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Posts posted by Fernanda

  1. Blade Runner is a movie that has always intrigued me. I've watched it many times. 

    Now, I can see it as a kind of investigation on solipsism and love.

    We might consider "other people" as "replicants". They don't have their own emotions and experiences, as abolute solipsism would claim, but we can imagine them. In one of the final scenes of the first movie Deckard feels empathy for the replicant he is supposed to kill, as the beautiful lines go:


    Deckard also falls in love with Rachel, a replicant herself (although there is room for questioning if she is really one).

    The author gives the message that it doesn't matter if they have empathy or not, what matters is the empathy we develop towards our own creations as "others". What blocks that is always fear.

    Replicants can also have emotions through implanted memories, as we see in Blade Runner 2049. The journey of K trying to figure out if he was born or if he is a replicant is left to the viewer to contemplate. But in the end, HE IS COMPLETELY ALONE. No birth, no father, just pure love under the rain.

    The death of K's replicant lover, Joy, is one of the saddest scenes I've ever seen. Was it supposed to be? She is just a machine turned off!! But it is, it's well done, the author is playing with deep philosophical concepts through powerful fiction.

    We love what we imagine we can love. Love is the reality.

    There are no others, because ALL IS ONE.

    I wonder if anyone has also seen solipsistic concepts in Blade Runner.

  2. @RMQualtrough nice post. We seem to have this inherent tendency to create a story in our minds to give our life a sense of cohesiveness, continuity. It is an important part of the dream. We believe in this continuity. If, for instance, I see a dog being beaten I develop a feeling around that event and some hours later I can remember that scene and cry. Can memory be considered a figment of imagination? If I close my eyes and remember is that real? is thought a figment? 

    If I am boiling an egg and I remember the egg is done, and I go eat it, there is this sense of continuity, otherwise I wouldn't eat the egg. 

    Memory certainly melts away, but we seem to resist it somehow for reasons of survival. It's even more complicated when we store emotions because they are mostly unconscious.

    The better we become in manifestation, the less need we have for the apparent logic sustained by memory within the dream, so we can die and be reborn in every moment.

    Crazy stuff.

  3. 3 hours ago, gettoefl said:

    could not have put it any better myself :) i am enjoying your insights



    2 hours ago, Matthew85 said:

    Or if you subscribe to the concept of infinite realties, our beliefs and assumptions determine what reality our consciousness aligns with and experiences. 

    @Matthew85 Right! So, our beliefs and assumptions are rendering reality in a way, right? The challenge is to be conscious of them.

  4. @Federico del pueblo exactly. I could believe I am Brazilian or I could feel that I am not even human. I do think each and every belief can be questioned, since infinity is the ultimate truth. I tantra philosophy the invitation is to have better serving beliefs, since we do have to experience illusion in a sense, otherwise, like Leo said we would fall under the floor.


    @gettoeflI see. True knowledge, true seeking, empowers us to face the fears that sustain our beliefs. Not getting involved is the key. Very cool stuff.


    Thank you guys, a lot, a lot.

  5. @Batman if the ultimate truth is that we are infinity, in theory, we could experience anything we will. The only thing preventing us to experience something is our beliefs. One of the hardest endevours in this journey of self development is to be conscious of those beliefs, because they show in desguise. In the example you gave about relationships...I could not know consciously that I believe that I am incapable of a relationship with a significant other, but let's say that's the truth because I keep getting the same results in life. 

  6. It seems to be somewhat a consensus in self-development comunities that our BELIEFS limit our mind-reality.

    I was thinking about what is actually a belief and decided to take a look at the origin of the word:

    from Proto-Germanic *ga-laubjan "to believe," perhaps literally "hold dear (or valuable, or satisfactory), to love" (source also of Old Saxon gilobian "believe," Dutch geloven, Old High German gilouben, German glauben), ultimately a compound based on PIE root *leubh- "to care, desire, love" (see belief).

    So, to believe is a way of caring, a way of loving. To break the chains of beliefs and to experience reality in a conscious way, then, I guess we need to not care as much about what seems so important and love all of reality with the same intensity. It implies caring and also not caring, letting everything fall into nothingness, get unattached by the events that are leading to a certain direction. 

    A limiting belief is a biased way of experiencing reality, I guess. A veil that prevents us from experiencing a broader sense of love-truth-reality.

    What do you think? 


  7. On 04/05/2022 at 6:57 PM, CuriousityIsKey said:

    I just don't understand, knowing that God is omniscient (which means God knows about my suffering more than anyone) and is omnipoent (which means God can chnage my dream any time to be better) and yet God doesn't do it, even though God is Highest Love, I don't understand why God doesn do it. It should not be any difficult for God.

    I think once you accept it the way it is, you definitely can do do it (or not), as God, right now. Try to read some work from Saint Germain, maybe it will open your mind to this possibility.

  8. 12 hours ago, zazen said:

    Even girls who are just friends of mine still deal with past baggage making it harder for them to be happier in current relationships and still 'healing'.

    @zazen That's a huge problem. The majority of both men and and women seem to be living in the past somehow, even casual sex and dating seems empty somehow, it lacks "presence', as you said. My friends talk about past relationships endlessly, cultivating what is not and I find it so weird. I mean...I can have a great night without comparing experiences. I can keep having a good time without labeling anything, but it's not common for most people. As you said... "comparison is the thief of joy".

    12 hours ago, zazen said:

    Maybe as your a higher caliber of man  (being on this forum I assume so) you have no problem getting any kind of woman to bond well with you, but whats the after affect of that when she goes to someone who isn't on your level. 

    May I ask you what would be the after effect on your POV? Have you gone through this situation? Just wish to understand it better.

    Than you. Great insights you left here.

  9. 7 hours ago, Kalki Avatar said:

    It can really become a mess if not prepared. I remember my first experiences of being lovely and a radiant authentic light with animalistic people during my early awakenings.

    @Kalki Avatar Yes. It can be messy. Sometimes I feel like a troublemaker rs. It's like...you turning on light and sound in the middle of the night in a room full of people deep asleep, you can’t help it. You will get a reaction there hehe. I'm in the process of integrating and accepting this self love and learning to wear my masks again.

    7 hours ago, Kalki Avatar said:

    Two solitudes = Love Paradise. 

    Two solitudes is such a rare thing. In general, people have an agenda, you know? But it is great when it happens. Top level kind of love.

  10. @Kalki Avatar such a beautiful description, it enriched me just by reading.  Thank you. I'm not there yet, but I did have an awakening listening to Leo with some good weed, but mostly by suddenly realizing unity in a sense. I mean...experiences come and go and I'm not identified with them.

    I've always enjoyed being in solitude.

    I wrote something a few months ago on my journal that goes like this:

    "All those apparent characters were there flashing across the screen of my mind so I COULD SEE MYSELF! How could I be the chubby girl and the girl with the cracked belly? I was! Now I knew that I was, it was me and only me there. Before, I didn't have much conscience, I didn't pay attention, because I thought they were simply people who had nothing to do with me or my life. On the way back, I stopped at the traffic light and a rather dirty and hunchbacked man came to hand me a paper, at first I wanted to refuse, I didn't want garbage in the car. He insisted on handing it to me and as soon as I read 'I AM DEAF AND I NEED YOUR HELP...' I took it immediately, I didn't want to delay him, he had to walk around the parked cars to leave the paper in exchange for some currency. I fully understood that the deaf person was me. Before, I was a personality who didn't want to play a role in the car anymore, now I was the deaf himself developing his perfect business, delivering his message and collecting his coins. It was the first time I understood. God/I love/loves all creations".

    I still can suffer but it is very rapidly transformed into love and understanding. I can't explain. I also can sense people's intentions as my own, as they are. I still have to take the psychedelic leap. Maybe one day I can take the final step ?

  11. @RickyFitts brazilian society is going through a regression, unfortunately. We have a religious fanatic in power, supported by a regressive religious group which does preach an unbalanced masculine agenda. Overall we have an amazing culture though and our people are artistic and resilient. Sometimes it's difficult finding those with different values, but we are still out there.

    Thank you for your support?

  12. 1 hour ago, Roy said:

    It sounds like he is going through things and confused about what he wants (or just doesn't want what you do).

    Yes. He seemed lost and confused. Sometimes I think he was afraid he could get emotionally involved, so he started playing around and trying to lower my own self steem. But I don’t know. I will just keep silent and move on.

    Thank you?

  13. 51 minutes ago, modmyth said:

    Well if there's one takeaway, it's that this person's word doesn't actually mean anything? That's how I would treat him, like a person who just has words chronically fall out of his mouth, but it doesn't actually mean anything seriously. He could mean what he says or he could not, either way it doesn't matter much. He's already basically shown you how he is.

    Yes. The hard part is to accept I lost hours talking to him and they were most empty words from his part. I think he made a persona he truly believes in. 

    53 minutes ago, modmyth said:

    This is straight up trying to get you to compete with other women though. 

    He's throwing you in the frame of trying to get you to "measure up" or qualify yourself to him.

    Yes. He was feeding off my energy and attention, it seems. But the irony is that he is the one who showed as "not qualified", I even feel so sorry for his emotional issues. I am not expecting anything different from him, though. He is not a boy anymore.

    Thank you for your kind response?

  14. 55 minutes ago, Benton said:

    Oh. Well he was definitely sexually attracted to you. I thought you meant emotional.

    If he says otherwise, thats a lack of integrity. Understandable.

     You’ll find way cooler people than this guy. Everyone meets someone like him at some point. People aren’t so straight edged

    Yes. I understood he was not emotionally available, but what got me puzzled was the lack of integrity. Thank you @Benton

  15. 6 minutes ago, Preety_India said:


    Just sharing my experience. I came across a few Brazilian guys. They were full of themselves, very narcissistic and cheated on their girlfriends and played mind games. I'm sorry it can be rough. 



    Yes, it's a stage red/blue society. The good thing is to learn. I have to learn to love the truth of my experience, even if it feels ugly and nasty. Thank you?

  16. 3 minutes ago, Asayake said:

    I get that. He did try to create an attachment in you to him so that he could rely on you for sex to fulfill himself. It's not a very nice game he is playing so you should definitely cut ties with him and try to let go of thoughts of him and move on. That's just my opinion of course, you do as you wish. With that being said, to answer your thread title he was definitely attracted to you or otherwise he wouldn't have approached you at all. It's just for him attraction is all about sex because he is emotionally underdeveloped right now and will be until he himself decides to grow as a person. And he's most likely turning to the other girl for sex as well, using the same excuse with her when he finds yet another girl. For him sex and love is drug and he will suffer for it in the end and be forced to change his ways. Let go of thoughts, connect to your breath & inner body. There's no reason to spend your precious time alive on thinking too much about him. There are good things here & now for you to be with. With time you'll find a better guy. There's plenty of fish in the sea :) 

    You have put into words what my intuition was trying to tell me. I couldn’t be more greatful. I don't talk to him since then. The fact that I am emotionally available and he is not can't make me weak, after all. I will just give some time and keep fishing, for sure. Thank you?