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Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is so funny, you talk just like my friend. I guess the more one raises in consciousness the more boundaries start to dissolve more. -
Atheists will tell you that they don't believe in God. This is actually incorrect!!! But they are not even aware of this which is funny!!! If you ask an atheist or anyone who believe in the materialist model of reality how they are able to experience this reality they will tell you because of their human brain. As a result this means they believe their brain is generating reality. Even when evidence persists that this is not the case they use terms like "the hard problem of consciousness" or "consciousness is emergent phenomena" which is their refusal to see what is and wanting to hold on to the human brain as the generator of reality. If they could drop their attachment to the brain as a generator then consciousness wouldn't be emerging from the brain, or be considered a hard problem. Now why is this the case? Because to an Atheist the human brain is God!!! Now paradoxically the human brain is God like everything else in reality is, but to them NOO!!!!! The Human brain ALONE is god, and science is the religion of the human brain!!! This is why they worship science, and defend it like any fundamentalist of any religion!! So yes Atheist do believe in God, they believe in God in the form of the human brain!!!
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
How can I be conflating...when I only mentioned atheists? I never said all scientists were atheists. I specifically only called out atheists. Atheists like to use science as their form of a religion and the brain as their God. That's the only premise I am presenting. Notice....you interpreted what I said a certain a way then stated I conflated the two....could it be...that you conflated the two instead? Reread what I wrote. I agree, the funny thing is there is a scientist who believes he can uses math to define beauty. What you describe is an agnostic. An atheist does not believe in any type of God. They believe that once death comes that's it for all eternity. A lot of them also believe in the big bang and that all this just randomly happened. If you really drill down a lot of their belief systems....they can't even come up with a logical basis yet they love calling those who believe in religion illogical. -
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Reason is always biased with what feels comfortable.
Razard86 replied to tuku747's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Exactly Good and Evil is the world of duality, the world of self and others. -
Razard86 replied to koyadr3's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You are not qualified to debate but you are qualified to tell others that they are wrong? Do you not realize the folly of what you are saying? If you cannot defend your position, then you do not have one to begin with. This means silence is golden for you, until you can articulate your position. Also all religion is story, you are just repeating the same ole history of saying my religion is better than yours. This just means you are engaged in the same activity that 99 percent of humanity engages in, which is the forcing of their beliefs of good or bad on others through appeals to authority. I like your honesty, but please notice the profoundness of your statement and meditate and contemplate on it. You say you are not qualified but all your actions say otherwise in the exuberance of your expression here. This means you are a walking/talking contradiction and are out of alignment with what you actually believe, and what you actually express. Good ole self-deception on display here, all in public view. -
Razard86 replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I used to do this, its so funny to see someone else doing this.....let me give you a tip!! If you do this to your friends in life, they will not interpret it is as love and will not enjoy sharing good news in the future with you. While I totally understand what you are saying, and was tempted to tell him the same thing, life experience has taught me that it breeds the opposite result. People can internalize your desire to ground them, as your desire to rob them of getting to experience the high of positive emotions. Ultimately we all know that all highs and lows return to baseline. But sometimes, people just want to get lost in those momentary highs for as long as they can. Don't become known as a party pooper who people say "I bet you are great at parties!" LOL. -
Razard86 replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If they only knew how much power they have. They have no clue because Society always feeds division. I've said it before and I'll say it again. The Feminine EMPOWERS the Masculine. The masculine gains its decisiveness BECAUSE of the feminine. The funny thing is most women and even some men are asleep to this. Its a universal principle that has played out throughout human history, but for some reason often forgotten. -
Yall need to listen to StarStruck because he has the right mindset. If you are going to play the dating game (I'm not playing that crap lol) it's all about mindset. If you ever look at a woman as superior in any way it will come out in your interactions. Here is something you really need to understand about women. Women want a man they can look up to. If a woman FEELS like her man is not someone she can brag about she isn't going to respect him and the attraction is going to die. If you feel like your women is 10/10 in physical looks that's fine, but you better believe you are 10/10. If in some way you feel she is superior to you and you are just lucky to be with her, instead of believing you both are lucky to be with each other then you are going to become needy, too attached, and it will show in your behavior. You got to believe in yourself and move through life with that confidence. Also long term relationship game is different than short term relationship game. Short term relationship is about building attraction, long term is about maintaining attraction and slowly building it over time. So don't ever assume in your life if you get good at picking up women that it means you are good at relationships, it doesn't. Maintaining a relationship with a woman is a whole different beast!! Don't even get me started on how having children with her makes it even more complicated. But I'll sum it up. A healthy long term relationship with a girl requires a healthy deep emotional connection. Majority of long term relationships fail between men and women because it does not have a deep emotional connection.
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yeah he is the integration/embodiment master. On the Spiritual Journey I am realizing that different teachers are great for different aspects and that the journey is circular. Not only that, the journey can trick you into thinking you are regressing if you are not careful. Why? Because you have to revist certain things you have done previously. For example, one aspect of the journey is if you have engaged in denial of experiencing certain identities, you may have to visit some just to get them out of your system such as sex, fighting, dancing, comedy, etc. A lot of people are so stuck in ego, they have never attempted to try something new and experience it and one of the best ways to break out of your ego is to try something vastly different. Travelling to another country and experiencing living there can do it too also. Just taking on an identity that you have judged before as inferior can expand your world view. But the part I love about Ram Dass is his emphasis on how to be more compassionate. His teachings are very heart centered. Even though I already know what he is talking about, I like to borrow his perspective on how he implemented it in daily life and recently got an opportunity to use it and it worked!!! So this stuff works people, when it comes to living from that place learning to open up your heart and allow that connection to other even when they are in pain helps them heal and break out of their nightmare. -
Compassion is our Compass. I love Ram Dass!! In this video he teaches how love is important in any Spiritual Practice.
Watch this video to understand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1yl0MFYzXc
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I love you man, you really understand what is being presented. Yes!!! That quote by Huang Po is the correct answer!! The pious practices is what people get stuck on....for decades chasing their tail in Spirituality. And obviously the materialists overlay conceptual thought onto reality to force it to fit their theory. Every answer is inside, and is given freely when the heart and mind are open to receive it. The hints are all around us constantly if we are open to receiving them. -
Leo gave a short talk on his video Going Meta and does a good job of summarizing a lot of the causes of these types of relationships. WARNING if this applies to you IT WILL TRIGGER YOU. So you have been warned don't go demonizing me or Leo as if we are the cause of those negative emotions being expressed. Remember being triggered is wonderful, it is your alarm system that is telling you that you are suppressing emotional expression. You have erected a dam to hold back the flow, but the dam cannot contain that flow and as such it will leak out. Those leaks are expressed as sporadic outbursts and constant discomfort/anxiety. Anyway here is the video. I don't know if the has made a clip of this yet but if he hasn't might be a good one. Now I'm a logical person so what has helped me learn to look at relationships in a healthy way is to take myself outside of individual perspective. I've given this example, but I'll give it again because its powerful. Selfless giving people like to put others on a pedestal and sacrifice themselves for others because they see personal sacrifice as love. Nothing wrong with being a giving person. But the problem with this is it can become toxic and abusive to your individual self. Now its funny, if you ask a person who is like this how would they feel if their best friend or loved one was treated like a door mat they would be quick to defend their loved one and want their loved one to be treated with decency and respect and love!! So then you can easily take that, and turn it on them and say "So why don't you want yourself to be treated the same way?" Sometimes you have to take people outside their POV to show them what they are doing. When we are locked in our POV and emotionally attached we cannot see clearly. This is why many Teachers use story telling to get a message across. A selfish person needs to hear the opposite lol. If you are very selfish we would ask you if you would be okay with someone treating you with cruelty, with lies, with deceit, and manipulation. When you say no, we will say then why do you do it to others? Why don't you treat others the way you want to be treated? So this is why its the golden rule. The key to relationships is to always treat yourself kindly, and you will relate kindly to others. All relationship problems stem from an internal relationship problem. You have never had a problem with OTHER, only with your self.
Razard86 replied to tuku747's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No offense.... but what you are describing is changing the content. Enlightenment is not a persistent activity of content change. Enlightenment is jail breaking your mind. That is why deconstruction along with psychedelics is so effective. I have heard people claim that psychedelics do not work for everybody, this is false. What is true, is that everybody do not work with psychedelics. All psychedelics do is raise your awareness so you can access dissociated parts of yourself. Then you deconstruct your entire identity until there is nothing left. Which is what death actually is. People think little ego deaths will do it for them, noooooo. You need to release all attachment completely and face complete annihilation of any attachment. THEN you escape your mental prison and you reach the peace that passes all understanding. This is simple, only the ego makes it hard. After that process, you rebuild the structure to your liking with the focus on being authentic. Meditation is more useful in teaching you how to direct your awareness in various ways which obviously can alter your states of consciousness. But all states of consciousness are impermanent. Enlightenment is the ability to flow through the different states without the neurotic desire to attach to any specific state. This ability is effortless, meaning it happens on autopilot. If structural change is not accomplished....you are just wasting your time. -
In this reality your life as your current persona/avatar is impermanent. That means it is conditional. That means any relationship you create with an other is also going to be conditional. The overarching condition is going to be that the relationship between these avatars is going to end eventually. If you are seeking the infinite in a relationship (which is what the belief in romanticism is) you won't find it. Many seek the unboundless unconditional love in relationships with others not realizing they are wasting their time. I understand that the relationship with other is sticky, juicy, and ever so sweet you do not want to let it go. But you will have to eventually let it go, and it was never going to fulfill you anyway. No conditional relationship will ever fulfill you. Sex won't do it, money won't do it, fame won't do it, etc. etc. Until you are able to fall in love with the truth, you are going to have a bad trip. All a bad trip is ultimately is just denial of what is. I desire for all to free themselves from their bad trips.
Razard86 replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Happy for you too!!! -
While I don't disagree that activist demonize white guys, as when I was in college in one of my classes the acronym WORM was used which means White Old Rich Men. So yeah the bias and demonization is inherent. But if you understand WHY they do it, it actually makes sense. Is it justified? From their perspective it is. Just like from your perspective it isn't justified. The truth is, we should push for a healthy calling out of both sides. Because both sides are hypocrites and until they realize this....they will fight forever. But yeah censorship doesn't work, it has never worked and it will never work. All of human history has literally told this story. I don't realize why people haven't figured this out.
This was a while back, but this Officer violated so many police procedure stuff, and ended up killing this guy. He got off!!! A lot of the times, the way police are prosecuted by prosecutors, and the whole process of the jury selection process can help get them off.
1. There is no justice, our criminal system isn't concerned about justice. It is concerned about demonization, about punishment. All the research says that if you were concerned about justice you would be focusing on rehabilitation and reintegration, and about solving the issues that have been known to foster criminal activity. 2. All of our actions have continuously shown that is not our concern. From the way our media reports crime, to the way we represent criminality in movies and t.v. shows, we have a cultural bias against justice that bleeds into all aspects of both crime fighting, and how it is adjudicated .
1. You will always have the ego if you are living in the dream. The ego is not just the identity, its also its expression as well. Your speech is ego, the way you walk, dress, your habits, memories, etc. 2. The point is to not fall for being stuck in identification with the ego. Also the ego isn't the devil. The last barrier of the path is self-righteousness. If you believe the ego to be a devil or evil, you will always be at conflict and war with reality. True acceptance of reality is acceptance of everything, the whole entire design process, and where you currently are in life right now. Spirituality is often used as an escape mechanism from facing reality, no different than drugs, sex and alcohol. But the whole point of Spirituality is the opposite. You have to face and look at everything about yourself both from the infinite, and the finite as well. Nothing less than total self-acceptance. You must face your own judgment, and eventually find yourself innocent along with the rest of reality. Until then, you will still be in the prison you erected. Liberation = Freedom from all judgment!! Good luck!!
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I hope it helped, may your tears liberate you into a wellspring of self-love. -
Truth/ Masculine/ Brutality/ That Which Is Perceived/ That Which Cannot Be Avoided. Love/Feminine/Softness/That Which Nourishes/ That Which Sustains. The Truth is brutal, its unrelenting. It never shows weakness. It is ever growing, expanding, and always in full force and power. It is order. It can simply be described as it is what it is, and also that which isn't. The truth is all encompassing and there is no escape. Its mere existence demands submission because it is everything there is. Love is soft, its nourishing. It shows weakness, is vulnerable. It is ever growing, expanding and always in full force and power. It is disorder/ It can simply be described as it is what it is, and also that which isn't. Love is all encompassing and there is no escape. Its mere existence is submission because it is aware it is everything there is. Love and Truth are one because they teach the same lesson. Life is self-sustaining, self-nourishing because it is aware that all is self. Life also understands that love cannot be cultivated without experiencing brutality. Through experiencing brutality one seeks love. Through experiencing nourishment one seeks to spread nourishment. A desire to save others is born from a desire to save one self. An understanding of the suffering of others is born from understanding suffering. All suffering is relinquished through love. If the highest truth is everything is you, and you wish to relinquish your suffering, you do so through love. The answer to every question is love. Why? Because all is self. What is the highest truth? Submission to self, which is self-love. How does one learn to love self, through interaction with other self. Other defines self, without other there is no self. So self/other = love because both create each other. If both create each other, and are defined by each other, then obviously both are each other. So the solution for self and other is to love each other since they are one. This is so simple, yet self and other are asleep to each other and argue and fight. If they had been aware of each other then they would simply recognize each other and give each other love. Then other collapses and is seen as self, then the highest truth is revealed. That life is just the greatest love story ever told of how self became other and returned home to the realization that it was playing with itself.
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Cool I used the word dumb for many reasons. 1. Western Education believes the ability to construct models that are reliable as a sign of intelligence. They believe the ability to apply models is wisdom. 2. So Western Education believe thinking is the path to intelligence and wisdom (along with experimentation) and would look at the lack of model usage as being dumb, Dumb can also mean silence and you could use that with speaking both externally and internally. Also the use of the word dumb would annoy people who like to weaponize its usage as a way to attack those who are their lesser (from their perspective) so it can trigger an egoic response that will seek to disagree thus revealing a bias. (I do this for fun ya know!!!)