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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Yeah wasn't his best explanation but it went well with your meme so I posted it. Felt like a synchronicity so I went with it.
  2. People can only know what they have been exposed too and what they are open to explore. Also there is a logic to subjectivity and there is a logic to art. Logic is not just number crunching, it is also intuitive. Many people who create art can't explain it because they don't study their mind and how it works. Life is subjective but it is also objective. The objectivity is one with the subjectivity. You need to study your patterns of subjectivity to discover your objectivity and vice versa.
  3. I'm wondering if we have to ultimately get rid of the distinction between man and woman collectively to achieve peace between them...
  4. If you had free will you could choose every moment and how it unfolds. You don't you have a will that is given to you ( and can be taken from you). Even God's will has a limit, that limit is it must be good and loving.
  5. When you say suffering are you referring to physical pain or emotional pain?
  6. I mean God mode. Not saying you will stay there but you can reach it. But it's insanity and not for most people.
  7. Couldn't agree more, I wouldn't be surprised if this type of lifestyle leads to the greatest maturity.
  8. Glad you had fun. Seems it's about the struggle to survive, the search for meaning/God, and the sharing of that meaning/God with all around you.
  9. The secret reason is because they are truth and love, and the second reason is because each perspective of God can only know itself as the Absolute and can only understand other as itself if it can get outside of itself. But to get outside of yourself you have to go meta which requires exiting and killing your perspective. God as ego defines itself by its perspective, so you are complaining about them not committing ideological seppikku/ suicide. Each perspective is at a different maturity level and will test your maturity with their immaturity. Our level of maturity is defined by our ability to accept their lack of maturity and vice versa. But yeah I get your frustration. Understand that the human psyche's nature is to both assume and investigate. Assumption is easy, while investigation takes time and effort. We pick and choose what is worth our time due to love/preferences. The first truth to a human is what is comfortable, and that is due to survival.
  10. I'll say Bazooka Jesus is pointing to the truth but what is true is the higher you raise your baseline state the more dream-like your experience will be. The closer you get to God Consciousness the less integrity the boundaries between forms will have.
  11. It's precious so wonderful 💖 to see all this Leo love.
  12. You don't control how much of it you have, and to reach God Consciousness is the equivalent of powerlessness. To gain all the power is to give up all power. But no the truth is you don't have any power outside of influence. Your two main powers are love and truth. Notice you can't control what you are passionate about, and notice honesty has to be developed. And again your intelligence and environmental influences are all out of your control. Because you cannot perfectly predict what is going on, and you cannot directly control anything. Even worse you age, so you will even lose your physical strength and intelligence over time. Life moves from a low amount, to a peak, and then a crash from peak to baseline then eventually to pure annihilation. That is duality. Human will interdependent. Only God's will is singular because humans are always constructed in relation to something. This is why a human has to deal with survival. I can flip this around and explain how you gain control. You gain control by removing all bias, and working in alignment with what is. So if you want to make more friends and life teaches you through example that true friends are born out of long term commitment and the ascertaining of their values and yours being in lock step then you do it instead of trying to find a shortcut. If life says a reputation is built off years of consistency and hard work, then you do it without trying to find a short cut.
  13. I drifted into sleep and dreamt of all that had recently transpired. My mind went over the events of the day but they played in my mind’s eye like a movie, the only difference was it was hazy, and twisted, and in one of the scenes instead of shooting himself I got shot instead as it faded to black and I woke up with a ridiculous amount of sweat running down my forehead. I had thought I was fine about the incident but for some reason I had a nightmare. My phone rings as a small little stream of sweat reached the tip of my nose. “Hello?” I answered and on the other end to my surprise was Detective Volte. "Mr. Kennedy, sorry to disturb you at this hour,” the detective's voice crackled through the phone, businesslike yet tinged with possible concern….I couldn’t make heads or tails on if that was concern or phlegm. "…. but we need you to come down to the station for further questioning. There are some details we need you to clarify regarding the events of today." “You mean yesterday?” I corrected, hoping this would raise his awareness that he called me at the dead of night, in the hopes I could be allowed some peace and quiet a little longer. “Yes events of yesterday, how long do you think you could get to the station?” “Can I sleep a little and come later on this morning? The detective grumbled “The sooner the better for us because we really need to have certain details locked down because this case has turned into a whale and we don’t need this whale getting beached.” “How does 9:00 am sound?” I said, hoping to get a little more shut eye. “Make it 8:00.” Yawnnnnnnnnn! I made sure I sounded as tired and sleepy as possible. “Ok 9:00 it is but try not to keep us waiting son, “said the Detective. “I got you Detective Volte it will be like you beamed me there on your transporter.” What more could they possibly want to know? And what did it mean for Dr. Werden? Well, it wasn’t my problem for now and not like thinking about it would bring any answers. I stretched out on my bed to catch the remaining Z’s available before having to go possibly answer questions which could lock up a man I looked up to, for the majority of his remaining life. As I closed my eyes, in that exact moment a loud explosion went off BANG!!!! I opened my eyes and realized fate wasn’t done with me yet as a body then crashed through my bedroom window CRASH!!! Wasn't I on the 2nd floor of my apartment building? How the hell??? To be Continued
  14. The funny thing is I feel exactly the same way about you. You have written many profound things on here. And I have learned from your perspective plenty so thank you for enriching my life.
  15. Wow didn't expect you of all people to make this thread. Leo should be honored LOL.
  16. It's a bit long because he gives his life story before he talks about it. Watch if it interests you.
  17. I've noticed the same thing, people are more intelligent than meets the eye. Sure they are biased and simple mind in some ways, but they are also wise and profound in other ways.
  18. Depends on how you look at it. Humans do not have free will, they have an interconnected will that is exerted through influence. But God has free will, but then God's will is also bound, it is bound to be Good and Loving. God's nature is good and love so all of creation's nature is good and love. So you have no free will outside of goodness and love, and as a human you have no free will at all. Humans have a will of relationship, or you can say a dual will, the will of their individual identity, and then then will of the collective will all around them. Examples of lack of human will 1. You literally as a human cannot move your hand with your own will. You do not consciously control your neurological system, it functions on it own. That is why if it messes up you can't consciously go inside and fix it, (another human can attempt to repair it but if you know anything about medicine, medicine is the facilitation of healing of the body. The body is what heals you NOT the medicine. The medicine is supposed to HELP the body heal itself. So again, medicine is INFLUENCE and that means its ability to exert control is in RELATIONSHIP to something. But notice, the BODY determines if you heal or not, NOT THE MEDICINE. So again...the human doesn't actually have control. 2. So what heals the body? GOD. What gives the human the inspiration to make a medicine. GOD. 3. So upon investigation you discover, you don't have direct control over anything as a human. You might say but what about my decisions, I make decisions!!! You make decisions based on your level of intelligence which is based on the collective intelligence of your body, which you did not consciously choose as a human. Your culture, which you did not choose. Your life experiences and how you interpret them which you do not choose because interpretation ability is based on what you were given from birth. 4. So again... you see, your life is based on influence!!! Everything that has ever influenced you, YOU NEVER CHOSE!!! All you can do as a human is make the best of the cards you were dealt, and your ability to do that is based upon how honest you are because honesty is SELF-CLARITY and allows you to see clearly. 5. The only control a human has, is the ability to be honest. So your superpower, is TRUTH!!! Truth and alignment with truth, maximizes the cards you were dealt with and anything less is suboptimal. And that is all that is going on here.
  19. I've come to understand it's part of the process. Nobody ever said the Spiritual Process was easy. She'll come around to the meaning. It maybe just a story, but the story exists because it has meaning. The existence itself is made of meaning and that meaning=being. Consciousness is able to self-recognize itself and inherent in that is meaning. Majority of Neo Advaita have not had an awakening into what meaning is and where does it come from. The ego is a meaning making machine and that was not by accident. Meaning and its contrast meaninglessness must both be embraced and accepted for true freedom. Meaning binds, meaninglessness looses itself from the binds, and that is the flow of creation to bind and to loose from the bind, and then annihilate the form. Meaninglessness is death, meaning is life, existence is both and they interdefine each other. Balance is the key to this path, many humans get stuck on one or the other.
  20. https://www.actualized.org/insights/absolute-infinity-demo
  21. I said highest perspective, a perspective is a bias. If you notice I said highest truth it is both.
  22. With all this talk of imagination I realized that the denial of real needs to be discussed because many of you are disconnected from truth by getting hung up on the word illusion. You see the word real is not properly understood. Real is immersion. Anytime you say something is not real you are saying it cannot immerse you into the experience. But what we call reality, can. There is pain, there is emotional pain, there are responsibilities, there is fatigue, there are things you prefer and things you do not prefer. All this combines to completely immerse you. You see many of you do not understand why we say it's an illusion. It's an illusion because everything is an appearance and disappearance that is constantly flickering on/off like a light switch. Everything has no real boundary because it can be dissolved. That the substance of reality is dream stuff and that, is nothing which is, imaginary. But make no mistake what you feel is intense, it's painful, and it's also joyful and passionate. It sucks you in so much years seem to fly by. If you realize that your entire life has just been you studying and trying to enjoy life you realize life has completely sucked you in. Notice that you care, you absolutely care about your experience. That is proof that life is REAL. Life is LOVE because it makes you CARE. Hate it or not you still CARE. You see real/immersion is a construction and its an art to master it. Go try to write a book, t.v. show or movie and see how hard it is to draw your audience in. If life wasn't real Spiritual teachings wouldn't exist and spiritual practices wouldn't exist. Notice how hard it is to see it as illusionary and it's right in front of your face!! Now that is mastery!! Only God can make an illusion real and that masterpiece is what you call "My Life."
  23. At the highest level it is not real, because a creation compared to its creator is not real. Anything you create in comparison to you is not real because you have the ability to wipe it from existence but it doesn't have the ability to wipe you out. So to God the life of a human is illusionary, a dream. But from the perspective of the character it is real, the character can be wiped away, the character gets hungry, experiences fatigue, physical pain, emotional pain, so for the character it is real. That's why if you notice all of God's human perspectives are on here debating what is real and what is unreal and the truth is it is both depending on which state you are in. The lowest perspective it is real, the highest perspective it is not real, and the highest truth it is both because its the only thing that exists and it cannot be annihilated and that which is unchanging and eternal is literally the standard of Real. So God is the only thing that is real, but its powers....are completely imaginary, because it is imaginary it has no limits, and thus can create the perfect limits to express that even though its imaginary, a chain saw to the leg is when SHIT GETS REAL!!!! Only God can take a chain saw to the leg and be not harmed, but then the entire dream would be meaningless. Pain is the birth of meaning. If I handed someone's life story to you as a memory and you couldn't feel their struggle and pain those memories would be fleeting phantoms that appeared and disappeared without anyone to care. So yes we can be deluded if we ever become foolish enough to think there is a difference between real and imaginary....they are both the same thing with two different extreme expressions that INTERDEFINE each other. The Non-Dualist will shit his pants if you take a Chain Saw to their leg, and the Materialist will shit their pants if they discover it is all imaginary, and God alone....would only experience Infinite Love.
  24. Only you can determine that. Each part of God determines real.