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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. I drank some hot cocoa style coffee once in my entire life. It was delicious and I ended up staying awake for like 15-18 hours lol.
  2. I'm glad you understand this, I really get tired of people looking at the messenger to verify the message its why successful people can continually brainwash people because of the laziness of this standard. You look at the message ALONE, in all its entirety. I'm not saying you cannot think about the messenger, but eventually you have to get beyond them otherwise you are handing your authority away. The message is the only thing that matters at the end of the day, not the messenger. In fact ironically obese people are actually the BEST messengers for how to lose weight, just do THE OPPOSITE!!! LOL.
  3. Carl- Richard...healthier? Literally every society has been built on the exploitation of the masses, control of information, discrimination, and nepotism. It has taken humanity 2000 plus years just to get to the current condition they are in now and that required tons of people who were willing to die to speak truth to power to create change. Society has never been healthy, its why even currently with all the evidence that our actions are destroying the planet we don't care and adopt the kick the can down the road its somebody else's problem. Just in America alone, I could write a whole book write now on how corrupt, unethical, and irresponsible they are and they have a more robust list of guidelines than the puny little list you presented us with. There is the law on the books (the list of rules you create) and the law in action (how it is actually enforced) and what has always been shown throughout history is that no matter how many rules you create corruption will always be apparent. Why? Because you are dealing with egos. The solution isn't more rules, the solution is to raise consciousness. Morality is created out of fear, any actions taken out of fear creates corruption because corruption IS FEAR. Governments are corrupted through fear, so are religions and any teachings. The moment you engage in fear tactics, demonization happens, conflict happens, and corruption and justification of that corruption happens. This is why I keep bringing up the story of Adam and Eve. You are pushing the tree of knowledge of good and evil right now. All conflict stems from humans believing in a good v.s. evil, and debating on what is good or evil. 1. They don't even understand what goodness is because goodness doesn't even perceive evil. In the eyes of goodness ALL is good at every moment. The MOMENT you perceive evil, you will commit evil. 2. Evil only happens due to a low state of consciousness, if all of humanity's consciousness were raised it would be impossible for them to commit evil. Why? Because there would be a recognition of oneness in that they literally could not hurt you without hurting themselves. Because humans are not at a state where they can feel the pain they inflict they can walk around inflicting pain with no care and only suffer subconsciously from the pain they inflict with no awareness that they are creating that pain. So raise the consciousness then evil is gone. I personally don't need morality to behave as the only thing you need to know is everyone is you so treat them with the same care and love you would give yourself. It allows me to know if I am going too far. I don't need anything else but to raise my consciousness even further to become even more adept at knowing what the appropriate action is.
  4. I confuse you because you desire to be confused. Confusion only happens to a mind that is close-minded. When you seek to disagree, rather than understand you will be confused. So no I don't confuse you, YOU confuse you. When I say ego I literally explained in my post what I meant. I said all identities are relative, if all identities are relative then if you take any stance as an absolute then you are stuck in ego. If you take a position from a relative point of view then you are not in ego. Many on here are taking absolute positions, as a result they are communicating from a place of ego. To be free of egoic perspective your perspective would have to be relativistic, this would reveal that you understand that reality is purely relative with every moment.
  5. Let this guy be a living example of what happens when you enter Spirituality too early. This Youtuber is obviously young, hasn't done the ground work to understand Spirituality and was not doing it from a desire to understand truth and love. Additionally they still have some personal emotional issues they still need to work through to even take this type of self-inquiry into the nature of reality seriously. There is also a lot of victim blaming in the video, notice he watches a video and turns himself into a victim. Notice how he blames Leo for how he feels about what is being said. That's like a skinny guy blaming a muscular guy for him making him feel weak in comparison!!! The guy can just turn the video off and go about his business but not only does he blame Leo for his own personal feelings he makes a video saying he is DANGEROUS!!! It's so funny how when someone doesn't like your message they want you to cancelled or outed!!! LOL!! Anyway I do emphasize with what is going on with him, as psychosis is a scary thing to go through and something you will need to face if you are willing to go deep enough. The path to God Realization deals with facing the groundless and unstable nature of reality that the normal baseline conscious experience doesn't normally entail. This is why grounding these experiences with a deep understanding is necessary otherwise you will think you are going insane. This work is dangerous for those who ignorantly jump far off into the deep end and some can wind up in mental hospitals permanently if they are not careful.
  6. This is Steve Rio, he and his wife work in Canada helping people on their spiritual journeys with meditation, breathwork, and 5 MEO DMT work as well. The name of his company is Enclave. I like his mindset, it really does show that 5 MEO can really open up someone's connection with Infinity.
  7. This!! Well done Nilsi nice analogy!!! Its all about relativity. There are no levels, but in relation to the present moment, there are levels.
  8. Illusion and real are the same. If change was ONLY illusion then the truth cannot exist because the truth is the only thing that is real. If it wasn't real then it couldn't be true. If change doesn't exist, then nothing exists. So what is the truth? It is real and unreal, if it was clearly unreal then it could never be mistaken as real and nobody would have to meditate, self-inquiry, to find that it was an illusion. So what does this mean? Real and Unreal is a state of consciousness. If it is a state of unconsciousness, that means real and unreal CHANGES depending on the state. This means that change is REAL!!! Stop trying to pin down infinity, YOU CANNOT! All language, all concept, all identity of ANY KIND IS RELATIVE!!!! All language is RELATIVE!!! The only absolute is relativity, which allows anything to be KNOWN at all. Without relativity, there is no contrast, and nothing to be known. Being doesn't need contrast to know it exists, but being does need contrast to experience what it is. Here is a visual representation for you.
  9. Society is a cult, every society ever made is a cult. Spirituality actually isn't a cult because it does not encourage group think but individual sovereignty and literally spirituality teaches that the highest wisdom is to treat others with the equal love and respect you have for yourself. It also holds that in times of crisis that being able to sacrifice yourself for others as a virtue. The only time spirituality becomes cult-like is when it starts to mirror society. Cults are not anarchy, for a cult to exist and persist it needs stability. Cults only seem like anarchy to other cults, no different than how the United States and other countries try to tell other countries how to run their country under the guise of knowing what social responsibility is.
  10. Sea Monster you are very talented in not being able to understand what someone is communicating and erecting storylines and comprehensions and accusations of what is being communicated. I don't think I have ever come across someone as talented at misunderstanding people as you. It's like you enter everything LOOKING for a fight and a debate. In fact I think I am at awe at your ability to do this, its rather profound. You are deeply seated in a me against the world mentality and its a beautiful thing to see in action. You should author movies, your ability to create conflict is divine!
  11. This entire thread is ego lol yall arguing and finding things to argue with just for the sake of arguing. There is a lot of ignorant responses on this thread which reveals a certain lack of experience to things that is obvious. Try giving psychedelic experiences or high intensity experiences to a child that throws it into bouts of infinite visions with no ground and see what happens. Development is a part of spirituality like everything else, anytime someone starts denying some aspect of the truth (what is) to pick a side and defend it they reach ego. Are there exceptions to what I am presenting? OF COURSE THERE ARE because all identities are relative. I'm talking about in general what is true. There are beings who are born enlightened so none of what is posted here would apply to them. But in general when dealing with the path, development and doctrine is needed. If that wasn't the case....it wouldn't be the case. Instead of always trying to tear down the ancient, ask yourself why it exists at all. To build a house you need a foundation, at a certain level of technological development, future houses may not require this but at the current level of technology they do. EVERYTHING IS RELATIVE.
  12. It's okay man, they still want to cling to the belief of right and wrong. Until one is ready to drop the belief of right and wrong they need rules and regulations to keep them feeling safe. While everything you said is on point, they cannot understand as long as they cling to right and wrong.
  13. There was a girl who had a pet cat, she loved her cat dearly! Her cat was cute, adorable, and loved to play with her. Her cat was also well trained and always had a knack of being able to lift up her day no matter how bad it went! As the girl got older so did her cat and one day her cat grew sick in its old age. The girl prayed to God to spare her cat, she loved it and did not want to be parted from it!! Eventually her cat died of its sickness and the girl enraged cursed God and couldn't understand how if God was love how could God not spare her cat from death! Eventually the girl became a woman and became a doctor of psychology. She had a patient given to her who acted very weird. This patient enraged her, because as a man he did not fulfil his responsibilities. This man acted in a way that defied anything she had ever encountered! No book could explain his actions because this was unprecedented! This man she surmised after long study, literally acted like a cat!! He acted as if he was cute, adorable, and tried to play with her as if he were a cat! It was creepy, disgusting, and she couldn't stand him!! She thought back to when she was a child and how when things got bad she could always play with her cat, who she used to call Cherry. Out of nostalgia she brought the ball she use to use to play with her cat to work and when the patient she was treating came he instantly pounced on the ball and started playing with it as if he were a cat. Taken a back by this she attempted to get the ball back and cried out "That's not for you that is Cherry's ball!" Suddenly the man turned and reacted to that name. Now when the man was admitted it was said he never responded to any name that was given to him. So this was the first time she could get the guy to react to something she said. She repeated the name "Cherry" and the man stopped what he was doing and turned around. Now the woman was in shock, a thought entered her head could this guy be the spirit of her dead cat? She started showing the guy pictures of her and her cat and watched his eyes light up! She couldn't believe it!! This whole time her cat was in front of her, but because it didn't look the way she thought it should she judged it and shunned it!! She prayed to God and asked for forgiveness. At this point she realized what love really was! Love was not trying to force something to look a certain way, love was accepting something as it was! Shortly after this realization the man who was her patient eventually stopped thinking he was a cat and was able to return to his family and be who he once was. Apparently he started acting like a cat around the same time her cat had died. This woman went on to become one of the greatest her field of study had ever seen, because she could see beyond the appearance of what was, into its state of being.
  14. Found a video by a Youtuber who is tripping on acid that buttresses my point. And I'll add a Leo clip.
  15. Let's make a list of absolute aspects of reality Reality is Love Reality is Truth Reality is Impermanent Reality is a Dream Got anymore share them!!
  16. I literally gave in, as it was the most logical thing to do. The realization that I was not in control allowed me the space to give in. Sea Monster you are speaking from a place of ignorance which is understandable you can't help what you don't understand. There was a reason the teachings have been esoteric in nature. Also pretty much everything you just mentioned I didn't even say. When did I say you double down on your strengths? Notice how you are erecting story lines that I never uttered. Did you even watch the video? The purpose of the teachings is to allow the seeker a way to understand what is happening to them. If a random person with no knowledge has a full blown kundalini awakening they could freak out and kill themselves. Do you know how many people in the West have been getting awakenings with no support system or anything to rely upon? Go do some research and actually speak from a place of understanding. When people enter into this domain with a lack of knowledge they can do harm to themselves or others. There have been people who have died from taking psychedelics from mixing the wrong chemicals or committing suicide. So yes understanding is important, when people have no clue what they are doing they freak out.
  17. Yep. But not the human you, the screen of awareness that holds whatever you are experiencing the totality of everything within that frame is you.
  18. Yeah I even admitted myself once because I had no clue how intense the contrast is from the normal waking dream to the insane complexity of infinity fully unleashed. Its quite jarring how ridiculous the contrast is. Yeah psychosis is very real for the person experiencing it. I only overcame it myself by realizing that I was creating the story of psychosis!! Basically my fear of instability was the issue, my desire to ground myself within that which has no ground.
  19. Life is a game, a story, and it can take on infinite versions and perspectives.
  20. 1. I never said it was always true, you added that which reveals you don't even know what projection is. 2. I don't have a projection against friends, I have tons of friends but I have also heard what people say when nobody is around them. You have no idea how much judgmental thoughts people keep inside about you out of fear of hurting your feelings. This is because you lack experience. Anybody that has enough experience with people KNOW THIS!!! Why do you think humanity has the issues it has? Because they have judgment against others!!! All of humanities issues is with their own personal judgment against themselves being projected onto others which is literally what you are doing right now. 3. Ego= judgment. As long as you have an ego you will judge. So if your friends who more than likely have an ego identity are not telling you their judgments, they are one fit of rage away of spilling their beans on how they feel about you. If you do not know THIS, it just means you lack experience dealing with people. P.S. Here is an even BIGGER POINT!! You have judgment against your self you really think your friends don't have one too? LOL.
  21. Your enemy is more honest than your friend because your friend will often hide the truth to spare your feelings. Based on what you said comfort= truth for you. As long as this is how you find truth, you will live in delusion.
  22. That's the thing all identities are relative. You can say God is Infinity, but the term infinity is itself relative, if it wasn't nothing else would need to be said. But notice terms like love, and truth, and wisdom, and intelligence, etc. etc. So secretly....and paradoxically, every absolute we use....could also be seen as relative. For example at a low enough level of consciousness God wouldn't be aware of any of these things we posted. If these were absolutes....shouldn't they be obvious from all levels? Notice the absolute is only conscious of itself when its no longer limited, but it can also be completely unconscious of itself as well. So even the Absolutes we use....aren't even a ground, but its the best we can do within the limits of language.
  23. You have no problem closing your eyes at night with the recognition you don't control whether you will ever wake up again. So how is that any different than being in a void? I swear yall create reasons to be afraid. How can there be fear if everything is you? That void is YOU so how can you be afraid? How can you even be alone when everything is YOU?? Is your right hand alone when it is with its left hand? You recognize that they are both separate and also one and there is no problem. You create fear by interpretation. Fear is not evident, it is constructed.
  24. Spirituality should only be done for a desire for truth/love of self and all of reality. Why? Because it is the most dangerous path. There is no more dangerous path out there. You are literally tinkering with your sanity. I have realized now why so many get trapped in different aspects of spirituality, it is because they HAVE TOO due to fear. The two biggest obstacles to going deep enough into Spirituality is attachment to self and others, and the fear of insanity. If you are not ready to face these fears....STOP! IMMEDIATELY!!! OTHERWISE you could traumatize yourself. I could say further, but I won't because there are many on this spirituality forum who shouldn't even be on here and I really believe they are on here because they look at it as if it's some cool club not realizing that Spirituality is psychic suicide. You are blowing up your entire identity, not being careful can and will drive you to insanity and not the religious insanity talked about, the kind that has you stuck on drugs yelling at a wall for the rest of your life. And no that last bolded statement is not hyperbole. Let me ask, are you willing to go insane for the truth? Are you willing to lose everything for truth? Are you willing to lose everything you have ever loved and hated for the truth? If any of your answers are no, go back to your regular life.