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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. You should and you shouldn't. Life is just about balance. Take is seriously enough but don't over do it. Have fun and play, but don't overdo it. Though I would say, your work and play should be the same otherwise you will be miserable.
  2. This only bothers you because you are impatient. I have this same problem from time to time. Any issues you have come from a limited identity. What you think you are, and how you think things should be. 1. I am this, I came from this, I want to be this, This always happens to me, etc... 2. The world is like this, I wish it were like this. And all of this is what you deal with on a day to day basis. This is all you are doing every single day, these two things. You interact with your beliefs about yourself and the world every single day. This is what causes suffering and this is the definition of projection. So how do you get over this? Acceptance. Acceptance is love, Acceptance is Forgiveness. Forgiveness is Freedom. When you can get to a point that you can accept everything that is, then your ego no longer has control, and you can freely choose where you want to go and what you want to do. The Ego is the "character" and thus you play a role. You will always play out that role as long as you believe that is what you are. Every time you try something new and scary, you destroy the character and make a NEW character. As long as you are a character you will always suffer what comes with it. But once you drop all identity...then you have the freedom to be....whatever you choose.
  3. Totally agree. Its why I don't even know why everyone is so afraid sometimes for something to be valued it has to be taken away. Sometimes you have to take one step back before you can take two steps forward. Healing works this way as well. You think you got over something only to realize there are more layers there that were hidden. You even mentioned this in one of your videos, so yeah America needs to go through this Dark Night of the Soul they are having before they can truly awaken to their own selfishness and ignorance. Doesn't bother me because everything is always how it has to be. We should just grab something to eat and drink and enjoy the show.
  4. Well my perspective, because you can create what you want, but hey some like being slaves and I won't judge them for desiring that. But sometimes....isn't it nice to set the terms of your day and what you do based on what you desire?
  5. There is no distinction between dreams and current reality. So if you consider your waking dream real, then your day dreams or sleep dreams are real also. So if you want to consider that a parallel universe, you can. Don't let anyone tell you how to "think." A concept is just a map. So if you want to think of it that way go for it. But yeah everything is connected so even your dreams impact what you think of as reality. I've been running tests shall we say and you can send thoughts to people because we are all connected. If you think about someone enough they will try to contact you. Its very funny.
  6. What's Rational Whiki? Also yeah what the thread creator doesn't realize is demonizing someone....is low conscious behavior. So you kinda can't call someone low conscious then proceed to demonize them. Jordan Peterson has done a lot of good for the world, and he has some good points. All that is happening lately is his shadow is being revealed publicly. We can all learn from this, as each person's shadow that gets revealed is a lesson for us about our own shadows. Until we integrate everyone of our shadows we will always get emotionally triggered. So if anyone is getting anoyyed at something he says...then he is revealing your shadow. You should thank him for revealing the inner work you have left to do cause them shadows be hiding like ninjas sometimes. Of course there are only hidden because we refuse to look at certain aspects of ourselves but hey inner work takes time.
  7. Totally agree with this, its called burning through your Karma. Nothing wrong with experiencing life. You will eventually outgrow all addictions anyway. Its inevitable if you do them long enough
  8. Intention. Its really that simple, a psychedelic is a catalyst it only reveals what is already there. If you are already close to God Realization WITHOUT a psychedelic it will LITERALLY take you there. All the drug does is loosen the barriers you have erected. Self Inquiry is to get you the conceptual understanding while meditation and psychedelics are catalysts to take you there.
  9. I agree well said.
  10. Thanks I was given an impression, an intuition that I needed to be more grateful. Then I realized you know, sometimes we complain so much we forget people and things in our lives that have blessed us in some way. So I was like, why not show some appreciation for once? We can get back to complaining later on after we show some appreciation (lol just a joke) but seriously my next thread is a user appreciation thread so other users can get some love as well. Cause at the end of the day....all we want is love. So why not give it to ourselves and others? Thanks for showing me Love as well I appreciate you for that!!
  11. So much power and raw emotion in this post. Thanks for sharing!!
  12. Great post! Can't really argue with that one. I wouldn't say its delusional, its just not practical for this time period. He isn't wrong the whole world could be free, and it is actually moving in that direction. If you look at how the internet is and what was discussed in the World Economic Forum about the Great Reset the goal is to provide a livable wage to all citizens and have robots perform all the work. So the world is moving in that direction its just not there yet. I feel ya, the best thing you can do is don't take more than you feel you need too. Also if you are that concerned about taking....become a Breatharian, they don't even eat food!! They operate purely off Life Energy!!
  13. We suffer our expectations. Our expectations create fears. When we are afraid of what may or may not happen it paralyzes us. In my personal life I have always been at my most powerful and productive when I focused on the journey and not the destination. You know you are at your best when you enter what is called the "zone" or "flow state" when everything is perfectly aligned. Its a temporary state we inhabit when everything becomes synchronized perfectly in that moment. You can only enter that state when you are present, it is a state of meditation. If you have ever performed in sports or any competitive activity or creative activity you have no doubt felt this. Whenever you pay the most attention in the present moment to what is going on, this state will open its doors to you. So we need to open our hearts, ignore the beliefs, and judgments and opinion of ourselves that stop us from going in the direction of our desires. Allow the message of our divinity to shine forth through our trust in the process that things will be as they shall be. A story: I once struggled with Statistics in College. I wanted to drop the class at mid-term because I was failing it. I couldn't drop it because my financial aid didn't come through and was forced to go past the midterms with a F and now being unable to drop the class without receiving a WF which is basically equivalent to an F on your Grade Point Average. (If you do not drop a class before midterms, then you will receive a penalty if you attempt to drop it past that point). I talked to my Professor to see if she could help me and she told me she couldn't believe I was failing because I was often participating in class. She told me hey maybe just study longer. I was angry at her advice because I was already studying 4 hours a day for 6 days a week. I decided to study for 5 hours a day and then eventually moved it to 7 days a week. I told myself "The only thing I can control is my effort and my preparation." My results will be what they shall be. So I set out an intention to pass, focused on the process (journey) and left the results up to themselves. I was able to find videos on Youtube that Teachers uploaded of lectures on topics that I couldn't understand from my Professor or the textbook. After listening to enough lectures and applied practice I would figure it out. Result: I got an A on every test I had from that point on. I went from a 60 to a 89 in 2 and a half months and got an A on the final. My Professor told me in all of her 20 years of teaching I was the only student to have a turnaround like that. These two moments in my life teach the same message. Stop having expectations, focus on the process, the present, and tomorrow will fend for itself. Second Story: I use to run in College I was on both Cross Country and Track and Field team. There was a meet where my Coach put me in the 9000 Steeple Chase, the 5000 meter run and then topped it off with a 800 meter. After finishing both races I was dead tired. I told my teammate man I have no clue how I am going to finish this race. He was like all you can do is the best you can man. I was like "you are right." So when I decided to run as hard as I could, and whatever happens happens. I actually told myself that repeatedly. When I lined up to run I took off faster than I normally did. I usually would pace myself the first 400 meters, slowly pick up pace on the next 200 meters and then sprint the last 200 meters. But TODAY was different, since I knew I had used my energy I decided to just run hard the whole race and if I ran a horrible time so be it. I ended up setting a PR (personal record) and my time was the fastest time in my Conference for like a month. So again...my two strongest moments had this same theme. Focus on the here and now, the present, as truthfully that is all there is. Matthew 6:34 is “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” - Jesus.
  14. Nope its not a cute story, with a deeper awakening you realize how things actually work. There are levels to awakening. Infinity of Gods is a thing. Jesus stated it and many other Enlightened Gurus have verified it as well. If you seek long enough you may attain it.
  15. Shoot yeah its normal that we were conditioned to have them. Its cool over time with enough forgiveness we can heal away our insecurities. It will take work though, its not going to heal itself.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0edbmq7XQY This says different.
  17. You need to ask yourself why this bothers you so much. Any issue you have with someone is really just with yourself. I just got triggered by my old college roommate yesterday and that revealed I still needed some more forgiveness and shadow work. So ask yourself what about this post is really bothering you?
  18. Life neutral, whatever meaning life has is only your projection. Everything in your entire life is just a perspective. This is why arguments and conflicts happen because those are just opposing perspectives. The only accurate thing you can say is Life and Death are love, because that is foundation of all that is. Life and Death are also ONE because that is the foundation of all that is. All knowledge is based on these two foundations Oneness and Love. Everything else outside these two truths is just a perspective.
  19. Osho has talked about this as well. https://www.osho.com/osho-online-library/osho-talks/alexander-the-great-possession-education-d2ed0fc6-f4a?p=63732774fd63553f9285e0db0708349a
  20. I love this, and I needed this!!! Thank you so much!!! This spoke to something I was struggling with!! I love you all so much!!
  21. I found a story of a man who had a NDE and was the type of person that people would have issues with his world view and actions. So sit down get comfortable and listen to a story of transformation. Its powerful!! I love it!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAd_v4IfB5w
  22. Great insight! Keep up the good work!!