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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Everything is One. All Distinction is Illusion. We only mess around with distinctions because it is a fun game to play. Eventually a Man with XY Gene code will give birth, and A Woman with XX Chromosome will have a penis. Reality likes to fuck with your mind like that. Examples of Reality fucking with you: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/memphis-woman-world-fingernails-growing-hair/story?id=16974423 So all that can be said is every distinction that we make outside of everything being ONE is that this distinction is GENERALLY true, or RELATIVELY true. Like a statistical fact that has a tendency to be true. So because there will always come an exception to the rule that distinction follows... we should decide how to use that. But understand that whatever rules you have, need to be relative to the sociopolitical climate at the time but they won't be hard rules. Every hard rule society makes, it eventually over time eradicates. Source: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/06/law-too-slow-for-new-tech-how-keep-up/ The changes in technology is rapidly changing and mirroring in the changing views of conceptualization on things like sex. This is good, all that is happening is humanity is waking up to how reality actually works. You decide what you are, you create the map of your reality. No distinction can ever be proved, because all distinction is just something conceptually made. If I create an invention right now and give it a name, the name is not the invention. But the funny thing is....this type of logic scares people because they still see life through the lens of a human, and as long as you do you will always be controlled by those limitations and what comes with those limitations. Transwoman truthfully can claim whatever title they want. They can say they are from Mars, try to disprove them....you will fail.
  2. Kendrick Lamar gets it, we always think we know, then another corner of life opens up and we are like huh? The secret of life is you don't control jack but what you focus on and what you choose to believe. Everything else is out of your hands. But most of that education....makes you think you are in control. So that's why you take everything so seriously. It's why the Spiritual Masters tell you to be playful. To enjoy life and choose the path you enjoy the most. But we have been MISEDUCATED. Its why I say the educated man has it the hardest.
  3. Everyone on this thread should read this. Maybe this will help show you, how much projection is the biggest issue facing humanity. Projection= Placing preconceived beliefs/judgments onto the present moment. As I said before....you cannot escape this, whatever you think reality is, it both is and isn't. The more you study it, this never changes. The one constant in reality, is that it is One, and that it is infinite. I really want you all to realize. That is the biggest paradox and mindfuck and people just go around stating everything is infinite and one without realizing what that means. Infinity= 1 is an unsolvable equation. YOU CANNOT SOLVE THIS. So everything is made up of that which cannot be solved. That is what it means to be a paradox. I notice we use words as humans, but we gloss over sometimes what it means. All of reality is an unsolvable equation and as a result it can experience itself anew for all infinity. God= Attempts to solve itself, but it cannot be solved. Attempts to know itself but it cannot be known, no matter how many versions of itself that it creates it will never know itself completely. Its amazing, like falling in love an infinite number of times forever. God is the greatest romance story ever told. https://www.quantamagazine.org/does-time-really-flow-new-clues-come-from-a-century-old-approach-to-math-20200407/
  4. 1. Your entire post contradicts itself. I will repeat what I have said many times. Any debate about Infinity, is ludicrious. Why? All debate is finite, and an attempt to grasp Infinity. You cannot grasp what is undefined, even the word undefined itself cannot even properly describe what infinity is. 2. You just spent an entire reply post to disagree in an attempt to tell me how Infinity is. All you did is provide YOUR perspective of Infinity. Infinity includes all things, even things OUTSIDE your perspective because your perspective is finite. So what does this mean? 3. All disagreement is illusion, imaginary, because everything is One. You really do not understand what that means. Every debate I engage with people I recognize it is just a game I playing with myself. You have yet to realize this...that is why your post is so long. You are very attached to your perspective. You are very attached to the MEANING behind your perspective. You are God, and so is everything. So how can you presume to tell me how my Higher Self would be? If it is me? Yes it is also you, but you and me are a part of it as well. So whatever I say my Higher Self is....it is, and whatever you say it is, it isn't. You still think there is a distinction. THERE IS NO DISTINCTION, but also there is....Infinity is a paradox. What is, is not, and what is not, is. You need to get mindfucked some more by reality before you will get this. You will see whatever you want to see, because reality will always reflect back your perspective. Reality is infinite, so it can reflect your perspective in an infinite number of ways. The Path to greater Knowledge is the path of NOT KNOWING. To learn you MUST not know, to NOT learn you MUST KNOW. Does that even make sense to you? Of course it doesn't but only the wise know this. "The fool thinketh he knows and that he is wise, the wise man knoweth he is a fool, and thus he learns."
  5. Life is just a grand big masturbation. You are just playing with yourself.
  6. The only thing he looks at more than his coffee table is his hand, then he stares at his hand resting on his coffee table.
  7. I've noticed in some of his past videos....he loves using coffee tables as an example....so for fun....let's come up with dumb reasons why he loves bringing them up so much!! Leo bought a romantic interest in the past a coffee table Leo loves the design of a coffee table. After every psychedelic trip Leo wakes up hugging the table saying "I hope it was as good for you as it was for me!" Coffee tables are the secret to God Realization and if your awareness was high enough you would realize it When Leo isn't staring at his hands.....he likes to stare at Coffee Tables When Leo is drawing a blank while doing a video....he habitually stares at a coffee table and is like "Eureka the perfect example!!" Leo made coffee tables in his past life. When Leo chooses to leave Actualized.org he will pursue constructing the perfect coffee table.
  8. Truer words have never been spoken. Heh God should be impressed sometimes though....
  9. What is Love? Love is life. Love is creation. Love is being. Love is existence. Love is conflict. Love is fear. Love is hatred. Love is attention. Love is The End, Love is the Beginning, Love is Preservation, Love is Killing, Love is Suffering. If you can not see the Love, then you cannot see God, if you cannot see God then you cannot know Love. Love is you. 1. Love is life= The desire to live is love. Its the desire to explore all that it means to live. To experience every single moment. 2. Love is creation= To express the many ideas and feelings that reside inside. To bring forth all that is within and to share it. 3. Love is being= In the stillness, the existence that is without contrast, the void that there is, the love for being ever flows. 4. Love is existence= existence has a beginning and an end, the value placed on the time it is here to make the most of the limited time it has. 5. Love is conflict= To push against that which it feels is unharmonious, that which it is not aligned. Love seeks to connect with what it aligns with, that which is the same. 6. Love is fear= Love seeks to protect, it does not desire to place in danger what it loves, fear is the expression of love that is limited. 7. Love is hatred= Love despises what it cannot understand, what it cannot understand love rejects, 8. Love is attention= Love desires connection, it wants to share, it wants to be experienced, it wants to know. 9. Love is The End= The value of something is perceived in its finitude, because it has an end its light can shine brighter. The End releases the pain and the suffering, it also releases the pleasure and ecstasy. Its rarity causes love to honor and respect it even more. 10. Love is the Beginning= The start, the first time, the joy of seeing and experiencing, the goosebumps before the grand reveal, the uncertainty and joy of what is coming next. The curiosity of all within your senses and the discovery along the way. 11. Love is preservation= The desire to resist the ever flowing change, the desire to maintain what you hold dear, the refusal to release what is known, for something unknown. The desire to remain wise and stable in familiar territory, the refusal to look foolish. 12. Love is killing= The desire to remove what is unwanted and undesired. The desire for peace, the desire for safety, the desire to experience new beginnings, the desire to end pain and suffering. 13. Love is suffering= The proof of your existence, the proof of your path, the proof of your love for yourself is that you suffer. Your proof of your resilience, your proof of your attachment, and the proof of your fears all wrapped up in one. You suffer because you choose, you suffer because you fear, you suffer because you love. When your love for suffering has run its course you will transcend it all and realize the love in suffering. There is no God Realization without Love Realization they are one and the same. If you cannot see the Love in all that is, you cannot see the God in all that is, which means you cannot see you in all that is. All separation is an expression of love, all connection is an expression of love. Acceptance of all is Infinite Love, Acceptance of all is God Realization.
  10. Why did you never share this story? That's messed up man. To keep such a powerful story to yourself. I've heard of these types of stories before but I'm glad to know you experienced it. Very cool, you should have Neville Goddard down pact then.
  11. Wow to think you discovered reality wasn't what it seems that way. You are clever, and very sensitive to small distortions most others would miss. That means you are more intuitive than most. Very interesting.
  12. I've had two consecutive days of a bird trying to fly towards me and perch on my shoulder. I think every time it get to me it sense some resistance and it gives up. But it keeps trying a couple of times before it gives up. Anybody have any experience with this or hear about this before?
  13. I had tantra sex with a girl who confirmed the experience with me. I instinctively knew how to do it...like I've done it before. Blew my mind I'm still confused lol. I can't do it anymore but that was during a Kundalini Awakening that was triggered by a car accident. That's the best I got.
  14. Trauma, this is all trauma. If your habits are as good as you say its trauma. You need to find a way to release all that pent up anger. I don't know if you meditate or use pschedelics, yoga etc. But whatever you feel resonates best with you, you need to find a way to heal it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAsJvKsd2Xk&t=2s
  15. The Republican Party maintains its position through lies and propaganda and that is how they have won elections. If you look at the past years Citizens primarily put one party in power when it comes to the Presidency usually for 2 full terms. Then they get tired of how the party runs the country and they put the Democratic President in power for 2 full terms. There have been some exceptions, George Bush Sr, Jimmy Carter, and most recently Donald Trump. Outside of these exceptions once you are in you are pretty much guaranteed a second term. When you are in power whatever happens while you are in the seat gets blamed on you. Instead of humanity collectively deciding to take ownership for themselves we like to massive look to some ruler/politician to solve the problems we have. Every problem in society we can collectively solve without government involvement if we come together. 1. Wealth Gap only exists because American Citizens are too busy fighting everyday over nonsense, or using entertainment/drugs to not pay attention. 2. Only vote for candidates who support what is best for the country as a whole not your individual agenda. 3. Create a transparent system in which citizens have access to the leaders and are able to hold them accountable. 4. Amend the Constitution to give more power to the public by changing campaign finance laws. So right now our citizens are just going to vote back and forth between the two parties till either or civilization falls, or we collectively unite. Together we stand or divided we fall. Either that happens will be for the greater good of the Universe so just enjoy the show.
  16. As I said before Democrats only have themselves to blame. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merrick_Garland_Supreme_Court_nomination
  17. Watch this entire video and tell me how you feel.
  18. Wow I am so happy for you man!!! Way to go!!! The Dark Night of the Soul is no joke!!! Glad you made it out stronger!!! I'm so grateful for you for doing the work!! Thank You for sharing this!!! You just illuminated my day with this post!!! Bless you!!
  19. The people on both sides are both hypocrites. Every human by nature is a hypocrite. Human nature is hypocritical, realizing this is actually a part of God realization. You know how reality is a paradox? So is human nature, so is your behavior, so is mine. Upon close examination every human being at one times has engaged in self-sabotage. Self-sabotage is hypocritical. At some time we all have given great advice...that we haven't followed. So once this realization comes to the forefront, then who are we to judge others....we have the same issues. Its called alignment. And the whole point of Spirituality is to become in alignment, not just energetically but in everything. So speak and act in alignment, that is when we jump out of being a hypocrite and self-sabotage and enter into congruence/alignment. So yeah them acting like this I already knew it would happen. John F. Kennedy quote "“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
  20. Mushrooms are good for healing. The thing is, its never the psychedelic its him. Psychedelics are like steroids, he still has to do the work but it can enhance his results. So first he needs to meditate, close his eyes and focus all his awareness on the spot. Then he has to visualize it being healed. Some like to visualize a light of energy going there. The entire time he is doing this, he needs to believe it is working, without his belief it will not happen. He can do this without a psychedelic and it will work but the psychedelic can enhance the process. Look up visualization techniques on healing. The most important part is belief. That's the foundation and is more important than the psychedelic itself.
  21. 1. I didn't put too much blame on endorsements. Literally before the endorsements Bernie was destroying Biden. There were key states they needed and each candidate had specific groups that both Biden and Bernie weren't strong in. When the endorsements came in, and they came in a wave Biden instantly jumped. If Biden was so popular why did he barely beat the worst President probably in History who did the worst job a leader could do in a Global crisis? Trump literally had parts of the Republican voters against him. Had the Lincoln Project running attack ads and he still barely won. History repeats itself. You already know this Leo, its why we all know Trump has a good chance to win again. He literally only lost because of the horrible job he did with the Pandemic otherwise he would have won. On Average the United Stats Political system has jumped back and forth between Republican and Democrats for the President and that President usually gets two terms. The only time they usually lose if some crisis happens that erodes the faith of the voters. Otherwise they win reelection as an Incumbent off name recognition alone. If you look at how the Liberal media covered Biden, Sanders, and Trump there were clear discrepancies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ss7tjLZKdMQ Overwhelming Poll Data consistently showed that Bernie held the highest advantage than any other Candidate over Trump. He held a higher advantage than Hilary, and then a higher advantage than Biden. His advantage was also outside of the margin of error as well. So if you want to win, polling data can help you make an informed decision.....unless of course the Democrats are too much part of the Establishment and don't want an Independent running as a Democrat to overhaul the control the corporate donors have over this country. It is what it is, no sweat off my back but yeah the Democrats need to eat this one they caused their own demise.
  22. It is not meant for you to awaken in this life time. So you can go spend another 100 lifetimes. Eventually you will get it. Or you could put the effort in this life time and not have to spend 100 life times. The choice is yours. Waking up is inevitable its just how long do you want it to take? Its a shame The universe (you) have given yourself so many clues yet you fight it. Here is one: "Row Row Row Your Boat Gently Down The Stream, Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily Life is but a DREAM."