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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Sigh.....here is a way to explain it. Consciousness is what makes up appearance. It is also what makes up what you call your senses, like smell, taste, sight, hearing, and touch. So Consciousness is the building block of all of existence, it is what appears, and what doesn't appear. You know the extreme of nonappearance as deep sleep, and what doesn't appear before the beginning of your life. From that perspective....we are the same because everything is made up of the same consciousness. But as the human you are, you have your own functionality. Just like identical twins who are the same egg but is split down the middle are exactly identical but have their own functionality. Just like every cell in your body shares the same D.N.A. but has a different appearance and its own functionality. So even though in our essence as Consciousness we are the same, we appear and function differently. This topic would eventually point to the holographic nature of reality, in which the part is the whole and the whole is the part and they are mutually intertwined and cannot be separated but that is a whole other topic.
  2. And that is all that is being said. An experience is an appearance. When you wake up in the morning and open your eyes, the world APPEARS before you instantly. All your perceptions appear as well. But if we knock you unconscious, or you go into deep sleep, there is nothing. So if you don't dream or are knocked unconscious there is nothing....but if you dream or wake up there is something....how do you know when you supposedly woke up you aren't still actually dreaming? Now if you don't entertain that possibility then you will never find out. I can't prove it to you because I can't enter your body and force you to investigate it. But I can at least get you to realize that you cannot separate being conscious with life/reality. You have to be conscious to be alive, and that means Consciousness= Life itself. The rest after that.....you have to find out for yourself. The only reason I engage with you at all is because I want you to admit that either you want to find out or you don't. But when you say it's not true I'll just bring up evidence of it being true because the evidence is all around you...if you care to look and investigate. You have a budding interest otherwise you wouldn't be on here and responding to me, but until you are ready to take a deep dive you won't find out. Finding out what I am saying is like this....(except your body disappears). ^^^That right there is an example. Doctor Strange is seeing what psychedelics show you, that the Universe is a Mind that spawns all creation and anything you can imagine...it can do and more. He didn't realize it until it was shown to him. So if you actually investigate it...you will discover it. BUT.....you don't have to because it can lead to PTSD, and temporary insanity, because the magnitude of this awakening is too much for most minds. Leo reportedly shit on the floor during his awakenings, and some of mine sent me to the psyche ward as reality crumbled around me and I wanted to "get my normal reality again." That shit is bonkers, it can appear however it wants to appear.
  3. Yeah that shit is crazy, my new investigation is why is one thing imagined in a particular way over another thing. I know the answer is the maximization of all that is loving and good, but my desire is to actually see it.
  4. You are so dishonest, We will do an exercise in honesty. If you are not conscious....is there a life?
  5. And this is why you are dishonest. I've said it before. It's called the truth for a reason. If you lost consciousness, and never regained it...you would cease to be human. Consciousness is prior to human. You cannot even form an individual identity until after many years as it takes years for an ego to develop. https://www.babycenter.com/baby/baby-development/developmental-milestone-separation-and-independence_6577 The research is well known, a baby constructs an individual identity over years. So yeah, like I said if you want the truth you will find it. If not, you'll play DISHONEST mind games like you.
  6. I'm consciousness appearing as a human. That is the truth. If you weren't conscious, you literally couldn't be human. Consciousness has to exist, for a human to exist. Before you were conscious, you didn't exist. Think about that.
  7. This entire thread is a nice small case study in how the human mind justifies its world view without an intense investigation into truth. Humans don't care if you actually make sense, because they don't care about making sense more than they care about being comfortable. Comfort is the first truth of humanity.
  8. How one interprets suffering is usually in relationship to what happens after the suffering ceases. If for example a person suffered and became financially well off after the suffering and the events of the financial return were tied to it the person usually says "That suffering was key to me growing as a person." So suffering is usually interpreted in relation to the events that transpire after its conclusion.
  9. If you go deep enough in this work you can definitely end up in a psyche ward. This work has sent me there a couple times as my mind started to hallucinate random shit and I'm talking physics defying shit. I even discovered what selfishness really is on the metaphysical level, which is simply...selfishness at its highest level is your ground. Your configuration of reality as how it represents itself is your selfishness. You feel a certain way in your body, it fits like a glove a certain way. What you see and how you see, taste, smell, hear, and touch are all a certain way. When you start messing with that configuration you will feel like you are going insane. Close-mindedness exists for a reason. If your mind wasn't close-minded you have no idea what type of crap you could be experiencing. I got to discover what insanity is doing this work and it finally hit me why some people experience demons, hell, and other types of nightmares. Most humans take for granted how well-constructed and consistent their psyche is. One of the best ways to torture people to me would be to strap someone to a chair, show them repeat images of their greatest fears and then give them a hallucinogen and watch them squirm as they torture themselves with an unhinged mind. You feeling the way you did does mean you were creeping close to the fire....very close. One of the signs you are finding out the truth is the world starts to feel a little alien, and you stop feeling human. That's when you know you are making progress and you discover....do you really want to know? Do you really want to deconstruct your reality and break the illusion? Are you sure? For example....you could break the chain of sequence of time in this illusion, and will discover that you are imaging people to fill in the gaps of what happened when you blacked out. This shit is a conspiracy of ONE....and that ONE is you!!! LOL.
  10. We could just make the punishment is you have to take 5 MEO DMT daily for a week. That will whip you into shape. Don't have to kill you physically...just mentally.
  11. Yeah its a strange loop. God imagines itself as a human, then looks for itself, using its powers of imagination at the human level. But God is literally pure imagination!!! So the imagination that is being used to look,,,,,is the same imagination that is all around it!!! I mean what is short and long term memory? Just imagination recording imagination!!! What are the things humans create? Only what is in their imagination!!! Humans can only beat animals like Bears and Lions because they have imagination. Imagination is the strongest power humans have, and it is LITERALLY GOD!!! Also...the book of Genesis in the Bible TOLD US THIS!!! Genesis 1:27 New International Version 27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. So we are literally God's image/imagination, and we also create, using God's image/imagination. ^^^^The Truth was there all along and yet....this message will be rejected!!!
  12. Exactly which is why this thread title is Bullshit. I was raised Seventh Day Adventist and read the whole Bible at 16!!! I discovered that Jesus said we are all Gods an hour before Leo released his Infinity of Gods video (It's why that wink in his video made me laugh). When I discovered it I was pissed off because I had NEVER heard a sermon on it, or ever heard that verse mentioned. I was like....he literally told them that they were the sons and daughters of God just like him!!! And they rejected his message and made HIM the only ONE!!! The Christian Church does not really love themselves.
  13. Exactly he was referencing that verse when he said it. He also said the "Kingdom of God is within you." Where does God reside? In the Kingdom of God!! So that means God is within you. So if God is within you, then the one looking out of your eyes.....is GOD!!! Then Genesis says that humans are made in God's image. How does God create? Through imagination! So the image of God is literally man! (All of reality is God's image but there was something special being pointed too here so let's continue). How do humans create? Through imagination. So humans are made in God's image 2 ways, literally, and they have the power of God (albeit it to a lesser degree) at their fingertips. So humans are basically little Gods walking around made in God's image and creating in God's image. Biblical texts: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis 1%3A27&version=NIV https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke 17%3A20-21&version=KJV
  14. LOL that awakening made me feel like a child again. I was like of course God made Disney!! But then I also realized....the worse dreams imaginable could also be dreamed up as well. So yeah it is both the most amazing thing, and also complete horror. I mean....my parents are imaginary. My biggest triumphs and successes are imaginary. My biggest hang up are also imaginary. But I'll say when you get it, you are like..damn it makes too much sense. The more imagination power/creativity you have, the easier your life is. Rigid minds suffer too much in this life.
  15. Everything is imaginary that's what you aren't getting. This is why we say, many of you have no idea how trippy reality is. I'll say it again. God is imaginary, and that is why everything is imaginary. Imaginary is the correct and most accurate word at all times because it's absolutely true. All deviations from that word are subjective and open to interpretation. If pain and fear of death didn't exist you would already have found out long ago that it's a freaking dream. It is literally no different than the dreams you have at night, outside of one thing, this dream is more intelligently constructed. It's why I wish psychedelics were legalized then the whole world would find out very quickly. I do wonder what would happen if that became known....
  16. Jesus literally said you are God. Notice this verse is not discussed. https://biblehub.com/john/10-34.htm
  17. The funny thing is I completely understand him, as I grew up in a toxic school system where in elementary and middle school the girls bullied me especially some of the pretty ones. So I can empathize. But here is something I noticed, why would I be a jerk to a jerk? I mean I could....but now..I'm the same as them so we are both just jerks. Also...once you practice being a jerk to them over time it will become who you are. You see selfishness is like a disease, you don't fight it by giving it back, you fight it by acknowledging that selfish people are not aware of how nonintelligent they are acting. You say they should know better, I know better! Oh really? Then why did you not know better to not let a jerk sucker you into being a jerk? You were just as clueless as them, perhaps even more so because you were supposed to know better. Also admit right before you give someone a taste of their own medicine, notice the sinister feeling that arises that you usually ignore right before you perform the act.
  18. How would you define enlightenment because one issue I realized within spiritual communities is they don't know what it really means. Enlightenment just means you are aware that everything is one and recognize that is the true nature of everything. For me personally a rubric I created is you have to be able to put it into words. And yes words are pointers but you would be surprised how flexible words are at pointing.
  19. What you fail to realize is God created every perspective with a blindspot. Each blindspot makes us all unique. As a result everyone is borne a genius if they can realize it. If you want to become a master you need to learn the master's vision in your own words. Once you can put your own spin on it you have become the master. Sadhguru's teachings are not perfect, no teaching is. Each teaching is housed within its own style. In short there are people you could reach that Sadhguru could never reach and there are people who will find him inauthentic but could find you authentic and vice versa. The gift of the discriminatory mind is its ability to improve/renovate/remix/improvise/recontextualize things. Your way of doing it is unique to you. You have no idea how important your perspective is but I'll tell you. There will never ever be a perspective like yours ever. So don't dissolve your perspective into Sadhguru, let him be a springboard into an evolution of your true perspective.
  20. Woah, woah, woah, you said you were done! You said you had nothing more to say!! I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt because I didn't read enough of your past writings but now you are following the script of user Someoneishere. He also made a thread saying he was leaving and I called bullshit on him. But now....another one bites the dust! It's cool though, welcome back. It's not as easy to leave as you thought huh? Oh and all is mind. There is nothing but mind. Can't escape mind because mind is all there is. Everything is pure imagination.
  21. Yeah that's the point I was making. Democrats stop people who are good for the party if they don't officially recognize themselves as Democrats and if they don't socialize and mingle within the party. Bernie only lost because the Dems opposes him, same thing in a different way happened to Trump in the last election. This time even though a portion of the Republicans want to oppose Trump again they don't have anybody they like better. In fact this might be the first Presidential election in a long time where both candidates are immensely unpopular which is hilarious to me.
  22. It's a combination, because they are money driven they give coverage based on how popular something is, but they are also funded by corporations so they have bias in reporting that leaks in from those monetary interests. It's why even though the media didn't like Trump, he was great for ratings! Also the media is run by humans and Trump often offended the media which made them run even more stories on him. It became a vicious cycle as a result. With that said the liberal media is influenced by the Democratic Party which was revealed through email leaks which surprised me. I didnt think the Democratic Party had the ability to influence how much media coverage a Candidate gets. It taught me how deep the game of politics goes. Cliques really are a thing.
  23. You are a devotee of Sadhguru so at the moment you are obsessed that is what a devotee is. Everything you express on the forums is borne of the influence of Sadhguru. You just do not want to admit it. You have yet to graduate to your own interpretation. You have yet to find your own truth. So for now you are just imitating an original.
  24. Exactly it's all perspective, what is real to one, may not be real to another.