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Everything posted by Toby

  1. Nisargadatta Maharaj Discourse - 01 Nisargadatta Maharaj Discourse - 02 Nisargadatta Maharaj Discourse - 03 Nisargadatta Maharaj Discourse - 04 Nisargadatta Maharaj Discourse - 05 Nisargadatta Maharaj Discourse - 06 Nisargadatta Maharaj Discourse - 07 Nisargadatta Maharaj Discourse - 08 Nisargadatta Maharaj Discourse - 09 Nisargadatta Maharaj Discourse - 10 Nisargadatta Maharaj Discourse - 11 Nisargadatta Maharaj Discourse - 12
  2. Currently it looks Biden will probably get at least Arizona, Wisconsin and Michigan.
  3. What kind of needs are you talking about? Sexual / romantic interests or unfulfilled infant needs?
  4. Also Ginkgo could help to some degree.
  5. Accupuncture helped me to some degree. I would try it out.
  6. I guess it's about attachment styles. If you have a secure or earned secure attachment style it's way easier to relate to people in general.
  7. Assuming she is my wife / girlfriend she shares some of my core values regarding the interest in truth. So it would not be a problem if she had some Mary-Magdalene-like transformation years ago.
  8. If people have unresolved trauma, meditation can make things way worse and be retraumatizing as studies on side effects of mindfulness have shown. If your neurosis is in a more normal range meditation can be very healing and helpful though.
  9. You only need motivation for something you are not interested in.
  10. Well, there is a fine line between - re-experiencing - which is just an endless cycle of the same emotions at best and also can be re-traumatizing (more "hyper" sympathetic symptoms of dissociation) - a crying where emotions integrate / release - feeling of numbness / depression (more "hypo" parasympathetic symptoms) For example in trauma (theory) usually there is one part that is more "numb" / depressed... and another part that is flooded with a lot of overwhelming emotions / flashback images. These things have to be integrated gradually; otherwise it is not helpful. The "theory" say, that if you are not within the window of tolerance (either too much or too little) you are not integrating the stuff.
  11. So are we talking about 1 day? Or 7+ days (which I assumed)?
  12. I'm a bit worried reading this. Sounds a bit "off" or "psychotic" to me. Why not do regular fasting or regular retreats?
  13. I would read the Bonnie Greenwell book. She explored a lot of the kundalini herself in an experiential way and scientific way. AND she is also one of 10-20 people that Adyashanti asked to teach. So her book is very balanced. Not overly indulging in the spectacularness of experiences and also not overly inducing fear. Really a good practical read.
  14. Certainly a 10/10 and an all time top 10 book on trauma.
  15. You find a lot of german spiritual teachers here:
  16. If course men are superior in specific areas of life. But why even talk about it? Doesn't make any sense.
  17. My sleep is way better if I use a Mindfold mask and / or use blue light swanwick glasses for my laptop. Diet, lots of vegetables, no sugar.... should be helping also.
  18. I'm not so sure though. Clearly he is very unhealthy, narcissistic and might have a red shadow but he could still be orange. It's best not to confuse type with development. His lying, blaming is the equivalent of withdrawing and reading books in other types for example. It's just the type.
  19. But is he stage red? He is an Enneagram type 8 which itself can be confused with red easily.
  20. I was going to post exactly that when I read the thread title.
  21. Hurting is not the right word. I would say more like pressure or some kind of energetic overwhelm which was there all the time, sometimes less, sometimes more intense. More like energy flowing, pressuring against blockages which you can't do really anything about - which was very painful, but it was really not the same as migraine or something for me. I would compare it with times when I learned the whole day for school and had some pressure or overwhelm in that region afterwards. And then you take it times 1000. I liked very much Bonnie Greenwell's book. And I also like Irina Tweedie's book "daughter of fire" because it is as real as it gets describing the process from within it. Haven't found such a description anywhere else.
  22. Sounds and feels a bit like a parody to indirectly question / mirror the "cult" tbh. My bs detector could be off today though.