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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Exactly but even though everything you said is true, it won't stop me from trying lol. I can't wait to experience going Infinity, I will then write as much as I can about it, even though I know it will never be it. Isn't that so cool? How you can be okay never grasping something but still choosing to do so even though its impossible? I do believe technology one day will become so great every human will get the opportunity. I don't think humanity will kill themselves off.
  2. Bias, is stability. Bias is order, Bias is organization, Bias is memory, Bias is limit, Bias is perspective, Bias is separation, Bias is illusion, Bias is deception, Bias is your life. To live is to be biased, you cannot live without bias. Bias is what maintains your life, and the genius behind it is profound. Through Bias you are able to experience the physical world, you get to experience the contrast of your bias against that of other biases. All your life is a rediscovery of what you are, a being with no bias, no form, no limit, no perspective, no separation, no memory, no organization, no order, no stability, just everything/nothing. Bias gives you a filter to experience absolute infinity, and this bias is your life. We mistake this bias as what we are, which is why death is so frightful to the ego the bias that you are. Death is just the annihilation of your bias, a return to what you are. But what you are, you never left, you never stopped, you merely dreamt a dream of a bias, of being a particular way. Many people get mad at me in the past when I would say things such as mental illness does not exist, they really do not understand. Everything is mind, right now any limitation you have as a bias is an illusion. If you were to drop your bias, you would realize this. If the true nature of reality is unlimited, then how can you believe that any limitation actually exists...it doesn't only the perception of limitation exists not the actuality. Example: Superman can dream a deep dream that he cannot fly. He could be lost in his dream so deep that it feels real. But within that dream he could awaken to what he is truly capable of, and realize he is just caught in a dream and his true nature is Superman. What you are is beyond Superman, but you are also in a dream. As that which is without limit you could dream whatever you want. Your life right now was chosen by God to be experienced as a bias, if you cannot realize how amazing that is right now in the present moment....your life is one aspect of absolute infinity, for that to be the case your life HAS to be perfect. If an infinite intelligence chose your specific form, perspective, life conditions, and events then that means your life is the greatest possible opportunity and experience that can ever be lived. Its so funny...we are all so blind..... Watching this video revealed to me....everything really is perfect...we are just too biased and that was by design. God must hide its glory from itself, so God can experience itself. But God's glory is so wonderful that eventually God seeks to find itself and starts a path for the truth. Eventually God finds itself and becomes itself and the Bias disappears. Death is just the removal of all bias, an unconditional love, an unconditional perspective. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tS3mMZblq0U&ab_channel=Actualized.org
  3. You are not understanding...you really don't get it. I'll see if I can help. 1. You are in a dream. What is a dream made of? Whatever answer you get is the answer to what is nothing. 2. What is Infinity? Watch this and really try to do the visualization...you may start to understand. It is freaking ridiculous! 3. All labels, laws of physics, finitude etc are imaginary. The true nature of reality is nothing, and infinity. But for infinity to exist it has to also include finitude so finitude also exists. 4. The reason a possibility exists because every possibility that can ever exist, literally sits on top of everything. When you hold a cup in your hand, it is both empty and full at the same time. That is how reality accounts for creating possibility. Time doesn't exist, time is just how you live possibility. You experience everything in a linear format but Infinity is NOT restricted by time. 5. Lastly you cannot logically grasp or understand Infinity, because you cannot conceptualize it. Watching this video will prove it to you. Be honest and humble and admit this to yourself. 6. Infinity is YOU, you are that which cannot be grasped.
  4. Wrong you have a response- ability. You can choose to accept what is or to resist.
  5. You really do not understand. It's literally called Derealization. The belief that everything is fake. Fearing things are fake is fear of the truth because everything is fake. True Fear is the belief that you are finite, which is still fear of truth, because when you face death you realize you cannot die. The reason God put fear into the design of life is to trick itself. So all fear is just avoidance of absolute truth. Its rather simple. Its plain its obvious. The fact that you are debating this is literally proof right now of this fact. Your whole life is just a controlled well made hallucination. All fear stems from waking up and realizing this.
  6. Leo explains it in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQSUu2CRRBE&ab_channel=Actualized.org https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drawing_Hands
  7. Its your life so I won't tell you what to do, but this doesn't solve the problem. We all will eventually get old, if you cannot love your look, when you get old you will suffer immensely. This isn't a physical issue its an acceptance of your beauty. You are way too hard on yourself.
  8. This right here is the single most important concept men need to realize about most women. A woman's desire for you is based about this. Me and my friend have talked about this for years and how it plays out. Its funny how it does. A woman could think you are worthless one moment, and a situation change and you are THE MAN. It revolves around this one point. Its a golden nugget to know this... But with that said it is also true of you as well....
  9. Yeah I know the Spiritual Path is the acceptance of what is, radical acceptance of what is. You are trying to reach Infinity both in experience, and embodiment. The true recognition of oneness transcends all maps, and logic. You become a Super Conductor as Leo has stated in the past. No resistance to impurities, you just flow effortlessly. We reach these peak states every now and then, we call it being in the zone in sports, flow in other pursuits. It becomes your default state when you reach the highest level. Its definitely worth it.
  10. Thanks the funny thing is that Ox Video I prejudged it by the title and never watched it. I had remembered on a way earlier video when you talked about a retreat you went on (before you had your true awakenings) you mentioned seeing a glimpse while looking out into a field and how the Teacher you told it too said you only saw the tail of the Ox. I never really resonated with the whole map of the Ox Herding thing so I kept not watching the video...then today it showed up in my feed and I felt a pull to check it out. Lol I have saved that video its literally one of your most important videos I'm mad I never gave it a chance. Its scary though because I believe that video is the Call To Adventure Video and its like once you see it...you can't unsee it.
  11. Welcome to America. https://www.gainesville.com/story/special/2020/06/17/homicide-is-leading-cause-of-death-of-black-males-age-44-and-younger-in-us/112900786/
  12. Yes exactly. If you look at your life honestly (as an adult its easier) you will realize you have always gotten what you wanted. You have never gotten what you didn't want.
  13. This isn't unheard of, its due to a rise of awareness. Some of what you discussed is called synchronicity, the other is telepathic connection. If you can feel all those things with those women then you have established a telepathic connection. Its definitely possible, but very very rare.
  14. I'm a student of the path but I am interested in helping anyway I can. I only wish to be of service to all I see. Most of my aggression comes with frustration of seeing suffering. I hate to see others suffer, feels me with rage which is just my projection. I am having trouble learning to integrate this one aspect. But if I can help in anyway let me know.
  15. ......I guess we as humanity are doomed to miscommunicate thank you for showing me this because my feelings were not hurt, and you were joking...sigh are we doomed to have this problem until we transcend language as a species? Oh well. Ignore our past words I apologize for misunderstanding. But I still believe you and the other guy basically agreed with each other and were like going back and forth on like a small confusion of what the other person meant. But hey that's just my personal perspective. I like you though, you know how to handle a situation you were the first person to turn inward after a little disagreement I have come across on the forum in awhile. Shows you are well-developed spiritually. Keep up the good work.
  16. I'm not, I'm been debating for over 10 years....I'm weary of debate yet I still seem to get sucked in them. Besides a lot of people are too sensitive, not saying you and I'm tired of the lack of accountability and intellectual dishonesty on this forum. Your perspective is a healthy one ultimately I promote people to hold beliefs that push them to be the best version of themselves. You are ultimate truth, so what you believe will be true for you its why cognitive dissonance, and implicit bias is so rampant in humanity. You can only overcome it with radical honesty and most are scared of their own reflection, on some level we all are but some are so scared their basically blind.
  17. Easy your beliefs are reflecting in your communication. You made an assertion to superiority. That is a judgment. All judgment is projection. You attempted to judge me, and I countered you by claiming you were superior which is itself a judgment. This is elementary. You saw judgment where there was no judgment. Again this thread was two people debating when they were in agreement but were not paying attention to what they were saying to each other and were nitpicking the expression. It was rather funny, and I merely pointed it out. Pointing it out is not judgment but an assertion to superiority is...you saw what you wanted to see. Maybe scrub that lens a little more so you can see more clearly especially when your whole thread...was literally debating someone who agreed with you. You don't need someone to agree with the expression when the theme of the topic is agreed upon....unless you like to pontificate endlessly. If that is the case...carry on and ignore me...
  18. Pure projection, to notice something is to be it. So there lies the rub. So...yeah you are the one projecting superiority and because I pointed it out I'm projecting it too. You can't run from this one.
  19. Thank you, an open mind can learn from anything, even an ant can bestow wisdom if you see clearly. Yes DBZ definitely has some wisdom in it.
  20. This entire thread is mainly two people who believe the same thing constantly misinterpreting each other and debating each other off of that confusion....Notice this...
  21. ......Umm where did I say money was evil? You created a point and argued against it all by yourself....this point was never brought up or even alluded too. Also claiming holding down a job is proof that he isn't paranoid schrizophrenic was never an issue and isn't a point I was making. You literally created an entire platform to argue against points I never made or alluded too. My entire point was that your value as a person is inherent and that nothing you produce will ever be proof of your value. If you want to debate that point fine, but everything else you said is an argument you are having with yourself.
  22. Bias pure bias. So much bias in this statement it makes no sense.
  23. Flow state is a trance. It is basically akin to meditation or in sports what is called the zone. You need to cease thinking. It happens from intense concentration, almost like self-hypnosis. Very similar to this. The more you do something the more you will enter this state and is akin to mastery. Muscle Memory is a huge provider of this. A feeling of oneness with everything, you are stuck in the present.
  24. It all depends on how you look at it. I could easily make a counter-argument for every point you made. Also if you track the happiness index the country positions change, United States has been outside the top 10 before. So this post while nice, is just one perspective.