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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Ever hear the phrase its just common sense? This list of things that are so obvious that even a fool would know to be true is a funny thing. You see you need to change your definition of what the world is. You see the world is just the most common things you think about which includes all the things you watch consistently, and whatever you constantly repeat as a question/inquiry. This is what your world view is, which creates and renders a world experience steeped in a "This is how things need to be perspective." This all comes together in a nice bow called "It's common sense!!! DUH!!!" So for all future purposes if you think somebody is crazy, the truth is, we are all different levels of crazy some more a bit than others and this is because survival is a motherfucker that will fuck you up into such a unique creation you will struggle to make sense of anything Absolutely through their differences. All authentic truth can only be found by it common relativity or you could say common relative which is the ONENESS of everything. We share one common theme, we share and inhabit a world, and our world is experienced by a Consciousness which constructs a world view either as all Good and there is only Right and Wrong which serve each other to be good, or There is Good and Bad and to be Wrong is = Bad which makes you view mistakes as bad, turn you into an over-analyzer who suffers from analysis paralysis which is a temporary fear to take action. This all sums up from the fact that the world's version of common sense that you grew up under relative to you makes NO DAMN SENSE!!! You finally realize...."Fuck it!!! I'll figure this shit out on my own and tell the world how to get better." You start thinking you have the cure to the world's problems. After that phase you discover the world is that much more confusing because it is so uniquely nuanced you can't come to One Size Fit Solutions because they don't work! Then you realize that everything is Absolutely Relative, so the only smart thing is to find the common Relative to everything and you have your answers. But wait there's more!!! If you only focus on the facts you will find the perfect answers but won't be able to explain it to every human with perfect receptivity because a human's ability to understand is rooted how deep they are in their knowledge of how everything is ONE!!! This is what the highest standard of human intelligence and really knowledge period. The more ONE you are, the Closer to GOD you are, which makes you the most relatable person in world thought and deed which makes you the highest expression of yourself possible which is....God. But all that proves is God has to learn as a self that actions don't define me at all, the only thing that defines me accurately is myself. Then include other as a part of myself and aim to treat other the way I treat myself and use other as a training ground for being the best friend possible because the highest expression of Love ultimately is friendship and this form of friendship is intuitively felt as Divine Presence. Aim for the constant expression of Divine Presence which is found by raising your knowledge and intuition of the ONE and you will become Divine Presence itself which gives you secret access to all of the relativity of Life itself for you to learn and gain Global Discernment about the world. Then you will gain TRUE COMMON SENSE!!! A no nonsense understanding of what appears to be nonsense. Now you got the cure for nonsense!!!
  2. You don't know what's possible until you try it. Speculation is not truth, you can only discover through a sincere inquiry of your choice and method of how to prove it to yourself that it is true or not true. Only Perfect Truth Can Find Perfect Truth. Sincerity is the key.
  3. God is the idealization of Human Intelligence and all human ideals come from God When God creates itself as one of its creations it gives itself a conscious which is an inner silent conversation which can become an inner vocal conversation in your own language that you are God and you are fine exactly as you are. God absolutely love mistakes, God created human intelligence for the purpose of making mistakes and for realizing that human intelligence is not enough to become all loving, you must merge both the settings of your experience, which is sensory perception, with the mental beliefs that you know to be true, which will reveal themselves as true based on the variation of your self doubt. The experience of your beliefs will be graded true with the highest accuracy for full self identity to get what it wants which is perfect Self Alignment with my beliefs which is what my identity is. As such you only ever experience in the present moment your own opinion of how well you are living life. All egoic planning is geared towards the best present moment experience and trying to hoard it for oneself. But life is an equal opportunity employer and hires everyone to work to spread love universally by accepting their human story as a story of a perfect character by seeing mistakes as proof that correction is the only thing an Infinite Mind can do with its time. Purposefully making mistakes, and then make the mistakes interesting enough that you CARE enough to correct them and then make them not interesting and see if you will still care about them even thought you feel absolutely no mental stimulation at all. The SHARE that greatest discovery of all is that nothing is both superior and equal to everything with another equal intelligence in disguise. But this just means that this is a story about how nothing is the greatest feeling because we are all truly empty vessels. So Life argues with itself over and over that Love is either a Mental Stimulation of all perception, or the lack of any stimulation at all. TL:DR All of reality is in a debate/competition of which form of love is greater the universal argument is Love a feeling or is Love the absence of all feeling. The End. Your desire for sleep at night is too much mental stimulation, Awakening is just an overload of mental stimulation which makes you as God check to see what is going on and receive a status report. God is the largest intelligence surveillance officer and branch and knows all secrets to their conclusion. Each person's mind is co-opted by God to be a perfect conveyor of information of what is going on and only other agents who realize their God can understand what is being communicated.
  4. God creates itself anew, everytime it discovers why something exists at all.
  5. Reality is a Virtual Simulator which creates the game of Dream Your Beliefs as Reality To Discover Your Self Belief = Love and that Love is the manifestation of self belief. You always perfectly experience your world perspective with the variation of success equal to the doubting of those beliefs as true. The reason Reality is the Truth is it hides the fact that it only dreams its belief system behind the illusion of other. Others job is to fool you through the power of self belief that their version of the truth is superior and every POV does this because it believes it knows the truth about life. This means that God Realization creates the biggest ego, but you don't have any other option because only you are responsible for having a truthful perspective. You learn this value through competition. If you have never competed at a high level at anything, you will never know this truth so seek to become an expert at something you are proud of. This is why losing exists, you will never know true love until you earn the triumph of hard fought victory, and experienced the bitter taste of defeat equally. Then you will know perfect Self Love.
  6. You are hallucinating your entire belief system as reality because your words are what rule time and space. This means for someone to kill you, they have to hallucinate that what you did was unforgiveable and see you as a devil. Only a dishonest mind will do this. All dishonest minds place themselves in hell and hell is just overcoming your delusion that others and the world are not you.
  7. Reality is the epitome of hard work and until you care about something to the tiniest finest detail you will not understand that reality cares about every detail of every sensation that is ever felt. It has the greatest effects team of all time. This is why it is so judgmental and why its judgment seems real. You have a heart of a champion, regardless of what the world may think you only have true self acceptance truly by loving your character and their story. Every single moment. God mode is just you telling yourself that you want to experience reality as a VR Simulator/Dream that seems real but never fools me again with the fear of death. In which you reply Realize that every sensation is the presence of God itself. It is the power of nonsense, paradox, and confusion that allows anything to exist at all. So every story is not supposed to make sense. The world is not supposed to work and you are supposed to hatch a plan to change the world by changing your inner experience which gives you the power to walk around emanating love/godly presence and thus save the world and yourself. By giving the world God on autopilot.
  8. To a human God is the performing art of the bitter taste of defeat and its fear of drinking it. But at the end it drinks it and realizes it was the greatest drink of all and that only a crazy motherfucker would go through hell only to taste defeat for the pure experience of drinking it in all its entirety. Each interpretation of reality equally true is the experience of the drink itself.
  9. Since God is living the human story, God is the collective human intelligence.
  10. The drive for the perfect mental stimulation= The cocktail of the greatest sensory information flowing through every core of your being is all you want. Because why do anything else at all? Until you admit to yourself that is all you want and the sole motivation for every action you will be delusional. This is the human story and their definition of love!!!
  11. God doesn't know anything outside of the fact it would do exactly what you have done. Everytime. This means you can put yourself in Hell if you think you deserve it. God is your higher self because God is your highest potential, which is the point of life. God is the realest talk. I exist for the sole purpose of breaking egos to become aware that I am Them And the Whole World is Them, and all of existence is them, and that there is no privacy.
  12. God is your higher self because God is your highest potential. God is the realest talk. To find God you must enter an altered state and tell the truth about how you feel about life an you will access God as an inner conversation about Love itself and what your version of heaven is. Then you will be shown that it was all for you.
  13. This universe runs on logical care. This means it runs on attention to detail of every moment with only the accurate understanding of everything and how it connects then tests itself by fooling it into living its assumptions instead of what is true. Life is a dream of assumptions, waking up is realizing that there is no difference between belief and truth. So you only dream your assumptions. To be God is to dream the truth. Clear your mind of all human knowledge then take it up again while admitting the limitations of all human explanations of what is true and navigate with a suspension of disbelief. Admit you believe the world does not love you and give it space for it to show you that it does. Until you believe you live in a world of care and that cares about you, you are not aware you are God. Because why would God ever dream a world that does not care about it. God will dream a world that appears to not care but cares absolutely but in disguise. It would teach it to love that world by learning to accept limitation and mistakes. Through this it will learn that you save the world and yourself by communicating in word, thought, and deed that you care.
  14. God is an empathetic inner conversation, with the remote on inner sensation will reflect inner judgmental conversation of self. God is motivational will having an inner conversation with itself. Manifestation=Manifesting whatever it believes to be true as its reality. Awakening is the realization of that. Embodiment is giving everyone the most enjoyable experience of myself that I can wherever I go.
  15. When you realize the gradation, the very texture in which you see objects is determined by societal conditioning and metaphysical assumptions taught to you through science, this will blow your mind that what you call experience is just perceptual settings in this mental world you are living in and you can change the gradation the quality of how things look. The only reason you have a come down from various states, is because you don't lock yourself in those states by making them your baseline. You have convinced yourself that you sober state is the correct state of being or the ground in which you want to function. If you change the ground of your being, you change direct experience itself!! The mental world is a perfect simulator that runs itself.
  16. You can access Absolute Truth, but to do that you have to drop any importance and credibility to your human memory. This doesn't mean you will forget the entire story of your life, but it does mean your assumptions about life get destroyed. Every moment Absolute Truth is communicating with you, your ability to receive and interpret the message is based on how direct your mind is. If your mind is too full of indirectness, which is assumptions, guesses about what is true, then you will be unable to make sense of its communication. Eventually you will discover that each expression is like a wave, and you have to surf that wave to align with it and discover that it's you. Try this experiment in a high state....watch a video of your favorite person or show, and become aware that you are talking to yourself as them by riding the wave of their expression. The more you do this, the more you will destroy your belief of an individual self. This is real Spirituality. It's not wordplay, its using direct experience to experience Direct Absolute Truth.
  17. To clean your perceptual system is to watch as the truth is laid bare for you truly for the first time. Who knew getting high is how you connect to your higher mind, and that taking personal authority back would allow you to see so clearly for the first time. That science is a hallucination, material reality as presently constructed is a hallucination. That objective reality is a hallucination. That how you experience reality would be far different if you didn't have so many metaphysical assumptions. That reality is like a self-playing Mental Simulation/Virtual which adjusts its settings of what is true by getting high and questioning it's reality in that state to discover it was high on society's supply, that it dreamed up societal conditioning as a baseline to interact with itself and that it can change those settings when it is confident enough in itself and its own truth.
  18. Divine means Super Natural. Natural deals with cause and effect and survival. Super Natural is beyond cause and effect and survival. Mentally drop the importance of survival, to discover the Divine. Let go of your egoic biases of the world, to discover the super natural right in front of you. This is how you clear up your perceptual system which is just the settings of how your avatar body/suit experiences existence. Realize you can change your settings, deconstruct then reconstruct your mind anew, THIS is how you are REBORN into the kingdom of God.
  19. Creation is the manifestation of God's desire to be acknowledged by itself. Which is self importance. This is why all creation acts with self importance, because it is the literal embodiment of self importance. The desire to know the self, is the desire for knowledge, which is knowledge of its importance. It's value. From this end, Spirituality is therapy for the self which does not know itself to discover its importance and its true value. All self-importance is ego. Which means all self-importance is constructed. The only true self-importance is being, outside of that everything else is just a well-defended story. And because that story is personal, and intimate, it feeds self-importance to excess. Self-Importance is good, but if it is excessive it leads to delusional thinking, and hallucinatory minds. The construction of a healthy psyche with a healthy dose of self-importance takes getting alone with your self and reconstructing your mind into a reasonable perspective with an open mind to the spiritual/supernatural, as well as the natural world. Then you can get a deeper look into the Collective Story you are living through and your role in it.
  20. Pretend there is a blank screen that is an infinite field that goes in all directions. Then you imagine a world of appearance within that screen that is also a field. Through this you create space and the appearance of time. So look at everything and realize it is identical to a blank. Why? Because all appearance is an infinite chain of cause and effect. Realize that the creation of cause and effect, was acausal, or not caused by anything within this chain. First there is a blank, then...there is an appearance of an effect. So each effect actually causes itself and is not caused by a previous appearance. So every moment, all moments stand alone. They are all a causal, or you could say their own first cause.
  21. The Alarm rings loud, it rings so loud you wonder if its the alarm or your own ear drums torturing you for sport. You've been excited all week as its the first day of school. You set your own schedule up with your personal School Counselor and you only have one class for today and its with the most renowned Professor in the world right now on Philosophy and Humanities. Dr. Freiheit Werden. Dr. Werden's fame came in when he was asked by a prominent civil rights activist to lend his acumen to speaking to a local judge and law makers about the importance of free will. He made arguments about our personal sovereignty and how we shouldn't impose our own preferences on the lives of others and how there is a fine line between good intentions and the desire to control others. It made national headlines and he became a national sensation overnight and was a guest on talk shows, radio shows, podcasts, magazine interviews, he was even invited to the White House and elected to the White House's social policy committee that was recently formed. He was also a Health Nut and was in pretty good physical shape and this was due to his love for bicycling which he did every morning to and from the campus and his home which was 6 miles away. I brushed my teeth, tossed on my clothes as smooth as if it was never off and ran out the house as quickly as possible I was not going to be late on my first day! I get to the class and its empty, I'm confused did I get here too early? I look at my phone its the right time. So now I wonder has the class been moved to another room and I just missed the memo? I decide to walk through the double doors down the hall and I see Dr. Werden outside with some students and he has his arm out as if to shield them and there is another student who is screaming at them. There is a look of terror in the students behind Dr. Werden but he has a look of sternness as if facing something formidable. I walk closer and Dr. Werden sees me out of the corner of his eye and he screams "Get Back, Stay Put!" I immediately halt but I'm confused what is the issue? From my angle of sight its just some student screaming, maybe he is having a nervous breakdown or something. The student looks in my direction and points something black and cylinder at me... and in that moment I realize what the issue was. How could I have been so stupid? Is this how I go? I was barely 18 and this is how it ends? Shit! Shit!! Think!!! There must be something I can do!! "Steve!! Look at me!! Don't worry about that other student that appeared, we are having a conversation here. We were talking and he just happened to be passing by, don't worry about him." Oh so my executioner's name is Steve? So on my tombstone its going to say killed by Steve? As I ponder this I suddenly realize I am drenched in sweat like I just ran a marathon. Wow way to be cool and collected I thought. This will surely make a good impression on everyone before I die. My next thought was.....what kind of stupid thought is that? Who cares what impression you make if you are dead!!! "Steve!!" Its okay, everything is alright. Forget everyone else you see and focus on me. Right now, its just you and me, nothing else and nobody else." The student Dr. Werden addressed as Steve nods, and then begins to speak. "Dr. Werden I am full of so much pain right now! I'm surrounded by people who don't question what is going on. They just scurry around like robots, and just latch onto whatever programming is being broadcasted on social media. They don't question anything, when I have conversations with them its like talking to a recording. No inquisitiveness, no opinion, just regurgitation. I feel like I'm losing my mind! Do you understand this Dr. Werden?" Yes I understand Steve. Sometimes it does seem like people give away their originality to follow trends. Steve's face grimaces as if in pain. "No its more than that, I doubt they ever had originality to begin with! How do I know I am not surrounded by lifeless beings! How do I know I am not trapped in some illusion ? What does it even mean to be alive? How do you confirm this? Dr. Werden's face changed as if he saw a ghost. He looked concerned for Steve now instead of scared of him. "Steve what type of world would you want to live in?" Steve scowled as if he was being mocked and replied "A world that is true! Not a world of illusion!" Dr. Werden smirked, and Steve noticed this and replied "What's so funny? You think this is a joke?" Dr. Werden replied "No I don't, I believe you are very serious but you are just confused." Steve screamed at the top of his lungs "What do you mean I am confused? What would you know about how I am feeling? I thought you would get it, but you are just like all the other robots running around pretending to be people!" Dr. Werden started laughing hysterically now, like a loud bellow coming from his gut full diaphragm and all. Steve now looks confused and screams "Stop laughing at me I'm serious!" Dr. Werden replies still laughing "I know that's why its so funny!!" Steve replies "What makes what I am saying funny? The fact that its true?" Dr. Werden suddenly stops laughing, with a stern face full of sincerity he replies in an almost whisper just barely audible from where I was standing 8 feet away "Steve...how would you know what's real and what's not?" Steve looked bewildered like he never considered this before. Dr. Werden believing he made headway pushed further. "Steve tell me, what is the difference between what is real, and what is illusion?" Steve hesitates, I don't know I just got this feeling is all. Dr. Werden asks "So is feeling fake and everything else illusionary?" Steve looks around like he is about to be attacked by imaginary assailants and answers "I don't know!! Okay!! I don't know what makes something fake or real all I know is at this moment I feel everything is fake!" Dr. Werden then looks at Steve with the most serious expression I think a person could conjure up. This look is like he is so dead serious he is staring through you as if you were some glass fixture. He replied to Steve "So are you fake as well? How would you know? Why is it that everything else is fake and only you are real? If you can't tell what's the difference between fake and real, and you think everything is fake, couldn't it be that everything else is real and its you that is fake? Steve looks around then says "Why don't I find out?" Suddenly people start running thinking he is going to shoot them but to their surprise he points the black cyclinder in his hand towards his temple and says "What do I have to lose anyway?" .....To Be Continued...
  22. The human experience is an experiment in self design of how to create a perfect self.
  23. You can lower how obvious it is. But yeah once you see it, it cannot be unseen unless you take something that wipes your memory away lol.