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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. 1. Of course everyone has an agenda, people can also choose to ignore me. Many people can point things out, it doesn't mean people will listen. I can tell someone that majority of physical illnesses are self inflicted, bad physical diet, bad mental diet. Doesn't mean they will listen, but some will. 2. The entire point of communication is to be understood. Sure another motivation is attention but that attention is still to be understood. So my post is to point out how to be better understood. Most people don't even read books, so if you write a book as a reply...well don't get mad if people don't take the time to understand you. 3. This is an issue I used to do and I have worked on it over the years. You won't believe how long my posts used to be, my current posts are miniscule in comparison. Now when it comes to talking...I still have some more work to do in learning to articulate something in fewer words.
  2. Notice this: The OP's complaints are a cry for love. All your responses are your attempt to answer the call and provide love. OP then refuses your attempts and then claims a lack of love. Ironic much? LOL. Its why I always say, suffering is a choice.
  3. He does it because he loves it. He gets attention when he whines that is why he does it. This means he is not getting the attention he desires in his personal life and so he dumps his complaints here to get the positive attention he desires. He denies his own ability to give himself that attention and relies on "others" to give it to him. Have you all not realized he has brought you into this circle to feed him? He knows you all care about him and uses that to post over and over how depressed he is and you all come to the rescue. Even I am getting caught in this nonsense because I care too. He is so selfish he doesn't realize that his problems influence others. If God isn't love then why is he whining and complaining? If Love didn't exist nobody would respond to him. They would ignore him. He knows what he is saying is B.S. he just enjoys playing this character and that is why he does it. We all enjoy trying to help him, because we don't like to see others suffer. So that is the egoic game being played right now. The victim and those who want to help/save the victim. I wonder how long this is going to keep going until the game stops being fun?
  4. You are very brave to admit a flaw publicly it shows you have a strong sense of accountability. No roast I'm sorry it happened to you but I praise you for your accountability and your transparency. I have a bias in favor of people being accountable and transparent so when I see posts like this it makes me smile to know people like you exist. Thanks for sharing man, I also got scammed before for $1,000. I tried to help a stranger who was struggling to get money and it involved me transferring him some money. He transferred the money back to me but had lied to me that the account was his. It was actually his girlfriend's account. So she blocked the transfer and the money got sent back. My money however wasn't sent back since I approved the transaction. Not wanting to get the police involved I just ate it. I was younger and naive. I did leave him a scathing voice mail though lol. Basically told him he is the reason the world is evil LOL. Basically blamed all of the atrocities of the world on him. He told me he was a Christian and talked a whole bunch about Jesus. LOL!!! But when things went bad he went MIA.
  5. I've had a lot of people betray me in my life, I've learned to forgive them but I admit dealing with them my policy has been keep them at a distance because every time they come around they take from me. But what Sadhguru says in this video goes in alignment with Universal Will and your limited human will. If you look at anything that happens from Universal Will everything happens as it should. If you look at it from human will perspective things are good/bad according to your individual preferences. Interesting video to contemplate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzA6ZXpMH64&ab_channel=Sadhguru Also its interesting he said nobody ever told you God was intelligent.....
  6. ....engagement is a 2 person thing. It doesn't matter if he responds to you, just ignore him. The problem with victim mindsets is you pass blame on others and ignore your own power. You have the power to ignore. I could go on Facebook and a person can write me tons of messages I could ignore him or block him. You also have a block function, use it. Stop playing victim and utilize your power.
  7. 1. How can you be suffering when you have the freedom to type on a keyboard? You want real suffering? 2. To these people your life is HEAVEN. You claim you don't need contrast to appreciate? HAH your proving you do!!! If someone dropped you there for a week you would BEG for your current life back and walk around in appreciation!!! 3. This man has no arms and legs and look what he has done with his life!!! Do you see him complaining? No he is able to show the world that suffering is SELF CREATED!! Self-Love is the MOST POWERFUL FORCE IN EXISTENCE! It dwells inside you and you refuse to access it. 4. I could keep this up forever. You are creating your own suffering. It's the best message you can be given because it gives you the power to appreciate every moment. Go into nature, take walks there and observe and you will be amazed at how wonderful life is. Or you can stay inside take your internet and use it to complain on Actualized.Org about how miserable life is, while you have in your possession things most don't have. Leisure time to complain= you are safe, you are fed because if you were starving that would be a waste of energy, you can write coherent sentences= you are educated when most of the world IS NOT. You are so got damn privileged and you complain? Wow.... 5. Living conditions do not get rid of depression. This means even if we gave you all the money and power in the world you would still be depressed because your happiness is conditional. This means you have NO CONTROL over your happiness. This is why you are depressed. https://psychcentral.com/depression/are-wealthy-people-more-depressed-than-others#depression-in-wealthy-countries Wealth and status does not safeguard you from depression. Here is a fun fact, richer countries have HIGHER rates of depression than poorer countries. Hmmm I wonder why? I know why....its called comparison is the thief of all joy.
  8. You answered your question, its sustainable. But are you willing to do what it takes to sustain it?
  9. I think it maybe possible that there is one out there who does. I haven't actually looked but was curious if anyone knows of one.
  10. Hypocrisy is just paradox, the only way to avoid it is to be in balance. Whenever you are out of alignment or balance you are being a hypocrite. Quite a tall order to embody that. For example many people think judgment is a thought, heh its even more deeper than that. The MOMENT you get triggered by ANYTHING that is judgment. Judgment is rejection/denial of what it is, and you don't need me to tell you at this point what that means. When nothing can trigger you hypocrisy falls away as you are in an embrace of what is.
  11. Might need to do a whole video on this one. I get it....its called impressionable, or expression art. But this statement is so murky its well...murky.
  12. Hey....let me express myself!! LOL. tough crowd.
  13. Nope. You are in control of nothing short of picking a direction. You have choice....but then the question is...what is picking the choice? If you know the answer...then you realize "you" were never in control to begin with. This is where the peace that passes all understanding is realized.
  14. From the finite perspective there are mistakes and things to overcome. But from the Infinite perspective everything is working together for the betterment of everything. No matter which decision is chosen by the finite self it is webbed in the moment simultaneously with other actions of other finite selves to serve whatever purpose that is needed. Universal Will is always realized absolutely. Once you realize this....that you are absolute Universal Will, then you realize there are no mistakes. There is nothing to overcome, there are no hardships, no battles, there is nothing. You also realize you have never done anything or accomplished anything ever....it just happened. You studied for the test, but you cannot determine how fast or much you learn anymore you can determine how many times your cells divide in a day. This reveals that you should just pick a path and walk it and enjoy the journey. Enjoy the trip. A psychedelic trip was just trying to reveal to you that you were never in control to begin with. You are just a happening that is happening. Your ego just constructed the illusion of there being a finite you that is happening. Its rather cool and profound because on one end if you are stuck in ego you have a life, an identity and you get to experience that, and then when you awaken you die, and LOSE the identity as a YOU, and just live as life itself which is just an eternal happening. So if you are infinite, eternal will, then everything is always perfect. True freedom is the realization that all mistakes are illusion, freedom is life, freedom is happening.
  15. Its pretty long, but thorough. Read it if it piques your interest or ignore it if bores you. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/03/america-is-not-a-democracy/550931/
  16. The people en masse have always had power, they just give it away. As long as people are divided and fearful they are easy to rule. Its a sad truth that has played out for centuries in human history and is the reason why bloody revolutions end up taking place when the people get tired and fed up and don't care if they die and just want things to change at all costs. We have read this type of history play out all across the world and time immemorial and for some reason no matter what government we construct we keep having this issue where the power tilts to the top and the people just sit around and complain like they have no ability to stop it. This is perhaps the most powerful tool in the hands of the people and it has never been used. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_Five_of_the_United_States_Constitution Its rarely even discussed, not even in Political Science Classes. We don't just need term limits, we need more political awareness. Term limits are just the icing, if the people are asleep on political matters you cannot have a democracy. You just have something that pretends to be a democracy.
  17. Yep we sure are. thanks yeah I appreciate Universal Will for giving me this.
  18. THIS is why I missed you on the forums I love having you here man!!! Great post!!!
  19. Your reaction was hilarious. I couldn't help but laugh. It was like a guy walked into a theater to watch a great movie and was like? The hell? Picture a movie that says....Reality is meaningless (sad face) the end. LOL.
  20. Now for me your parent isn't your only parent, everybody that is in your "world" (the environment you inhabit daily) in your formative years is your parent. Your parents may be a major influence but your school, your neighborhood, your friends/enemies, your mental diet (media consumption) all is involved in your conditioning. But its a good video, haven't even finished it so far but its interesting. One of the things that is funny is while I was writing this I kept misspelling the word neighborhood and autocorrect kept trying to correct me and I had to stop it from correcting me otherwise I would forget how to spell it. Its funny...technology will make us weaker in ways we won't notice if we allow it to correct us. Anyway watch the video if you are interested.
  21. Projecting much? I am merely reflecting you, so is it I am projecting or is it I am reflecting? Do you even know the difference?
  22. The highest teaching is Oneness, if you create any separation and I mean ANY separation then you are still stuck in delusion. There is a difference between discernment and separation. I recognize my kidneys provide a different function than my lungs but ultimately they both serve the same purpose which is to keep my body alive. The ego has a purpose, to demonize the ego is akin to demonizing God as God created the ego. Every single thing that has ever been created was purposefully constructed to fit perfectly in an interconnectedness. The ego is both the barrier to God realization and the very engine towards it in one fell swoop. Where do you think the desire to expand comes from? Ego. How can you demonize that what led you to what you truly are? This is why I laugh when I see so many demonize the ego. You have not truly understood ultimate truth if you are running around demonizing the ego. God created the ego, so why would God demonize what it creates? Its so funny because to demonize the ego.....is literally the definition of egoic behavior!! To say the ego is not your friend, is the same thing the ego does when it tells you that a worthless piece of crap like you can't be God. The Ego is such a master of self-deception it will get you to demonize it!!! Its such a masterful creation!! Such a great tool. I love it!!!
  23. That was very poetic and beautiful.