. But for simplicity's sake we will keep this simple. Observe your thoughts, observe your emotions, and observe your reactions. Do it without judgment, but with acknowledgment. This is the foundation of all Spiritual Practice, if you are not doing this then you are asleep. Asleep is to be unconscious, observation is conscious. When you allow yourself to drown in emotion and thought, you are like the person in the boat who is swept away in the waves and overcome. Not realizing, that the waves are them as well. You can surf the waves if you are able to observe them, and if you release attachment to them be undisturbed. When you release attachment you become as the bird that soars above the waves but watches them lash about in all their splendid glory. So watch yourself, observe, without judgment, this is what meditation is. Its not a practice you do for a couple of hours, it is a state, the state of being. 2. The second Spiritual Practice is this: Face your Fears. This Practice is founded on the first, to face your fear is to observe your fear. But the purpose of facing fear is to expand your awareness. Your awareness is limited by fear. Fear is just self-imposed limits. You cannot expand without facing your fear. The dissolution of fear is expansion, the belief in fear is separation. All fear is illusion, your life is living proof. You have made it here today because you have constantly faced your fear. Each fear you have faced has always turned out to be an illusion and it will always be so. If the highest truth is everything is one, and you have a fear you are just fearing yourself. This means you are not facing, not observing which is a violation of the first Spiritual Practice. To face a fear is to face yourself, and to face yourself is to observe yourself, to observe yourself is to raise in awareness. So face your fears, face yourself, until all the illusions are laid bare and can see and observe clearly. Then you will have clarity of vision. Clarity of Vision is Wisdom. The path of Wisdom is to face your fear, to face your fear is to love that which you despise. The Path of Wisdom and Love meet together through these two Practices. So ask yourself, are you doing them? This is what it means to walk the Spiritual Path.
Razard86 replied to ShardMare's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Once we all collectively as humans clear out the chakra system that we have our ability to connect to source eases the suffering. That is why meditation is so important. I also had a kundalini awakening and a couple things happened. I can barely hear my thoughts, they are like whispers now so I don't suffer my thoughts. I also am seeing fractal patterns, though they are transparent. But yeah suffering is not permanent state we HAVE to be in. But we do have to go through suffering to reach the state of samadhi. There are beings who exist on this planet who do not suffer at all. I'm not saying I have reached that level but I lived it for 2 weeks so I know its possible. We would have to drastically change the way we live our lives to attain and maintain it though. -
Razard86 replied to ShardMare's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yep, but mine was different than most. Instead of getting complete detachment I got a sort of a limbo detachment. Like I was half way attached. I existed in this state for like 2 weeks. I felt like I was dragging around something dead. In that state it was constant bliss, sometimes it got too much and gave me a headache. It made sense to me now why Jesus and Moses both went into the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights. If you weaken the body (Not telling you to do this lol don't want yall to harm yourselves) you truly discover that your natural state is peace, joy, and bliss. Our body and discriminatory human brain creates the suffering we have. -
Razard86 replied to ShardMare's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There ya go. What people don't understand is you are literally made up on TRUTH. Ultimate TRUTH. How it works is your beliefs will always be true. So if you believe suffering is constant...then it is. If you believe it isn't then it isn't. The paradoxical relationship of you being ULTIMATE TRUTH, is you are never wrong in your experience. 1. Then someone will say then why do people fail. Answer: There are always other truths at play. The absolute truth is you are love, peace and joy at the ultimate level. So as long as you are connected to that....suffering doesn't exist. I got to actually experience that myself in my car accident when my attachment to my body was loose. You could have cut off my hand and I would have barely felt it. Our attachment to our body and discriminatory mind creates suffering. The non-attachment to both releases it. -
Razard86 replied to ShardMare's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I don't know about that one.....https://www.chakras.net/samadhi -
1. Biden didn't beat Bernie easily this reveals you didn't even pay attention. Again Bernie was destroying Biden until every other Presidential Candidate conceded and endorsed Biden. Even Elizabeth Warren endorsed Biden and majority of her platform actually coincides with Bernie. Doesn't this seem odd to you? 2. A hacker already hacked the Democratic Committee's emails and it was revealed that when Bernie ran against Hilary they didn't want him to win and actually communicated on how to stop him from winning. https://nypost.com/2016/07/22/leaked-emails-show-how-democrats-screwed-sanders/ It was corrupt politics from the inside of the Democratic Party and the media that led to Bernie losing. I mean again why would Elizabeth Warren endorse a candidate whose platform is opposite to what she was fighting for on her Presidential run? Politics. It is not a surprise that EVERY Presidential Candidate bowed out early on and went to Biden. They pressured everyone into believing that Biden was the best to beat Trump. So they pushed Establishment, status quo politics as a way to beat Trump. Not realizing that Trump is not the problem, he is a SYMPTOM, a byproduct of his environment. Trump can only win in a specific political environment. Figure out what is that environment and you can beat him. Again the Democratic Party is the cause behind their biggest losses and only have themselves to blame.
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
We are all mirrors to each other. Its why its hard to awaken. When two people project onto each other they are basically creating a feedback loop of both continuing reflecting each other's projection. This is why meditation is so important. Meditation is your ability to become the observer. Your default state is the character. Think of the video game the SIMS or Grand Theft Auto. Right now you think you are the character in the screen. When you meditate you can become the player who is controlling the character. When you reach the highest levels of meditation, you realized you created the whole game. One you realize you created the game, how it works, and why you designed it the way you did, then you can live from that state. What pisses me off is my awareness has come back to baseline lol. The most important thing we all need to do on these forums is raise our level of baseline awareness. The secret is focusing on expanding your heart. Watch these two videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oN7NtRqSIr4 Watch this if you need more explanation. -
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
When you sleep, you connect with source but you do it unconsciously. When we sleep we enter a different vibration than we do when we are awake. Since you are always connected to source that is what allows you to draw or attract these toward you. The issue is your thoughts are constantly coming and going and you are constantly shifting focus. The focused clear mind, will eventually get what it desires. Many people think the Law of Attraction is about action. In one sense you can say it is, because choice, focus is itself an action. But the other physical actions don't really matter. The only reason I know it works because I sat down one day and did a life review on all the achievements I had and lack thereof and I noticed a pattern. The goals I most wanted I believed I could achieve them. I focused on them. I eventually stopped thinking about them because I believed I already had them. Now in my experience even though Neville said the secret is believing you already have it, I noticed you don't even need to have that (even though it makes it appear faster). The most important thing you need to attract something is the absence of fear. Fear repels. Now the irony is, fear CAN attract if you FOCUS on your fear. But if you fear something and don't focus on it you won't attract it. Just like if you love something and don't focus on it you won't get it. So the truth is focus is the key. The other key is being present. You do not think to the future. You do not wonder what may happen. You believe in the present that you can have it. Every message from the divine says the same thing. Your power is in the present. The past and future are just something you think about. What is, is always present. So any thoughts to the past or future when trying to attract something is just a distraction. There are too many examples of people who mastered this who are able to get what they want. I've done it myself and we all actually do it unconsciously. So first you need to learn to meditate, then you need to control your mental diet. Don't just consume any content. Focus on being able to be aware of what thoughts and feelings you focus on. What you focus on you empower, what you focus on you give life to. Your most powerful ability, is your focus. Why? Because what you focus on you love, and nothing is stronger than love. -
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
1. I'm sorry that this has been your experience. One thing I have noticed so far in my journey is that we are required to experience every type of emotion. Our main purpose here is to learn. So suffering is actually part of the learning process. Think of suffering as an iniation into the fraternity of love. 2. Our experience with each emotion expands our consciousness and connectedness. At the highest level we are constantly seeks balance. Service to self and service to others. The balance is to treat others as we would treat ourselves and treat ourselves as we would treat others. We need to NOT treat others better or worse, but equal to ourselves because they are us. 3. Suffering is caused by the belief in separation. It is what causes us to judge others. Every time we judge others we are judging ourselves so when you can see yourself in others the judgment stops because you realize they are the same as you just expressed differently. But to do that you have to open your heart and stop looking through the lens of the mind. The human mind is naturally discriminatory. Its function is to separate. If you notice whenever you have thoughts that someone outside of you is different than you in some way you produce negative feelings. But whenever you focus on what connects you, you produce positive feelings. 4. So first become aware, then practice living from the heart, not the mind when dealing with life. The mind is just a tool for survival. It is the opposite of peace and love. We do not connect with people through the mind, we connect with love. We do not enjoy things through the mind, we enjoy out of love. The mind is like a robot, it computes, it analyzes, it studies, it strategizes, none of these things create connection. Its the feeling of LOVE from doing these things that creates the connection. So love is connection. Your default state is love and peace, if you look at children they will constantly remind you of that. Your natural state is curious, emotionally expressive, fearless, and loving. Ever notice kids don't get bored? Ever notice everything interests kids? We were educated OUT of that state. So now you must travel back in reverse and become as you used to be. Without judgment, expressive, and infinitely curious. Watch this. It might help you. -
Every human trait resides within you. As a result every person you meet is just a mirror of yourself. Anytime you get angry or annoyed by someone else you are just reacting to an aspect that you are seeing within you that you do not love. I'll give a story. Brad was the strongest warrior of his era. He was the type of Warrior in ancient times who when he entered battle he had the strength of 10 men, the cunning of a conmen, the wisdom of a wise man, and the fearlessness of a lion. Brad eventually found the woman of his dreams, got married and had a child. For Brad this was the happiest moment of his life. When he found out he had a new baby boy he was ecstatic! He immediately had thoughts of how he would raise his son to be an even greater Warrior than himself. As his boy grew he realized his boy was different. He boy was gentle, kind, and fearful of any all types of violence. This began to frustrate Brad. Brad couldn't believe it. Had the Ancient Gods forsaken him? How could the most powerful and accomplished Warrior of his era, have a coward for a son? It was like the Gods were mocking him. Brad grew distant from his son, his son was too emotional, too open, too vulnerable. Brad started to avoid his son because he did not understand this behavior. A boy is to be tough, detached from his emotions, closed, and strong. This did not make sense to him. Over time Brad started to realize he had formed a relationship with his son that was similar to what he had with his Father- distant. He had always yearned to be close to his father, but his father did not believe that was how a father and son should be. His father believed the father was merely a disciplinarian, and a protector. Nothing more and nothing less. Brad remembered the promise he made when he was young that he would create the relationship he desired with his father with his son and how he ended up mirroring his father. As Brad thought about this Brad came across a magician. This magician uses mirrors to make optical illusions and was performing various tricks. Brad stopped by deep in thought and after the Magician's show the Magician noticed him and approached him. "How are you faring today or great warrior? Why are your eyes so sullen?" Brad replied "I discovered that I broke a promise to myself and have reflected a part of myself that I got from my father onto my son. I am confused on how to fix it." The Magician asked Brad to explain and after he was done the Magician replied "You are wise to use the word reflection, but what you don't realize is not only did you reflect on your father and project on your son the type of relationship you two had, but you also reflected the intergenerational fear of your father. Brad reacted viscerally to this statement "FEAR? MY DAD HAS NO FEARS, I HAVE NO FEARS! YOU WOULD BE WISE TO CHOOSE YOUR WORDS CAREFULLY MAGICIAN!" The magician looked Brad dead center in his eyes. "To be without fear, is to pursue the truth. To be without fear is to be without judgment, to be without fear is to be all loving." Brad replied "Love? Bah what do you know about fear! I've faced death a million times and never blinked." The magician replied "This is true, but when it came to your son you blinked, and when it came to you and your father he blinked." Brad paused....he couldn't believe it. The magician realizing that Brad would finally be receptive decided to deliver the message. "Brad the secret to life is it is an infinite mirror." You see the Warrior in you has one fear, it fears its opposite the Coward. Why? Because the Coward is powerful. Once it takes a hold of you, it is hard to escape. Once you become a Coward it is an uphill battle to return to being a Warrior. But notice this....As a Warrior, your fear of cowardice....makes you a coward!" You cannot connect with your Son because you judge the coward within you! Because you have not learned to love that aspect within you, you fear it, you judge it, you hate it!!" You are not reacting to your son, you are reacting to what your son is reflecting within you!!!" Brad fell to the floor in astonishment! He could not believe this! "You are telling me, my whole life has been a lie? I have spent my whole life in pursuit of becoming the Ultimate Warrior and I still ended up becoming what I feared the most? The Magician Smirked. "Life is a mind fuck. It is an infinite mirror. Whatever you focus on you become. Your true nature is love, so whatever you focus on that is what you become and we pay a lot of attention to our most prominent fears. Because you focused on becoming a Warrior and focused on NOT being a Coward." You became both a Warrior and a Coward." "So how do I cease to be a coward? How do I transcend this? The Magician smiled and replied "Easy by recognizing the coward within you, loving it, and as a result it will release its hold upon you. We all have the same characteristics with us all because we all are one. In life we are just playing a mirror game of expressing the same traits we all possess. So whenever you get mad at something that someone expresses that you yourself possess you are getting mad at yourself." Brad determined to become the most fearless warrior ever professed 'I shall love all of my being, I shall love all of humanities being, I shall love FEAR itself and thus transcend it all!" When Brad blinked the magician was gone. But he didn't need him anymore he knew what he needed to do. He went home played with his son, accepted his son's fears and flaws. This improved his relationship not just with his son, but his wife, and his fellow soldiers. He ended up becoming the most loving warrior, a warrior of love. Because he realized that his entire life was just a reflection of his personal self-love. So when you interact in dating or relationships, understand that you are just reacting to yourself. The other person is just a mirror to reflect your own misgivings with yourself.
I don't think liberal people think the right wing and the left wing are equally bad (Trump took that opinion away) it is just they are tired of money in politics, the corporate control of politics. This is why Trump and Bernie were so popular and why Obama was popular too. They both appealed to the everyday man. Now how in the world the average voter actually fell for the illusion that Trump was a populist I have no clue. But that is what the people are drawn too right now. Obama literally ran on "Change you can believe in." Promised transparency and getting rid of "Politics as usual." Trump talked about bringing back factory jobs for the everyday man and stopping outsourcing. Bernie even though he called himself a Democratic Socialist still had huge backing from Generation X and Y. Biden has none of these things and needed the entire liberal media and every Presidential Candidate who ran's endorsement just to beat Bernie. America right now just wants money out of politics and a economic system that doesn't feel skewed in favor for the top 1%. All the polling data has been saying this for over a decade. It is what it is. Besides this only happened because the Democrats did nothing when the Republicans refused to approve any of Obama's nominees for over a year and a half which has NEVER HAPPENED IN AMERICAN HISTORY and was literally a violation of the Constitution. But hey what do I know?
Razard86 replied to TheAlchemist's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Last time I touched an edible I took like 3 and got raped. Against my will I got Ego Death and exploded into pieces. Lol I'm good on edibles...yall can take them. I would much rather deal with mushrooms. They are gentle lol. -
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I agree but be careful with the deconstruction, it can become dangerous. A person can suffer psychosis if they are not careful in their deconstruction. Let's just say you can discover WITHOUT psychedelics that reality is an illusion if you aren't careful lol. I learned that one first-hand. -
Recently my baseline awareness has been increasing. The more and more I pay attention the more I see the same traits I possess in someone else. Its funny because as a result I experience what it is like for others to deal with my ego, because their ego is doing the same thing. It is hilarious because sometimes those characteristics annoy me. Then I realize in that moment, so this is how I am making people feel. I apologize, I apologize for not working better to connect. I have now realized that in my desire to teach I relinquish the true desire of all communication which is the desire to connect. Its crazy I thought I transcended this but I have allowed myself to backslide into arguments. Instead of focusing on the differences that others speak I should focus on where our similarities lie. When I watch the logical types on this forum try to hammer in on their perspectives and stroke their metaphorical mental phalice I laugh because I spent majority of my life doing that. But now I truly see debate for what it is, a waste of time. I actually already know how to overcome debate as well, but I allow my old habits to take control. Well no more!! I will make a conscious effort to focus on what connects, than what separates. I truly know what the phrase follow your bliss means now. Follow what keeps you connected. We all know bliss, and peace does that, but also following the similarities you see in others that also reside within. Stop seeing someone as separate, as long as you are doing that you are stuck in ego. The illusion of separation? That is the biggest trap of all.
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Where did boasting come from? -
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You should eat it.