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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Andrew Tate is not a good example of Male Energy and this stuff is talked about, Leo talked about it, many people in the Manosphere talked about it, there are many books that discuss it as well. Again Tate is not a good example because a true masculine energy that is at its highest potential combines the feminine. You cannot be an effective leader without combining the feminine. Those that do create resentment in those that lead them. An example would be Michael Jordan. He got things done but a lot of his teammates resented him. Here are Videos Leo did. Here is a non spirituality source for masculinity as well.
  2. Just want to put this here. A lot of people think becoming rich will make you happy.... https://www.businessinsider.com/20-people-who-battled-depression-and-still-became-rich-and-famous-2012-10#10-abraham-lincoln-10
  3. Like I said no right or wrong answers but yes this is a nice definition of rich in my personal opinion. I especially like the part of living life on the edge. Very nice example of a rich life.
  4. You still didn't answer my question. But I will propose a premise. This statement by you is profound it shows you have the ability to look at yourself and evaluate your shortcomings. It shows maturity, and honesty. How many people in your life have you come across who are able to make statements like these? After you give me your answer I ask again....what is rich? By the way there is no right or wrong answer...so don't feel pigeon-holed and speak freely.
  5. You said you want your own identity...you have one right now. Spirituality is about transcending identity. Even if you deconstruct your mind you still have an identity if you didn't have one you would literally be God at this very moment. Identity IS FORM. So how can you be a form and have no identity? So you have one right now! The Spiritual Path is about transcendence, this means you are NOT bound by any identity and can ADAPT to any situation. This also means you are able to see from many perspectives and see clearly (insight) into what is most needed at any given moment while also seeing into the future (foresight) into how it all fits together. So you will always have identity, but you do not have to be bound to it.
  6. And that is perfectly fine nobody needs to do Spirituality just drop it all together and pursue what you desire. The secret to life is everything is Spiritual anyway, so even when you think you aren't doing Spirituality...you are!!! Spirituality is more about changing your perspective, that's more of a perceptual change a paradigm shift. So go forth and live your life how you best see fit.
  7. If this is a question in your head then please abandon Spirituality. Go pursue those things you desire. Why should you do Spirituality? You are not ready to do Spirituality if you are thinking and asking these questions and there is nothing wrong with that. So go forth and enjoy the road!!! When you are ready to do Spirituality you will do it.
  8. The Devil= Finitude. God =Infinity. The only way to give up all devilry is to be Infinite. The moment God created Separation the devil was born. So the only reason the Devil exists is because of limits, limits create fear, and as a result Devilish behavior emerges. Because God is infinite finitude must exist as well as infinity means everything. So one of the core examples you learn is that life is both good and evil. But the reason that evil doesn't ultimately exist is because there is only one self which is God. Evil is to bring harm against others intentionally but if there are no others....then there is no evil. But let's get away from this and speak from the world perspective. Recognize that both evil and good are the same thing. Recognize that everything is one and everything is a mirror. So if this is a case this means life is just a perspective and whatever you believe is true will be true for you. So the correct answer is, whatever is true for you. You have to find what brings you happiness and that will differ from person to person. Some want a chaotic life, some want a simple life. Some love music, some love math. Everyone both in the past and present are just examples of different lifestyles and perspectives that you could ultimately become. So pick a person whose perspective most resonates with your own, and use them as a foundation to how you build your life and as you come into your own you will change, grow, and figure out what is valuable to you. If I could give an answer is the key is to find balance. Whenever we are in excess in either area we suffer the kick back. Think of life like a rubberband. When both sides have equal force then it is centered. But if you pull too hard in either direction it give you a kick back. All of life teaches you two things. Face fears/limits, and stay balanced. If you don't grow you suffer being limited and all that comes with that. If you become unbalanced you suffer the consequences with that. So be balanced, and seek to expand all limits/fears as best you can. The End....or is it?
  9. Wow that is simply amazing!! Nice share!!! It also fits perfectly with this thread.
  10. Reality is however you hold it, however you view it. You see what you believe. Look up Mode One Alan Roger Currie and come back to me. Google Search Mode One. Life is not as simple as you think it is, nor as complex as you think it is. Its an adventure of paradox.
  11. Oh really? Then here is the next question for you. What is rich? What does that mean. I'm interested to see your answer.
  12. 1. Did you really just mention reality shows?....Seriously man....that is a low bar, reality T.V......if you only knew how reality shows are actually constructed. sighhhhh 2. Tate has won MMA championships. Tate has understood the dangers of losing his life. This is easy, there are actually many guys like that and guess what? Many of them would be scared shitless to even contend with a psychedelic. I literally posted Mike Tyson videos for a reason on this forum, all must bow before the glory of the divine. I don't give a damn if you survived an explosion, a mystic would be far braver than some MMA fighter. I've been in fights for my life personally and I know guys who fight MMA. I have deep respect for them, but guess what? Many of them would run from a psychedelic experience and chicken out. Tate is so consumed by fear he cannot even relate emotionally with any women!!! He cannot form a deep connection because he is afraid of heartbreak and betrayal!! So why should I care if a guy is not afraid to face death, he is afraid to face LIFE!!! That is why he finds facing death so fun! 3. Intense? Which is more intense? Dissolving into infinity? Or fighting a guy in a ring? Yall all making me laugh!! I have been in more fights than any of you would believe. Winning fights is just an experience. Everything is just an experience. I used to be in the military. Its just an experience. Everything is just an experience. But I'll give you two guys who are self-help that fit your bill. David Goggins, and Jocko. They are healthy versions of Masculine Empowerment. If you want to talk about toughness Tate has never done anything as tough or dangerous as them. And guess what? A psychedelic would still scare the shit outta them. Life is just a mind game. The greatest strength is mastery of mind. Could you face annihilation, realizing you are nothing ultimately, and yet still be able to function? A guy like Tate if he discovered God and the ultimate nature of reality right now, would probably become nihilistic. I don't seek fake strength in guys like Tate. Seek to become the man that nothing can bother him, nothing disturbs his peace. The strongest man is the one with no fear. Fear is the only thing you are fighting in life, and fear is you.
  13. 1. You don't understand what late to the party even means. Its not a time issue, if it was Leo would be late to the party since Spirituality is an ancient practice. Hinduism is the oldest religion and many of the Spiritual concepts are heavily influenced by Hinduism. So from that perspective you don't even make sense. But again its not a time issue. Second there are many people on this forum who have contributed many unique insights and perspectives on Spirituality and Leo isn't the only teacher there are many. Since you are trying to equivocate Tate in the manosphere to the people on this forum I challenge you to tell me something Tate has said that is profound or meaningful. Now be wary I was in the manosphere for 2 years. I understand the manosphere inside and out. I know there ideology I even know the history of why it got started and why it currently exists. I could write a book about this cultural movement which is a movement that actually helped Jordan Peterson become successful. So my issue with Tate is he isn't original, he does not give off a desire to push the movement to new heights, he is just hear there for money and attention. Also you cannot be in the red pill mindset and be into spirituality. The red pill can be boiled down to service to self, mistrust of others, there was a redpill Youtuber I used to follow who literally said You should not love, in fact a couple I know said that. The manosphere is a movement that is literally afraid of love because they believe they will be taken advantage of if they love. Some even say love doesn't exist. You really don't understand how dangerous and a step back the manosphere is. The only real benefit from the manosphere is personal development, and practicality which is all important. But it makes you blind. The manosphere itself is an expression of love, yet the people in the movement are telling you that love doesn't exist. Love is passion. Do you see and hear the passion of the men in the manosphere? They love masculinity, they love manhood, and they are telling you love doesn't exist? Its foolish, its the blind leading the blind!! Most will fall in and NEVER escape. So again what has Tate contributed besides fancy cars, and videos with hot women in it? Many of the red pill guys would actually warn you to not admire such a lifestyle and to focus on yourself.
  14. I agree, I believe everything in life is a profound message of the divine if you look closely so we are in agreement here. I just don't believe most have the discernment to get the right message and might actually try to be like him. But sure if they have the right maturity they would understand how to glean from him the aspects that are positive but again here is my issue. 1. Tate is late to the party. 2. Everything Tate currently says...has been said before. I haven't heard a single new ideology or theme from him that the manosphere hasn't said. 3. I used to be in the manosphere myself 2 years ago studying the female male social dynamic because I was tracking the global divide that has been happening. 4. So while I agree Tate has some good messages the problem is he isn't original, and there are better messengers who also embody a more positive ideology. If you have to go through the stages I would call Tate a trap.
  15. I agree I have always said your haters love you its why they pay attention to you. You only pay attention to what you love, attention is attachment. Its why I laugh when people complain about something and then say "I don't really care." It's like you do, stop deluding yourself lol.
  16. I have often heard it say, oh your identity is your beliefs, and this is true. But I just had an awakening (sober so you can call it an insight) that this is too confusing. I believe that you should look for the simplest map to understanding and it suddenly came to me and it blew my mind. I finally am able to see clearly through the illusion and it was so simple. Thought= Identity. You don't have to take a notebook out and try to rack your brain to figure out what your beliefs and identities are, that is too complicated. Make it simple, all thought is identity. Its that simple. So any thought, any story, any exploration= identity. Its not you. Its part of you but its not you. An identity/perspective is just there to serve you, nothing more nothing less. So anytime a thought arises realize its not you, its an identity, its your Survival A.I., your assistant trying to decode or interpret what's going on. Its the inner critic, the narrator, of all experience. But its not you. You can only suffer identity as long as you believe any thought is you. All thought is just an assistant along for the ride. So what is you? Its simple!! Its so simple and so profound! We have been stating it but its so freaking obvious!!! You are the feeling of love. That's it!!! When you are kind to others you expand, when you are kind to yourself you expand. You only feel pain when you hurt another....because its not another...its YOU!!! Your heart your entire life has been trying to tell you this!! But then your thought comes in and translates the pain you feel when you act unlovingly and calls it shame, guilt, etc. You have never felt shame or guilt, because the heart does not judge!!! The heart never speaks in labels!!! The heart speaks in sensations and its the Survival A.I., the critic, the narrator, that calls it shame, and guilt!! This is a trap!!! You have never felt shame or guilt!!! All you experience is pain/fear or love!!! Everything else again is just the identity game of labels. You can get lost in a seas of concept and labels, which have no meaning. All meaning comes from love. So the key to finding yourself is through your heart, that which speaks through sensation!!! The logical mind is just an assistant to help guide you, but what you are is the heart, the love that exudes within. So how to not suffer your thoughts, or perspective/beliefs? Recognize they were never you, they are the part but not the whole, the whole is the heart. Once you realize this, you become free from the prison of the ego, the prison of thought, the prison of beliefs/concepts. Your thought is the advisor of the heart, you have been raised to have it be the ruler, to imprison the heart and so you suffer. But the problem is we demonize the ego in spirituality which is A TRAP. All demonization is lies, nothing is bad or evil. The only identity is love, anything else is a mask, a cosplay. So observe your thoughts, acknowledge them, but recognize they are not you. Example: There is something tasty that you want to grab. Thought "I want to eat that." Recognize "That thought is not me." Focus on your feeling/intuition. Is this what you love and want to experience? Once you are able to decode your love properly then choose/decide based on that. Its simple, this is the proper map for a healthy relationship with all the parts of you that interact.
  17. Correct great response. Thanks for your post. That was divine. Exactly, but I been refraining because people have been telling me to stop turning every thread into a spiritual thread lol. But yes everything always connects. That is why it is love because love is connection.
  18. The simple answer is God creates because that is how God expresses itself. Since God is love, creation just happens. Remember, love is a metaphysical construct, the universe is made of love. So that's the answer, not sure it is what you are looking for but its all love. Its also a cosmic joke because God is playing the biggest practical joke on itself and it does it with life. So funny.
  19. Speak for yourself. I'm already living my best life.
  20. When did I say you defended him? Not once did I say that. You are feeling attacked and are projecting onto me. I merely said in a summary Andrew Tate is a late to the party conman in the manosphere. And this ^. All of life is a teacher, so yes you can glean nuggets of wisdom from anything, but I think ignoring Tate until his short minutes of fame dries up is a better option personally.
  21. I disagree, why get serious? Its a cosmic joke.