Michael Jackson

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Everything posted by Michael Jackson

  1. @Someone here Okay, at least you are being honest about that now. Remember 1 thing: It is possible to get a definitive answer to all these questions. But this answer ain't gonna come from Leos videos, nor from this forum. This answer can only come from God (spoiler: from your own true absolute Self). To meet God I'd suggest you to research psychedelics, they are incredible tools for that. Have a nice day!
  2. @CaptainBobbyOlsen it is possible, but rare. Most people need decades of meditation to do that. With psychedelics, everyone can do it. Its simply a magic pill. You take it, and reality melts.
  3. @Someone here To be honest, I am quite confused about your statements over the last weeks on the forum. Weren't you the guy who claimed to be fully God-Realized from watching 1 of Leos videos? And now you're talking about "noone really nows what's going on" and Hedonism?? Where is your integrity? Did you awaken to absolute truth as you claimed? Apparently you didn't.
  4. @Someone here Twice on one day haha Don't demonize fapping. It's a natural process, even monkeys do it. Doing it a few times a week is healthy. Your body knows when it's appropriate.
  5. It is a good book. The metaphysical truth (Law of One) is on point. But they waste much time with unnecessary questions about pyramids, history, etc. If you truly want the ultimate understanding of reality in form of a book, nothing beats "Conversations with God." Cheers.
  6. Yes, exactly. This is something that many people realize, even without psychedelics. But in comparison to the absolute that realization is minor. It's like the first step of a 100m run. It is something, but far away from completing the entire run.
  7. Best one is Gods Love. However, Love is not a feeling. It is the truth.
  8. lmfao. @Someone here are you still doing no-fap? Maybe stop smoking and fap instead of it. Also you could higher your caffeine-intake as compensation for you cigarettes with the long term perspective of quitting both?
  9. @VeganAwake This is something I have become directly conscious of. I am God. As God I purposely create the entirety of reality. Every speck of dust in my creation is perfectly formed and designed by my infinite intelligence. The True Self isn't an assumption. It is what remains when you let go of assumptions and look directly at reality without a filter.
  10. @Arthogaan Thank you for sharing your perspective. In that case true Love would mean setting your partner free to do whatever he / she feels like doing.
  11. Hi @CaptainBobbyOlsen I wouldn't call them traps. I would call them illusions. For example, I am currently under the illusion that I am a human body. I am under the illusion that I am on a physical planet called "earth", inside a physical room called my home, that I am a mortal, limited, physical creature, etc. All these things are illusions that my true Self purposefully put on to itself. To see through these illusions psychedelics are the best tool I know of.
  12. @Surfingthewave Well technically there is nothing missing since everything is right here right now. God, infinite beauty, infinite Love is always right here, right now, infinity is in your hands. But when it comes down to feeling, you are disconnected from that truth, deeply disconnected. And this disconnectedness is what makes us feel like we have "lost something", but can't quite point to what we lost. And this disconnectedness is the reason why basically the entire human race is permanently in a state of suffering, although many people are not even aware of that. To restate it in a better way: Nothing is "missing." You haven't "lost" anything. But you have forgotten. You have deeply forgotten the most important thing in existence. Hence, you better get up and follow your intuition. The reward will be infinite.
  13. @cjoseph90 Are you talking about drinking in a social context or just drinking for the fun of it?
  14. Also, these things are not in any way obstacles to truth. There IS something missing right now and you feel it deep down inside of you. What is missing is God. Also, there IS someone who can do things about the traps/illusions and you better start doing something about them if you want to realize truth. And yes, obviously, for total peace you need total understanding of reality. Without understanding of reality peace will never be possible.
  15. One major trap is to think you have fully realized when you have not. For example some people get stuck at the realization of no-self and think they have reached the ultimate. Do not stop until you fully know the answer to every single important question you could ask. Questions that need to be answered: Who or what am I? What is Life? Why is there Something rather than Nothing? What is Love? Why does suffering exist? Why is there a table inside of your room? How does the table come into being? How is the world / the universe being manifested? What is Existence? What is a problem? continue the list. Basically, you need to realize you are God. From that place, all your question will get their answers.
  16. No it's not. Hard work is a very small factor of becoming rich. If you aren't lucky to be born in the right place, have good genetics, etc. good luck becoming rich. Everybody can quit smoking. Not everybody can become rich.
  17. You are gay. And that's perfectly fine.
  18. Research and then try the psychedelic called Iboga. It helps people to overcome addiction.
  19. Only through what you call the "dream reality", you can have someone "other" than you. Through this, it becomes possible for God to love an other and to share all his greatness and beauty with an other. Before God created what we call "normal reality", God couldn't share his greatness with anyone.
  20. Everything you ever saw and ever will see is manifested by you. This includes not only lucid dreams, but your entire waking life. Every occurrence that ever happened in your life, including all of what you call "physical reality", was manifested by you.
  21. This is wrong. Existence is an absolute. (Here is the explanation, but ultimately you have to realize this through direct experience). Time, future, things changing, etc. are all imaginary. There exists no future in which existence could cease to exist. Existence simply is.
  22. You=God. "Ego"=A distinction that you, God make within yourself. You call some things "ego" and some things "not-ego." This distinction is imaginary. In truth there is no ego, only you, God.
  23. This is solid. Talking about reality and truth ain't gonna get you nowhere. I'd suggest you to get you hands dirty. Get some psychedelics and realize the absolute truth for yourself. Talk is cheap, truth is holy.
  24. Hey @Yarco Thank you for your honest perspective regarding that topic. This is what most people live like. And from my POV this is simply not Love. Actually, it has nothing more to do with actual Love, than the trashcan inside of your kitchen. The great news is, actual Love, true Love, unconditional Love is something that truly exists. It is what we all long for deep down and anything less than that won't ever satisfy us in the long run.
  25. @Arthogaan Well that's a high quality relationship right there.. Does she also love you like that?