Michael Jackson

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Everything posted by Michael Jackson

  1. Well who is the creator? Is there even the creator seperate from the creation? Some great authours / singers don't take credits for their books/songs they say "it felt as if the book wrote itself / the song wrote itself, while they/ their bodymind is only the medium through which this happens.
  2. For me 200ug completely kills me, making me fully realize I am God. The great thing about LSD is, you stay in God Mode for hours, so you can really explore it. 150ug always guarantees God realization for me, the higher the dose, the higher the degree of realization though. (Never tried nitric oxide)
  3. Nah, these things are not good for children, better to smash it. Also more fun!
  4. Start with LSD or Mushrooms. Low dose - 100-150ug or 2g of Mushrooms. Go into the trip with an open heart and with much of love for yourself. See what happens / what comes up. That would be my tip for the first time.
  5. Are you kiddin' me? Peter is obviously not awake.
  6. God is not an experience. God IS experience. Fully realizing that God is all there is is enlightenment. Anything other than that is not.
  7. You can only love others as much as you love yourself. You hate yourself so you hate others. You think of yourself as unworthy and judge yourself so you do the same with others. And vice versa.
  8. I don't know why this is the case, but most people will not awaken in this life. Not even on psychedelics, no matter how much they take. Apparently God does not want to awaken in every life he lives. Most people have no interest in Truth, can't perceive things without egoic biases and projections, are not capable of doing true investigation, something you can only do completely on your own without community and others. 99% of people fall into that category, from my perspective a higher percentage of men are interested in truth and true awakening then women. I think it's a combination of bad genetics, horrible upbringings and minds that get fed the completely wrong ideas for decades. All these things combined mean that you the reader have a low chance of realizing absolute Truth. I will however say that if you TRULY care about truth, if you REALLY want to awaken, you will. (99% of you guys don't really want that though). Even on this forum which is all about God, Love and Truth most people here are not interested in truth. They just want to do some mental masturbation or want some Guru who tells them how to live their lifes. Or they just want a sense of community and attention and love from others. If you are in the 99%, don't be upset about it, it is all fine. There is no right or wrong, live the best Life you can and do what you love. To all you readers: please share your perspective on that topic and feel free to disagree as well. Thanks for considering, thanks for sharing your perspective! Cheers.
  9. @Breakingthewall exactly. Something I also noticed is most people do not think for themselves. They only copy others, take on their beliefs as dogma and do not even realize that the possibility of thinking for yourself exists..
  10. You might awaken after death or in future lifes though.
  11. Leo never told you that your ego is God, only thing he said is, YOU are God, and that is the truth.
  12. @Zeroguy love your percpective
  13. @BenG Like you did on your profile pic? I like it!?
  14. High quality as fuck!! Love your posts man keep 'em coming @Razard86
  15. Lol this is what you meant?? Hahaha I didn't follow it:D actualized.org auto-follows everything that I leave a comment under
  16. @Preety_India After you told me you don't like it that I comment I appologized and deleted my comment. I never commented after that, nor do I intend to do that. Please stop spreading drama about me. Also, I never bullied you. It's annoying to hear that, I literally never did that.
  17. @Preetyinidia nobody is demonizing your disorder and nobody is calling you anything. This thread is not about you, stop taking things personal that have nothing to do with you. Annoying.
  18. Do you realize how you are getting triggered?
  19. This makes me sad
  20. I'm sorry I'm just stupid sometimes lolxD Deleted my comment have a nice day! Also: I am not following your journal, no worries
  21. @Leo Gura The only question is, who is the shit