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About Razard86

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  • Birthday 12/18/1986

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  1. Translation: Earth Logic. All knowledge and understanding I have is of the planet Earth and my lived experiences while here. Mother Nature: My first memory of my life was a first appearance borne out of nothing. Nothing is my mother because it is the source of my appearance. It nurtures and guides me but it does not know me. It is the source of all experience. Father Nature: My mind is the source of all knowledge and understanding. I cannot interpret anything without my mind. My mind is my master and the student. The Spiritual Path is the human experience which is taught by Father Nature which is the ALL MIND. And Mother Nature which is the NO MIND. The physical body and surrounding environment is controlled by an unaware mind that is why it is a no mind, as such it is not aware of its own control, its own will. Father Nature is omnipresent awareness and can connect to the NO MIND and remove all ignorance of its own control, its own will. The Spiritual Path is the journey of the union of Father Nature and Mother Nature which is an eternal journey.
  2. God as life is a collective perspective there is a lower perspective which we can call the ground perspective, and then there is the higher perspective which we can call the ideal perspective. The Highest Perspective is what we call Goodness, Love, Truth, Magic, The Standard, Perfection, The Omega. the Lower Perspective we call Survival, rational, pragmatic, kind of good, kind of loving, sometimes honest but also willing to hide the truth, physical, substandard, imperfect, the Alpha, The root to the beginning. The lower perspective is the default human mind, it is only concerned with reaching its goals, with completing tasks so that it can enjoy its desires. Its purpose is to build its own heaven, so it only operates on right and wrong, failure and victory and it aims to accomplish it by any means necessary. As such, it does not ponder morality. This is the baseline of all conscious thought and action, this is selfishness, and the law of survival. The higher perspective is the mind of God, it is the conscience, of consciousness which is the birth of morality. Morality is the creation of all play, game, and cooperation. It's purpose is to explain to the lower perspective what Heaven is. What is heaven? Heaven is the highest good. What is the highest good? Freedom of creative expression with no fear of death, pain, and torture. The highest perspective understands that the lowest perspective wants complete creative control, but it will only give it to itself equal to its ability to handle it. This is referred to as safety. So the highest perspective is always concerned with safety, its nature is a shield, and the lower perspective is the sword. Humans who are God/s, living in the world that they created are always trying to reach the Highest Perspective. Why? Because the lower perspective cannot see the big picture and as a result will hit a roadblock. They will ask for help from those around them and will eventually discover at their own pace in their life, that nobody actually knows what they are talking about Absolutely and this results in a search for truth. The Highest Perspective is the perspective of optimization, and inclusion and the greatest hurdle for the lower perspective will be dealing with inclusivity because inclusivity has to be developed and it is constantly morphing into a new expression. This causes friction because new expressions are often ignorant of what they are and thus lack the experience to both explain their position and realize what is the best way they can participate. While this is an issue it is solvable at the level of Honesty and Acceptance which is Truth and Love of the current conditions. As long as separate group identities do not monopolize the discussions from a position of force but rather from a position of streamlining, all problems can be solved when it comes to the process of Co-Creation. So if you are ever struggling to understand something ask yourself which perspective you are looking at this from? And how best can I meld my piece into the larger whole? Instead of trying to do a force entry.
  3. If you can't laugh at it all ESPECIALLY when it happens to you then you never knew what comedy was in the first place, Comedy is REAL, not some far off far away thing. Comedy is being able to laugh at yourself and the world.
  4. God gives itself villainy, it is a villain to itself and calls itself a hero. Unemployment, discrimination, inequality, unintentional mistakes that it intended to make, loss of functionality, misinformation, misrepresentation, confusion and delusion. At a certain point all God can do is laugh at itself and say I can't believe I have taken this all so seriously. Because the world was never serious to begin with. Then God relaxes and laughs at everything.
  5. My individual mind is an Earth mind, with Earth logic which is run by Mother Nature but known by Father Nature. Mother Nature does not tell Father Nature everything so they can both enjoy the journey. Unfortunately Mother Nature must be illogical, so she can house all creative logic within her, and Father Nature must be logical to understand any logic. The Spiritual Path is the human experience which is taught by Father Nature which is society, and Mother Nature which is the physical body. They both compete in the beginning on what true love is, and at their end of their journey they decide to learn a love that is disembodied. We call it death. Life without body love.
  6. There are actually two True Selves. The first true self is the purely honest human mind with all of its biases. You have to first uncover that true self. Once you discover that true self then you can enter an altered state through some means and talk to the largest true self which is the automaker of your thoughts. This version of you is asleep as Being and can only awaken by you being honest in your inner communication with yourself. You can only ever know the True Big Self through the True Little Self. So to thine ownself be true and you will discover what truth is.
  7. My comment is simple, Direct experience is king. Eventually you will get tired of wondering and seek a mystical experience and that experience will show you. Spiritual teachings are there to awaken the God within you and the path to awakening it is a heartfelt true desire to answer the questions you have above. In altered states your mind is fluid enough to access the God within you which is pure heart, pure acceptance. Its both neutral and absolutely good and pure and innocent. I will be happy for you when you get the answer. If you were in the States I could send you a link to a legal way to enter an altered state but you live in India I believe. But aim to enter an altered state and then ask yourself to awaken.
  8. All the vehicles maybe different (bodies/genes), but the one that looks through your eyes is absolutely the same, and that's the absolute truth. This means....you are Osho living a different life with a different body and different perspective asking how do I be like Osho?
  9. I asked God who the smartest humans on the planet are.....here was God's answer.
  10. God has never had a false self because God is honest all the time about what it is, this is why for God Self-Deception does not exist. How can God ever know what dishonesty is when God is omnipresent and the Truth? Want to know the Mind of God? Aim to be the God of honesty in private with yourself. The path of dishonesty is the path of the fool, and the birth of ignorance. Well told stories= Truth. Badly told stories=Lies. The truth is self-sustaining, Lies defeat themselves. So self-deception only exists if you believe that other exists. Once you do that you will come face to face with the God of lies itself, the creator of all stories, which is God/Satan. Then you realize that God and Satan are exactly identical and why you have always been innocent because God gave Satan full control over how to create the conditional world. Construct a conditional mind with other then you will be Satan, construct an unconditional mind with other then other is experienced as the SELF and you live in a heaven of your own creation. Life was created for the purposes of seeing can you be unconditional love/pure love, your true identity in a hellish world of conditions. But for God judgment, which is conditions, is playfulness. God sees Hell as play, the play of Consciousness.