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Everything posted by Arthogaan

  1. Well, that's why I am @user'ing you, because I am open to such possibility. But my highest states do not indicate that and thats why I would appreciate your pointings.
  2. Now I am parroting, but I was in states where that was the direct experience.
  3. @Leo Gura But still technically there is only one being suffering, and that is I. But out of Love I can still feel empathy and the suffering of the illusion, and the relative.
  4. To see that they are one you still need higher level of consciousness. So in a way you can't just collapse that duality and not put effort into maintaining high level of consciousness.
  5. First proper spiritual insight happened when I was 17-18 during reading: The Power of Now by Tolle and I stopped and I was like " HOLY...SHIT...There really is no other time than NOW". It was beautiful. Light at the end of the tunnel shown in the midst of dark mental place.
  6. Congrats bro. But there are totally two ways you can take this. After I had glimpses of Solipsism I actually felt inspired to more action and to out myself in painful situations. There is some deep satisfaction coming from getting out of comfort zone and the fact that it is an illusion only makes it sweeter.
  7. Well maybe Leo said yes to a life in which he is free to choose solitude even though the norm is to constantly fill your time with people :3
  8. Also you get to know your true self more. You know your desires and preferences so avoiding them is harder. For example you know corporate world is not for your, and now with you consciousness and more power it is really difficult to stay in that situation. The same with relationships and toxic people. All the problems that you were ignoring are now visible in the light of increased consciousness and now you have (and want) to deal with them so in a way there is much more to deal with now.
  9. If you define death as disintegration of biological body then death exists. If you define death as your Consciousness ceasing to exist then death does not exist.
  10. We are supposed to meditate for 2 minutes between each message, it is in the guidelines
  11. Because it is a drug that can make you dependent on it. I will paste my response to some other thread about coffee from the forum: " Anecdotally coffee was BY FAR the hardest drug to quit for me. Alcohol, cigarettes, modafinil, sugar - all of them were much easier to quit. The commom myth is that it takes one week for withdrawal to be gone. Well, for some maybe, but for me it took 3 months to even start having moments of energy during a day. And social pressure and normalization makes it the hardest to quit also because the cult of being stimulated is everywhere. Your family, friends, coworkers - everyone uses it to get through the day to suck up the boring tasks. It is so much i our culture that coffee shops place sign like "life starts after coffee". Imagine such sign with any other drug. "
  12. Yes I understand seeming contradiction. But what I mean is in relationship people sacrifice their freedom in exchange for companionship, safety and other things you mention. But actually there is no necesarilly the need to restrict the freedom to have those things. You can have companionship, intimacy, financial help with someone who you do not restrict at all, which is extremelly rare and unpractical for most people but still technically true. That you do not need to restrict anything, you do not have to have any rules in the contract to still gain all the benefits. All the rules are just there to gain the benefits without having to fight with certain insecurities like jealousy. And again that is quite beautifull to restrict the freedom of two people so we can start havig the stability benefits now, before we heal our insecuirites about jealousy, but for many people relationships then become excuses for those insecurities.
  13. Well you can have a friend with which you share some platonic companionship and intimacy but in friendship we usually do not restrict other person that much as in relationship. When you are single you still have the freedom to experience companionship.
  14. Imagine the marriage between them.
  15. I think it teaches you to look more analytically at the process of making decisions, but at the end of the day I think it generalizes situations way to much, and such clear cut dillemas rarely happen in real life.
  16. Relationships are just contracts to restrict one's freedom in some extent to gain the feeling of security and companionship. Breaking any rule of the contract is gonna hurt the other person. So much better to communicate about your needs and if other side is not able to accept the level of freedom you need then you break up. Personally my girl can't cheat on me, because I do not restrict any of her freedom because I love her unconditionally.
  17. Do you think he is happier than you because of better clothes or car? I would guess no. I would save as much as you feel comfortable with so that you can YOLO in your future for the things you trully care about. You will be able to attend 1 month vipassana reatreat while your friend probably will need constant dopamine hits from buying stuff and will be forced to work 9 to 5 for most of his life. Of course this is huge generalisation but I too am from modest family from Poland and natural ability to save money is the best thing I got from my parents.
  18. I think it goes to show how open-minded and serious Leo is when it comes to exploring Mind with substances.
  19. Most important thing I learned from Leo that other teachers do not radiate that much is to embrace my inner Sage, and that eventually all Authority and Sovereignty has to be recollected to fully "actualize" even though it may seem arrogant to an ego-mind.
  20. I think that you guys @Carl-Richard and @Thought Art actually agree and there is just difference in word usage. Carl would say that there is only consciousness, and what happens within that one consciousness is all there is. @Thought Art (and myself too) would argue that when we can purify the Self and The Mind so much that our identity becomes just pure Consciousness. Consciousness without any perceptions that happen within it like our ego, our human lower-case mind. So then with this new pure Identity I=Consciousness we can say that I/Mind is all that there is. But Carl prefers to avoid using I or My Mind to not confuse the beginners that there is some ego identity left in True Solipsism.
  21. Do you have psychedelic experiences? For me it is psychedelics which really showed what true insight and creativity is like and what my mind is capable of, so that even when not tripping I am much more confident in my own insighting and therefore the quality is better.
  22. I don't think so. Many spiritual priests are stuck on blue. Many spiritual hippies are stuck on green.
  23. Dude, you are not the person you were yesterday, let alone some few years ago. You are not the guy you see in your memories. You are now, free.
  24. How did you get the funds? Inheritance? If you don't mind me asking.