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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. That last part is the most important. I will say some won't be able to understand your writing as English is not their first language.
  2. I once entered a state where my body was freaking out and moving on its own and I was watching it bewildered why it was so scared and that is when all the teachings came full circle. I realized I was like a sentient T.V. screen that was aware I am, but I mistakenly thought I was the character. I realized in that moment I was the sentient I AM, and I was controlling everything on the screen but the content on the screen was controlling nothing. The content is not alive, the screen is alive, and as a result whatever shows on the screen is given life by proxy. But that life is borrowed, and shall be returned. Because the truth is only the screen is alive, not what appears on it.
  3. I'm not going to play your games. Yeah it loves to shape shift and contradict itself. The key is to find the unity in the contradiction. That's the cool 😎 point. We know it's one, but can you explain it? You can but the point can only be truly understood in direct experience.
  4. Do it enough times and it may become a new way of thinking.
  5. It is the best thing that ever happens but let's not dishonor life just because death is pure love. If humanity knew how good death was.......do you think it was an accident God made death painful? Gotta do something to stop itself from being pure love so easily.
  6. There is only Absolute Truth. You are lost in the relative.
  7. The I AM never disappears that was why I sent you the link of what he discovered. You are trying to grasp that which is beyond logic. The I AM is the Absolute truth. The illusion is the belief that the I AM is an illusion which is why you believe death is real. The I AM cannot die because it was never borne.
  8. Psychedelics do not make you smarter, what they do is expand you baseline level of consciousness but you actually have to do the work of contemplation, meditation, and deconstruction. It's a tool, think of it more like a temporary enhancer that can create lasting changes but if you don't do any work you will remain mostly the same.
  9. The I AM is nothing and is always there. This is why we say you cannot really understand without a mystical experience and those who teach otherwise are deluding you and themselves. https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/100903-happy-bicycle-day/
  10. What you don't understand is all is mind. Everything is mind. God is an eternal thought, an eternal mind. You don't know what a thought is until you discover everything is literally imaginary.
  11. If you think the I AM is the illusion I don't know what to tell you....
  12. He certainly had an interesting childhood cursing people. https://udayton.edu/imri/mary/c/childhood-of-jesus.php
  13. That is not an answer. You are playing mind games.
  14. You can discover only you suffer but then from that experience you realize there is only you. Rupert Spira likes to hide this from people. Why? Because he is very loving (human version of love) but not very truthful. Here is a model that helps. God is like a t.v. screen and your human identity is what is in the screen. Notice how nothing in the screen/on the screen can actually impact the screen. The screen accepts everything because it is unconditional, but what displays on the screen is expressions of conditions. The screen is always singular, notice your first person perspective is singular. Notice you have always experienced a singular experience. Your mind has a division bias. It likes to create the illusion of separate experiences through labels. But if you stop and pay attention everything always happens in one singular moment that never ends.
  15. Beautiful post. But was the purpose of this post to share or help someone awaken?
  16. Science is too concerned with appearance. It is too concerned with appearance of reality to ever discover the structure of reality. Science is too concerned with defending its biases rather than testing its biases. And scientist are too scared to go to the end to learn the beginning. (Death). Science is like a character in a book studying the world inside the book while reality is the book itself. The Scientist doesn't know that it needs to stop being the character to become the book and then all contents of the book can be known. But you have to drop the character to be the whole book. This is what it means to go Meta.
  17. The better question is what is knowledge? Notice you need knowledge to read and interpret what is written here. So...how are you able to do that?
  18. Took me awhile to figure this out....notice how it all makes sense? Truth is simple, the dishonesty of the world that brought us up deluded us. But the funny thing is, they have clues to us. They always talk about you have to play your hand but the human identity never asked to play the game to begin with. It just popped up out of nowhere from its perspective and was like "What is this?" So that was the first clue...it didn't have any control over being here. Some people will say...but what about the people that say that you planned your life story. I would reply....that was God, a human identity is not given that level of power. This we all know to be true. The rest I posted? You can only understand if you are okay admitting, that you may not have any control whatsoever. Understand that there is paradox in this will thing. The human has no control because its not the source of its existence, it is dependent upon the power of God to exist, like a T.V. that you plugged in depends on the electrical circuit for its power to be on. All the functions of the T.V. can only function if its plugged in, and notice if you gave the T.V. self awareness its abilities are based on how you constructed it. It can only do what it was designed to do and no more, and no less (less if it gets damaged). Now here is where it gets nuanced....God has all the power but it gave up a portion of its power to you. Since it gave up all its power to you the human identity it has no power over you. But this power is borrowed and will be given back at the death of the human vessel. Now what is this power you were given? This power is equivalent to your intelligence. So your greatest power is intelligence and intelligence is based on the ability to make sense of something that is observed. So your intelligence is truth ability, the ability to make sense of the truth. This ability is limited by bias, and memory. You are born ignorant of what humans are, and ignorant of how your human vessel functions. Your ability to have control in your life is your ability to figure out your human vessel and the vessel of those around you but the issue is....the more you study the human vessel and the world around you...the more you discover there is A LOT GOING ON. What every human discovers is that you have to work with life, not against it. If drinking water is good for your body you have to drink it to be healthy. If certain foods are good for your body you have to eat them to be healthy. If practicing something makes you better you have to practice to be better. But then there are issues called, fear, boredom/lack of interest, desires, that make it hard to do the truthful thing and instead do the opposite of what is good. This is the birth of the human struggle, they have to deal with an emotional system, and a body that desires and the emotions and desires are not always what is good for it. So you have to deal with your shadow which is your fears and desires that disconnect you from that which is good for you and now you understand why the world is the way it is. If you ever played video games, just know some people are playing on a harder difficulty mode than you, and what makes it even harder is....you aren't told. There is no sign that say this person is playing on Super Difficult, Extreme Mode....but again there actually is. How do you know? Well the secret is there is only ONE PLAYER. So anyone you see who is terrible at this game we call life is God playing the hardest difficulty mode and anyone you see succeeding at the highest level is God playing on the easiest difficulty. It's like trying to race NASCAR with the best car and the worst car and all the drivers are completely identical. So understand that every human you see, if I put you in their body and gave you the exact same experiences as them, you would make the exact same decisions they made ABSOLUTELY. So Hitler...is YOU. Ghandi is YOU. Jesus is YOU!! It is all you!!! So the answer is....can you accept it? Extra things to Consider: Also you might ask why did God create desires and emotions if they make us less intelligent? Easy....if you didn't have emotions and desires you would always do the right thing. Your mistakes would be easily fixed and there would be no challenge at all, for God to create a challenge for an intelligence with no emotions and desires would be for that intelligence to live in HELL, to live in an information system with so much chaos it would be insane (Not saying that type of universe doesn't exist because I just thought it up lol) so the only chaos Humans suffer is emotions and desires. This means all of our conflict is self-inflicted. Now the simple answer that answers every question is LOVE. God did all this for LOVE. What is love? Love is the acceptance of the existence of a particular thing. This acceptance is what allows it to exist. So God wants you to appreciate all that it has created without bias. God's goal is to share Infinite Love with all that it has created which is what we call death, and life is just a limited version of Infinite Love. So first you experience conditional, selfish limited love, then you get to experience being pure love. Thus you get to learn through experience....What True Love is. In your life can you become Love/Acceptance BEFORE DEATH?
  19. God is responsible for everything, because it generates and moves everything with it's Will.
  20. The only problem God has...is God is pure love. As such God cannot force whatever it creates to act Godly. So when I say the formless is in control, I mean the formless is what everything is made up of and is sourcing and generating everything. That is why it is called potentiality. The problem is, ignorance is a difficult thing to overcome and when God as form is ignorant its a mean motherfucker. But the irony is, it is also loving, and kind, and pure. But the problem is again, this loving kindness is only reserved for whatever it identifies as itself. The key is to analyze yourself and see how you act in this same manner but to a lesser degree than someone who is more selfish and it will make sense but this involves shadow work and complete honesty. God's goal is to make everything REAL, and REAL has to be constructed a specific way for it to be REAL. The two main components are pain, and fear of death. This creates immersion and it is why it is so hard to wake God in form up. If pain and fear of death were removed, waking humanity up would be very easy, so why does God not do it? Because....God is not forceful. God is infinitely patient, infinitely kind, infinitely supportive equally for all creation as such God provides for everyone's needs and gives us room to use our own abilities to go after our wants. To understand God you have to embrace paradox, God both is and isn't at the same time. God's love is the most powerful force ever, it is the most beautiful terrifying thing ever. That power would traumatize anyone not loving enough to surrender to it because it has no bias whatsoever and many of you have no idea what that actually means. Its the mind fuck of all mindfucks. It will twist you upside down, inside out, in infinite dimensions, it will shrink you, it will enlarge you, it will drown you, it will burn you, it is freely accepting of anything, and that is why a human's love cannot match God's love. Silly people think Demons are evil, God sees no difference between a demon and a human, even Yogananda couldn't deal with a dream he had of a demon. So all you can do in this life is the best you can at raising your level of love/acceptance. Logic will be your biggest enemy because logic is the best defense attorney for why you are a victim. You literally have to train your logic to take blame for everything, while pardoning everything around you. With that said, do not stay in abusive relationships, honor yourself to have boundaries since you are living in a limited form. If you want to have a confrontation with God.....you have to confront the Omega. You are the Alpha, what you call God is the Omega, so you have to confront the Omega to get your answers. For most people meditation won't get them to the Omega, for some psychedelics won't do it either, so for some you must create your own private method to confront the Omega. I did so multiple times and was showered with love and I laughed because I was shown that God views every life as the most precious life ever lived. It's funny, you could be a slob, a serial killer and rapist, hell you could commit every crime known to man in one life time and God would still love you equally. God is your love for existence, hidden deep within you, it is so powerful that it will annihilate everything. In truth you probably only need a little more of God's love flowing through you right now. I'm of the opinion that most people don't need awakening they just need unconditional acceptance of their avatar first, and then can work from there. So I would say learn to accept your human identity as it is and stop comparing. Throw comparing away.
  21. God is hidden behind self-bias. Self-bias creates negative emotions. This means that truth is always hidden behind negative emotions. All negative emotions stem from the survival based desire to feel in control/comfortable. Your ability to discover what is true is equal to your desire to give up control, and this is why a greedy man/woman who desires to control everything will always be disconnected from truth. With that said a humble man will never find God, because he has to realize he is God to truly find God. A humble man will think it is blasphemy to ever say he is God and thus locks himself out from this discovery. This is why all belief in evil is still separation, and as such the belief in evil is delusion. Until you can with wisdom discern between Absolute Truth and Relative Truth and understand the nature of superposition, and paradox, you will never be able to understand God. All of creation is the Will of God in form. Everything that has ever happened and will ever happen is God's will. If you want to blame somebody, blame God, just make sure when you do you point at yourself when you speak. The war in Ukraine is your fault, inflation is your fault, all the babies that starve are your fault. But the enlightened understanding is that only God suffers, so since you are God only you suffer. This needs to be understood at a deep level. Once you understand this, evil is defeated as the illusion that it is. Evil never existed because it was just God hurting itself as form asleep. But since it was all imaginary, nothing ever happened to begin with. The journey to this understanding encapsulates all the teachings, but eventually you must throw away every teacher, every style, and understand it from your perspective and your own words. There is no evil, but there is evil because the concept of evil, God created. There is no self, but there is a self because God created it. There is not God, but there is a God because form recognizes the formless as God. There is no controller, but there is a controller, because the formless controls everything. The formless controls everything because it cannot be grasped, since it cannot be grasped it cannot be controlled, but form can be grasped and thus controlled, so only the formless is in control and as a result there has never been conflict, only perfect self-agreement. Evil again, has been waved away as the illusion that it was.
  22. You are confusing the relative with the Absolute. The Absolute everything is equal, on the relative everything isn't equal. You drinking water v.s. poison wouldn't be equal on the relative. And eating v.s. not eating isn't equal on the relative. You discover true through honesty and careful investigation of what is. The honesty is to admit the bias that you are using in the argument and how it influences perception, and you investigate to discover how something actually works, not allowing your personal biases to influence discovering that outcome and then you arrive at the truth. The only reason the truth is hard for humans is because 99.9 percent of humans are intellectually dishonest on some level eventually and thus corrupt the discussion. People are too locked into defending their identity and play mind games to avoid dealing with their shadow. Shadow work and emotional intelligence is the most important work in understanding relative truth. Relative truth is infinite and there are higher order truths and lower order truths within the relative domain. The focus should be on learning how to recognize both and how they intermingle with each other.
  23. Please don't fatalistically speak lifelong shame upon yourself. Please escape the prison of your mental abuse.