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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. When did I say constant pain? When did I limit awakening to just pain? A lot of your pain is self-created? Everything in your life is your creation. You only experience yourself in your entire life as a human. I don't even need to use Spirituality to make this point. Go take a bite of some food and then have someone else take a bite. Your opinion and there opinion will be different. Go watch a movie with said person your experience will be different. There is no objective reality. Your reality has always been subjective and it will always be that way. Sex with another is just masturbation. If I killed your nervous system you could not experience the pleasure of sex. That means whatever you experience has been your creation. It goes even deeper than this, but I will leave it right there. So yeah every emotion, every physical pain, its you. Nothing to blame or point a finger at, that is but an illusion.
  2. Pain, oh how we loathe thee. Pain oh how we avoid thee. Pain oh how you spoil everything. Pain oh how joyful I am when you are gone but how much I hate when you are near. Pain why can't you just leave me alone? You torture me, why are you even here? But then you notice, that wherever Pain is, it always follows a revelation. Pain always seems to be wherever there is a wrong turn, that Pain always seems to be connected to Ignorance. When you are sleeping if you experience a sharp pain in your body you awaken. When a person goes through a Dark Night of the Soul what follows is an "awakening." So the purpose of pain is to wake you up. To wake up to be taken from darkness, from the unconscious, and into the light of consciousness or what can be called "Enlightenment." Without Pain, the pathway to truth cannot be found. You cannot awaken without pain, you cannot raise in awareness without pain. Notice that all growth has always been forged through pain. Anyone who has ever succeeded in anything long enough has all dealt with pain. At a certain point, you need to accept pain as necessary. Pain is your alarm clock to wake up and pay attention. Its the alarm to say LOOK you are not seeing what is actually there. Pain also lets you know when you are projecting. If you are ever in pain emotionally psychologically it is all projection. Pain is there to let you know. Pain....it is a communicator, that is too often misunderstood. Pain is there to tell you....that is not real. Between every false belief is pain. You only learn of its falsehood because of the pain. Those who embrace pain, embrace expansion. Your entire life you have always desired to expand, but each time you try to, you experience pain. Pain is a necessary part of expansion. So embrace it, forgive pain and accept it. If you can do this, you will awaken, if you awaken enough times you will discover you created pain, and that the pain was there to test how bad did you want to wake up?
  3. I'm sorry your experience was like this...but this was the funniest explanation of an experience!!! Thanks for the post!!!
  4. As long as you believe that, that is what you will see. I have found tons of examples that would counter what you just said and WAYYY too many examples. Right now you are stuck in the dream of your perspective and are projecting it out into the absolute. This is laughably false I again have found so many that do, even worse.....Leo is one of them. So again you ONLY see that which you believe. Whenever you become sure of something, you become cut off to any possibilities that are contrary.
  5. This is true, I believe it tricks the body into thinking you died at a strong enough dosage. My third eye opened I hear that only happens at the moment when the body is ready to die. Makes sense cause that was intense.
  6. 1. Basic Human Attractiveness is rooted in your animalistic desires. Men are attracted more towards physical beauty, and Women are more attracted to raw displays of masculine behavior. 2. My belief after several years of contemplation is because of among early humans the most narcissitic men tended to be the best warriors/conquerors and somewhere along the line this became embedded into the female genome as markers for strength. So as a result Men must overcome their propensity to be hung up on looks only as a marker for a viable partner, and Women need to get over their hang up of men who display large behaviors associated with narcissism to find a viable partner. You are where you are in your development. No judgment no guilt needed. I'm glad you were able to notice this issue. This a just a part of your development. You like what you like, until you don't. Most people cannot overcome their desires until they learn the hard way where those desires lead them. You can find out for yourself if that is the path you choose to tread. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886913012245
  7. I agree with everything except this part. If God/Universe wasn't trying to wake up, it would never allow that opportunity to exist. But God allows that opportunity because it wants to wake up eventually. The entire process of creation through dreaming is a cycle which will eventually collapse into a singularity. Then it will begin again.
  8. Yeah its why I made it, I suddenly realized we need to show some appreciation for the wonderful people on this website. Its a rare gift to have so many diverse and intelligent perspectives. So yeah I felt moved to do this intuitively. Hopefully it becomes a long thread of shoutouts whenever someone feels compelled to do so.
  9. I'd Like to show some Appreciation to Users Other than Leo who have helped me in various ways. First I'd like to thank puporing for being such a kind, patient, and understanding person who would listen to my whines and complaints and rambles I would share with her. Thank you for putting up with me thanks for sharing you love!! Next is Sam C, thank you for listening to my rambles as well, and for sharing with me your deep interesting perspective. I love your ability to see into the psyche and I think any field you go into regarding that will be lucky to have you. Vincent S, I feel like I'm talking to a clone who has lived a different experience when I read something you post and when I converse with you. My self love increases just through exposure to anything you write on the forums. Thank you for sharing your perspective. Asayake your new to the forums but have already made an impression on me. I thank you birdman, I hope you will continue to drop the nuggets of wisdom you constantly do on the forums. Fernanda I thank you for your many words of encouragement. I don't know if you are aware of how powerful words of encouragement are. They are so powerful its amazing they are free!!! Thank you for that I mean it! Thank You Carl- Richard for giving me 2 points....lol in all seriousness you are very intelligent and your posts are usually very good at expanding a concept. It must be a gift. If I have forgotten anyone blame my head not my heart. Let's get this ball rolling shall we?
  10. Your line of thinking speaks to you being open to the possibility. Its why the poster said just to back off. You need to be honest, RADICALLY honest about your feelings. Non judgment, judgment allows you to lie to yourself about how you feel. We don't know if she likes you like that, some women like to be flirty. However what we do know is YOU like her like that. This is why this line of questioning and reasoning is within your awareness right now.
  11. Its by design, also there are no problems. Everything is how it should be. Anytime we think something is bad or has a problem we are engaging in the same game they are. You said why is everyone so serious? Thinking something is a problem is being serious. You cannot think a problem exists and be playful and unattached. So notice you are doing the same thing they are doing. Now I'm not saying I have transcended selfishness I am still selfish which means I still have judgments and shadows to integrate. But yeah there is nothing wrong with this mindset, I just know where it ends....where all mindsets end....no where. Because there is no destination, no where to actually go, which is actually TRUE FREEDOM.
  12. There are people who have healed themselves. Expand your beliefs.
  13. Lol so pretty much what every human identity has done when faced with their True Self.
  14. His insight is valuable. In my younger years between 15-25 years old this mindset helped me out a lot. It helped me prove my value to myself and deal with certain dark moments in my life. So its an admirable mindset to seek to achieve and if someone wants to take this path I won't fault them. I just know in the end that is not where happiness comes from, joy, bliss, etc. The key to joy, bliss, etc, comes from within. I'm satisfied right now in the present moment. If you aren't satisfied you are looking in the wrong direction. I’ve often said that I wish people could realize all their dreams and wealth and fame, so that they could see that it’s not where they’re gonna find their sense of completion. Like many of you, I was concerned about going out into the world and doing something bigger than myself, until someone smarter than myself made me realize that there is nothing bigger than myself. My soul is not contained within the limits of my body, my body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul. - Jim Carey
  15. I use to think like this....but nah I'm sorry I don't agree. 1. Achievement ultimately means nothing. When you die you leave the way you came empty handed. 2. Life is meaningless, so that means all meanings that anyone chooses is just as valid as anyone else's. 3. All those people you mentioned while admirable will never have more value than anyone else as value is subjective. One man's trash is another man's treasures. Everything is just a perspective. 4. I honor your perspective as it was one I use to have, now I realize that you can choose to believe or pursue whatever you want at whatever pace you want. Even mediocre is just an illusion. “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer.” - Jim Carey
  16. I can feel the love from this post. Thanks for posting!!
  17. Very Well Said. Every Single Word. Yes Jesus was something else with that whole dying in the hot Sun while naked, with a crown of thorns, whipped and beaten, spit on, pierced by a spear, dying in agony on a cross. Make me shake my head.
  18. Pain is inevitable as long as we are in 3D. That was really the point of the post. There are ways to deal with this, certain meditations do exist where you can create a separation between the experience of pain and your present awareness. But pain itself is a natural part of this 3D reality/illusion.
  19. I just read it. It reads more like satire than an actual critical analysis. I mean he even referred to Eckhart Tolle as "garden gnome man." So yeah its a fun read, not to be taken seriously but entertaining nonetheless at his crazy conclusions and analysis.