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Everything posted by Toby

  1. And I know someone that got the name "Muni" from Papaji.
  2. Depends on what kind of friendship and who you ask. This is a funny video though:
  3. I believe it does shape life. Not in a way that people with same names have the same qualities but more like if a name really fits or resonates with a person. There is a tradition in spiritual circles to give names and the master carefully selects them so that they reflect the persons true nature and act as pointer. A name can help or not help a certain person, that's what I would say. For most it's not that important though. But as people tend to identify with their name and surname the sound of it is somehow important.
  4. What? I don't know where you go to but in my experience there are always very attractive women around. Countless.
  5. Isn't the void "that" which "one" "should" enter?
  6. Well, depends on what "healing" is for you. I guess for everyone this is different. For me, "healing" would be showing "others" what they are. And on a more psychological/physical level assist them as well. For the former you have to be awake yourself, for the latter it takes great skill, especially how to work with all kinds of trauma-symptoms and how not to work with them.
  7. Because it's an addiction. Everyone has this or other patterns that they are addicted to. Just look at alcoholics with their 12step-program. It's not unlike a lot of things on the "spiritual path". It's not enough to see a pattern or a behaviour to drop it. It's a really deep investigation sometimes.
  8. That is good advise. If I were to live in Czech Republic I already knew to whom I would be going to. There is a true healer & a spiritual teacher from time to time in CZ that is really good. He seems to be even there at this weekend in Prague.
  9. Why would you need to "heal" others? Is there something wrong with "them"?
  10. Great to hear from you again. The only thing I don't understand is the thing with the entity (Edit: oh it was within a dream - now it makes sense), other than that you sound to me very clear. I'd suggest you listen to the whole The End of Your World audiobook if you haven't already. It's really the best for anyone with some sort of awakening.
  11. Why do you have to say anything? Just cancel any appointments left and don't say anything.
  12. You might be tapping into a trauma that is stored in your body / psyche and the anger is a fight response. Maybe you could find other ways to deal with that, maybe do some yoga before meditation, do some bodywork (Somatic Experiencing) or if it is possible just stay with the anger and go into it (only if it doesn't overwhelm you completely).
  13. Ok. I'm not interested in watching Teal Swan's video but some form of this is used in several approaches. Just go into the belief or the feeling and say what it wants to say. For example: "I want to be loyal to my mom/dad/family (because they have the same belief and I want to belong) or society. I want to feel special and not ordinary like everyone else. If others just accept me I don't know what to do with my time (to prove to them or myself that I'm worthy). It has become a part of me and I don't know who I am anymore if I let go of the belief. Others might think I'm egoistic or arrogant if I don't suffer. I need the struggle and conflict to feel myself. If I open up others might betray me or leave me. I would betray god/religion because I don't share the story (original sin) that there is something wrong with me. The function is to avoid pain and getting hurt." Just some thoughts or ideas that came to "my" mind.
  14. I'm not him but usually you could translate it to "I'm not interested in having a relationship with you (with another woman it might be different) but FWB would be ok". And he is even honest enough to tell you before you enter this kind of construct. Maybe something deeper can develop from that but probably it won't, so it's your decision if you are ok with that.
  15. I'm waiting for the Osho quote from @Prabhaker that sitting meditation for kids is torture.
  16. Btw, I have (not wearing it) a LanceArmstrong-like wristband by Eckhart Tolle (his publisher gave them away for free), saying something like "be here now".
  17. @Prabhaker Is that you that is writing these responses or is that Osho? Really, could be straight out of Osho books or talks.
  18. So basically he is telling you what to do and what not and walking over you. How could this be empowering? I would drop going to this person asap. What kind of background does he have in PTSD? Does he just do "talking" or does he have any expertise in bodywork? Actually there are approaches that also have a spiritual background or at least don't deny it that specialize in PTSD: Somatic Experiencing (Peter Levine). I highly recommend this work (at least if it is used in the "right" context). This would be the best book of this work (but there are also different audiobooks on specific subjects that are great):
  19. This is "normal" if you hear truth being spoken because is resonates within you and you recognize the truth of it. Maybe it's some kind of heart opening. Nothing to worry about.
  20. If you manipulate the blockages (force them open) it can retraumatize your system and the contractions and symptoms can worsen. We are not speaking of someone who is stable, for that person it's a good idea to do breathwork or dynamic meditation. For someone who is not (and I'm not able to judge if that migh be the case with @NutellaTC), it can be counterproductive. This is my experience and I'd like to quote a teacher of mine who says something like this "if you want to got really fast, you have to go really slow".
  21. Dynamic meditation / breath work is mainly for people that want to create more energy flow. And with people that have kundalini symptoms going that is not what they need because they have already too much energy flowing which runs against blockages on different levels which causes the symptoms. If you are unlucky one can make it a lot worse with that. Having done breath work and dynamic meditation myself, I don't recommend it in this situation.