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Everything posted by Fernanda

  1. What a great practical advice. I will always remember. Escalate! I did not do that when I got the message, because I wasn't expecting it, so I just replied I felt the same and that I had a great time. But I could escalate. Right. Thank you
  2. Yes, that would be simple and good. It is still very new to me to shift from a friendship energy to a sexual energy with him, but once the sexual tension is there it's there, right? I think we are afraid to spoil our friendship. Wonderful advice and great opportunity to practice this trust in my feminine power, in a way. Thank you, beautiful post. I will dance under the moon and read some Rumi's poems let's see if he steps ahead!
  3. I Just did that, it feels sooo good! When there is love, there's NO THING to survive. You survive out of the love for the exact moment.
  4. Yes, that's it. Both. I am afraid to share feelings in person. I don't know exactly why, especially in a close relationship. Very clarifying.
  5. Such a wonderful deep and incredibly beautiful post! I need time to reply back as it is very complex. The wierd part is everywhere I go, seems like everything and everyone talks about this unification of divine energies. That's it. The unification energies. When the receiver is the one who gives. There is nothing to be bothered about, no THING to point at. You are just BEING, in each and everything. Thank you! @Galyna @Vincent S
  6. Thank you :)?. I'll keep it simple like that.
  7. Thank you for this post. I will think about each topic you brought here. About communication...I do think that’s a rare gift. There are great and loving people who have serious communication issues, which makes relationships almost impossible or very unhappy in the long term. Open honest communication is sooooo rare. I mean...some people are used to use words to react. Even for me (I consider myself good at it) there is this obstacle of communicating my vulnerabilities. Relationships are all about communication. I hope Leo can make a video on this topic soon. I can say that sometimes I am very afraid to share my feelings, which is a childhood issue I'be been working on, as well as fear of being ignored or not understood. I've ignored my true nature for so long, it's like I am learning to walk again. I've made good progress. I am healing deep. Thank you @Razard86???
  8. Yes, nice. I'll wait for your post :). Thank you. Relationships are very important and I feel there are so few pointers to the possibilities we can consider when establishing boundaries and connecting to "others". I know, in the end, LOVE is the only answer, though.
  9. Thank you. Yes, I have a long way to go. There are still some parts of me I need to learn how to love. What I find challenging about marriage and dating are the attachment expectations that are created. Lately, I am figuring I can love and be loved, even in a deep and intimate way, but it doesn't look like the relationship models we learn out there. It's really free and fluid, profound and unnatached. As @integral said, without the "we are in a relationship" label things seem to go well. The moment there comes some implicit expectations the ego comes and the connections die out. Don't misunderstand me, I still long for an exclusive deep connection, but the way I am living now is in fact a really high standard. It's not disconnected or unloving.
  10. My mourning routine in not having a routine for the first 2 hours of the day. I just do what I feel like, it's been a self love practice for me. I noticed that each day we are different. I'm much more spontaneous.
  11. Exactly. The standards are so high that only we ourselves can meet them. ALL-ONE. ? I get you. @Ingit 2 months is just too early to trust blindly. Try to observe how this girl makes you feel. If she makes you feel insecure, you need too ask yourself some more questions. Try not to point fingers, just ask "why the situation?" and try to communicate with her honestly. Women do like that.
  12. I enjoyed reading ?. Totally mirrored my recent contemplations and insights about the place interpretatios have in relationships. Thank you?
  13. @Galyna True! I've experience totally different and opposing "realities" with the same person, as if there were two different people I related with. It's about clear seeing, interpretation and focus. Once we change that, the way we relate and our experience with others is totally different. Once I was insane trying to make sense of "the other", now I know what it's all about, specially when something is so challenging.
  14. @Razard86 How beautiful. Thank you??. That's it. Love.
  15. @gettoefl I totally understand when you say "there is no choice". We are caught in words here. It's a trap. But think about this...no choice is still a choice. The etimology of "choice" points to the words "taste" and "discern". So, we can be conscious of that which chooses, discerns and tastes, OR NOT=NO CHOICE. Reality is a mirror.
  16. I have. Change is the only constant in nature, all distinctions eventually dissolve. But love really doesn't have any opposite. The opposite of hate is total indifference, I think.
  17. Beautiful. I feel the same. We desire "being" in the unique presence of the reflection of "another". When we have seen enough, there is the desire for another expansion (another mirror, or the same mirror seen from a different perspective). Yes. We usually trancend our desires and it is beautiful. The more we understand this, less attached, less resistant and more open we are. Life flows. There are no silly desires, I think. It's a longing for self knowledge, a beautiful tool of God in this dream.
  18. @Razard86 none of what you've said contradicts what I said. Call it higher self, God, or whatever. We are one in multiple forms/appearances. Rules may change, as it already did so many times in this reality. Who would've thought we would be able to communicate? Internet...airplane, heart surgery, miracles....!I am open, not in control, not any star of any show, just open. Much Love:)
  19. @Razard86 thank you :). I get what you are saying. I can't control either my heart beat or my desires. Yes. From the ego's perspective, I have no control. I can become conscious of that. I am conscious I don’t want make my heart stop beating now. I don't believe in co-creation, I think either I am conscious of what I AM (GOD) creating or I am not. The difference is that in the first case I feel more joyful. I don’t talk from an egoic perspective. Co-creation is duality. Manifestation is just a word for what happens when we become fully conscious of the realization of our intentions and the dissolution of the concepts of time. We usually aren't. The irony is that when we release control, we do see we are more powerful than we think.
  20. Good question. I think when something seems easy, there is no conflict, no mind constructed limitations involved. In order to play like Chopin you would have to deconstruct a lot more. It is possible, but it might take an insistent refining of your imagination and destruction of your self imposed limitations.
  21. I agree 100%. I also did. The impression becomes a necessity. It is a fascinating subject. What lesson did you get from the things you've manifested?