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Everything posted by Toby

  1. There are lot's of more or less "masters" who smoked: David Hawkins, Trungpa Rinpoche, Alan Watts, Nisargadatta, Siddharameshwar just to name a few.
  2. As Jesus said something like "all that is hidden shall be revealed". It surely is part of the process and I don't have an answer to it.
  3. Since you are from Germany as well, may I ask where you do it?
  4. Speed reading is not about reading fast. It is about reading more efficient. You could still read slowly and carefully but with a different technique than you learned as a child.
  5. 21 is too low imo. Probably there are teachers today where hundreds of people got awakened with.
  6. Probably sitting in samadhi under a tree the last three days.
  7. Two things that were most helpful for me regarding the topic - at least conceptually were: - Adyashanti's talk on "the power of the dark night" - Bernadette Roberts - "what is self" and her other books
  8. So you judge them as wrong and offer a solution how to be right and you wonder why they get annoyed? I'm not a psychic but I'm pretty sure this is a normal and healthy reaction.
  9. I guess it's part of the process. It's like an addiction to certain states. And with every addiction the other side of the high there is the low or what you try to avoid. So it's better to look what remains or what is it in which the states appear and disappear in. This sobers you up and helps you to detach but also appreciate states that come and go.
  10. If you really think it is necessary I would rest and sleep well before the trip. Don't eat anything few hours before it. Trip in a relaxed space inside. Take at least 100ug, maybe something between 100ug and 150ug. Test a little bit days before the trip. Take some days off after the trip because it can be physically and emotionally exhausting imo. Other than that I would consider not doing it at all and do a retreat or something instead.
  11. I like very much Nisargadatta's response: Questioner: Should the type of dispassion which Maharaj is teaching us be taught to children? Maharaj: No. If that's done, they'll have no ambition to grow further; they must have certain ambitions, certain desires, for their proper growth. The one who has fully investigated himself, the one who has come to understand, will never try to interfere in the play of consciousness. There is no creator with a vast intellect as such; all this play is going on spontaneously. There's no intellect behind it, so don't try to impose yours to bring about any change; leave it alone. Your intellect is a subsequent product of this process, so how can your intellect take charge of or even evaluate, the whole creation? Investigate your self; this is the purpose of your being. Spirituality is nothing more that understanding this play of consciousness -- try to find out what this fraud is by seeking its source.
  12. The only spiritual channels I am subscribed to are Adyashanti and Gangaji. Other than that there is a lot of material on youtube that I like, e.g. the Papaji satsangs.
  13. Sitting with teachers, reading Nisargadatta and Ramana, listening to Adyashanti, sitting in silence, inquiring myself, suffering, life.
  14. The thing is, imo, waking up doesn't require surpassing anything. And with that a process of bringing everything unresolved into peace happens which takes time of course. But that then is already your life purpose. Everything is secondary; even if a lot of very beautiful things might grow from this. I guess Eckhart Tolle speaks about "primary purpose" and "secondary purpose" or something like that in his book "A New Earth" in the later chapters.
  15. You could educate yourself on what trauma is: do some of the exercises he has in his audio programm (with pdf): or investigate if "unworthiness" might be something collective:
  16. Totally agree. The whole thing with "life purpose" in the external is pretty much a neurosis too imo. You don't need to solve anything to live your real purpose. 0%. It's easier if there is less neurosis to begin with though.
  17. Enlightenment and Truth is and can not experienced. What can experienced are at best flavours / tastes of Truth which itself are not to be confused with It. At least that is how I see it right now.
  18. He's been in the spiritual game a long time and has been friends with Eckhart a long time. I remember him seeing on Oprah's "A New Earth" Series back in 2008 or something. So nothing really surprising.
  19. "I have to make reality flow" - is this true?
  20. The technology of it is the future. The greed to make money is not the future.