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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. I'm sure some of you may have heard of him, but I haven't so I thought I might as well share this video with you. Some interesting insights on this one....a rare gem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPf-HnbcK-8
  2. Nice to hear....but wanted to comment on something....don't tame it. Spirituality is the path of surrender, the path of allowance of things unfolding. You cannot force yourself to not see evil. To stop seeing evil is a divine quality that the ego can never attain. No matter how hard the ego tries it will always see evil. To stop seeing evil your body (the temple of the divine) needs to be modified and updated and cleansed so the divine can shine through undistorted. When this happens...your experience will always be divine and you will flow effortlessly. So the path to getting there is to always admit to yourself how you are feeling. If you feel anger, admit it. Fear admit it. Jealousy admit it. Etc. While you admit it, do not judge yourself for having these feelings, but if you do, be honest that you are judging yourself. So learning to be honest about feeling is to give an honest self assessment of what is transpiring emotionally in real time. This is not easy as most men have lost so much touch with their emotions, that they cannot feel when they are in conflict with it. Your emotions....are energy of life, life...itself. When you deny your emotions....you deny your divinity. So how can you ever connect to the divine inside you....when you constantly deny it?
  3. Clarity of vision of the lies we tell ourselves has a corresponding effect on our vision. The more honest you become with yourself, the better your vision will be. Its a secret many don't know. Many people think their eyesight got worse because of old age, nope it got worse because they keep lying to themselves. So yes keep walking the path of truth, and watch your vision improve. The more you open your third eye...the better clarity of vision you will have.
  4. This one is really good. If you ever find yourself speaking in ways that align with your highest values, but ignore where you are currently at, presently (your feelings) then you will be out of alignment in your speech/thought. This will affect your throat chakra. So listen to this. I say the mantra "I always speak my truth."
  5. Want to tune into the divine? The God in you? You need to develop your intuition which is developing your connection with your feeling. God speaks through a frequency of Love and to connect to the divine frequency and let go of your sense of self I have found an exercise you can use. You can meditate or sleep to this specific meditation music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9KncI2PZUk As you listen to this music repeat this phrase to connect with the frequency. "Life Is Divine All The Time That Is True Freedom." Keep doing this while continuing letting go your sense of self....and you will be filled with love!!!
  6. The job of the Spiritual Guru is to awaken the inner Guru within you. That is all. Its not to lord power over you, get drunk over knowing more presently than you do, its not to brag about their spiritual abilities etc. The only job of the Guru is to turn you into a Guru by helping you connect to your divinity. Once that process happens, your divine perspective will be unleashed and you will start your journey to learning how to fully walk in your new state as a Guru. What is a Spiritual Guru? A Spiritual Guru is a being who has mastered how to flow in life with the divine connection. They have cleared all their chakras, mastered their mind's mental chatter, and broken free of the hold of the ego and can freely flow between different personas/perspectives. This being as a result can receive insight on levels that are unattainable by those who have not yet reached their true potential. Insight is hidden in plain sight and can only be received inside through divine revelation. Hence the term In (revelatory, personal, intimate), sight, it was always there and always obvious but without the correct contextualization it cannot be interpreted and is therefore hidden. Insight, Intuition, is usually very simple. But when applied its ability to recontextualize is jaw-dropping. Its one of those things when discovered you feel like a dummy for not realizing it but also in awe for that gift being given. Its a gift, you cannot work to get it, it is given freely when a true heart's desire for it is sent out (intention) and that intention is persistent. Anyone can become a Guru, you just need to figure out what works for you and never get stuck to any dogma or belief. What works for one does not work for you, what may be true for one, may not be true for you. Learn yourself, and you will discover your divinity, its the most profound adventure you will ever undertake.
  7. The Sacral Chakra.....I really needed this one....seems my energy here was all over the place. I use the mantra "I AM COMPLETELY NATURAL." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxnKBMblrXk
  8. The Crown Chakra....this can help you completely center your entire energy and be able to more easily flow after you have cleared the others. I use the mantra "I AM ONE." For this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38rQO3dMZrc
  9. This one is personally very important for me!! Apparently I ignore my feelings a lot so this video is a really good way to give yourself love. Listen to this and say...."Love Is My True Self." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1pG7k_1nSw For this to work you need to focus your awareness on your heart. If you find it difficult take your hand place it on your heart. Then put your awareness on that hand. Then remove the hand but put the awareness on the spot the hand was on....your heart. Repeat this mantra over and over until you can fill the love pouring in to heal your heart. This one is probably the video most people on this forum need myself included.
  10. Here is the next one.....focus on your third eye and repeat "Give Of Yourself Freely That Is The Highest Wisdom."
  11. ^Your lack is self-evident even if you do not acknowledge it. But they say let someone persist in their folly so that they may become wise. You say you are not asking for any advice or opinion, if you ask for people to ask you questions they will also respond with advice or opinion. Its like putting content out publicly and not expecting criticism. What you ask for does not matter, you accept what is, because everything is divine. If you were awakened...you would notice this. Awakening is freedom, not the perpetuating of conditions, the ego wants to control which is what you are doing. So I will ignore the ego you project and do as I please.
  12. ^ You awaken to how to exercise will in the world, by a complete understanding of how your thoughts are represented/manifested in the physical world. You then learn how to flow through life by taking responsibility for what thoughts you entertain and what you don't. To transcend the world of duality is to stop entertaining thoughts of a dual nature. If you only receive thoughts of divinity, and love thus is what your reality will reflect back to you. As a child you were free of the knowledge of good and evil, once you were given the knowledge of good and evil =the fall of man. That is when you were ushered into the world of duality and awakening is the realization that the world is really divine and that any evil we see is a projection of our own mind. A rejection of absolute truth, and the cause of all suffering. You cannot truly awaken as yourself as God and rest in heaven until you desist viewing reality from a dual lens of good and evil.
  13. After watching this video watch this next one. If you are drawn to these videos....watch this with the NO SELF, NO MIND, PURE MEDITATION. The DIVINE SHALL REVEAL THE SECRETS OF THESE TEACHINGS!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo0smQJCP7I We are all doing God's work in our own way!!! Hang in there and keep going!!!
  14. ^ I would say I believe you certainly experienced an Awakening so congratulations. But you are lacking in the sense making department. Your relative perspective is just a thought in INFINITY. You need to develop your ability to deconstruct so you answer with clarity. Don't start teaching until you can answer questions that are presented concise and clearly. Not every awakened person is automatically a teacher, also enlightenment actually reveals that you can help others awaken in infinite ways. You can help reveal the divinity in all through things such as music, art, medicine/healing, social relationships, etc. Your ability to express the divine is contingent on how much you have developed the gifts you have. = If you were never good at explaining complex things before your awakening....don't expect that to change. Awakening reveals that God's gift to you is your finite expression of divinity which must be earned. God is unconditional love. This means you need to develop whatever talents you have just for the sake of it. Through that process you will be able to finetune and cultivate it, then the divine infinite intelligence will shine through you and your mastery will be self-evident. The whole purpose of awakening is to recontextualize your lived experience, to remove the scales from your eyes and to give evidentiary value to your life and all of your experiences. Its to empower you and simultaneously hold your feet to the fire. Its both the most beautiful thing and arduous thing. Its one thing to realize God, its another to embody it.
  15. Yes. I know we are love, and I am also aware of what it means to be love. I've had this awakening. However, though I've realised love a thousand times, and continue to do so, I still find this existence as mysterious as it were before I began consciousness work. Though I am aware of what all this is, I am equally unaware of what This is. The most perplexing paradox ever. =Exactly its a paradox. So yeah, you/I are Love. But is there a why? It seems not. It seems that love is the equivalent to anything else. And so, although you know you are love, it is though you know the same thing as you did last time, just on a different lense. Thus, the only you that is constant upon every imagination is the you that knows.. the knowledge itself. Am I love, or am I infinite knowledge? Is love = infinite knowledge? Yes love=infinite knowledge. But at the same time...it is still a mystery because infinity never ends. It will continue to create and learn a new onward toward infinity. It is a forever update. A forever remix. Why you/I, Love, exist.. other than the simple response that I just do, which of course is not an answer, there is simply no grounds to this.. to us. Which leads me to think that perhaps the highest, most fundamental, knowledge there is.. is Knowledge itself - that it doesn't matter what you know, or, rather, we can only know what we're willing to know, that whatever one imagines oneself to be.. that is what one ultimately is. It is as though all knowledge is knowledge of the same thing which is basically nothing.. or the Knowledge itself - knowing that you're capable of knowing but can know nothing.. less you imagine something. What we call reality is imaginary and is housed within eternal infinite consciousness which is love. The only knowledge we gain is the reflection of consciousness upon it self that we call life. It learns of its nature by reflecting all perspectives as a contrast and enjoying the interactions and relationships and creates stories to maintain the integrity of this imagined reality. Once it has completed its foray into this self-knowledge it will reintegrate all its parts back into ONE. If there is no why to existence, then can there even be an existence? The existence of I/you is absolutely transcendental. It is beyond reason and fathom, beyond anything, really. And with that being said, what is it that we truly awaken to? Nothing (other than the spirit that fuels one's life) I know nothing different than any one else in the world, what I know serves no value other than that this is the lense that I prefer, until I imagine something different. The why to existence is love, love for self. Why do you do anything at all? Love. You are on this forum because of love. You are a seeker because of love. The motivating factor, the interconnecting factor, the whole point of anything is love. There is existence...everything you experience exists....why? Because you are existence itself and everything else is just your reflection or mirror. If it was beyond reason.....then there would be no intelligence, no truth, and no way of knowing. To know is to contrast. How do you know what short is? Contrast. Dark? Contrast. Etc. The duality of existence is constructed through knowledge. Knowledge= Contrast. The I AM learns of itself as existence through the contrast of all of its perspectives. You awaken to the knowledge that all contrast is imaginary, held within your mind, and everything is you. Since you are divine, everything is divine, and you are already in heaven you were just too low in awareness to experience this. To awaken...is to awaken to a direct experience of God, Divinity, Omnipotence, Love, Peace, Joy, Being. Value is a creation, it is sought after a desire for self knowledge. To ask if something serves a value is a desire to be reflected upon an other and pursue a relationship. You are seeking meaning for duality, spirituality is the realization of oneness and how it connects to the relative world you originally thought was real. If you truly realized that you were imagining....would you be asking these questions? Food for thought my friend.
  16. ^ Nature of Substance = Cannot be answered through language only experience. Nature of Substance= Mind. Everything is Mind.
  17. You are attached to the very words you say. If not.... you would not express them. Love is expression. You speak of non-detachment as you express attachment. You want true non-detachment? Don't speak or think for decades like some Zen Master.
  18. God is the source of reality. For God to truly understand itself it must put it self asleep and fool itself to believe in others. By believing in others, it loses belief in itself and designs itself by the reaction it gets from others. So then to protect itself God has to create an ego or a sense of separateness by labeling everything as other or different than it. Since God is addicted to truth, God will see the world from its finite perspective it constructed and that is what reality/God's life will be a perfect mirror of its own beliefs. So God walks through its entire body which is infinity and whichever parts it doesn't like it says ewww I wish that didn't exist. Then the parts that God denies treat God in finite disguise the same way God treats itself and that is why Life becomes hard. At a certain point God is led to break character, and try something different because what they are doing is not working out for them. Then God starts listening and taking advice from others which are just the parts of God that God judged separate that God created to teach itself how to change and live. Through this process God is either learning to drop their beliefs, by realizing that beliefs and facts are a separate order since God is the source of all beliefs and facts. If God sees the world from a love perspective then God is learning to see distinction so it can figure out what to focus on. You see if God loves everything equally....then God has no idea what to do, so God needs a ego to figure out what it wants to do so it can express itself from that perspective at the highest level and experience how all of its other perspectives feel about it. If God loves truth it wants to figure everything out so it can control itself and protect itself. When God realizes that everything is love, it no longer needs protection because every single moment in life is seen as love so the distinction between death and love collapses. Why? Because what you call life is what you love, and what you call death is what you hate. As God you love to be in control, you love to express yourself freely, and you love surprising your own self with your genius intellect and creativity but you do not get to ever see it because you are all alone with no reflection or mirror to share it with. So all life is.....is a game where God gets to show itself....why it is so awesome!!! God gets to fall in love with itself by realizing that all of life is equally awesome, while simultaneously seeing the genius in the design of a limited perspective and how awesome and wonderful limitation is as well. Then it teaches itself that limitation how to grow and become a well-rounded perfect expression in limited form which then gives God proof of how awesome it is...which just makes God fall in love with itself more. THIS is why you are here, you are here to realize yourself as God, realize how awesome life is and how awesome you are!!! THIS is why you created Leo Gura!!!! So Leo isn't wrong....he is the most awake motherfucker because once you realize this.....you realize....YOU ARE LEO GURA!!!
  19. 1. Only the ego suffers, the I AM never suffers. The ego has to submit completely to the will of the I AM to escape suffering. The I AM will not force it too, but it will guide it towards liberation. 2. Each "person" is a thought inside the I AM. Each thought or person is a separate dream. When you walk down the street everything you see is thought that has taken physical form. 3. There are many Absolute Awakenings because Infinity can present the same logic or theme in an infinite number of expressions/perspectives. 4. You can experience now. Why put it off later? 5. That I have no answer for and me and a friend are trying to investigate it. I have heard you can but I have no personal experience of it so I haven't confirmed it. If you mean life as the EGO that is. But if you mean the I AM....the I AM cannot die.
  20. The beach is you. Your ego is the same as the beach. Your ego is awareness of thought patterns which creates a sense of self. When the thoughts desist the sense of self disappears as well. But there is still an awareness, that which is the screen. The screen is awareness that presents the beach. If the screen were not aware there would be no beach. I am the beach, thus the beach manifests into reality and you see a beach. Without awareness the beach would not exist. The beach is a thought, the self repeated patterns of thought is itself a thought. You think your sense of self is gone because you have a preference for the feeling of repeated thoughts and you feel empty when it is gone. Let me ask you...what is the awareness that you are dead inside or empty? That awareness is the I AM. What is referred to as the TRUE SELF.
  21. Exactly...its why I say become it. In the present tense become it and it is yours.
  22. Well awakening is just learning to flow with reality. Its not a hard science which is why it is so hard to grasp. Reality is a perfect mirror so to flow through life you need to be able to decipher what it is telling you. You need to raise your feeling....to notice the indirect messages it is sending to you, and increase your knowledge to decipher what those indirect messages mean. To accomplish this you need to destroy your ego. Your ego is what stops you from receiving the messages. Now your ego will return which is fine, you will have to keep killing it till you understand the message. What is currently working for me at this exact moment ( I am still learning to master it) is listening to this music. It has helped me tune into the feminine (feeling part of me while allowing me to learn through it how to be led by feeling (the feminine) which paradoxically is then led by the masculine which is interpretation. The secret to life...is you will understand through experience. When you get it right you will be like OHHHHHH THAT IS WHAT I WAS DOING WRONG. You will also realize why everyone gets it wrong....it is so very subtle. So no judging yourself, the fact you even asked me this personally means you are on the right track. One of the secrets to help you out is EVERYONE is YOUR GUIDE. There is no such thing as evil. Do you hear me? Reality is constantly feeding you perspectives to see who you want to be, but you can do whatever you want and be totally free and God/reality will never judge you. The hardest thing for you as you raise in consciousness is learning how to take responsibility because you are afraid to make a mistake. You feel this way because you think and believe YOU ARE A MISTAKE!! You are not!!! So stop judging yourself!! You are a MYSTERY!!! You will never figure yourself out and that is where the fun is!!! You are an adventure meant to be experienced!!!! So experience is the key!!! Go out there and experience yourself!!! If you are a man become as free as a woman!!! God created woman to kill every man's ego so he can enter paradise and recognize his divinity. God created man to give every woman an ego so she can enter paradise and recognize her divinity. When we come together we make a COMPLETE HUMAN, and thus a child is born!!! Life is SEX with your inner feminine if you are a man, and for a woman its SEX with her inner MAN. Its the funniest thing, the secret to life is the model of the perfect family of human!!!