Paul Simon

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About Paul Simon

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  • Birthday 09/25/1993

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  1. @Sherry Who Yess!! The best past about the visuals is the fact that it's different for ever person. 2 years ago I had the most vivid, powerful, visuals. So beautiful and peaceful, full of grace. But as @Arik stated, you don't want to get sucked in by these visuals. Just acknowledge them, appreciate them, and let them flow by (:
  2. The big one, meditation Becoming more introvert than extrovert (how I was for most of life). Has aided me in personal development, self growth, and understanding the higher self Less drinking, less smoking pot Eating healthy, switching over to a complete vegan/pescatarian diet within the next few months Realizing my true nature, spreading more love around So much more I could list
  3. @Anaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I completely understand where you're coming from. This was happening to me A LOT when I first started meditating, it has gotten better, but no doubt the emotions still come up. I just tend to "wave" to those emotions as they come and go. It's easier said than done, but it has helped thus far along my spiritual journey, meditation, and everyday life. Truly, I believe these emotions that you're talking about keep coming back due to the fact that these emotions still linger unconsciously in the back of your head. I used to, and still do at times, create resistance. I know you stated that you don't try to ignore these emotions, but perhaps there's some type of fear underlining them? Automatically switching these emotions with positive thoughts. Creating the type of happiness or state of ecstasy that you're referring to. Knowing that you're more than those emotions triggered by those thoughts (seems like personal growth is happening). Unless we deal with these emotions directly, they will keep coming back. I always try to remember that they are nothing more than thoughts, stories, and try not to get sucked in so deep by them. I keep on breathing. 2 videos from 2 different sources on thoughts and emotions. If you haven't seen them, I hope they help somewhat!! (lol at the way Leo is looking up at Teal )