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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Lol my thoughts...maybe he doesn't know or forgot momentarily....
  2. This....but ehhhh I can't even blame them....when you live in a society that feeds you shit...what do you think comes out? If only humans could teach self-love...
  3. ....Sigh...there is no beyond. To be beyond something is to be seperate. https://www.google.com/search?q=Beyond+definition&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS991US992&oq=Beyond+definition&aqs=chrome..69i57.5469j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYTHING to be beyond....because you are SOURCE. Without you....nothing exists. So NO there is NO BEYOND. Again...BEYOND is APPEARANCE!!! All appearance is temporary/impermanent. This is why I have said....you all are too attached to appearance. This is what you fail the most and it is the underlying test for me to determine who is actually awake or not. Why? Because it is the LAST PIECE of the puzzle to totally live from a permanent non-dual present moment. Are you truly ready to accept that you are NOTHING? If you are....then you wouldn't care right now...if you POOFED and never appeared again...RIGHT NOW. When the search is truly over, and you are willing to surrender all that you hold dear for absolutely nothing...in that moment it will all be revealed and the VERY INVASIVE process of your private experience falling away as the illusion that it is...begins. The truth is there was never privacy ever....you just weren't aware of it. Your whole life was trickery that every sound, and sensation wasn't you. Majority of people on here talk about it, many have only briefly sensed it, but it is NOT their daily experience. If you take a psychedelic and reach these states and NEVER come back to the state that you had before the trip....if you still feel ONENESS permanently...then you are finally awake. You can't be fooled by the self-deception trickery no longer. I just recently spoke to someone who decided to take the plunge....and he told me he thought he was going insane. I was so proud of him for even trying. To truly awaken is going against your biology. In fact it rewrites your entire biology. Your brain and nervous system will never function the way it did before permanent awakening. Direct Experience is KING. If you do not have confirmation in your DIRECT EXPERIENCE that Non-Duality is ABSOLUTELY TRUE!!!...then you are still a seeker and have no truly understood the teachings. Because if you truly understood them....then you wouldn't be holding yourself back from a permanent non-dual state. Read that picture I put up there from Leo. When no character in the dream can fool you that you aren't them, when you know from your direct experience no different than you know your hand is your hand...that their body, their words, are your body and words. Then you are awake. Notice people on that forum are looking to Leo to give them confirmation....it's hilarious!! It's like Stan Lee taking LSD and begging Spider-Man to tell him he is a good person. Spider-Man is like...uhhhh you know you created me right? You know you are just talking to yourself right? LOL. Anyway...it is what it is. ONLY YOU KNOW YOU ARE AWAKE. No character in a dream can ever verify it....because you are creating everything.
  4. The point of delusion is entertainment. Video games are delusion, Movies are delusion, flirting when not serious is delusion, comedy is delusion. Delusion is pretend, delusion is creativity and exploration, it's fun!!! Delusion is ONLY an issue when it is taken as truth and this is the only issue humanity is. Notice that the entertainers are the most beloved and some of the highest paid, because currently humanity values entertainment over truth!!! But I am not here to demonize delusion because delusion is also a part of truth, it is the playfulness and creativeness of truth. Delusion is self-expression, delusion is difference, delusion is individuality, delusion is what you have called your life!!! The purpose of awakening is to enjoy the delusion!!! So enjoy this delusion!!
  5. All illusion is free...it's why change is possible. If it wasn't free...it couldn't change. Impermanence= Freedom. The only thing God cannot escape...is itself, but it can delude itself into thinking it can LOL. So God can free itself from the TRUTH of what it is an DREAM, then free itself from the lie/delusion of what it isn't and wake up to what it is. So if you look at that....God is free to be deluded or not deluded.
  6. If those characters could speak to Pascal Laugier they would tell him he was Satan for creating such a terrifying world lol!!! If those characters were on the forum they would make Holykael look like the most grateful happiest human!!! LOL. Characters/Egos will always hate their life if they have to be attacked like that. But notice....the audience can eat popcorn and enjoy the experience...cause they don't need to worry about survival. In fact....the audience can only understand that what is happening in the movie is evil, because they pray that shit would never happen to them. If that audience could never experience pain and suffering...you couldn't even scare them with all that!! As a result they would have no concept of what evil is. Need actual danger and stakes to construct evil as a concept. Movies are a great spiritual practice to see why Self-Bias exists. Also here is the hilarious part!!! Those characters...if they knew people were watching their lives and finding joy from their pain....they would call you sadists and monsters!!! So how humans feed their inner sadism, their joy in feeding off the pain of others is through movies and video games. It's a shadow of ours that we like to pretend doesn't exist!!! We hide it in plain sight!! Anyway you can become aware....that there is no difference between the supposedly fictional characters in the movie and the people you think are real in real life....and that can show you what you are doing right now as God. You are God enjoying the movie of your own life...even if it becomes a nightmare/shit show!!!
  7. Nothing ever matters. Nothing ever happens. Oh shoot gotta pay my bills!!!
  8. Sigh....I was for a brief time...being poetic....yes what I said wasn't true. The point of delusion is play....I WAS PLAYING!!! Learn to read the room Mr. Serious!!! I'm not in deconstruct mode here....no need to deconstruct when the topic isn't about Absolute Truth.
  9. I didn't get that from Vadim. But I have read his book, he loves talking about Pendulums and stuff. His book I would classify into New Age Spirituality. But yeah your conditioning is a script and it runs on autopilot. It's why if you are not aware of your biases....your basically a robot just parroting whatever bullshit you picked up. You won't believe how many people cannot even defend their viewpoint...because they never sat down and questioned it. People think I'm smart...lol I'm not. I just spend time going over my beliefs, and calling out bullshit when shit don't add up. If it don't add up throw it away.
  10. Psychological Suffering is actually easy to get out of it. Psychological Suffering comes from the belief that evil exists, and from a desire to not let go of your hatred of something. You believe some past event or current event needs to be different and you continue to ruminate on it excessively. Because you were raised to believe this is normal, you do it out of habit and believe you cannot control it. So...here is how you deal with it. Whatever you hate....face it. If it is a memory, replay that memory on purpose and keep playing it over and over until it doesn't faze you anymore. If the current moment is bothering you, just accept it because it's temporary. Change what you can, and what cannot you accept. Life is supposed to be BOTH comfortable and uncomfortable and its by design. If life was too comfortable...you wouldn't do shit. The only reason you need food, shelter, clothes, water, oxygen, poop, and sleep is because if I take all that from you...you would just sit in peace and do nothing. LOL. Gotta keep you busy doing something otherwise you can't have a life.
  11. There are many teachers I think that teach embodiment really well, Ram Dass, Mooji, etc. Do not believe or trick yourself that a full awakening will just hand you embodiment. Just because you are AWARE everyone is YOU doesn't guarantee that you will be living as that as your truth. Remember each moment you can choose how to respond. For example I can be aware I have egg on my face, and choose to walk around and NOT GIVE A FUCK!! So understand that awakening works the same way. You can be in a non-dual state and choose to ignore this and act opposite to what you know to be true. Anyway I found a guy who I think communicates effectively embodiment. I may not agree on how he words things, but that ultimately doesn't matter. You can actually still gain understanding that can be communicated even if the words used may not be as effective. What resonates with you resonates with you so hopefully this guy can be of help.
  12. I really wish people awoke permanently that way lol. Unloading bullshit. You could say enlightenment is taking a crap on the toilet and never being fooled again.
  13. It's simple. Enlightenment is only complicated because egos complicate. Think of an ego as someone you are waiting for to take somewhere and they look for all types of distractions instead of leaving. Now drop that duality and realize it's you I am talking about lol. All Enlightenment is, is complete acceptable of your true identity. But many on here imagine conceptually what that actually means. I'll explain. Until you can love your character unconditionally you will never be okay with removing the barrier between you and what you call other. Anyone can awaken, in fact it's not hard. The hardest part of awakening is figuring out how you are fooling yourself. Even worse you created fake enlightened people to fool you, so you have to wade through all of their bullshit too. They mean well but are full of human conditioning. Your best bet if you want to awaken is study Leo's videos and ask him in messages legitimate questions. Don't waste his time with stuff he already mentioned. Stay away from the poets they will confuse you with entertaining sophistry. You need to be able to deconstruct your identity while confirming your true nature with a change in consciousness so you can verify that what you are being taught in Spirituality is true. If you succeed you will live from a state that is both ordinary and profound all at the same time.
  14. Close your eyes what do you see? Open your eyes what do you see? Whatever is in your awareness is all that is. If it is not in your awareness it doesn't exist.
  15. What's worse is even Martin Ball would call bullshit on what you said and even he is not fully awake. Lol.
  16. I am not confused. Everything I said is self-evident and is grounded in direct experience. Everything you stated is airy fairy poetry and cannot be confirmed in direct experience. This is why I know you do not live from a base-line non dual experience. Even worse you said beyond the dream. There is no beyond, you are too attached to appearance. You never go anywhere. All location is appearance.
  17. Here is another simplification. Can you love your human character unconditionally? If you can you can see it as whole and complete. As such your fear of death/impermanence is removed and now you can drop your limited identity. Why? Because something that is whole and complete is finished, whole and complete, and can be let go. Now you can expand your identity to infinity. The dream is Self. To judge the dream is not just a judgment of the dream but of the character you are playing. Until full unconditionally love for the character is achieved you will continue to chase your tail.
  18. There is no evil. Remove the belief in evil to see with clarity. https://youtu.be/y8HuOycyCT4
  19. The only one gaslighting is you. When you demonize ego you create ego. Demonization is creation of separation. The only way to be is to completely love the ego. To demonize is to create conditions, all conditions are impermanent, when you create an impermanent conditional relationship with how you should express yourself you create fear of the opposite expression. Which is why they say what you resist persists. So yeah the only one gaslighting is you. Your just a poet who preaches delusion that cannot be grounded in direct experience.
  20. I only use Sadhguru because you egos are addicted to appeals to authority. Yall believe enlightenment looks a particular way lol.
  21. This is how I know you are not awake. The ego is your human identity. To identify is to recognize. This means if someone called your human name you couldn't respond because you no longer identify with it. For example if I call the name of another human you would not respond because you don't identify with that ego. If I gave you their memories you would not identify with them because you have your own memories unique to your specific ego. So notice how I destroyed any notions of not identifying. You literally cannot live without an ego. What you speak is delusion and not found in direct experience. Here is a kicker, if your ego truly died your dream would end. Jump off the grand canyon= end of ego. This is how they fool you people. I'm glad Sadhguru gets it.
  22. Lol there are no others. Why not choose arrogance? What you don't realize, to disagree takes arrogance. Anytime you disagree you are saying I know better. So right now you are being arrogant and asking me why be arrogant? Which is very funny Mr. Holier than thou. What hath I done to displease you All-Mighty? Must I adhere to your world view to receivest your love? No wonder you moral types never feel good enough.
  23. There is always the ego. Writing is ego. In the words of Rupert Spira the ego is activity. You cannot get rid of ego because all is ego. The dream itself is ego. Self=ego. The only reason you are not awake is because you think you can rid yourself of ego, you cannot. The ego is the dream itself. Stop trying to separate yourself from ego, this is self-righteousness. You judge the ego as bad, YET you created it!! God creates perfection so to judge the ego is to judge the absolute. This is the height of delusion. All egoic expressions are pure perfection at work at all times. The reason why it is said the ego doesn't exist is because there is no difference between any ego. What you preach is self-righteous which is self-hatred. Ego is pure perfection at all times
  24. Okay as you say that give me all your money since you don't exist. Notice your delusion cannot hold in the face of truth.