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Everything posted by mo_v

  1. I've been doing inner work for almost 2 years now with no results should I just take psychedelics to see what happens? I've been doing Transformation Mastery by Julien Blanc which hasn't helped me unfortunately.
  2. Nothing I do is ever right why can’t God just give me a clear path why is that so f***ing hard to ask for.
  3. Idk where this concept of you’re god comes from because I f I was god I would just manifest everything I want.
  4. I swear no amount of meditation is going to make me feel good about my face seriously I’ve been meditating all f***ing day.
  5. I haven’t ejaculated in 3 months and it’s not as magical as they say. Not even close. It’s mostly placebo.
  6. Yeah lol very few people actually want to do what there ego prohibits and that’s why I think psychedelics are over rated taking real action is the answer.
  7. It creeps me out because I’m walking through life in a haze and it feels like no one knows my existence but as I pay more attention they are very aware and it creeps me out.
  8. Imo psychedelics aren’t any different than drugs like heroin or cocaine. They both increase neurotransmitters and give you a high and people are addicts to them. The only difference being that psychedelic user try to make an excuse saying they are on a “spiritual journey”.
  9. There’s no such thing as introverts and extroverts. Introverts are just traumatized extroverts. Ok sure maybe some people are more drawn to doing things alone but most people use introversion as an excuse for thier trauma.