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Everything posted by Toby

  1. The best things spiritually imo that you can do is: - meditation - self-inquiry - sitting with a teacher so, it's really easy. you pick up some books on spirituality with different approaches and see what approach resonates for you and then you look if a teacher is available in that area where you live. then you look if they resonate with you and you go there. easy. so if you are drawn to mainly advaita you could click on the page in my signature. but I'm a bit hesitant to recommend it to you because I don't know if advaita is the best approach for you.
  2. I don't see a problem here. There are four (of that I can think of right now) more or less enlightened teachers in germany that also studied psychology. So I guess it could fit nicely. Also the other things you do... why not, I don't see why there would be any conflict between your interests.
  3. I'd rather use money / time differently than what most festivals would offer. In fact I wouldn't even go to some festivals named here if I was paid for it. There are some exceptions of course. Maybe some of the satsang festivals that are popping up in recent years in germany, maybe a yoga festival where there was some nice music, maybe something like science-and-nonduality, maybe even the "entheoscience"-festival here in germany. But I'd probably still take the money / time and do intensives and retreats.
  4. If I remember correctly I read about this (the experiment with the hand / arm) in the book, so it was interesting to see it on video.
  5. Actually, every path has Bhakti elements. You cannot really go deep in meditation and inquiry without love; you cannot go deep in love without meditation and inquiry. Just look at for example Zen: It has plenty of Bhakti in it. The reciting / singing of mantras / sutras. The bowing / prostrating. The commitment through all kinds of outer rules.
  6. Also, keep the following things in mind: - human beings tend to project their own stuff onto others - being worried or scared won't help him or yourself - the way you think about your father and the way of your attention affects his perception of himself; so if you see him as wrong and in need to be fixed you contribute to his situation - whatever his situation may be
  7. People say weird shit when they are drunk. Doesn't have to mean anything. I would be more worried that someone drinks too much alcohol and dies from it / puke. But I guess you should know him better than anyone here in the forum.
  8. Please give me a link to a math lecture script of any university that proves your claim.
  9. It's because they make the "mistake" to take a divergent series and assume that it's value is 1/2. Total nonsense. Skipped the video when I saw this.
  10. Just because a woman agrees to a date doesn't mean she has to be super-interested in a relationship or sex or whatever later on. There is no way to know that if you did everything right (which doesn't exist imo) that she would have been interested. It's imo one of the biggest myths of the self-help- and pickup-industry that you can control how others perceive you.
  11. I'm not an expert, but afaik Yoga could be approached with different ways; you have Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga (which are e.g. described in the Bhagavad Gita) and Raja Yoga (which is described in the Yoga Sutra). Other forms of Yoga can have different elements from them here and there or have their own exercises but it does make sense to differentiate as a basic understanding four paths:
  12. For me, Dynamic Meditation was very helpful regarding integrating aggression though.
  13. Sounds like a good occasion for Dynamic Meditation @Prabhaker.
  14. In it's heart it is a form of self-inquiry which suits some people very well.
  15. It's not a matter of being the body or not being the body. There might be tons of elderly people with high degree of dementia that cannot function that much any more. Yet, some of them might be awake. But they cannot function.
  16. somewhere in northern Germany
  17. I guess you don't understand. This is a question for you to investigate "who cares" (about getting answers). It's a tool to point you towards not-knowing and peace. Has nothing to do with putting you down or judgements.
  18. @Joseph Maynor when I see your questions that go like "is it A or is it B?" I tend to be reminded of this book-title (great book btw) as an answer:
  19. @Dodo Awareness itself has no qualities. There is no love in Awareness if you only focus on Awareness. But in Awareness arises the "world" and one of it's primary qualities is (unconditional) love. You could tap into that by feeling Awareness in your body, for example in the heart chakra or the 2nd chakra. Just see how you sense Awareness in your body and love will be there.
  20. The mistake that you make is that certain states can to a degree accessed even before a complete ego-"death" or a complete "self"-"death". You can easily transcend your ego and have a taste of unconditional love or other qualities as well. And I guess most of the people here have had such "tastes" and they can report them, even if they are back in their ego and seem to have "lost" it.
  21. I cannot really believe that you never experienced unconditional love first hand in meditation and recognized that it is an intrinsic part of you. I don't know I somehow assume that everyone at least had a glimpse of it.
  22. Of course there is unconditional love. It's a quality of who everyone is. Doesn't mean you have to be friends with everyone. You can love them, but you don't have to spend a lot of time with them.