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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. I would say realizing you had always what you wanted= you found that there was nothing to seek for. Basically because you ARE HAPPINESS, seeking for HAPPINESS is like a fish in the ocean looking for water.
  2. 1. At whatever level you can be "hurt" is the level of agreement you have with what is being said. For example if I believe I am a fool, and I don't believe being a fool is BAD, then when someone calls me a fool there will not be a reaction. But if I believe a fool is BAD, then when I am called a fool I will feel attacked and will blame the "other" for attacking me when in actuality....I attacked myself. I attacked myself on 2 levels, I think a fool is BAD, and the other is me using my judgment against myself to attack me. When you dissolve the boundary between you and the other = You just attacked yourself by calling yourself a fool because you believe you are BAD and express your judgment of yourself through the word FOOL. 2. A narcissist/psychopath can only hurt you if you judge them as BAD. For example...a psychopath is able to be completely dismember a person without any remorse/guilt, this is because a psychopath does not believe that dismemberment is bad. A narcissist is different, if they committed that act they would feel guilt and shame and would have to offload that accountability onto someone else because they judge the act as BAD. Emotional Pain is created through judgment and the belief of a Good/Bad paradigm. As long as you believe in Good/Bad you will struggle with things like forgiveness, trauma/PTSD, victim mentality, and will get caught in storylines of demonizing others as if they are somehow NOT YOU. The belief of GOOD/BAD is like pointing at the mirror and when you give a devilish grin you say THAT IS BAD, and when you smile normally you say THAT IS GOOD. You judge appearances/expressions through that paradigm and pretend any expressions you see as something other than you. Its the height of delusion, but its a sticky one to drop because you are socialized to believe in it and it is entirely tied into a sense of self or ME and completely tied to explanations with MEANING. To completely detach....you would need the non-attachment of a Psychopath, and the love of Saint. So when the extremes combine Saint= Good, Psychopath= Bad. When the two combine you have the recognition of complete and other acceptance of yourself to include the entire scope of reality as YOU. You also have the complete detachment at the psychopath level of your body, and all bodies. You don't care what happens to your body, or all bodies. So you have become...MEANINGLESS, the VOID, INFINITE LOVE.
  3. Lol normally this could work.....but like I said the man is very intelligent, the hardest people to communicate with about a potential blind spot are intelligent people. Its why I love Leo's realization that Love/Truth/Intelligence are ONE. This is what some Buddha practitioners and other groups will struggle with. When I tell you his belief in his being a work in progress is a core piece of his identity and is a construct he ties so much into his studies. I won't say its impossible as I understand that life is teaching the lesson that I am pointing him too which is the that everything is infinite love. But to put in perspective, he has died before, but it seems he is still struggling with his ego at the moment. But I agree with you that maybe...my approach was too direct. Sometimes to get someone to agree....you have to play the idiot, and as you say make themselves believe it was their idea. Let's just say maybe I'm too attached to not sounding stupid....lol. I wish this could work on him, he's shall we say too advanced. Any questioning I present in this manner he would take as an insult as he believes himself too advanced too be questioned in his manner, but too "impure" to be a Spiritual Master. He can teach the concepts, like I said the only part he is missing is the Love Awakening, outside of that the guy has a unique way of looking at the teachings in a way I have no seen others piece it together and express it. It is such an honor and wonder to see how different POV's can actually look at things and interpret it and express it. Even though he has some dogma, he also is full of fresh interpretations. I would love to get him on the forums so he could express his POV, I just wish he could get the Love Awakening in his direct experience. He still is looking at reality from a numbers perspective trying to grasp it. And here is the kicker....he is VERY CREATIVE as well. He is a talented artist, his sketches are beautiful. So its confusing to me how a guy can be so developed both logically and creatively...and still have this blind spot. I love you man....but your post....is rather complex, it would need deciphering. I would describe your post artistically like so vague...so open too interpretation, that you could call it art. Now I could attempt to decipher it, but along with complexity you also hit me with length....so I have complexity and length to contend with.....I understand the love of complexity is your thing, but unless you can deliver a message in a digestible way... it will get lost. Currently...I can get the gist of what you are saying....do you want people to ONLY get the gist? Or do you want them to understand it at deeper levels? Here is a counter-intuitive insight.....the more simple your message....the deeper its complexity. The more complex your message....the more simplistic it is. Why? If you make it too complex....only you will understand it and others...can only grasp the edges....if you make it simple...they can turn it around, twist it, and play with it and discover ever more ways of looking at it.
  4. Rupert Spira has talked about this same topic. Here it is.
  5. Happiness is your natural state of being. If you aren't happy now...then you aren't awake yet. This means you need to die before you die...so you can realize that happiness and peace is your baseline state. You don't even need to think positive thoughts because that is not happiness. Just BE. That's it. Once you realize that BEING is peace and happiness then....you will be happy. DEATH is happy, Life is struggle and misery. When the boundary between DEATH and LIFE collapses you can be the WALKING DEAD and then you enter paradise....which is realizing you cannot die. Then you can be alive and REST IN PEACE.
  6. It's not like a movie...its literally a movie. Your life is a movie/dream/vr simulation, dreamed up for an audience of ONE. It also always gives you what you want as well. I just recently got a job that checked all the boxes I wanted and I NEVER had to try to get it. It just happened. Since reality/life IS YOU, it only wants to give you your desires. But it also wants you to realize that you ARE desire itself. So what you think you desire is just a projection/illusion that you place on some object, person, or situation. So life wants you to wake up to the fact that life is a beautiful movie full of suspense, danger, and trials and tribulations that is complete and other FANTASY. If you can view life as a FANTASY, THEN you can really enjoy it. As long as you think life is REAL then you will suffer. For me awakening stops you from taking life too seriously and also...it lets you know that life is YOU. Life also gives you hints as to what is going on....so pay attention to the words and thoughts you use....because THAT is the script you are writing. I talked my job into existence and it is hilarious. So part of taking responsibility for your dream, is taking responsibility for your words and thoughts. Its amazing to me how we actually direct our life with out words.....blows my mind. But yeah there is no free will, you don't control your heart beat, you don't control the weather, you don't control what time you wake up, you don't control when you are hungry or not hungry, you don't control when you have an itch or not have itch, I can keep going...you don't control crap. Think of it like a theme park ride....just go where you feel like going and pursue what you feel like pursuing....and enjoy the show. Don't work a job you hate, unless it is setting you up for a job you love. Don't date or marry someone you cannot stand. The purpose is to flow with life, NOT to fight with it and it will constantly communicate to you on how to flow with it.
  7. Well the solution is simple, but the toughest thing to do....we have to become okay with death, and feeling pain both emotional and physical pain. A couple of things, outside of extreme situations majority of pain is temporary. And also we actually cannot die, the physical form can die, but what we actually are cannot die. So the "die before you die" is the solution. You will not be able to overcome selfishness and detachment until you confirm your immortality. Once you confirm it, then the process of letting go and trusting becomes something that becomes easier and easier. So if anyone wants to know the purpose of dying before you die that's it, it teaches you how to let go by showing you through experience that you are not the body and thus you are able to let go. Now here is a part that scares people....we don't have free will. So I would tell you or anyone...don't struggle too much with choices....your free will is an illusion and your decisions are always based on what state of consciousness you are in. For example...if I attack you when you are asleep versus when you are fully alert your ability to respond is based on that. Your ability to respond is always based on your level of intelligence and awareness. For example....we let children off the hook because we claim they know better....but we hold adults accountable. The truth is.....adults don't know better either lol. If they did....they would do better. They are ignorant and foolish and that is why they do the things they do. I want to tell you a story....which shows how counter-intuitive reality life is. I was talking to a woman who use to work in a max security prison. She had to give shots to serial killers and big strong macho types who committed violent crimes. These guys killed people with their bare hands in brutally horrendous ways right? When she tried to give them a shot with a needle....they passed out from fear. Are you hearing me? I bust out laughing but it made sense to me because Spirituality already states that the more fearful you are, and the stronger your attachment to your body is, the more quote on quote evil you will act out. So here is a mindfuck for you. The skinny gentle dude in the room, is more courageous than the macho violent dude. Anyone you see going around threatening people, and insulting people, and trying to act tough, they are actually scared shitless. Its so funny when you discover this. The bravest version of you....is the part that doesn't identify with anything, not the body, not your possessions, absolutely no thing/sense. If you get yourself to that version, then your ability to see clearly will be completely amplified. In truth we usually make decisions based out of self-interest. Our ability to step outside of that is based on our level of attachment, fear IS attachment, it is also love lol. If you want to become God as a man/woman? Release all attachment. Whatever method can get you there, if you truly desire to become that....then the quickest way would be to die as many times as it takes until you get the message that you are actually dead RIGHT NOW. Because you are....literally DEAD right now. So technically you have never died....and you never will because what you call DEATH...is what you are. Life is just a projection, over what you call DEATH. So the key to getting to a place of Self-Love I would say...is to first....awaken to the fact that you are DEAD RIGHT NOW.
  8. Everyone you see on the forums...is you....but you don't really know what that means. You see, when you say....oh yeah I know they are me...you don't...no judgment obviously because you will awaken when you are ready.....so no rush!!! But here is a hint.....every time you judge anybody on the forums or in the world....you are truly judging yourself. For example, let's say you have a person on the forums who is complaining saying life is hell!!!! And you are going around telling them, no its not!!! Life is great!!! The truth is....you both are correct!!! You see...the person who is complaining to you about how they feel....they are literally....your true feelings. They are the parts of yourself you deny!!!! So when truth....and feelings collide....oh boy!!!! If you only knew what that means....its a BIG CLUE!!!! Your life is really your mirror....oh man if you only knew!!!! Your entire freaking life.....you have been interacting...with the face, the image of God....which is .....Yours/God's imagination!!!! So remember.....don't judge God's image....God is sensitive...encourage God and let God know that you love them and believe in them....because every part of God you see, is doing the best it can.....just like you and me. We are all parts of God that have disassociated ourself to know ourself by interacting with our reflection....so we each dream a dream where we forget that we are each other and get to really discover how we really feel about each other. Wow we can be really mean to each other when we are unconscious and think we aren't one. But we don't mean it....we wouldn't do it if we really know. I actually discovered...it is impossible for God to be a Devil OH BOY!!!! If you only knew!!! God is only a devil equivalent to how much it is asleep. God's greatest fear.....is to consciously hurt itself. Do you get it? God would NEVER consciously hurt itself EVER!!! That is impossible!!! Why? Because God is love!!! I'm not giving you anymore....especially you logical types!!! You will beg for more in your journey to figure life out!!! Stop trying to figure it out,.....is okay to not know....because.....the part that knows/reality.....is literally you!!! And its more conscious than you are!!!! It knows how to give you the greatest gift....but you call it death!!! But the greatest gift is actually life, its why its called the present!!! God wants to give you the greatest gift....but you men...YOU HATE SURPRISES!!!! That's it....no more clues...take the breadcrumbs.... I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!
  9. Truthfully I don't even understand how its considered a sacrifice. I won't lie, I'm tempted to go straight monk mode for awhile. You live in nature, you eat, meditate and live a simple life. Seems peaceful and serene to me lol. I do feel a pull towards that lifestyle at least just out of curiosity. Modern Society bores me now after awakening. To me being able to study the sensations of your perceptions and connect with them is more fun than...the other things we normally do as fun in modern society. Of course none of that would be possible if I never took psychedelics in the first place so I'm happy I took that plunge. Released my contracted energy and took me to a whole other side of reality.
  10. No problem...this forum...is like karma on steroids. Who needs psychedelics when you got these forums? LOL its a joke, I would still recommend psychedelics for contemplation. But this forum is like the perfect mirror. Every moment you have some random user criticizing or attacking something you write. It comes from all angles and completely out of no where. If you forget those critiques are YOU, you will take it personal. Each "person" is an aspect of Infinity that is looking at its opposite and saying EWWW. Its like the Fall looks at Winter and says you are too cold, the Winter looks at Spring and says you are too Warm bright, and the Spring looks at the Summer and says you are too Hot and Sunny, and the Summer looks at the Fall and says you are too Chilly. Tall telling short its too short and Short telling Tall its too Tall. Logical telling the Creative its too wishy washy and the Creative telling the Logical its a robot. The Young telling the Old they are Fossils, and the Old telling the Young they are foolish and arrogant. This is just a game of identity and its important to not get too sucked in.....although sometimes it can be tough lol.
  11. Wow wonderful response and such order and detail too!! I thank you for blessing me with such a nuanced perspective and I believe it will be of help to others who read this. I'm glad these questions got you thinking, that was the point. Notice how there isn't a right or wrong answer? It is all based on how we interpret it and also as you wisely deduced there are other factors that can influence those situations even more such as the context of the past events that led up to those events. Thank you I will be reading your response and really contemplating on it. The funny thing is...mistakes don't actually exist...you could do everything right, and it still not work out and you can do everything wrong and it works out. For example with the partner that cheats on you, let's say that they did it out of spite/jealousy. Most people would say you need to leave that partner as that behavior is unhealthy. But you might choose to make the "wrong" decision and it actually works out fine. Now obviously the odds are usually low in such situations but the truth is....we have no clue how our decisions will play out. There are an infinite number of variables at play, so the optimal choice...cannot logically be arrived at. I have heard from wise people that intuition is usually the key to figuring out what the best decision is. But hey....this is a broad subject with so many perspectives. Thanks again for your response you really hit the ball out of the park on that one!!!
  12. Thanks!! Mind providing feedback on how you would answer those questions? I'm interested in the answers people would give. You don't have to answer all of them, you can pick one or even create your own one. I am interested in how people view Self-Love.
  13. In what way? What are you getting fed up with?
  14. 1. Remember what I said about reality and imagination? Real and Unreal are the same. Two people can experience an intense event, one can interpret it in a way that it does not faze them while another can become traumatized. YOU create meaning. YOU. Nobody else. If you agree with me or disagree with me it is because you choose to agree with the meaning I present which means its not me but YOU that creates meaning. Understanding yourself as God means you take responsibility for whatever meaning you choose to create. So from one perspective you can say yes your friend experiences pain, from another perspective you can say no they don't. I'll explain. Your friend....is YOU. So how can you say your friend experiences pain? Also pain...is imaginary, its not real. Additionally you cannot access your friend's POV, as they are equally GOD as you are and GOD is sovereign so that POV is off limits. But if you do what Leo does and take 5 MEO DMT and put an intention to connect with their POV then you can access their God Head. But all that will happen...is it will collapse into ONE since...they are CURRENTLY YOU. That POV is private buddy!!! LOL. But eventually it will collapse and be integrated like all POVs. From another perspective...they don't have experience as I said before....the human avatar is an illusion. So if their human avatar is an illusion how can they have experience? If everything is an illusion then experience doesn't exist and nothing ever happened. So it depends on how you want to look at it because REAL and UNREAL are distinctions you create. You are that which creates meaning, ME= MEANING, Which you create through sensory perception/sense making and logic/sense making. Remember God's true nature is that without meaning, so your life, is a gift from God to experience meaning. So every event that happens is neutral and your POV creates meaning. That is the value of each POV it has the ability to create meaning specific to it!!! This is why you should never give up your authority because that POV is meant to add its own touch in the Universe that is unique to it. 2. When I personally died I entered a void, I still felt like myself... I just did not have any physical form and my thoughts manifested into physical form instantly. I was asked questions in the silence but those words were not audible, they were shown on the screen of my awareness. We are in the void RIGHT NOW, at this very moment. We just project onto it what we currently see. This is why I keep telling people when they argue with me that distinctions are imaginary lol, we have never gone anywhere ever. You are always at the Center of the Universe at all times because you are both in the Universe and it is within you as well. Its a transparent hologram, that is energy, that shapeshifts, and is intelligent. It was weird because I had NO PHYSICAL FORM lol, was just floating in a void with the ability to see and shapes appeared and it had eyes and little hands and waved at me and asked me questions and when I gave a satisfactory answer I was blasted off back and reality pixelated back OVER the void. It stayed a little blocky for a little bit before it went back to the smooth reality we know....then time froze later on but that's another story. I can't speak if this is how Death will feel for you. Truthfully I thought I was never coming back and made my peace with it lol. I believe Death will just mirror the mind you cultivated which is why the point is to wake up. One reason to pursue the awakening experiences Leo lists is it will probably be reflected at the moment the Human Avatar becomes unable to function.
  15. Its Infinite Levels....which means....there are no levels. He is just having fun. But yes you are correct if he is capable of going further he will discover more...in fact him discovering alien consciousness is discussed in the Law of One Book. Leo keeps saying he is discovering something new but everything he keeps reporting is just confirming things I already read. There is another guy who has mentioned something similar to what Leo is saying without talking about the Alien part. So Leo isn't saying anything new per say. All of Reality likes to point to the same thing from a different angle or POV and through different words. So yeah....there are more levels....but truthfully....it is just going to collapse back into to itself eventually and he will be right back where he started. But let Leo enjoy his trip in infinity awakenings and recontextualizations. Also here is a secret....all of his awakenings....you can access because Leo is YOU. So the irony is....if you put out the intention under say 5 MEO DMT to experience what he is mentioning....you could theoretically receive the same transmission. I've already stated on the forums I received someone else's psychedelic trips, without a psychedelic but through chakra music Just from me conversing with the person. So theoretically it isn't impossible to receive the same awakenings Leo has right now. I would suggest those of you who have access to psychedelics to explore this possibility. You really need to drop the limitations many of you hold about how all this works.
  16. More and more projection. I don't need to twist anything into a belief. In my direct experience...there is no location. The Universe is a hologram. What does that mean? Everything is One in its totality. That means my FOOT is my POV no more or less than my eye sight. That means YOUR POV is MY POV. You are the one creating distinctions. THERE ARE NO DISTINCTIONS. You keep complicating everything. It is infinity. That means everything can happen all at once right now. There are no past lives, there are no future lives, there is only the now. The present. That's it. Any attempts to complicate this further is just illusions you are creating. My FOOT is the absolute, the DUST IN MY ROOM IS THE ABSOLUTE. A VIRUS IS THE ABSOLUTE. There are no distinctions...there are no differences of any kind. Even this disagreement...is also agreement. How? Because for these words to exist....they have to be agreed into existence. So we cannot even disagree if we tried!! Stop conflating you are just confusing yourself further.
  17. ^You got it. Yes....this is why Jesus said suffer the little children and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of heaven. To flow with life we have to recognize life is us, and thus we do not need to fight it but to trust it as a child can trust its parent. We trust life by connecting to it, and paying attention to the messages it is constantly sending us every moment on all levels to the best of our ability.
  18. I revisited this video...and its interesting because the only barrier to this video is the logical mind. The logical mind is wired to engage in survival of whatever it identifies with. It primarily identifies with the body, and it identifies with pleasure and minimization of pain. Its hilarious from that limited perspective the rational, logical mind would never understand this message. The fact that anyone is even interested in this at all....makes no sense. Its so funny how reality doesn't make any sense at all. You can come up with explanations about why you THINK the anomalies that are us being interested in messages like this exist...but...I'm sorry it still doesn't make sense. Why in the hell would this message resonate at all? Its so funny, I know because ultimately its because reality is infinite love, that really is the only explanation that exists which is why...logic is so funny because logic can never describe infinite love. This means all your logic you are using to make sense of reality...is all just delusion....because your logic can never explain why any selfish human could ever want this message and even decide to undertake it. The only reason...is love...and love...doesn't make sense. AT ALL. Also please don't respond with....its cause you are God. Because God=unconditional love so saying unconditional love is the same as God.
  19. There you go again not understanding... MY POV is absolute. YOUR POV is absolute. THATS IT THE END. You keep trying to put it in the finite. MY POV is the absolute. SO IS THE BOTTLE I AM LOOKING AT. MY WATER BOTTLE IS ABSOLUTE. MY FOOT IS THE ABSOLUTE. Are you getting it? EVERYTHING IS THE ABSOLUTE. THAT'S IT.
  20. He never said in the future, he said...everything is happening SIMULATANEOUSLY. Go back and watch the video...he says and I quote "You already have." What does that mean? It means...it is happening RIGHT NOW! He has made this point MANY TIMES. He used a sponge as an example and said your POV is the holes in the sponge. They are all being lived RIGHT NOW. So no he never said in the future...that was your own projection.
  21. Translation of what Holykael means. "God only forgot in one of the minds. (Holykael means his ego). Everyone else is already enlightened and playing a game of pretend, including you. (He means all of us are playing pretend he means our ego. There is only one conscious being in existence who can awaken. Holykael means himself. Correction: Holykael's ego is an illusion which is playing pretend just like every other ego. The only being that needs to awaken...is the universe which holds all POVs. Holykael doesn't realize that victimhood is literally the opposite of God Realization. God cannot be a victim. Its literally not possible. The only way to be a victim is...to have an other, and others don't exist.
  22. I hope your question wasn't serious. Horses and ants perceive love differently than us. So of course an Alien would. Hell individual humans...experience and perceive love with some differences as well...just ask Holykael lol.
  23. Leo actually changed his argument on Infinity of Gods. I don't know why yall keep ignoring that. According to him you don't access to the POV of others because of their sovereignty. So he put out an intention and was able to make a connection to the God Head of that POV. So according to him Each POV has a God Head and is stuck in a solipsistic bubble. Since that God Head is INDENTITCAL to other God Heads because...its the same God then there really is no difference between saying there is one dream or many. But what IS true is, in your dream....you are the only being that exists. You are a single dreamer. But from each person's POV they are the only being that exists. So your human self is imaginary and so is everything you see. The only REAL thing, is that which looks through your eyes. But everything else...is imaginary.
  24. 1. Leo actually updated his position in the Infinity of Gods...he said he wouldn't know, but then he was like....wait how can I not know if I am God? So he sent out an intention and merged with other God Heads. Then he admits that was his imagination, but remember....what's the difference between reality and imagination? The answer...is there is none. 2. In truth....from my own experience when I was under a psychedelic others...appeared to not be alive. I once took an edible....and observed that everyone only moved when I moved, I also have frozen time before where only I could move. So what would all this mean? Well I can explain it easily. 1. You are the only being that exists, but when I say YOU I do not mean your human avatar. So your human avatar is NOT REAL, just like all the people you see are ALSO NOT REAL. Your human avatar has NO FREE WILL, the same as every human you see also has NO FREE WILL. This is just an elaborate illusionary game where the appearance of free will is there, but it can clearly be seen there is no time, and there is no free will. Well if they have no free will can they technically even be alive? In one sense NO, but in another sense YES since collectively their will, is tied with God's will. God's will is unconditional love, so we are all constantly making decisions and being placed in events which pursue the greatest love. So technically we are all NPC's being controlled by God, but God...is INFINITY....which is nothing/nonsense. So everything you see is being controlled....by nonsense. Don't try to grasp this logically LOL. You cannot!!! Its Magic lol. All Logic falls apart. In truth..... nobody deserves praise or blame for anything....because there was never a person/body who has ever accomplished anything or made any mistakes. There is ONLY ONE BEING, GOD. GOD is all there is...outside of GOD there is ......no other being. So whatever you think you accomplished...it was GOD. Now...GOD creates an illusion of a separate self to experience what it is like to exist in a subject/object world. Because this illusion is created by God...within the illusion you DO have free will and choice. Why? 1. You are not able to see how you are controlling everything. So you lack information and thus are only able to CHOOSE within the confines of what you are allowed to see. 2. Your experience is within the concept of past, present, future. You experience time linearly. So as a result in your experience Free Will exists within the illusion, but even that Free Will....it feels so limited that it will make you question it which many philosophers have questioned it in the past. Notice these questions. 1. You can't choose your body, your talents, what country you were born in, what time period you were born in, how fast you learn something, if you have allergies, what emotions arise, what thoughts arise. 2. If you notice....the only thing you really control....is resistance....and even that control is limited as well. So yes if you investigate it further you end up discovering you never had control at all. You discover that you as God created everything and set things up to follow the pattern towards the greatest expression of love. Once you discover that you realize that you offer your life up to that purpose and rest easy with the understanding that every happening is always towards ever more love. What is that love? Impermanence. Which means you will constantly die to every identity you take on. Unconditional Love= No identity. So you are going to shapeshift symbolically from one identity to the next. Through this you will learn the meaning of each identity and your understanding will grow. God lacks meaning....through a LIFE, God discovers and experiences meaning. The problem is....God can become too attached to a POV, and has to awaken.....which means God has to drop all meaning and purpose....which is tough...because GOD LOVES MEANING AND PURPOSE. Your LIFE...is just a LOVE STORY between God and its own creation which is YOU. God is terribly in love with its creation....and struggles to let go and awaken. God is a love addict, and is addicted to YOU.
  25. Triggered....a touchy subject....when a statement, a picture, a feeling, whatever it is....unleashes a torrent of emotions!!! We all have been there....its like somebody pulled a lever and unleashed something...sometimes we didn't even know it was there!! You might go to sleep, and all of a sudden a NIGHTMARE!!! When you wake up you are like "Where the hell did that come from and why?" You talk to your friend and they say something you don't like!!! Trigger!!! You watch the news and the anchorman or woman says something!!! Trigger!!! Your dog pees on the floor for the umpteenth time even though you been taking him to get trained and for some reason it isn't taking!!!!!! TRIGGERRRRR! You get my point. So why in the hell would I ever suggest this is a GOOD THING? Am I Out Of Mind? YES!!! But that is besides the point!!! We can delve into that later!!! The reason why triggers are good, is they reveal the hidden emotional pain you are harboring but you are unaware that is there!! Isn't it lovely? You get to discover the hidden parts of yourself....that reside deep within!! For example let's say you still got some resentment from not belonging in your childhood....someone on this forum might make a post towards you or someone else...instantly you get offended!!! TRIGGER!!! You lash out and BLAME the person who just wrote words on a screen....that it is THEM who are responsible for the feelings that have risen from the surface. First of all....REALLY? You really believe that logic? A person (who you can't even be sure they are a person...they could be a bot) who put words on a screen, and have no clue about you at all as you are just an avatar....is RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR PERSONAL FEELINGS? Do you even realize how silly that sounds? You see emotions are tricky thing. They are like a TIDAL WAVE!!! They can overwhelm you, engulf you, DROWNNN YOU!!! I mean I get it, they can be intense, they can also make you feel alone in that moment like a surfer out at sea all alone struggling to stay afloat and not drown! I get it!! But lay off it!! This victim, finger pointing, and blaming a random person on the forums for your emotional tidal wave needs to stop. The truth is you got TRIGGERED!! You can't control it, it happens, but the beauty of the trigger is each trigger is an OPPORTUNITY!! Its an OPPORTUNITY to EXPLORE AND DISCOVER WHAT IS HIDDEN!! Isn't it amazing? I see so many people on these forums always talking psychedelics and they have NO CLUE about the importance of TRIGGERS!!! The whole point of psychedelics is to explore the hidden parts of your mind....well TRIGGERS are a GREAT TOOL FOR THAT TOO!!! You get to discover your fears!!!! Your judgments, your biases, your blindspots!! Its ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!!! TRIGGERS are one of the best ways to learn about yourself in a way that another person doesn't have to point out for you because your TRIGGER POINTS IT OUT FOR YOU!!! So instead of running from your trigger, getting mad at what triggered you, YOU SHOULD BE REJOICING!!! You now have another opportunity to engage in the meaningful exploration of....the parts of yourself that are hidden!! So trigger away, heck unload that whole clip!!! Embrace the triggering that arises, and explore it wherever it leads!! Every time I get triggered or trigger others.... I know...I'm doing God's work and it is also being done on me. *Salute*