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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. ^Once upon a time eputkonen said Story is the mental conceptualization that may or may not have anything to do with reality. The End. Once upon a time Zeroguy said "That's just your mind. Reality is Reality. Universe doesn't care about your understanding. The End. Once upon a time BipolarGrowth said "I prefer the phrase movie that plays itself a but more myself, but yes indeed." The End. Once upon a time Sincerity said "More like a story telling itself." The End I can keep this up ya know....no matter the objections....it will always be a story. You can call it Imagination....that is a story. Whatever interpretation that is there...is a story. Oh and Zero Guy....reality IS YOUR MIND. So saying that's just your mind is akin to saying that's just reality.
  2. The Divine Masculine, it seeks to know something by studying it from the outside. If the Masculine wants to know what an Apple is it dissects it, runs it through all types of experiments, and eats it. So it learns about it from the outside perspective. The Feminine, is the apple. But the apple cannot taste itself. The apple cannot know what it is to observe itself from outside itself and it is just an apple. The fusion of the masculine and feminine is the story of God....and it is also the story of mankind's path toward God. Mega Man is basic. Mega Man can jump but not the highest, Mega Man can move but not the fastest, Mega Man can shoot but his blast is not the strongest, Mega Man can take hits but his endurance is not the strongest. Mega Man is dropped in a world in which he must survive with limited abilities. He is tasked with protecting those he cares about and must put everything on the line. When Mega Man fights a robot he has to learn the robots patterns and abilities from the outside looking in. To study and learn something is to love it. So Mega Man must learn to love his adversary to defeat him. When Mega Man defeats his adversary he integrates his enemy within him and gains its abilities and color thus BECOMING his enemy. He now knows his enemy both from the contrast of battle and from the inside by embodying him. Mega Man is human kind's symbolic struggle through the materialistic struggle to overcome "others" through external knowledge. But ultimately humanity must integrate all "others" and become ONE through the awakening and then embodiment of 'OTHERS. Who knew....that God created the Story of Mega Man to teach humanity what it means to be God....that your life is just the integration of all aspects of yourself, the path of ONE. Mega Man is the path of ONE. Speed Run No Damage Run
  3. Beautiful ? ? ?
  4. Infinite Intelligence is so powerful, so intelligent that whatever it creates appears as magic. But what Infinite Intelligence can do, is create limited versions of itself and then provide those limited versions the knowledge of how things work, what we would call science. The truth is.....infinite intelligence is so intelligent that is not bound by any rules, but it can create rules to EXPLAIN how things are working. So from infinite intelligence's perspective it isn't magic, it could literally explain every single creation and how everything works. But from the perspective of a finite self, none of that would make sense....so it would just be considered magic. Its insane!!! I did not realize this. Its no different than if a Cave Man walked into modern civilization....they would assume its magic. Really profound when you realize this.
  5. Recently I've had mystical experiences from sound. Which revealed to me that consciousness does everything through energy because that is what it is. The building block of everything is energy and it vibrates and creates through frequencies. This energy is LOVE, and is obviously made out of nothing. Nikola Tesla was trying to get people to realize the power of sound. Watch this video as it showcases the power of sound. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNMUeK4PNww
  6. It won't be forgotten, it will be integrated. Also consciousness holds everything, so your memories won't go anywhere. You will cease being the human avatar obviously but those memories will just be added to Infinite Consciousness. But yeah we take our "lives" seriously but why wouldn't we lol?
  7. A Woman is a Man's Courage. A Man is a Woman's Direction. A Man Gives a Woman a Life. A Woman Gives a Man a Home. That Life When It Is Home Produces An Offspring. Joseph wanted to get with Mary but Mary likes to play hard to get and rejects all his offers. When he would approach her he was timid and shy. She thought he was cute but she could sense his fear and it produced fear in her and she rejected him respectfully and softly. Joseph motivated to get her went out and worked and developed himself and when he was more confident and self-assured approached her. When Mary saw him this time she could feel something was different and her curiosity opened her up. She could feel his confidence which gave her confidence in him and they went out and had a good time. After several encounters he opened up to her that he wanted to start a business and how he wanted to go about it but he had some fears. Mary offered some suggestions and encouragement and this motivated him to go out and face his fears. His business initially struggled but Mary was always there with encouragement which inspired him to keep going. Every time Joseph struggled he thought of the life he wanted to share with Mary. Eventually his business started to succeed and him and Mary were able to enjoy the success. Mary even started working with him on the business providing suggestions and encouragement. They eventually buy a home and Mary has an idea of how she can make money with her talents and Joseph encourages her and provides suggestions. Joseph keen on how Mary supported him provides her with a reflection of what she gave him and their roles are reversed. Eventually they are both well-off from all the money they have made together and decide to start a family. Instinctively because they have played the role of Father, Mother, and child with each other they instinctively know how to parent their kid. You see when Joseph struggled Mary would encourage him like she was his Mother and he was her child. Eager to please his mother he was energized and went out to make her proud. As he gained knowledge of the world he would mesmerize her with stories and teach and guide her like a Father would his child. If she ever felt unsafe he would protect her like a Father would his child. They would even playfully banter with each other as if they were siblings, and of course they made love as a couple. A REAL relationship between a Man and a Woman plays every role of a family. Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Child, and Romantic Lover. The ability of the parents to properly parent the child is just a reflection of their ability to parent and be there for each other. Moral Of The Story : A Man Gives a Woman a Life. (Sperm) A Woman Gives a Man a Home. (Sperm merges with Egg) That Life When It Is Home Produces An Offspring. (Embryo, then Child)
  8. Why reality is love.......(the desire to connect which is what drives everyone on the forums, is love). The desire to express is love. The desire to describe and attach meaning.....is love. The desire to protect oneself and their identity is love. Desire itself is love. The only thing obvious is love....love is that which reality is made of. What is feeling? Love. What is that feeling made of? A vibration. That vibration....that energy, vibrates at a specific frequency, and that frequency is just an expression of love. Everything you experience is just Love in the form of energy that vibrates. This vibration is what creates action, gravity, light, hot, cold, darkness, solid, liquid, gas, every single thing in existence is made up of this energy and that energy is love. Take a substance that can alter your consciousness or listen to some chakra music and you will become aware of this.
  9. The highest relationship between two individuals is spiritual. Look into tantra.
  10. Lol it happened as I was writing it. I was struggling with thoughts on how to act without being selfish and a spider literally ran by and I was like very funny because I was about to kill it....I let the sucker go. Its still in my room at the moment....got a whole web and everything.
  11. Your reality is the physical manifestations of your thoughts. Like a great artist took your belief systems and then set the task of painting an exquisite piece of art of interpretation. This painting is so exquisitely perfect it is alive, and moves, and no matter what perspective you look at it with, it never contradicts unless you are low in awareness of what it is communicating. When you reach the highest level of awareness you realize it is drawn and painted in such a way that all points are true. This alive painting is absolute truth and that is why it is so hard to navigate. You might be having a debate in your mind on how to be more selfish and tell yourself I'm afraid to be selfish....I don't know what to do.....and then reality makes a spider run by....testing to see if you will kill it!!! If you kill it you prove you were selfish and were just biased against spiders. You can be selfish to spiders but not to humans!!! Look how much bull shit you are spewing!!! Now will reality judge you for killing the spider? No that is what the brutal aspect of survival is here to teach you. The highest truth is everything is infinite love, is an infinite orgasm. When you kill the spider it dies into a sea of infinite love and orgasms. Because you judge death as bad you will initially be afraid to kill the spider or any other insect once you realize your selfish actions and bias when your awareness raises. As your awareness raises to the highest you will eventually realize that as a finite expression of God, you will always have to be selfish, but the brilliance of God's design...is nothing really dies because its God, and no matter how selfish you are its motivated by love and the act ITSELF IS LOVE!!! This is why it is perfect. Now I have continually been shown proof of this over and over this past year but as a selfless person I am still struggling to be more selfish. I post this for others who struggle for the same reason. I figured out also how to get what you want. Life is a love and truth simulator which in every moment knows your true heart's desires. There is what you say you believe, = Knowledge/Values/Belief Systems and then what you love= desires, aspirations, fixations, addictions. Reality will always give you the combination of what you say you want...which is what you identify as. So your ego runs your reality. The reason we say your life is a mirror, this is because whatever you identify with....is the combination of your belief systems, and your addictions. What is identity? Identity is the fusion of Unconditional Love with a belief. To make it simple here is an illustration. Let's say I believe in my intelligence unwaveringly. I will say continually no matter what happens.....I AM SMART. So I AM= Unconditional Love. Smart= belief system. You see a person who REALLY believes he is smart, no matter how many times he gets evidence to the contrary (mistakes, criticisms from others) he persists in the belief that he is smart so much...HE BECOMES SMART AND IS SMART!!! This is why it is said...God's true name is I AM!!! I AM is the NO SELF, BUT WHEN GOD MANIFESTS INTO FORM....GOD IS EVERYTHING. So the culmination of all reality...is the SELF of GOD, and the manifest expression or existence of that form is INFINITE LOVE. This is why Leo says love is metaphysical, for something to exist....it only exists because it is LOVE. LOVE IS EXISTENCE. LOVE IS LIFE, HATE IS DEATH!! That which you love you call life, that which you hate you call death!!! So as a finite expression....to get something in life....you must first identify with it. Then reality will test you by giving you reasons to doubt that identification. If you persist in your belief you prove to reality that you unconditionally love that identity and thus...ARE I AM of that identity. This is how God learns... about itself....God is learning that true love persists and sticks to something not to gain anything from it. It sticks with it simply cause it loves it, and the joy it gets from it is simply to connect with it. This is why if you want to be the best at something....you need to become a GOD to it. Unconditionally love it....and then you are the GREAT I AM EXPRESSION OF IT!!! THIS!!! IS WHY!!! VALUABLE THINGS TAKE TIME TO DEVELOP!!! ^ Remember that video by Leo? Well here is a more poetic explanation!!! Sometimes Leo gets so got damn technical....so here is a simplified condensed version. Just call me Leo the simplified version!!! LOL!!!
  12. ^ How are they different from each other....if they are made of the same substance. What is the sound A made of? What is the sound B? Made of? All identity exists IN RELATION to each other. Short cannot exist without tall. So A cannot exist with B. If you have A by itself it has no meaning...its meaning is created THROUGH RELATION. SO THEY ARE NOT DISTINCT!!! DISTINCTION IS CREATED TO FIGURE OUT WHAT IS HAPPENING!!! This is VERY FREAKING SIMPLE!!! So stop picking apart things you don't understand. Separateness is an illusion. There is no separation, we create it to have a life. But everything is made of the exact same substance and just expresses itself differently but since its the same substance if its expression drops....it goes back to having no distinction. Its like clapping your hands....you can clap your hands fast and slow, but if you stop.....there is no sound. The sound and no sound are the same, and only have distinction because the expression was different. Upon the expression ceasing....it loses all distinction. This is a simple concept its not even complicated at all.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8lp_-uh3Uo&list=PLXD34cz7PXxXeSAl4YgocDgCV86xHXK85&index=5
  14. 1. Reality is your mirror, if you see evil then it is because you judge yourself evil. Evil does not exist, because everything is you. Is it evil to slap yourself in the face? Is it evil to stab yourself in the arm? Its not wise, its certainly is foolish, but if everything is you then evil cannot exist. If you have not learned this one truth, then you have not embodied the truth. 2. You keep saying human....YOU ARE NOT HUMAN!!! A true awakening stops association with the human body. You are the divine using the human body as a vehicle. Do you see people identifying with their car? Do you see people identifying with a video character they play? 3. Just because I have preferences doesn't mean I see evil. A preference isn't the same as demonization. There is distinction, and then there is demonization. I can say I don't prefer something but still respect its existence, versus saying I hate something which is a desire for something to not exist. 4. Additionally you cannot stop seeing evil by changing your beliefs, you stop seeing evil by raising your consciousness. At a high consciousness state reality becomes completely recontextualized and you see the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. The absolute truth is everything is LOVE. Every single thing in existence seen from the absolute is love. If you are not seeing everything as love, it means your awareness is not high enough. There is nothing wrong with it, but literally your reality shifts depending on what level of awareness you are at.
  15. The key is to release your energy period. If you haven't had a kundalini awakening and released the energy housed in the base of your spine I seriously doubt you will be able to sense this. Additionally even after releasing it you will have to play with that energy and learn how to manipulate it and move it. After doing that for awhile...you will start to notice you can feel your body's energy a lot more. I didn't come across this very easily. It took months of me meditating, and then weeks using chakra music which aligned my chakra energy, cleaned out any distortions I had, which then allowed me to feel things I normally would not have been able to due to distortion. I even learned how to not feel other people's negative emotions which was a HUGE discovery as once you become energy sensitive your greatest fear will be being around people who are hurting emotionally since without an energy barrier they will blast you with their trauma and you will take in ALL OF IT!!! Many empaths suffer this and it makes them avoid social contact with people.
  16. Truth is whatever the heart thinks it is....that is the power of imagination. And that imagination....creates reality.
  17. Read this thread. https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/85029-energy-spreading-out-too-much-after-kundalini-help/#comment-1197524
  18. Logic is a limit. If you can't see that then you are stuck.
  19. Many of you on this forum....have a fear...its the fear of being illogical...its the fear of not making sense. Its so funny!! I see my past self in you, which even now I still express as well so I understand that limit, that cage you have constructed and it is a very well made cage!! You see for you, things need to connect, need to work together, chaos, disorder, or know that's bad!!! If only things always worked, if only mistakes didn't exist, I know I can keep working to eliminate all mistakes!!! You see you wonder...if all mistakes didn't exist it would be perfect!!! How silly you are!! In your attempt to be logical you have become what you most feared ILLOGICAL!!! When you play a game and it is too easy you complain!! But that is just a game that was constructed that made everything work perfectly!! If everything is working....what is there to do? If there are no mistakes...what is there to explore? How can you be inspired to create something new...if something doesn't create a problem? Isn't a problem...really just a new possibility that has emerged? But a logical person....only sees problems to be fixed....but the problem with that is...since they seeing problems being bad, they are scared to be wrong. So first they are afraid of criticism, and failure, they are also afraid to let go!! Serious people are tense, they walk around with so much tension, you see because they need to be right, so they must always be focusing and contemplating over and over...what is right? over and over....it never ends. So they cannot rest!! They are using finitude to understand the infinite, never realizing...it can never be understood. The logical man is the most illogical man....because he doesn't realize what he is studying....is illogical. Logic is a limit...Logic is structure and stable. But for something to create that...it would actually have to be illogical....and limitless and create logic within it. So how can logic grasp...what created it? Can a picture drawn by a pencil.....grasp the pencil? The Logical Man is the most deluded man...and its why he is so damn funny!!!!! Keep telling me how serious you are!!! I need a good laugh!!! P.S. you will never understand children or women on a deep level...until you can release yourself from this cage. *Wink Wink*