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Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It's not both, lack of control is an APPEARANCE. What you do not understand is to lack control is to be limited!!! Only CREATION is limited. God, which is pure potentiality, which is COMPLETE omnipotence, which is complete self-knowledge, which is omnipresence, which is complete self-awareness has COMPLETE control. You do not understand this because you have NOT contemplated on what it means to be omnipotent. A lack of control only exists when you lack omnipotence and omnipresence. Why do humans study data? To learn patterns so they can PREDICT an outcome. Humans gain control by being able to PREDICT the future. The only reason you feel in control of your hand, because you KNOW where your hand is going to go at all times. You can only experience not being in control when your body cannot move PREDICTABLY. This happens with athletes in sports where their mind reacts, but due to older age their body cannot respond. How would you like it if you turned your steering wheel to the left and the car went right? How would you feel if you pushed the brake and your car accelerated? You would feel like you were not in control. But let's say you realized that everything is acting opposite, then you could just push the brake to accelerate, turn left to go right, push the accelerator to stop. Now you have gained control. But then...let's say the car goes back to normal, now you will be confused and have to adjust. So control is based on being able to KNOW the future. Human's do not have unlimited WILL, through this humans can experience the UNKNOWN. This is only possible because they DO NOT have omnipresence and omnipotence. Because God has both, GOD does not KNOW duality. Duality is the creation of the unknown. Because God knows itself completely, what is unknown to God is limitation and a lack of control. God can only experience that through creation. The duality of lacking control dissolves into complete control when God stops being its creation and goes back into a non-dual state. -
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Lol I'm a truth addict. But thank Leo, once Leo broke down about solipsism and self-love I contemplated the hell out of it so long I figured out how to overcome self-deception. It took awhile, I even found B.S. in what Leo teaches too. Many people try to elevate certain types of expression as superior for example they demonize anger or criticism and when you understand that a CREATOR wouldn't limit itself in how it expresses and your true nature is a creator....why would you limit how you express yourself? Even worse...when you realize that everything is the WILL of God, then criticism is really just a game. I criticize but I recognize its a game. All of these expressions must be in place so you and I and everyone can self-define! We self-define through our inter-relatedness or ONENESS if you will. To hold the dream together the self-expression must be as varied as possible otherwise waking up to your true nature...WOULD BE A PIECE OF CAKE!! Why? Because all of you are infinite intelligence masquerading as a human, all of you are geniuses with the entire power of God at your disposal so the game needs to be REALLY convincing. So once I realized all of that, I'm like...my goal is to cut through my own b.s. like nobody else. Here is a piece of b.s. I recently laughed at. So my character is a black dude who went to a predominately black school. At this school and in black culture you are judged heavily on what type of clothes you wear. If you do not wear designer clothes you are called "lame" and are ostracized. So notice black people play the same game that white people do. They judge you by your appearance and discriminate against you based on that. Martin Luther King is rolling in his grave at that level of hypocrisy!!!! LOL!!! Most black characters are too biased to ever see this level of hypocrisy. Which is very funny to me!!! You complain about being judged by your appearance....yet you do the exact same thing!!!! P.S. I'm not saying all white people do this or black people only some lol. Also if you want to use my example in an argument with one of your friends....be very careful. I know how to make that case but there are going to be objections using slavery, and discriminations and statistics and all that. They will also bring up levels of brutality. One way you can hit them where it hurts is look up worldstarhiphop and look at the videos of how brutal bullying is in intercity black schools. They even have kids CURB STOMPING each other. So discrimination, cliques, fighting, can be just as brutal amongst the kids. Discrimination isn't a racial trait, it's literally a trait of humanity. Humanity has a discriminatory mind that unless consciously observed is dangerous as all hell lol. -
Razard86 replied to StarStruck's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If you breathe air you are selfish, it is literally impossible to not be selfish you take up space in the world. You breathe, you poop, you eat, that is making use of resources somebody else could utilize which means you are selfish. -
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You are reality, so if I don't appear in your reality....I don't exist. Existence and appearance are the same thing. Think about it, if I erase all your memories....do you have a past? NO!!! You would need someone who knows your past to tell you. But if nobody can tell you your past and you can't remember it, it doesn't exist. So if I do not appear in your reality...for YOU do I exist? NO!!! Now to really make it hit home. Close your eyes, do a small dream, nothing to strong to pull you in completely. Notice that the small dream you are conjuring is a world. You can create people, have a conversation with a person, and can even create an entire story line. Now open your eyes, notice that world just disappeared!!! That model, that example I just gave you..... IS EXACTLY WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!!! There is no difference between your night time dreams and your waking dreams. The only difference (how you fool yourself is make things appear different) is your waking dream is more stable while your night times dreams are less stable. Notice in your night time dreams when you LEAVE, the world leaves with you. YOU ARE THE WORLD. The world does not exist if you are not there. All separation is illusion/delusion it is a flat out LIE!!! In your dream at night does separation exist? NO!!! But you can pretend that it exists!!! The same is true right now. This is why if anybody tells you that individuals exist they are full of shit!!! There are no individuals only an APPEARANCE of individuals no different than your dream at night. -
Good post, but there is no spiritual bypassing the issue is many of you are still stuck in human conditioning and have not sufficiently raised your awareness to understand that you don't need to create reasons to forgive yourself. While well-meaning this strategy you created will never end. You will have to keep creating reasons to forgive yourself after every action you think is questionable. Regret is normal, as we live in a goal based society. But guilt is pure ignorance. Instead of creating strategies to forgive yourself raise your awareness and ACCEPT the truth of what is going on. Otherwise even that strategy you created won't hold. Why? Because all people have to do is guilt trip you and then the questioning will start in your mind....did I do the right thing? How do I know what is right? And that whole rabbit hole will start. The truth is whatever happens in your life was supposed to happen exactly the way it has. If you can accept this, you will be able to permanently rid yourself of guilt. The purpose of your life is acceptance, acceptance of what you are, where you are, and then you can enjoy the peace that reveals itself. All this spiritual bypassing nonsense is something you conjure up in your mind due to human conditioning. Everything is spirit, so how can you spiritual bypass? It's utter nonsense and I can't believe I let someone once convince me of this hilarious concept.
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It's very simple actually. Get rid of the limited belief you just constructed here.... in the bold. It's not so simple imo. you can understand that you are the direct experience but still remain limited. drugs break those limits. If you want to make non-duality your baseline experience without drugs, go watch Leo's Absolute Solipsism video and accept what he says in that video completely. He also says the same things in his Guided Exercise For Realizing You Are God video. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=absolute+solipsism I suggest watching these on a microdose. Take enough to raise your awareness but not enough to completely blast you off to kingdom come. If you do this and totally accept it, your baseline will permanently reflect this. You all do not realize at this moment that YOU are stopping yourself from experiencing non-duality as your baseline. NOTHING else is stopping you but YOU! ACCEPT THIS! Stop with the limiting beliefs, drop them. You don't need a drug to experience non-duality, you only need the drug to REMIND you that you don't need a drug to experience non-duality. It's rather funny when you realize this!!! It's completely ordinary and extra-ordinary all at the same time! -
HAHAHAHA lol love this post.
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
And now you confuse yourself..... I am really getting tired of you guys abdicating responsibility. God is always in control. Control is not imaginary, Control is an aspect of God. NOT being in control is what is imagined by God. If God wasn't in control God couldn't PURPOSEFULLY construct reality as intelligently as it has. It has created a perfect self-deception mechanism. Anyone that tells you control is imaginary has no clue what is going on. You literally couldn't make plans if control wasn't an aspect of yourself. God imagines things into existence and uses its power, its control, to construct its appearances intelligently. This isn't some random universe, it has perfect balance at all times. -
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Do you give consent to a bad trip? Do you give consent to aging? Do you give consent when your car breaks down? Do you give consent when someone falsely accuses you? This is your ego, and it is a weak argument. Also notice the flaw in your argument, by saying I need consent you construct a duality and turn yourself into a victim. There is an ignore function, also you could just choose to ignore me. So notice how you don't realize by responding to me YOU GIVE CONSENT!!! You see how flawed your argument is? You see how much you reveal that you have a victim mentality and love to torture yourself for shits and giggles? Maybe just maybe I'm showing you a way that you can realize hey....maybe I should stop assuming something else is giving me negative thoughts, and fear. Maybe just maybe it is I, the ABSOLUTE, deceiving myself that I don't have choice. LOL consent!!!! You have the ability to literally ignore me out of existence. If you don't perceive me in YOUR REALITY, I CEASE TO EXIST!!! Notice how you try to blame me when the only consent that matters is YOURS!!! But you make your own consent MY PROBLEM!!! LOL. -
Got you, what's the video game? Watch Leo's video on self-deception. There are layers and layers of self-deception you are being fooled by. There was self-deception literally in your post but I don't have the patience to keep pointing this out. I'll just say this, make a commitment to be BRUTALLY honest with yourself AT ALL TIMES. While being brutally honest seek to not judge yourself for what comes up. Accept it for what it is. I'll post some good advice that came to me and I channeled in a previous thread. This is a copy and paste of a prior post: Wasting time is literally impossible. Every single moment your brain is literally taking in information. I spent majority of my life never doing drugs, I took weed for the first time last year and couldn't realize how amazing weed is. Weed helped me contemplate the nature of reality and my entire life. It helped me do deep dives into my subconscious and discover limiting beliefs, it also ultimately helped me awaken. So don't demonize weed. Video games: I was born premature and had poor fine motor control, through video games I was able to develop my dexterity. I never took a typing class in my entire life, through playing computer games I learned how to type just through having to type repeatedly to the players I played with and against. Through video games I actually was able to learn the meaning of life. Many of my greatest insights came from video games. Why? Because I was constantly analyzing the people I played with and against, and asked questions. So the truth is playing video games is NOT a waste of time. Everything you do in life has a PRO and a CON. Right now there are people who are PAID to play video games. They have Youtube channels and stream. So when you investigate ANY activity what you can discover it's not the activity that's a waste of time, it's how you look at it. Money does not determine your value, you aren't going to be on your death bed saying I wish I worked more. What you will say is I wish I did more things with my friends and family, and I wish I spent more time investing in myself. So guess what? Spend more time investing in yourself. Work out, EVERYDAY!!! Working out is NOT just for physical fitness. Working out develops self-discipline, it develops your adversity muscle, and it builds self-love. The mental benefits you get from working out every day far outweigh the physical benefits you gain. If you are ever depressed in life it is because you are not working out PERIOD! Working out consistently CHANGES your relationship with pain and adversity and teaches you how to frame pain and adversity in a positive manner. The ability to see the good in pain and adversity will pay off huge dividends in the future. Next STUDY, anything!!! Read, read, and read some more!! Knowing a lot of stuff builds your confidence. It helps you be able to express your thoughts more and changes the way you perceive reality. It makes you a more interesting person. This will also increase your self-love for yourself. Appearance: Buy clothes that are form fitting. These clothes will show off your physique and will look more natural on you. If you haven't done this do it, it will change the way you are perceived by others. Within your financial means eat healthier, this will boost your energy and help you have more stamina. Make sure you also get enough sleep every day do not neglect sleep. Learn to stretch, stretching prevent injuries and it help you feel refreshed each morning since majority stress is held in the body and loosening up your body can help relieve not just physical tension but psychological tension as well. Learn how to meditate, this can help you clear your mind and stabilize your mental activity it can even ultimately help you spiritually if you are into that. Re-establish your relationship with music. You said you have trouble studying? Music can help you with that! Learn to find musical playlists that can stimulate you when you have to read something. Think of music like the pepper, the salt, or the sugar put into a meal. Music can make working out or studying more enjoyable so go online and create your own studying playlist!!! Also learn to listen to people who motivate you!! Find some testimonials of people who have lived a hard life and have flipped it around. Take their mindset their energy as your own. The secret to life is self-deception but it works BOTH ways. You can deceive yourself into success or failure because ultimately everything could be said to be a lie. The kid who believed he could be drafted into the NBA even though the odds say you have a higher chance of winning the LOTTERY than being drafted is delusional!! But guess what? Because he believed in that delusion and worked hard everyday for it, it became his reality. You don't need evidence to achieve something because evidence is PAST information. All you need is desire, consistency, and the ability to analyze and learn from mistakes and courage to make the necessary changes when they arrive. And lastly...do nice things for your friends and family and ALLOW THEM to do nice things for you as well. This will allow you to create wonderful memories and then you can live the GOOD LIFE!!! GOOD LUCK!!
Watch this video by Neale Donald Walsh, he does a good job of explaining how self-righteousness can block your ability. As I have stated self-bias is sneaky as hell. Self-righteousness comes from a good place, you desire for all of life to live to the best of their ability. But self-righteousness is ignorance, I am aware my bias against money was an ignorance I have carried and I have seen how it has impacted my life. Enjoy the video!!
Self-Bias. Studying something you do not like? It will take force for you to stomach reading and trying to learn it. This will only be a short-term strategy. It will feel like torture, and you will only be doing it just to obtain something like a grade on a test or a job. But if you love something you will do it all the time and love it deeply. Self-Deception is the cause of self-bias, as you justify why you don't like something when in secret the truth is you actually love EVERYTHING. This is so hilarious, this is the secret to figuring anything out. How much time are you going to spend on something? Your ability to do it is based on how much you love it. Also relationships between people works the exact same way, your ability to accept them fully just the way they are will determine how smooth the relationship will go. Pay attention to how your judgments keep you away from various skills, knowledge, and experiences. Because this is what literally runs your life. P.S. It's funny after I wrote this I opened up Youtube and Sadhguru said the same thing but in a different way. Here ya go. https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxMlV0HBGhThvXwiPGxAvvzsSyJoMNxC3L
What is up with that signature? Is it some witty deeper message? Or is it telling someone to be the next great terrorist? LOL.
Razard86 replied to thierry's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Can yall please stop putting limitations on God? Yes Hell exists. EVERYTHING that can be conjured up exists. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=I+died+and+went+to+hell Hell is no different than a tree, a snake, an ant. Everyone's concept of what would be the worst experience for them is different therefore hell would be deeply personal for your individual character. Overdose on a substance maybe you can experience it. Hell is infinite love just like anything else, but it might not be the love your ego is looking for LOL. -
Razard86 replied to LSD-Rumi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Was that a typo? -
Well we now know who has ever read a history book. You don't even know what privilege is. That's like saying there isn't rich privilege, or beauty privilege. What cave you living in man? Are you not aware that human's create favoritism? Majority of the wealth in the world is concentrated in the hands of a few whites what type of world do you think that is going to create? If you have been to Japan for instance you would notice there is a subtle bias against foreigners who come to reside. There is a privilege in favor of the IN GROUP. You show a complete ignorance of group dynamics, human history, global politics, and economics. Privilege= Power. Power when it comes to humans is heavily about maintaining the status quo. Human fight over their differences, far more than they will ever on their similarities. Saying there is white privilege is not demonization of white people, it is a recognition of the power currently wielded by whites. If you do any extensive study you would know this, I could drop documentary after documentary for fun on how blacks for instance are treated when they travel abroad. When any culture gains the type of influence that European-Centric culture has there are liable to be power dynamics at play that will demonize and discriminate diversity. The whole diversity movement in America, and the one picking up steam globally is actually a fight against the traditional white standard that is erected. You say white privilege doesn't exist....then why is the majority of Art that is publicly sold predominately represented by White actors? Go look at the highest grossing films, majority white, highest grossing video games, primarily white characters, highest grossing animation white, go look at the richest people in the world, primarily white, go look at the world economic summit where majority of the leaders go to talk geopolitics and global economic systems, primarily white. Do you know how ignorant it is to say what you said? If Aliens came to study humans their first assumption after watching the first couple sources of art would be to assume all of humanity was white! It would take awhile before they would realize other races exist. With that said.....none of this really matters LOL. Here is a funny trend in our art we call video games. As a black player if you want to create a player....you cannot find black hairstyles. Even in 2023 this is still a habit (some game companies are stepping up) in the industry. If you are white you wouldn't even notice this. Don't even get me started with the default white hand in pretty much majority of first person shooters. LOL
Razard86 replied to StarStruck's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You were never born. Your first memory is when your life began, then you had others show you picture/video and said hey you were born on this day and this is how it happened. Notice you only know and can only know what is in your direct experience. You never experienced your birth so it never actually happened. And here is the kicker, you can take a psychedelic and experience your birth (some do in Ayahuasca ceremonies) but the funny thing is that memory they are experiencing is really the FIRST time they were born since you can only claim something happened if it happened in your direct experience. Once you can accept this, it will blow your mind. -
You see what you are. You don't trust the smiley face, so you don't trust others. Many analytical minds, LOOK for signs of danger, underhandedness and conspiracies. Notice you talked about the shape of an eye as a sign of deception. Sure in animation, animators know how to put certain shapes together to create an emotional reaction but in truth the shape of an eye does not really mean evil or underhandedness. But of course you could TELL YOURSELF it does and experience that in your reality. Picture if you were in the world with those features and everywhere you go you smile people interpret your goodwill the way you just did....they would DISCRIMINATE against you. Picture if you were a group of people, then they would discriminate against you and your group which is what racism is. Picture if they want you all dead because they fear you will secretly do harm? Then they will attempt GENOCIDE!!! So do you see how dangerous making these interpretations can be? You just gave us all a masterclass how humans can create fear and hate off just APPEARANCE!!
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Enter the void and discover this is more than just a mere metaphor. The problem with the people in the video is they are asking whether it is true....they haven't realized it is true because of self-bias. When you awaken you actually are confused why some of the smartest people on the planet haven't awoken....then you realize that their self-bias limited their intelligence. The more self-bias you are the more you limit your capacity to learn. -
Wasting time is literally impossible. Every single moment your brain is literally taking in information. I spent majority of my life never doing drugs, I took weed for the first time last year and couldn't realize how amazing weed is. Weed helped me contemplate the nature of reality and my entire life. It helped me do deep dives into my subconscious and discover limiting beliefs, it also ultimately helped me awaken. So don't demonize weed. Video games: I was born premature and had poor fine motor control, through video games I was able to develop my dexterity. I never took a typing class in my entire life, through playing computer games I learned how to type just through having to type repeatedly to the players I played with and against. Through video games I actually was able to learn the meaning of life. Many of my greatest insights came from video games. Why? Because I was constantly analyzing the people I played with and against, and asked questions. So the truth is playing video games is NOT a waste of time. Everything you do in life has a PRO and a CON. Right now there are people who are PAID to play video games. They have Youtube channels and stream. So when you investigate ANY activity what you can discover it's not the activity that's a waste of time, it's how you look at it. Money does not determine your value, you aren't going to be on your death bed saying I wish I worked more. What you will say is I wish I did more things with my friends and family, and I wish I spent more time investing in myself. So guess what? Spend more time investing in yourself. Work out, EVERYDAY!!! Working out is NOT just for physical fitness. Working out develops self-discipline, it develops your adversity muscle, and it builds self-love. The mental benefits you get from working out every day far outweigh the physical benefits you gain. If you are ever depressed in life it is because you are not working out PERIOD! Working out consistently CHANGES your relationship with pain and adversity and teaches you how to frame pain and adversity in a positive manner. The ability to see the good in pain and adversity will pay off huge dividends in the future. Next STUDY, anything!!! Read, read, and read some more!! Knowing a lot of stuff builds your confidence. It helps you be able to express your thoughts more and changes the way you perceive reality. It makes you a more interesting person. This will also increase your self-love for yourself. Appearance: Buy clothes that are form fitting. These clothes will show off your physique and will look more natural on you. If you haven't done this do it, it will change the way you are perceived by others. Within your financial means eat healthier, this will boost your energy and help you have more stamina. Make sure you also get enough sleep every day do not neglect sleep. Learn to stretch, stretching prevent injuries and it help you feel refreshed each morning since majority stress is held in the body and loosening up your body can help relieve not just physical tension but psychological tension as well. Learn how to meditate, this can help you clear your mind and stabilize your mental activity it can even ultimately help you spiritually if you are into that. Re-establish your relationship with music. You said you have trouble studying? Music can help you with that! Learn to find musical playlists that can stimulate you when you have to read something. Think of music like the pepper, the salt, or the sugar put into a meal. Music can make working out or studying more enjoyable so go online and create your own studying playlist!!! Also learn to listen to people who motivate you!! Find some testimonials of people who have lived a hard life and have flipped it around. Take their mindset their energy as your own. The secret to life is self-deception but it works BOTH ways. You can deceive yourself into success or failure because ultimately everything could be said to be a lie. The kid who believed he could be drafted into the NBA even though the odds say you have a higher chance of winning the LOTTERY than being drafted is delusional!! But guess what? Because he believed in that delusion and worked hard everyday for it, it became his reality. You don't need evidence to achieve something because evidence is PAST information. All you need is desire, consistency, and the ability to analyze and learn from mistakes and courage to make the necessary changes when they arrive. And lastly...do nice things for your friends and family and ALLOW THEM to do nice things for you as well. This will allow you to create wonderful memories and then you can live the GOOD LIFE!!! GOOD LUCK!!
So I'm noticing a lot of new users are ignorantly coming onto this forum and spouting nonsense that the Absolute cannot be used to understand the relative. Do you know how ignorant that is? The relative in it's totality is the Absolute. That's like taking an entire PIE that is the absolute pie, and saying understanding the entirety of the Pie cannot help you on the relative. It's like flying in a plane with an absolute view and saying it cannot help you when you are on the ground. You literally cannot make sense of the relative in a huge thematic way unless you get what is called a BIRD's EYE VIEW. For example to understand humans you would need to study the entire history of humans. This would be taking an absolute perspective or entire summary. Then through that lens you can look at your relative life and compare. If you didn't have access to the grand view....then you have no clue what you are doing and have to reinvent the wheel!! Do you see? The more you understand how the grand scheme of things happen the more you can make sense of the relative. Not only that you can even predict the outcome! Why? Because human's have certain traits that stay throughout history, those same traits are also inside you. Once you realize that then you can make pretty consistent predictions on which direction humans are going to go because you have the TOTAL view. Here is another thing, the relative is PART of the absolute so to say the absolute view cannot help you understand the relative is AGAIN ignorance because the absolute is the totality of the relative!! That's like saying understanding how humans operate doesn't give you information on how cells work when cells are the building block of the body. You can understand cells by asking questions about how the body functions that you are aware of and how do the cells relate to that. Once you get that information you now have a total view from the cellular to the whole body. This means you can both ZOOM IN, and ZOOM OUT!! So stop this ignorant nonsense that Absolute has no value in the relative as long as you do this...YOU WILL BE DELUDED!! Stop being deluded!! Seriously delusion is going to make you run around in circles your whole life chasing your tail. Is that what you want to do? I won't lie to you, the totality of Leo's content on his Youtube Channel is SUPERIOR to a College Education. Think about that for a second. Not only that but it is free on Youtube, no membership, no subscription and LOOK how you take it for granted. I bet majority of you HALF watch his content, you don't study it, and this is why sometimes free content comes back to bite you. If his stuff was behind a pay wall maybe you would take it seriously.
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I have never taken DMT in my entire life. Notice your assumptions that have no basis in evidence. My entire waking direct experience is everything is me. I broke the dream and fully awakened. You have not and speak from a place of ignorance. You do not have an open mind otherwise you would not be responding as you are right now. 1. Your actions reveal how you really feel. You are scared and hesistant. 2. When someone shows you who they are believe them. Your actions are all we need to know to understand your current state of mind. DENIAL. -
Majority of people who enter Spirituality do so to relieve themselves of psychological suffering. This is understandable but your desire needs to transcend even that because that itself is an attachment. You need to eventually want to awaken no matter if your suffering increases. If you enter Spirituality and never release your attachment to suffering, to your story, then you will not awaken. The biggest barrier for most people to full awakening is the very thing that motivated them to want to awaken. After fully awakening I laugh because Spirituality is so got damn counter-intuitive and in the words of Ram Dass EVERYTHING IS A TRAP!! This is not a joke, EVERYTHING IS A TRAP. It's why having people on the journey you can bounce ideas off of can help you because Self-Deception is the smartest intelligence you will ever have to deal with. Self-Deception IS infinite intelligence at work at that intelligence knows your every thought and emotion because it's YOU! Now it will guide you, but only if you stop creating a duality and realize that it's you. This will be your toughest obstacle after you release suffering, which is really believing that you are God. When I first broke through and was able to communicate, I denied that it was true even though I knew it. I was shown miracle after miracle multiple times before I finally relented and had to succumb to the fact that I was God. I knew all the teachings, so I already knew it was true but seeing it, well that is another matter. But you first you need to desire the Truth for it's own sake. Let go of your suffering, you don't need it anymore.
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I told you, you would come back. -
Razard86 replied to SQAAD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Exactly, but that doesn't mean you can't close them. You can be blind and play the piano. Something doesn't have to exist visually for you to interact with it.