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Everything posted by Fernanda

  1. That is a true insight that comes often..."I arranged this". Fact. Why? Then, if I understand, I might rearrenge, naturally.
  2. It's a process, but there are some life changing instants, like sounds and silences, that compose this beautiful simphony we call life. Some of them I feel can alter the structure of the body.
  3. A gentler way to say it, Yes.
  4. @emil1234 step on the soil with your bare foot, look at the son, breath, move. Do some grounding exercises and don't try to force any solution, it tends to get better with time.
  5. @Razard86it's a nice way of framing morality, but do you think we know what we want? If we don't, would those statements be invalid? For ex, I did not want to move to another city when I was a child, got mad at my parents, years later I realized how, in fact, I didnt know I wanted that.
  6. Perfect! Enlightment comes, genes change, pain is a fact, suffering preeceds understanding, then one can observe the matrix as a setup, even your hormones are designed to serve it, one does not want to, pain is, terror is, it touches you without grabbing. Hang on, stay there, maybe relationships can feel real, a ditch in the matrix? Unnatural, unknown.
  7. We are fine as crocodiles, but not yet well adjusted as humans, and it's fine, part of the journey..
  8. Thank you for the video, Leo. It's hard to admit I am wrong if my survival depends on it. It seems surviving Just tends to be wrong.
  9. Yes, he seems to preach division, an articulate conspiratory mind.
  10. Yes. Love is freedom and its contrasts are freedom as well, if there is acceptance.
  11. One alternative to reading books is not reading at all for a while, just spend time with your inner book while traveling. Give them up. That's bold, real life meditation.
  12. Yes, the brain functions in a total different state, depending on our diet. Even perception changes and creativity gets hightened.
  13. Interesting. I am just curious...who would you call the true masters?
  14. True, but you are already able to do that. Is it necessary, though?
  15. Precisely, and one needs energy to understand and ignore the mechanisms at play.
  16. Clairvoyance is the most powerful for me. It’s like a clear vision of what to do without too much thinking, like clear insights. Joyful certainty.
  17. It's not work, it's play. By the way...it's been nice playing with you here. I get you :). If you had a million dollars MAYBE you wouldn't be here, since you love being here and this whole process, you still cant manifest your "fortune". You love this more than your millions.
  18. If you really have a genuine intent, not based on lack, and are willing to raise some probabilities that are shown in your own dream, miracles will happen, trust me. You just have to open your eyes to see and move a little bit, it does take action, even if your on the sofa, it's energy, it's change, it's an alchemical process. Buttons are boring for humans, but processes are interesting because they create stories ad infinitum. Just work on raising your chances and keep in mind you do have magical powers.
  19. It's not woo woo. You have magical powers to use in the journey of materializing. A button won't do. You are born to be a hero not to press a button. ??
  20. Here is the trap. Try to realize the trap of looking forward to after death. Realizing this trap and going deeper you will see the whole. The answer is in you question.
  21. @Matthew85 you are on the right track, in my POV. In my experience, everytime you want to incorporate a new state to your baseline consciousness, you have to drastically or slightly change your character, or personality to give room to new expressions of yourself. It's a though and beautiful road, isn't it?