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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Recently I have been doing deep dives to access my subconscious mind, and what you discover is hilarious. Accessing your subconscious mind is VERY easy. It's not hidden, it is just hanging out behind a wall of self-deception. So how do you access your subconscious mind? By contemplating self-love so long you eventually break through. You see your subconscious mind is what you can call GOD. It's the part of you that isn't deluded into thinking it's some human with a back story. You can access that part of you by releasing your attachment to the belief of good and bad. You actually have to logically and emotionally connect to this process. You do it by proving to yourself through an internal debate/dialog on why everything is ultimately perfect, and why evil doesn't exist. You do this long enough and repetitively enough you will eventually break through into your subconscious and then you can finally get the answers to all your questions. But as long as you see your subconscious mind as separate from you, you will play the same delusionary game you play with the people in your life. So it's ultimately up to you. Connecting to your subconscious mind is rather fun, everytime you do it's like waking up from a dream again. Your like dang how long was I out this time?
  2. It's only destabilizing if you lack self-love. The key to every bad trip, every difficulty is self love. It's why I love your video on Self-Love. The answer to every question is SELF-LOVE. The only thing to contemplate is self-love. The path to finding God your true self is self-love. The path to embodiment is self-love. The answer is always the same. The path to wisdom is self-love. It's the master key and it removes ALL delusions but self-love is so radical even when you think you got it, it slips through your fingers. Because it is one thing to intellectualize it, it's another to experience it. The only problem is....Self-Love will turn you into your own Guru and the people you use to admire....their limitations will become more apparent. You can still admire their strong points but their limitations (the self-imposed limitations of their world view) become ever more visible as well as your own. But not shooting yourself is not a hard problem if you accept the Absolute Truth that you created everything, are still creating every moment, everything is you, you are immortal, you are just experiencing your infinite mind from a FIRST PERSON perspective. Like walking around in a VR game. If you identify as the VR GAME instead of a character in the game everything is fine. Someone says that still makes me want to shoot myself. My reply? 1. You literally created that character. Why would you end that character that you created. If you are God then you literally don't make mistakes. 2. Ending your character accomplishes nothing because you cannot go anywhere so killing yourself isn't an escape. 3. God has the ability to give itself so much pain that it would wish it were dead. So the only understandable reason God would want to end its life is if it created a life so miserable so tough it cannot handle it. Like a disease that is so excruciatingly painful and pain medication has no effect. Outside of that extreme outlier, killing yourself is just more self-deception and delusion. Not saying I don't understand the premise, I get it. But if there is no escaping anywhere because you are everywhere, then what is the point?
  3. 1. The entire dream is held together by self-deception. So this belief that the mind will susceptible to self-deception is hilarious. To dream, to live, is to be self-deceived. All God Realization is, is the ability to see your illusions. Also everything is a state. A process and a state are ONE and the same. A process is an unfolding, a state is the awareness of that unfolding. You cannot divide a state and a process from each other because without the awareness the process doesn't exist! You see how silly these distinctions are? More silly distinctions. Here is the kicker! That entire video you just linked is self-deception masquerading as NOT self-deception!!! It's literally funny how strong self-deception is!!!
  4. I thought I'd share this because culturally it's a funny joke.
  5. Thankfully the mechanism involved is so meticulous that him becoming Hitler or a Jihadist is highly unlikely. But yes the stories and tone are important. The story connects the events that transpire, and craft how you relate to those events, and the tone turns you into a victim, a fighter, or a pacifist. Victim=whines and complains and demonizes everything Fighter= Sees danger and fights to control their environment and punish their enemies Pacifist= Seeks to accept everything as it is, and not shake up the status quo. (Sometimes becomes a people pleaser).
  6. Just came across this clip, and although it is well-meaning it is foolishness. Relationships are tough exactly because of advice like this! People seek to not wanna rock the boat, yes you don't attack someone with their weaknesses, but you do guide them to the illumination of their weaknesses. At the level you hide your true feelings, is the level of lack of love in your relationship. True relationships are INTIMATE, and vulnerability and transparency are a staple! If you cannot bare your all with your significant other then the two of you shouldn't even be together in the first place. Don't fall for this so called "sage advice" this is how you have those secret open relationships of old where the man and the woman are secretly fooling around on each other and getting the emotional and physical intimacy from somewhere else cause they convince themselves they cannot give it to each other. There is a running joke by the Comedian Dave Chapelle that strippers know the truth of life. I wonder why.....many Men tell bare all their secrets and insecurities while drunk talking to a Stripper. Look at the silly games humans play with each other? Shaking my head, one day they will learn about true authenticity in their dealings with each other.
  7. There are no states absent of identity as identity is story. You cannot fully experience something as a something without identity. I'm noticing people keep confusing what true ego or self is. Your sense of existing, your I AM is your true SELF. THIS WILL NEVER DIE. BECAUSE IT WAS NEVER BORN. What you call ego, is just the belief you are a human and all of those life experiences and belief systems. But the sense of existing, your presence is what you are and that is what is referred to as Awareness. To deny awareness, (which some do) is equivalent to denying the present moment. It's the ultimate delusion, because it's to deny direct experience.
  8. 1. There is only ONE God, ONE SOURCE. 2. You can't confirm another POV because there is only ONE POV. 3. Every POV of GOD is in a solipsistic bubble because they are the ONLY thing that exists. 4. You cannot understand this logically because it transcends logic. Just understand you will never experience anything outside of you. You are ABSOLUTE. Reality is absolutely relative. This means your POV will ALWAYS be absolute. There is no time, no space, no prior moments, there is only the PRESENT MOMENT. You use imagination to project into the present moment a prior moment or past moment, and you use story/explanations to tie those imagined prior moments to the present moment to explain it. Without a story to tie those prior moments this current moment wouldn't make sense to you. Through these explanations, you can create a life and create the illusion of a beginning and an end. Without the mechanism of story, and memories you would realize eternity, and thus couldn't live a life. All of this is an elaborate ploy to trick yourself into character and living out a story. Your title is silly and childish, you are what you are. If you don't want to be God as you say then don't, you are capable of infinite delusion, which you are employing right now because if you didn't want to be God you wouldn't be tripping searching for truth! So notice how your title conflicts with your actions!!! Infinite delusion!!!
  9. Here is the story. Slowly this will eventually become the norm. It is a silly law when alcohol and caffeine/coffee are legal. Don't get me started on alcohol compared to all other drugs is involved in the most violence, death, and public property damage cases. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/04/23/biden-delaware-recreational-marijuana-becomes-law/11724192002/
  10. Look at the power of self-deception in nature. This video shows how Ants get CONNED.
  11. This is true, but failing to reproduce the story is how creativity works. What do you think poetry, music, and comedy is? Also not being able to reproduce everything allows there to be suspense, you always need an unknown to have something to work towards, to be able to explore. But yes a story is important if you want to have a life as social animal that uses stories to make sense of things like humans do.
  12. There isn't a copying error, all sense-making is just a story. The mind looks for patterns, it then schemes on how to use those patterns to control for some type of use. Nothing wrong with that, but all sense-making is just in relation to a goal. For example unless a substance can be found to have a "use" it's considered irrelevant, and will even get a bad rap if it can some how hinder survival. All thoughts are actually non-sense in the guise of sense-making. If it were not so, arguments wouldn't happen. Contemplate on anything hard enough, and you realize it can be dissected and looked at an infinite number of ways. This means it doesn't have a true form, so whatever perspective you take of that particular thing is just your individual distortion, or projection. This is what it means that reality is absolutely relative. Reality is always filtered through your relative perspective, which makes your perspective both the relative and the absolute in one fell swoop.
  13. It's possible and rather easy. As long as you think it is isn't possible, it won't be possible.
  14. Awakening happens on its own. The belief that addictions can stop you is false. You could sit and observe your addictions and awaken. Awakening happens through paying attention, the more attention, the more care you give something the higher you raise your awareness of it. So in truth all actions, thinking, emoting, eating, sleeping, are in service to awakening. You speed up the process when you make the target of that care consistent. But as time flies, the differences, the distortions between one thing and another that too will collapse. If it is your fate to awaken in this life time you will, and you could quote on quote waste as much time as you want and it would still happen. There are no distractions, all paths lead to awakening. What is beneficial is the understanding of what it all means. That is where the epistemological understandings come in about Love and Truth. But again, all paths lead to awakening, once awakened you can choose which path you wish to pursue from there. But all this demonization is hilarious. Here is a secret, EVERYTHING is an addiction. EVERYTHING IS! Your most prominent addiction is your own perspective!!! All of your beliefs, your memories, your preferences, you hold onto this more tightly than anything else. THIS IS YOUR STRONGEST ADDICTION, your personhood. So miss me with all this demonization of what is right or wrong or how to be a good person, it's the biggest self-deception because you were never a person to begin with!!! Live, enjoy the moment, do what is the most loving act and that shall be the guide to happiness. Any attachment to any morals, will fill you with guilt and unworthiness which is the biggest practical joke you can play on yourself. Awakening is truly a cosmic joke, you got God telling itself it needs morals to be GOOD!!!! So hilarious!
  15. 1. This is an argument of expression. Your mind is more serious, more logic driven as a result you judge things like cartoons as distractions. There are NO distractions, there are no GAINS, only a logical mind that is too focused on results would see flowing, or creativity, or cartoons as distractions. You are getting lost in ego, and as a result are contradicting yourself and many of your videos. How can an undifferientiated field of awareness that is only appearing to be different ever have anything be a distraction? To quote you Leo "Once you awaken there is no difference between anything as it is all being done FOR YOU. So there are no distractions unless you are trying to get some where....but here is the funny thing Leo. You can literally awaken through any avenue....Cartoons, Sports, Medicine, ANYTHING. An open mind, radically open mind can be transported through any avenue. It's the judgments, and the bias, that distorts this truth and creates antiquated methods of ONLY THIS WAY WILL AWAKEN YOU. Don't play the same game the Gurus play of judging the path (how they judge psychedelics because it deviates from their method) I could literally teach if I wanted how you can awaken through Cartoons. In fact viewing Cartoons in a heighted consciousness can actually spontaneously give you insight into the interconnectedness of many things. I find the same happens with music as well. There are no wasted moments of consciousness, consciousness can connect everything together to provide an insight.
  16. For those who are into Spirituality be careful what you take on as beliefs. Many people believe that Psychosis has to do with genetics, I beg to differ. Psychosis has to do with with a couple of factors which are dosage, how attached you are to certain beliefs/identities, and what surfaces during your trips. Your mind is infinitely creative, so when you take psychedelics you unlock the infinite creativity. This means you have an infinite amount of ways to scare the SHIT OUT YOURSELF. Be careful of what beliefs you take on, for example if you believe in demonic possession.....you can literally create/construct a demon to possess you. THIS ISN'T A JOKE! This is what it means that reality is absolutely relative! Here is story of a guy who suffered such a fate. https://www.jameswjesso.com/what-happened-to-tobias/
  17. 1. You go back to normal state because you do not understand what enlightenment is. Enlightenment is a permanent baseline shift, which you and all of humanity are capable of living from but you have to jail break your mind. Instead of complaining about going back to a regular state you could have asked Leo how do I jail break my mind and a cause a permanent shift. 2. Be careful though because jail breaking your mind is changing your physiology and it makes everything direct, and intimate. There is no privacy when the veil of separation is removed. 3. I have a method to do it, but I'm only giving it to people who I think are mature enough to handle it as you will have to shake off a whole lot of judgments against yourself and reality to even go all the way and the process is going to be HELL and psychosis, schizophrenia are all real dangers. An undeveloped immature mind could never recover and end up being committed.
  18. Baby Steps.....A thousand Mile Journey is taken with one step. Analysis Paralysis will always ask how? And what if this happens? And can it really work? Etc. You can literally spend years doing this (I have so I speak from experience) and then eventually you just say fuck it and do it....and you are surprised at how basic it was. Fear is a powerful illusion, THE MOST powerful illusion there is so I understand. But unless this fear is rooted in truth like a Lion is about to eat you, or a Semi Truck is about to crush you, majority of your fears aren't existential (threat to human body existence) but conceptual (all in your psychological mind). Sometimes in life, you just shut off your mind and follow the motto of Nike JUST DO IT. Just remember if you want to have goals or benchmarks, make a calendar or some way to track progress towards goals. But after you do that, completely ignore them and focus on the present moment activity and upon completing for that day all that you desire in regards to that activity. It's when we have our focus in two places at once that we can get stuck.
  19. All knowledge, wisdom, intelligence is hidden by self-deception. This means that God-Realization is the confirmation that you are a genius. What does this mean? It means you can transcend any of the top level people in any intellectual endeavor. You might say how so? I don't believe this, it's rather easy to explain so I will. So they say there is two sides to an argument and then there is the truth. So think about what is being said....let's say you have a broad general understanding of a topic, but you don't have expert level knowledge, and you sit there and watch two experts debate about the truth of something, each perspective is just a battle of self-deception...what do you think will happen when you can see clearly between the biases of the two experts of what their entire argument is actually pointing too? This is why each generation eventually improves on the prior because after awhile the old heads become dogmatic, rigid, and become stuck in their point of view and someone with an outside perspective, can take both arguments and see what is OBVIOUS. This is why God-Realization, which is just mastery over self-deception allows you to learn anything if you apply yourself long enough. Because you can see the truth hidden between the debates between the experts of their field, granted you have enough foundational knowledge and desire to dig deeper.
  20. You have heard all the world's a stage, Spirituality tells you that life is just a play of form, so basically life is a drama and if you don't take it too seriously you can enjoy it. But here is a problem, because survival involves pain and suffering, that drama feels real and thus you are deluding yourself if you try to adopt this point of view. So should you abandon this advice? My personal opinion, you should generally accept advice that resonates with your current level of development while simultaneously seeking to challenge yourself outside of your comfort zone. But could this fake it till you make it work, it can based on your level on consciousness. At higher levels your ability to deal with pain, suffering and failure is more tolerant. Enlightened Masters know the secret, which is.....everyone is a fool and a bullshitter, so why be afraid to do anything? Think of life like an interactive drama where you are writing your script in real time. This is basically improv, so why are you trying to be perfect when everything is improvisation? So technically you can fake it till you make it, just be aware there will be PLENTY OF BOOS ALONG with THE CHEERS too.
  21. So I will use a verse from the Bible to give away a core secret which is actually obvious. … Matthew 6: 1-5"But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their full reward.… So what is the reward? The reward is love. You feel loving and good when you do a kindness without expecting anything in return. This is why it is said, goodness is it's own reward. You reward YOURSELF with good feelings, which is love, when you act out of selfless service. This is why God is so hard for many to grasp, God is that which hides in plain sight. God is so obvious, so selfless, it cannot be detected without careful observation! Gotta love it!!
  22. Leo has stated before that Reality is Absolutely Relative but I noticed that he hasn't really explained it in detail so I will as I have recently become conscious of a way to explain it. Leo has stated that the the Truth = Isness. So the Truth just IS. So each perspective of God lives in their own reality. This ONE reality appears to be a shared reality with OTHERS. This is the great mystery, and is why every point of view argue with each other on what TRUTH is. Understand that what appears in ONE reality for one perspective, can be hidden from another perspective. As such the TRUTH is relative to the point of the view of the beholder. As you raise your consciousness, things that were once hidden, become revealed and your definition of what TRUTH is gets updated. This can happen infinitely, in all dimensions and thus as a result all meaning= meaningless. All meaning really only has any use for its utility, or for pure fun/entertainment as the ONE CORE truth is everything is undifferentiated. So there you have it, this is why it is so hard to convince another of your point of view if certain things you speak of are locked out of their perceptual experience because of their level of consciousness. This is why pain, suffering is so important. Pain can force a being to drop its self-deception and accept the truth that they were trying to avoid. If I tell you to brush your teeth and you keep refusing too, pain in your teeth/gums can force you to reconsider. This is why compassion is important, sure on one level this is all being done on purpose, but on a smaller level this is all done out of pure ignorance. Ignorance= To ignore what is true. You ignore in order to stay comfortable, and this is why you justify your point of view. This is why Self-Deception is so powerful because you can literally justify ANY stance!!! You may ask well if you can justify any stance...how do you discover truth? Easy...understand everything is ONE. Everything is YOU. While everything is YOU, also understand it is also a unique you hidden behind self-denial which prevents the complete collapse of reality into a singularity. As such it is both you and in a sense not you, because as long as it denies that it is you, from its vantage point...IT ISN'T YOU. This is what creates survival, competition, and what we relatively call EVIL.
  23. You are already brave, you have tricked yourself through self-deception to believe you aren't brave. You don't become brave, you just give yourself permission to be brave. Why do you think people have to take risks to gain confidence? Because without evidence they can do it they will give up. So when people take small risks and keep getting success they eventually gain a whole lot of confidence. But this confidence is fake. True confidence doesn't care about results, it cares about doing the act just for the act itself. Which is selflessness. So you want to be confident? Don't live for success, live for exploration and experimentation. Placing your value on achievements and success is a fool's errand. Go and make mistakes and not care at all.
  24. The key to Spirituality is Self-Love, you should only be cultivating Self-Love. If you chase money, relationships, while being ignorant on how self-love relates to all of your actions you WILL BE MISERABLE. This is an absolute because Self-Love is an absolute. I will give an example using junk food and why we as humans consume it. Eating junk food is our desire to feel love even though we know it's literally poison we eat it anyway. We all know all natural food in moderation is healthy but at a low conscious state we will say fuck our health with justifications like "Maybe just this one time" Or I am going to die anyway so why not die enjoying good tasting food." Or my personal favorite "You Only Live Once." YOLO. Understand that these are all justifications for CONSUMING POISION!!! Welcome to the power of Self-Deception which runs your whole life!! You see we only indulge in this behavior to feel good, even though we know this act is a SLOW MURDER upon your own body! People like to say I am not a bad person I have never killed anyone all the while they deny responsibility for killing themselves with the decisions they make. What's worse is there are parents who feed the same poison to their kids daily as well. THIS is self-honesty, THIS IS SELF-LOVE, this is what helps you see life clearly. The path of Spirituality is a battle against your own self-deception, which is what bars you from God level consciousness which is just a ridiculously high level of self-acceptance, self-confidence, and self-honesty. All bad trips are just you facing your own self-deception, if you are full of hate you will actually end up TORTURING YOURSELF!!! You see when your awareness raises, all of your feelings, and emotions become more intense and an impure mind full of fear and bias will attack itself and torture itself. Some people do not escape the Dark Night of The Soul with their sanity intact. This is the ULTIMATE BATTLE, can you face your shadow? Every single judgment you have about life is a judgment against YOURSELF!!! If you think life is hard, it means you think you are weak. Can you still love yourself for believing yourself to be weak? Can you love yourself for believing yourself to be pathetic? Can you love yourself if you failed to achieve anything worthwhile in your opinion? Can you love yourself if the whole world rejected you and called you a loser? THIS is the level of self-love you need to aim for. You need to be TOTALLY OKAY BEING ALONE FOREVER!! Some people have told me they feel like frauds, my reply is GREAT!! Your life was built on a lie, you needed to commit fraud by telling yourself the LIE that there are OTHERS! That you are limited, weak, and that you need others to feel whole and complete! This is BULLSHIT!!! You are whole and complete already, and this is why the only way to discover the truth, is to stop believing the lies you told yourself to construct reality and learn to love yourself ABSOLUTELY as being an IMAGINARY BEING THAT IS ALL THAT IS. This is to accept that the absolute truth is there is only illusion, which is fraud, which is deception, and thus a lie and the truth are one and the same. The truth is evil doesn't exist because there is no other, thus every atrocity that has ever happened in your life is your own doing. This is tough to accept, but its the absolute truth. Even the notion that you don't control your thoughts, is a LIE. THERE IS ONLY YOU, SO YOU are imagining all thoughts into reality. To take complete ownership of your life is the Ultimate Expression of Self-Love all other actions are DECEPTIONS.